Researcher Database


FacultyInstitute of Agriculture Division of Natural Resources and Ecomaterials
Last Updated :2025/02/14

Activity information

Name and contact details

  • Name

    まつした やすゆき, 松下 泰幸, MATSUSHITA Yasuyuki
  • E-mail

Affiliation / Position

  • Institute of Agriculture Division of Natural Resources and Ecomaterials, Professor

Research History

  • Nippon Paper Industries, Co., Ltd.
    From 01 Apr. 1993, To 31 May 2001


  • Nagoya University
    To 31 Mar. 1993, completed, master course


  • Doctor (Agriculture)

Current state of research and teaching activities

  • 細胞壁構成成分の化学構造および生合成過程の解析、ならびに植物バイオマスを原料とした機能性物質の開発

Teaching Experience

  • グローバル特論Ⅱ(3学期・集中・連合農学研究科)
    2022, 専門科目等
  • グローバル特論Ⅱ(共通)(3学期・集中・連合農学研究科)
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 環境資源科学実験Ⅱ(化学応用)(3学期分割・月3~5,木3~5・農学部)
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 紙パルプ科学(3学期・金2・農学部)
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 資源高分子化学(3学期・水2・農学部)
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 資源物質科学特論(1学期・集中・連合農学研究科)
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 森林資源形成学
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 農学基礎ゼミ
    2022, 教養科目等
  • 木質資源化学
    2022, 専門科目等

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 基盤研究(B)
    From 2023, To 2023
  • 基盤研究(B)
    From 2023, To 2023
  • 基盤研究(B)
    From 2023, To 2025
  • 基盤研究(B)
    From 2022, To 2022
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2022, To 2022
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2021, To 2021


  • Comparison of pulp properties and bleachability between Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus grandis × pellita hybrid kraft pulps
    2. Dian Apriyanti, Y. Matsushita, A. Nakagawa-Izumi
    Japan Tappi Journal
    01 Feb. 2025, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 79, 2, 154, 162
  • リグニンの構造とその解析 分光法や分解法を駆使して,複雑な化学構造に迫る
    01 Nov. 2023, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 61, 11, 0453-073X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 547, 553
  • The "chi-chi" of Ginkgo biloba L. grows downward with horizontally curving tracheids having compression-wood-like features
    Higuchi, Seiichi; Aoki, Dan; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Yoshida, Masato; Yagami, Sachie; Fukushima, Kazuhiko
    The old Ginkgo biloba L. trees often develop cylindrical woody structures that grow downward from the underside of the large branches near the trunks. This structure is traditionally called chi-chi (a breast) in Japan. The structure of chi-chi has not been investigated in detail because of the rarity of such old trees of G. biloba. This study examined the chi-chi from wood anatomy and chemistry viewpoints. After debarking, there were many woody bulges and latent buds. There were hollows corresponding to these latent buds on the inner side of the bark. In the transverse section obtained from the tip part of the chi-chi sample, we found tracheids curving in a horizontal plane, and the parenchymatous latent bud tissue is the center of the swirl. Microscopic observations and X-ray micro-computed tomography suggest the growing course of the chi-chi due to several swirls contiguous to each other. From these observations, the downward growth of the chi-chi starting from the cambium cell division might be driven by the woody bulges with latent buds. The cell walls of the curved tracheids were not thickened, not rounded, and had no intercellular spaces, but their S3 layers disappeared. Furthermore, the results of thioacidolysis and acetyl bromide analyses exhibited p-hydroxyphenyl subunits deposition to lignin and high lignin content on the tip part of the chi-chi. These results suggest that the curved tracheids in the chi-chi have compression-wood-like properties to some extent.
    30 Aug. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 69, 1, 1435-0211, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • A lignin-derived material improves plant nutrient bioavailability and growth through its metal chelating capacity
    Liu, Qiang; Kawai, Tsubasa; Inukai, Yoshiaki; Aoki, Dan; Feng, Zhihang; Xiao, Yihui; Fukushima, Kazuhiko; Lin, Xianyong; Shi, Weiming; Busch, Wolfgang; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Li, Baohai
    Biorefinery lignin waste has little value in the market. Here, Liu et al. find that water-soluble lignin, converted from sulfuric acid lignin, improves plant iron bioavailability and growth through a metal chelating capacity comparable to the metal chelator EDTA. The lignocellulosic biorefinery industry can be an important contributor to achieving global carbon net zero goals. However, low valorization of the waste lignin severely limits the sustainability of biorefineries. Using a hydrothermal reaction, we have converted sulfuric acid lignin (SAL) into a water-soluble hydrothermal SAL (HSAL). Here, we show the improvement of HSAL on plant nutrient bioavailability and growth through its metal chelating capacity. We characterize HSAL's high ratio of phenolic hydroxyl groups to methoxy groups and its capacity to chelate metal ions. Application of HSAL significantly promotes root length and plant growth of both monocot and dicot plant species due to improving nutrient bioavailability. The HSAL-mediated increase in iron bioavailability is comparable to the well-known metal chelator ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Therefore, HSAL promises to be a sustainable nutrient chelator to provide an attractive avenue for sustainable utilization of the waste lignin from the biorefinery industry.
    11 Aug. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 14, 1, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Role of monolignol glucosides in supramolecular assembly of cell wall components in ginkgo xylem formation
    Terashima, Noritsugu; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Yagami, Sachie; Nishimura, Hiroshi; Yoshida, Masato; Fukushima, Kazuhiko
    The physical, chemical and biological properties of wood depend on the supramolecular assembly of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs), hemicelluloses (HCs) and lignin in the growing cell walls. Based on the C-13-tracer studies of ginkgo xylem formation, a hypothetical scenario for the role of monolignol glucosides (MLGs) in the assembly is proposed as follows: (1) Both moieties, aglycone monolignols and glycone d-glucose (d-Glc), play essential roles in a cooperative manner in delivery of hydrophobic and highly reactive p-hydroxycinnamyl- (H), coniferyl- (G) alcohols to the hydrophilic site of lignin deposition. (2) The d-Glc liberated at lignification site is converted into essential HCs mainly via Golgi apparatus under the influence of diurnally changing turgor pressure, and partly converted in the apoplast. (3) At cell corner middle lamella, a pressure-resistant layer of HG-lignin-HCs-CMFs is formed, and allows expansion of new cells in cambium region by elevation of turgor pressure. The deformable G-lignin-HCs-CMFs layer at secondary wall shrinks by dehydration of the swollen gel of HCs-CMFs during differentiation, and contributes posture control of standing tree. On-demand quick supply of a large amount of monolignols and HCs can be achieved by the large storage and delivery of MLGs in the growing ginkgo xylem.
    26 Jul. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 77, 7, 0018-3830, DOI(公開)(r-map), 485, 499
  • Microscopic distribution of alkaloids in freeze-fixed stems of Phellodendron amurense
    Gong, Qinyue; Aoki, Dan; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Yoshida, Masato; Taniguchi, Toru; Endoh, Keita; Fukushima, Kazuhiko
    IntroductionPhellodendron amurense Rupr. contains rich alkaloids, which have been extensively applied in clinical treatments for their various biological activities. However, detailed microscopic distribution and roles of such alkaloids in P. amurense stem still need to be clarified. MethodsIn this study, the distribution of eight alkaloids in the transverse surface of freeze-fixed P. amurense stems in fall and summer has been visualized by cryo-time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy (cryo-TOF-SIMS/SEM), which was found in living tissues with relative contents of different alkaloids varying with the position. In addition, the contents of these alkaloids quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis suggested the seasonal variation from fall to the following summer. Results and discussionDistribution of eight alkaloids in the freeze-fixed stems of P. amurense from fall and summer seasons has been visualized and assigned into specific living tissues, with relative contents varying in different positions with seasons, which suggested their possible roles in the physiological processes of the plant itself or plant responding to changes in the surrounding conditions. ConclusionThis study provided a significant basis for further discussion of the genes or enzymes involved in these processes, which will contribute to investigating biosynthetic pathways and specific in planta roles of alkaloids.
    02 Jun. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 14, 1664-462X, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • 未利用木質バイオマスであるリグニンの機能性物質への変換
    May 2023, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), 47, 2, 1-6
  • Evaluation of guaiacyl lignin aromatic structures using 13CO2 administered Ginkgo biloba L. xylem by quantitative solid- and liquid-state 13C NMR
    Miyata, Sonoka; Aoki, Dan; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Takeuchi, Miyuki; Fukushima, Kazuhiko
    Ginkgo biloba L. saplings were cultivated in an airtight growth chamber with (CO2)-C-13 for two months. The C-13 ratio of the newly developed xylem region was ca. 85%, evaluated by high lateral resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry and thioacidolysis/GC-MS. Quantitative solid-state C-13 direct polarisation/magic angle spinning (DP/MAS) NMR measurements with high-speed MAS of 70.0 kHz were conducted for cutting-milled wood (CMW), ball-milled wood (BMW), and enzymatically saccharified lignin (EL) samples. In addition, quantitative liquid-state C-13 NMR measurements were carried out for EL in DMSO-d(6). Major lignin aromatic signals were classified into three groups of aromatic carbons of C-H, C-C, and C-O, and their area ratio was compared within these measurements. EL samples in solid- and liquid-state showed nearly the same results. However, the results for CMW and BMW in solid-state NMR suggest the structural alteration of lignin within the sample preparation procedure, including ball milling.
    25 Apr. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 77, 4, 0018-3830, DOI(公開)(r-map), 230, 239
  • Effect of 2-Methylanthraquinone on Soda Cooking of Bamboo
    Luo, Ke; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Jin, Guangfan; Nakagawa-Izumi, Akiko
    Anthraquinone(AQ)had attracted attention as an additive of alkali cooking since 1972,but International Agency for Research on Cancer reported that AQ had mutagenic or carcinogenic possibilities in 2012. In order to utilize bamboo as a non-wood paper resource and to find a safe and efficient cooking method of bamboo pulp,this study clarified the effects of using 2- methyl anthraquinone(2-MAQ),which was not mutagenic, on bamboo soda cooking and the residual content of 2-MAQ in the pulp. The addition of 0.06% 2-MAQ to soda cooking of bamboo chips increases the pulp yield by 3.0% at the same kappa number around 17 compared with no addition, which implies benefits of saving forest resources and fossil energy in paper industry. Analytical data shows that one kg of the unbleached bamboo pulp contained 0.02 - 0.11 mg 2-MAQ as a very low quantity,and that the quantity transferred from packaging-paper and paperboard produced using the soda 2-MAQ pulp to food should not cause the carcinogenicity.
    2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 69, 1, 0021-4795, DOI(公開)(r-map), 49, 55
  • ESI-MS reveals preferential complex formation of carbohydrates with Z-sinapinic acid compared with the E-isomer
    Schmidt De Leon, Tobias; Laura Salum, Maria; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Fukushima, Kazuhiko; Eugenia Monge, Maria; Erra-Balsells, Rosa
    Cinnamic acid derivatives including 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, also referred to as sinapinic acid (SA), are efficient matrices used in matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). Previous findings have shown that Z-sinapinic acid (ZSA) outperforms E-cinnamic acids for carbohydrate (Carb) analysis, probably due to geometry-induced changes in analyte-matrix interactions at the molecular level, prompted by the cinnamic alkene rigid bond. In the present work, direct infusion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DI-ESI-MS) experiments were conducted to investigate the behavior of these acids as ligands for neutral Carb non-covalent complex formation. The ionization efficiency and binding affinities of these small molecules were evaluated towards seven Carbs with different monosaccharide composition and length. Experimental results were interpreted with the assistance of computational calculations. ESA, with higher calculated volume and lower acidity than ZSA, exhibited an experimental ESI efficiency similar to the latter. However, titration experiments showed that the [Acid + Carb] gas complex is preferentially formed with ZSA than ESA when both ligands are present in solution. Results from CID experiments support the formation of more stable complexes between larger Carbs and the ZSA isomer compared to the E-form. The change of molecule volume and polarity in the synthesized isotopically labeled ESA, E-3,5-di(methoxy-d3)-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (ESA-d6) used for comparison may explain the lower ESI efficiency obtained with this reference ligand than for ESA. Overall, this combined strategy demonstrated the preferential gas complex formation of Carbs with ZSA, in agreement with the previously proposed matrix-analyte interaction model that explained ZSA differential efficiency as a MALDI matrix.
    03 Oct. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 46, 38, 1144-0546, DOI(公開)(r-map), 18563, 18574
  • Distribution of lignans and lignan mono/diglucosides within Ginkgo biloba L. stem.
    M. Yu, D. Aoki, T. Akita, S. Fujiyasu, S. Takada, Y. Matsushita, M. Yoshida, K. Fukushima
    To investigate the biosynthetic pathways and regulatory mechanisms of lignans in plants, the actual distributions of lignans and lignan glucosides in flash-frozen stems of Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgoaceae) were studied using cryo time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry coupled with scanning electron microscopy (cryo-TOF-SIMS/ SEM). Four lignans and four lignan glucosides were successfully characterized. Quantitative HPLC measurements were conducted on serial tangential sections of freeze-fixed ginkgo stem to determine the amount and approximate distribution of lignan and lignan glucosides. (-)-Olivil 4,4 '-di-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (olivil DG) was the most abundant lignan glucoside in ginkgo and was distributed mainly in the phloem, ray parenchyma cells, and pith. The comparative accumulation of olivil DG revealed its possible transport pathways and storage sites in ginkgo. Although not all relevant enzymes have been identified, understanding the distributions of lignan and lignan glucosides in ginkgo stems provides significant insight into their biological functions.
    01 Apr. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 196, 0031-9422, DOI(公開)(r-map), 113102, 113102
  • Cryo secondary ion mass spectrometry for wood component visualization: a mini review
    Aoki, Dan; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Fukushima, Kazuhiko
    Various phenomena in living physiological systems are conducted on the hydrated conditions, and in many cases, they do not work in a dry state. Imaging mass spectrometry is one of the direct detection methods scanning the sample surface with some focused and pulsed energy and analysing the sputtered components. However, under the high vacuum conditions required for usual imaging mass spectrometry, the sample surface is rapidly dried. It is difficult for the target cell to survive, and the original situation are lost soon. Here, the combination of a freeze-fixation and a cryo sample stage is a promising method to do mass spectrometry while maintaining the original situation. By rapidly freezing the cells, the momentary situation as a living cell is fixed. The situation in a living cell can be captured as still images by cryo imaging mass spectrometry. This mini-review introduces the outline of imaging mass spectrometry especially for low molecular weight components and recent results for frozen-hydrated samples by cryo secondary ion mass spectrometry.
    23 Feb. 2022, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), joint, 76, 2, 0018-3830, DOI(公開)(r-map), 145, 154
  • Active Transport of Lignin Precursors into Membrane Vesicles from Lignifying Tissues of Bamboo
    Shimada, Natsumi; Munekata, Noriaki; Tsuyama, Taku; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Fukushima, Kazuhiko; Kijidani, Yoshio; Takabe, Keiji; Yazaki, Kazufumi; Kamei, Ichiro
    Lignin is the second most abundant natural polymer on Earth and is a major cell wall component in vascular plants. Lignin biosynthesis has three stages: biosynthesis, transport, and polymerization of its precursors. However, there is limited knowledge on lignin precursor transport, especially in monocots. In the present study, we aimed to elucidate the transport mode of lignin monomers in the lignifying tissues of bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens). The growth manners and lignification processes of bamboo shoots were elucidated, which enabled us to obtain the lignifying tissues reproducibly. Microsomal membrane fractions were prepared from tissues undergoing vigorous lignification to analyze the transport activities of lignin precursors in order to show the ATP-dependent transport of coniferin and p-glucocoumaryl alcohol. The transport activities for both precursors depend on vacuolar type H+-ATPase and a H+ gradient across the membrane, suggesting that the electrochemical potential is the driving force of the transport of both substrates. These findings are similar to the transport properties of these lignin precursors in the differentiating xylem of poplar and Japanese cypress. Our findings suggest that transport of coniferin and p-glucocoumaryl alcohol is mediated by secondary active transporters energized partly by the vacuolar type H+-ATPase, which is common in lignifying tissues. The loading of these lignin precursors into endomembrane compartments may contribute to lignification in vascular plants.
    20 Oct. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 10, 11, DOI(公開)(r-map), 2237, 2237
  • Localised laccase activity modulates distribution of lignin polymers in gymnosperm compression wood
    Hiraide, Hideto; Tobimatsu, Yuki; Yoshinaga, Arata; Lam, Pui Ying; Kobayashi, Masaru; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Fukushima, Kazuhiko; Takabe, Keiji
    The woody stems of coniferous gymnosperms produce specialised compression wood to adjust the stem growth orientation in response to gravitropic stimulation. During this process, tracheids develop a compression-wood-specific S2L cell wall layer with lignins highly enriched with p-hydroxyphenyl (H)-type units derived from H-type monolignol, whereas lignins produced in the cell walls of normal wood tracheids are exclusively composed of guaiacyl (G)-type units from G-type monolignol with a trace amount of H-type units. We show that laccases, a class of lignin polymerisation enzymes, play a crucial role in the spatially organised polymerisation of H-type and G-type monolignols during compression wood formation in Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa). We performed a series of chemical-probe-aided imaging analysis on C. obtusa compression wood cell walls, together with gene expression, protein localisation and enzymatic assays of C. obtusa laccases. Our data indicated that CoLac1 and CoLac3 with differential oxidation activities towards H-type and G-type monolignols were precisely localised to distinct cell wall layers in which H-type and G-type lignin units were preferentially produced during the development of compression wood tracheids. We propose that, not only the spatial localisation of laccases, but also their biochemical characteristics dictate the spatial patterning of lignin polymerisation in gymnosperm compression wood.
    11 Jun. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 230, 6, 0028-646X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 2186, 2199
  • Characterisation of compound middle lamella isolated by a combination of wet-beating, sedimentation, and methanol dialysis
    Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Fukumura, Taichi; Aoki, Dan; Fukushima, Kazuhiko
    A simple method was developed to isolate the compound middle lamella (CML) in its natural state using wet-beating, sedimentation, and methanol dialysis. The isolated CML fraction was characterised. The CML was isolated in 2.0% yield from the mature wood of Ginkgo biloba. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the isolated CML fraction showed the presence of flake-like structures. However, some small amounts of secondary wall substance was observed. The lignin content of the CML fraction was approximately 45%. Thioacidolysis reactions with the isolated CML fraction revealed that the lignin beta-O-4 structure was scarce in the isolated fraction and that numerous structures with two or more consecutive condensed-type bonds were present. Results from the solid-state carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 NMR) experiments indicated that the CML fraction had low crystallinity, indicating low cellulose content. Liquid-state NMR analysis of the lignin from the CML fraction revealed the absence of p-hydroxyphenyl (H) units.
    11 Feb. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 75, 9, 0018-3830, DOI(公開)(r-map), 798, 805
  • Reactivity of a benzylic lignin-carbohydrate model compound during enzymatic dehydrogenative polymerisation of coniferyl alcohol
    Shimizu, Kimiaki; Matsushita, Yasuyuki; Aoki, Dan; Mitsuda, Hayato; Fukushima, Kazuhiko
    Lignin is thought to be covalently bound to carbohydrates like hemicellulose during biosynthesis to forma lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCC). However, successive polymerisation with monolignols after the formation of LCC has not yet been clarified. To investigate the reaction of LCC, its enzymatic dehydrogenative polymerisation was conducted using deuterium-labelled coniferyl alcohol and model compounds, i.e., a lignin model (beta-O-4 dimer model) compound (LM) and an LCC model (benzyl ether type) compound (LCCM). The obtained polymers (DHPs) were methylated and subjected to thioacidolysis, and the degradation products were quantified by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that the amount of coniferyl alcohol connected to the LCCM via beta-O-4 binding was almost the same as that bound to the LM. However, the amount of unreacted LCCM was larger than that of LM, suggesting that the LCCM is less likely to form condensed structures, i.e., 5-5, beta-5, and 4-O-5 structures. This could be due to the steric hindrance of the carbohydrate at the benzylic position.
    27 Jan. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 75, 8, 0018-3830, DOI(公開)(r-map), 773, 777

Books and Other Publications

  • 木質の形成 第4章 リグニン 高分子化
    31 Mar. 2024, 978-4-86099-374-0
  • 木質の形成 第4章 リグニン 各主要結合様式の生成機構
    31 Mar. 2024, 978-4-86099-374-0


  • Innovative Approach for Lignin Utilization: Reactivity Analysis through Selective Stable Isotope Labeling Method
    The 15th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science
    10 Dec. 2024, Poster presentation
  • Lignin chemical structures in leaves and petioles of Ginkgo biloba L.
    2nd International Lignin Symposium
    09 Sep. 2024, Poster presentation
  • Influences of anthraquinone derivatives on lignin degradation in alkaline cooking of hardwood and non-wood paper resource
    2nd International Lignin Symposium
    09 Sep. 2024, Poster presentation
  • Does lignin grow via a low-weight-lignols redox shuttle?
    2nd International Lignin Symposium
    09 Sep. 2024, Poster presentation
  • テクニカルリグニンの可能性
    リグニンネットワーク 夏のセミナー
    26 Aug. 2024, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • カキノキ木部の黒色化過程における自家蛍光の変化
    14 Mar. 2024, Oral presentation(general)
  • 褐色腐朽菌が腐朽過程で引き起こすリグニンの構造変化
    14 Mar. 2024, Oral presentation(general)
  • フェノール性β-O-4 型リグニンモデルオリゴマーを用いたアントラキノン誘導体添加ソーダ蒸解による脱リグニン促進機構の解明
    13 Mar. 2024, Oral presentation(general)
  • イチョウの葉および葉柄におけるリグニンの化学構造
    13 Mar. 2024, Oral presentation(general)
  • コニフェリルアルコールと塩化コリンで作成した深共晶溶媒の構造解析
    13 Mar. 2024, Oral presentation(general)
  • リグノールのレドックスシャトルによってリグニンは伸長するのか
    10 Nov. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • アントラキノン誘導体添加によるパルプ化促進機構の解明
    10 Nov. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • リグニンモデル化合物を複合した固体高分子電解質のイオン伝導性評価
    10 Nov. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • フェルラ酸およびコニフェリルアルコールと塩化コリンによる深共晶溶媒の作成
    10 Nov. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • 褐色普及過程で生じるリグニン構造変化に関する研究
    日本木材保存協会 第39回年次大会
    20 Sep. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • Structural analysis of cell wall lignin for advanced biomass utilization: Precise analysis of differences in lignin structure in each cell wall layer
    The 14th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science
    30 Aug. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • Structural analysis of cell wall lignin for advanced biomass utilization: Precise analysis of differences in lignin structure in each cell wall layer
    The 14th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science
    30 Aug. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • Distribution of eight alkaloids in freeze-fixed stems of Phellodendron amurense in fall and summer by cryo-TOF-SIMS/SEM
    The 21st International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry
    04 Jul. 2023, Poster presentation
  • ユーカリ・ぺリータ材のクラフト蒸解における2-エチルアントラキノンの添加がリグニンの分解に与える影響― ソーダ蒸解・2-エチルアントラキノン添加蒸解との比較 ―
    20 Jun. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • β-5型モデル化合物を用いたリグニンの伸長反応の解析
    14 Mar. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • 硫酸リグニンからの植物成長剤の開発
    14 Mar. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • ジャスモン酸メチルおよびエテホン処理によるカキノキ木部の黒色化誘導に関する研究
    14 Mar. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • 人為的に黒色化を誘導したカキノキ木部に含まれる抽出成分の分析
    14 Mar. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • 未利用木質バイオマスであるリグニンの機能性物質への変換
    四国紙パルプ研究協議会 令和4年度第2回講演会
    21 Feb. 2023, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Microscopic Distribution of Eight Alkaloids in Freeze-fixed Stems of Phellodendron amurense
    16th International Symposium of the Kyoto Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry Society / International symposium on mass spectrometry imaging 2023 KYOTO
    30 Jan. 2023, Poster presentation
  • ユーカリ・ぺリータ材のソーダ蒸解における2-エチルアントラキノン添加の効果
    11 Nov. 2022, Poster presentation
  • 芳香環1位標識コニフェリンの投与によるイチョウ木部リグニン中におけるスピロジエノン型構造の定量
    10 Nov. 2022, Oral presentation(general)
  • リグニン骨格に着目した複合型固体高分子電解質のイオン伝導性評価
    09 Nov. 2022, Poster presentation
  • Precision analysis of high-reactive β-1 structure in lignin for advanced biomass utilization
    The 13th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science
    06 Sep. 2022, Poster presentation
  • 安定同位体法を用いたリグニンの伸長過程の解析
    第 4 4 回九州紙パルプ研究会 講演会
    03 Jun. 2022, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 赤外分光法によるカキノキの木部の黒色部における着色物質の成分分析
    15 Mar. 2022, Poster presentation
  • 13CO2 投与によるクロマツ圧縮あて材リグニンの構造解析
    15 Mar. 2022, Oral presentation(general)
  • β-5構造のフェノール性末端からの伸長反応の解析
    04 Nov. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • 木質バイオマスのリグニンはこうして使う
    日本化学会秋季事業 第11回CSJ化学フェスタ2021
    19 Oct. 2021, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • リグニンの基礎 -形成、構造、利用-
    第64 回 ― 2021 年紙パルプ技術協会年次大会(Web 開催)
    20 Aug. 2021, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Distribution of lignans and lignan mono/di glucosides in freeze-fixed stem of Ginkgo biloba cryo-TOFSIMS/SEM
    ICP2020 (International Conference on Polyphenols)
    13 Jul. 2021, Poster presentation
  • チオアシドリシスによるリグニン中のβ-1 構造の定量分析
    第 88 回紙パルプ研究発表会
    24 Jun. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • ポリビニルグアイアコールの耐候性および重金属吸着特性
    第 88 回紙パルプ研究発表会
    24 Jun. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • 安定同位体標識法とチオアシドリシスを組み合わせたリグニン伸長過程の解析
    第 88 回紙パルプ研究発表会
    24 Apr. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • Distribution of lignans and lignan mono/diglucosides in freeze-fixed stem of Ginkgo biloba L. by cryo-TOF-SIMS/SEM
    20 Mar. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • 植物細胞壁形成に関わる化合物の貯蔵量および分布の日周期
    20 Mar. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • バニリンを出発としたフェノリックポリマーの合成と機能開拓
    20 Mar. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • Distribution of berberine and palmatine in freeze-fixed stems of Phellodendron amurense
    19 Mar. 2021, Oral presentation(general)
  • DIUTHAME/TOF-SIMS による植物移動性成分の検出と可視化
    19 Mar. 2021, Poster presentation
  • カキノキ木部の黒色化における着色物質の蓄積および拡散過程
    19 Mar. 2021, Poster presentation
  • 同位体標識法によるリグニンフェノール性末端からの伸長反応の解析
    05 Nov. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • モデル化合物を用いた酵素的脱水素重合における ベンジルエーテル型リグニン炭水 化物複合体(LCC)の挙動解析
    05 Nov. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • 多変量TOF-SIMSデータのケモメトリクス解析による未知メタボローム変数の探索
    29 Oct. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • バニリンを出発としたビニルポリマーの合成と特性評価
    19 Jun. 2020, Poster presentation
  • 樹木の複合細胞間層の単離とそのキャラクタリゼーション
    19 Jun. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • リグニンフェノール性末端の選択的同位体標識
    19 Jun. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • マトリクス増感二次イオン質量分析による樹木中のトリグリセリドのイメージング
    19 Jun. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • モデル化合物を用いた酵素的脱水素重合におけるリグニン炭水化物複合体(LCC)の挙動解析
    19 Jun. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • 芳香族アルデヒドを出発としたビニルポリマーの合成と物性評価
    01 Mar. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • 植物細胞壁形成に関わる化合物の日周期
    01 Mar. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • 酵素的脱水素重合におけるリグニン炭水化物複合体(LCC)の挙動解析
    01 Mar. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • カキノ木部 の黒色部位 にお ける着色 物質 の移動経路 および木部繊維細胞壁 への沈着
    01 Mar. 2020, Poster presentation
  • ヒノキ圧縮あて材におけるG およびH リグニンの沈着に関わるラッカーゼ(CoLac1 とCoLac3)
    01 Mar. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • イチョウ “Basal Chichi” の構造とprotoxylem
    01 Mar. 2020, Oral presentation(general)
  • タケ当年稈におけるリグニン前駆物質の輸送メカニズム
    01 Mar. 2020, Oral presentation(general)

Committee Memberships

  • 日本木材学会
    From 202303, To 202403
  • 紙パルプ技術協会
    From 20200401, To 20240331
  • リグニン学会
    From 20211105, To 202403

Media Coverage

  • Zhejiang University Scientists Uncover Lignin-Derived Material For Enhancing Plant Growth
    Lignin, Earth’s most abundant natural aromatic polymer, constitutes nearly one-third of the carbon reserves in the natural world and serves as one of the major components of plant cell walls. In the biomass refinery sector, lignin is commonly discharged as a waste product in the biorefining system.
    India Education Diary
    From 16 Oct. 2023, To 16 Oct. 2023

Professional Memberships

  • The Lignin Society
  • Japan TAPPI
  • The Japan Wood Research Society

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