Researcher Database

ARIE Tsutomu

Last Updated :2025/01/22

Activity information

Name and contact details

  • Name

    アリエ ツトム, 有江 力, ARIE Tsutomu
  • E-mail

Affiliation / Position

  • 役員, Trustee

Other affiliation

  • Faculty of Agriculture Department of Applied Biological Science
  • Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Bioregulation and Biointeraction
  • Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering
  • Institute of Global Innovation Research
  • Innovation Advancement Organization
  • Institute of Agriculture Division of Bioregulation and Biointeraction
  • Faculty of Agriculture Department of Applied Biological Science
  • Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Bioregulation and Biointeraction
  • Institute of Global Innovation Research


  • The University of Tokyo
    Faculty of Agriculture
    To 1984, graduated
  • The University of Tokyo
    Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
    To 1986, completed, master course
  • The University of Tokyo
    Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
    To 1989, completed, doctor course


  • DR of Agriculture

Current state of research and teaching activities

  • 21世紀には、地球人口の急増により食料がひっ迫することが予測されている。食用植物生産における障害の一つである植物の病気を効率的に防ぎ、安全な食料を安定供給できるように対処することを目標に以下の研究を推進している。実験対象としては、難防除病害の代表格である土壌伝染性の不完全子のう菌Fusarium oxysporumを主に用いている。 病原菌の植物侵害戦略の解析 植物病原子のう菌から、遺伝子タギング法等により病原性変異株を作出し、これを利用して病原性関連因子を分子生物学的に解析している。病原性因子がいつ、どこで、どのように発現・機能するかを調べることで、病原菌の植物侵害戦略を明らかにする。 病原菌の交配と病原性進化の関連を探る 「交配」は、遺伝子を組換え、新しい性質を獲得する場であると考えられている。菌類におけるこの交配のメカニズムを植物病原子のう菌をモデルに遺伝子レベルで解析する。さらに、交配が病原菌の病原性の進化にどのように影響を与えてきたかを分析する。 病原菌に対する植物の防御システムの解析と利用の可能性 動物の免疫システムと同様に、植物も外敵の侵入から身を守る防御システムを持っていること、「植物アクチベーター」と呼ばれる化合物が、この防御システムを活性化することが知られてきた。最近、F. oxysporumによって引き起こされる萎凋病の発病を「植物アクチベーター」のトマトへの茎葉散布で抑制できることを見出した。この理由を解析することで、植物の病原菌に対する防御システムを解析し、実際に防除に利用する可能性を追究する。 総合的防除システムの確立 植物病害防除の中心的役割は、これまで農薬が果たしてきた。しかしながら、社会的な風当たりの強さ、さらに特に土壌病害に対する特効的農薬の不在等の理由から、圃場の健康診断法、生物防除法(生きた生物を用いる)、前出の植物アクチベーター等、複数の方法を組み合わせて、単独では得られない相乗的な効果を導き出すことを目的に、総合防除法の確立およびそれを構成する各方法の検討を行っている。

Research Areas

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science, Plant protection science
  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science, Landscape science

Research Interests

  • Plantpathology, Mycology, Soilborne disease, Integrated control

Subject of research

  • Analysis of the mechanisms of soilborne disease-development and its integrated management
    From 1984
  • Mating-mechanisms and pathogenesis-evolution in phytopathogenic fungi
    From 1998
  • Application of plant-microbe consortia to the environmental management of agricultural field.
    From 1996

Proposed theme of joint or funded research

  • Control of soilborne diseases with less impact on the environment
    wish to undertake joint research with industry and other organizations including private sector.

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2023, To 2026
  • 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))
    From 2020, To 2023
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2019, To 2021
  • 基盤研究(B)特設分野研究
    From 2019, To 2019
  • 基盤研究(B)特設分野研究
    From 2018, To 2018
  • 基盤研究(B)特設分野研究
    From 2017, To 2017
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2016, To 2018
  • 基盤研究(B)(一部基金)
    From 2014, To 2017
  • 挑戦的萌芽研究
    From 2014, To 2015
  • 挑戦的萌芽研究
    From 2012, To 2013
  • 萌芽研究
    From 2007, To 2008
  • 萌芽研究
    From 2007, To 2008
  • 基盤研究(B)一般
    From 2006, To 2008
  • 基盤研究(B)一般
    From 2006, To 2008
  • 萌芽研究
    From 2005, To 2006
  • 萌芽研究
    From 2005, To 2006
  • 基盤研究(B)(2)海外
    From 2004, To 2007
  • 基盤研究(B)海外
    From 2004, To 2007
  • 基盤研究(A)一般
    From 2004, To 2006
  • 基盤研究(B)(2)一般
    From 2003, To 2005
  • 基盤研究(B)一般
    From 2003, To 2005
  • 特定領域研究(公募)
    From 2003, To 2003
  • 基盤研究(B)海外
    From 2002, To 2003
  • 特定領域研究(公募)
    From 2001, To 2002
  • 基盤研究(C)一般
    From 2000, To 2002
  • 基盤研究(A)一般
    From 1998, To 2000
  • 基盤研究(C)一般
    Fusarium oxysporumにおける交配不完全性と病原性分化の関係
    From 1998, To 1999


  • First report of southern blight on showy rattlepod (Crotalaria spectabilis) caused by Athelia rolfsii
    Chen, Sarina; Kotera, Shunsuke; Saito, Hiroki; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    In 2019-2020, showy rattlepod (Crotalaria spectabilis) in Tokyo developed symptoms including yellowing, wilt, and damping off. A fungus forming white mycelia and brown sclerotia on potato dextrose agar plate was isolated, which reproduced the original symptoms on showy rattlepod by inoculation assay. The fungus was identified as Athelia rolfsii by morphological and molecular characteristics. The host range of the fungus was examined which suggested a wide spectrum. This is the first report of showy rattlepod southern blight caused by A. rolfsii in Japan.
    Nov. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 89, 6, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 322, 327
  • Emergence of a deletion mutant of GFP-expressing plantago asiatica mosaic virus that has overcome acibenzolar-S-methyl-induced defense response against its long-distance movement
    Sakugawa, Kagari; Novianti, Fawzia; Hamim, Islam; Arie, Tsutomu; Komatsu, Ken
    The rapid emergence of new virus mutants that are adapted to host environments increases the threat to crop production. In a previous study, we reported that pretreatment of Nicotiana benthamiana (Nb) with a plant activator, acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), inhibited the infection of green fluorescent protein-expressing plantago asiatica mosaic virus (PlAMV-GFP) at two distinct stages: replication in inoculated leaves and the viral loading step for long-distance movement. However, whether the virus might mutate that will overcome host ASM-induced defenses at each of these stages is unknown. To address this question, we performed five serial passages of PlAMV-GFP in either ASM-treated or untreated Nb leaves. A virus lineage passaged in ASM-treated leaves, named the ASM lineage, had no dominant mutations and was unable to overcome ASM-mediated inhibition. The ASM lineage tended to have less genetic diversity than in the control lineage. In contrast, in a petiole of ASM-treated, inoculated leaves where viruses had accumulated after loading into the vascular tissue, we found a mutant with a 693-bp deletion in the GFP-coding region and an extension of 13 amino acids at the C-terminus of the movement protein TGBp3 that had less restricted accumulation in inoculated leaves and moved to the upper leaves faster than the wild-type PlAMV-GFP in ASM-treated plants. The emergence of this defense-evading mutant specifically from the loading stage suggests that the ASM-induced defense could impose selective pressure on viruses at the viral loading stage rather than at replication.
    Sep. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 89, 5, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 266, 276
  • Dysfunctional Pro1 leads to female sterility in rice blast fungi
    Uchida, Momotaka; Konishi, Takahiro; Fujigasaki, Ayaka; Kita, Kohtetsu; Arie, Tsutomu; Teraoka, Tohru; Kanda, Yasukazu; Mori, Masaki; Arazoe, Takayuki; Kamakura, Takashi
    Although sexual reproduction is widespread in eukaryotes, some fungal species can only reproduce asexually. In the rice blast fungus Pyricularia (Magnaporthe) oryzae, several isolates from the region of origin retain mating ability, but most isolates are female sterile. Therefore, female fertility may have been lost during its spread from the origin. Here, we show that functional mutations of Pro1, a global transcriptional regulator of mating-related genes in filamentous fungi, is one cause of loss of female fertility in this fungus. We identified the mutation of Pro1 by backcrossing analysis between female-fertile and female-sterile isolates. The dysfunctional Pro1 did not affect the infection processes but conidial release was increased. Furthermore, various mutations in Pro1 were detected in geographically distant P. oryzae, including pandemic isolates of wheat blast fungus. These results provide the first evidence that loss of female fertility may be advantageous to the life cycle of some plant pathogenic fungi.
    21 Jul. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 26, 7, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Dynamin-related protein 2 interacts with the membrane-associated methyltransferase domain of plantago asiatica mosaic virus replicase and promotes viral replication
    Shinji, Haruka; Sasaki, Nobumitsu; Hamim, Islam; Itoh, Yoshiyuki; Taku, Kazuo; Hayashi, Yuho; Minato, Nami; Moriyama, Hiromitsu; Arie, Tsutomu; Komatsu, Ken
    Positive-strand RNA viruses replicate their RNA in the viral replication complex, a spherical structure formed by remodeling of host intracellular membranes. This process also requires the interaction between viral membrane-associated replication proteins and host factors. We previously identified the membrane-associated determinant of the replicase of plantago asiatica mosaic virus (PlAMV), a positive-strand RNA virus of the genus Potexvirus, in its methyltransferase (MET) domain, and suggested that its interaction with host factors is required to establish viral replication. Here we identified Nicotiana benthamiana dynamin-related protein 2 (NbDRP2) as an interactor of the MET domain of the PlAMV replicase by co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) and mass spectrometry analysis. NbDRP2 is closely related to the DRP2 subfamily proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtDRP2A and AtDRP2B. Confocal microscopy observation and Co-IP confirmed the interaction between the MET domain and NbDRP2. Also, the expression of NbDRP2 was induced by PlAMV infection. PlAMV accumulation was reduced when the expression of NbDRP2 gene was suppressed by virus-induced gene silencing. In addition, PlAMV accumulation was reduced in protoplasts treated with dynamin inhibitor. These results indicate a proviral role of the inter-action of NbDRP2 with the MET domain in PlAMV replication.
    02 Jul. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 331, 0168-1702, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Three species of Fusarium involved in the dry rot of taro (Colocasia esculenta) in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
    Sireli, Masi; Kodama, Shinichirou; Ikezawa, Kazuhiro; Nishi, Yatsuka; Kawabe, Masato; Motohashi, Reiko; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    In 2018 and 2019, taro (Colocasia esculenta) plants presenting symptoms including a reddish-brown dry rot of the corms and wilting of the leaves were found in several fields in Kagoshima, Japan. Fusarium solani, F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum were isolated and identified based on morphological and molecular characteristics. Among the three fungal species F. solani was the most frequently found. We inoculated taro cv. Dotare corms with representative isolates of each species, and all three isolates reproduced the original symptoms. This is the first report of F. proliferatum as a causal agent of taro dry rot in Japan.
    Jan. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 89, 1, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 16, 23
  • Discovery, Genomic Sequence Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel RNA Viruses in the Turfgrass Pathogenic Colletotrichum spp. in Japan
    Hamim, Islam; Urayama, Syun-ichi; Netsu, Osamu; Tanaka, Akemi; Arie, Tsutomu; Moriyama, Hiromitsu; Komatsu, Ken
    Turfgrass used in various areas of the golf course has been found to present anthracnose disease, which is caused by Colletotrichum spp. To obtain potential biological agents, we identified four novel RNA viruses and obtained full-length viral genomes from turfgrass pathogenic Colletotrichum spp. in Japan. We characterized two novel dsRNA partitiviruses: Colletotrichum associated partitivirus 1 (CaPV1) and Colletotrichum associated partitivirus 2 (CaPV2), as well as two negative single-stranded (ss) RNA viruses: Colletotrichum associated negative-stranded RNA virus 1 (CaNSRV1) and Colletotrichum associated negative-stranded RNA virus 2 (CaNSRV2). Using specific RT-PCR assays, we confirmed the presence of CaPV1, CaPV2 and CaNSRV1 in dsRNAs from original and sub-isolates of Colletotrichum sp. MBCT-264, as well as CaNSRV2 in dsRNAs from original and sub-isolates of Colletotrichum sp. MBCT-288. This is the first time mycoviruses have been discovered in turfgrass pathogenic Colletotrichum spp. in Japan. CaPV1 and CaPV2 are new members of the newly proposed genus Zetapartitivirus and genus Alphapartitivirus, respectively, in the family Partitiviridae, according to genomic characterization and phylogenetic analysis. Negative sense ssRNA viruses CaNSRV1 and CaNSRV2, on the other hand, are new members of the family Phenuiviridae and the proposed family Mycoaspirividae, respectively. These findings reveal previously unknown RNA virus diversity and evolution in turfgrass pathogenic Colletotrichum spp.
    Nov. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 14, 11, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Genome editing using a versatile vector-based CRISPR/Cas9 system in Fusarium species
    Shinkado, Sota; Saito, Hiroki; Yamazaki, Masaya; Kotera, Shunsuke; Arazoe, Takayuki; Arie, Tsutomu; Kamakura, Takashi
    Fusarium species include important filamentous fungal pathogens that can infect plants, animals, and humans. Meanwhile, some nonpathogenic Fusarium species are promising biocontrol agents against plant pathogens. Here, we developed a genome editing technology using a vector-based CRISPR/Cas9 system for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol). This optimized CRISPR/Cas9 system, harboring an endogenous U6 small nuclear RNA promoter for the expression of single-guide RNA and an endogenous H2B nuclear localization signal for the localization of Cas9, enabled efficient targeted gene knock-out, including in the accessory chromosomal regions in Fol. We further demonstrated single crossover-mediated targeted base editing and endogenous gene tagging. This system was also applicable for genome editing in F. oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae and F. commune without any modifications, suggesting that this CRISPR/Cas9 vector has a potential application for a broad range of researches on other Fusarium species.
    28 Sep. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 12, 1, 2045-2322, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Ophiosphaerellaagrostidis causes leaf-sheath rot of Zingibermioga
    Oki, Tomoka; Yano, Kazutaka; Komatsu, Ken; Shimomoto, Yoshifumi; Arie, Tsutomu; Morita, Yasuaki
    In 2014 and 2018, brown rot appeared on the leaf sheaths of mioga (Zingibermioga) plants growing in Kochi, Japan. A filamentous fungus that formed pale red colonies on potato dextrose agar was isolated from the lesions and reproduced the symptoms observed on mioga plants in inoculation tests. On the basis of microscopic characters and phylogenetic analysis, the fungus was identified as Ophiosphaerellaagrostidis. This is the first report of O.agrostidis as a causal agent of a disease on mioga plants. We propose to name the new disease leaf sheath rot and yosho fuhai byo in Japanese.
    May 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 88, 3, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 173, 177
  • Differentiation of the Pea Wilt Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi from Other Isolates of Fusarium Species by PCR
    Kotera, Shunsuke; Hishiike, Masashi; Saito, Hiroki; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    Pea wilt disease, caused by the soilborne and seedborne fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi (Fop), first appeared in Japan in 2002. We herein investigated the molecular characteristics of 16 Fop isolates sampled from multiple locations and at different times in Japan. The 16 isolates were divided into three clades in molecular phylogenic analyses based on both the TEF1 alpha gene and the rDNA-IGS region. All of the Fop isolates harbored a PDA1 gene, which encodes the cytochrome P450 pisatin demethylase (Pda1), and also carried one or both of the SIX6 and SIX13 genes, which encode secreted in xylem (Six) proteins. Other forms of F. oxysporum and other species of Fusarium did not carry these sets of genes. Based on these results, a PCR method was developed to identify Fop and differentiate it from other forms and non-pathogenic isolates of Fusarium spp. We also demonstrated that the PCR method effectively detected Fop in infected pea plants and infested soils.
    2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 37, 1, 1342-6311, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Fusariosis in rubber tree: pathogenic, morphological, and molecular characterization of the causal agent
    Pizetta, Marilia; Pierozzi, Caroline Geraldi; Ayukawa, Yu; Kashiwa, Takeshi; Komatsu, Ken; Teraoka, Tohru; Arie, Tsutomu; Furtado, Edson Luiz
    Fusariosis, one of the phytosanitary problems found in rubber producing areas in the northwest of the state of Sao Paulo, is a disease that affects the bark of the adult plants, affecting the exploitation of latex. The typical symptoms appear as cracks in the bark that expand from the rootstock towards the tapping panel, causing a drying of the latex flux in the injured region, impeding latex tapping. Due to the recent incidence of this disease in rubber plantations, the goal of this study was to characterize the Fusarium associated with symptomatic rubber tissue in three different locations in the state of Sao Paulo. In order to identify Fusarium species, pathogenicity, morphological, cultural and molecular studies were carried out. A total of 51 isolates were obtained and separated into three groups based on macroconidium morphology, presence or absence of sporodochia, types of chlamydospores, formation of phialides and conidiogenesis of microconidia and mesoconidia, mycelial growth rate and coloring of the colonies. These groups were corroborated using DNA sequence information for five different genetic loci, and were subsequently recognized as Fusarium oxysporum, F. incarnatum and F. decemcellulare. Our results further showed that all 51 of the Fusarium isolates recovered were pathogenic to rubber tree seedlings of RRIM 600 standard clone. This study also reports for the presence of F. oxysporum and F. incarnatum in rubber plantations in the state of Sao Paulo and in Brazil.
    Dec. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 161, 4, 0929-1873, DOI(公開)(r-map), 769, 782
  • Acibenzolar-S-methyl-mediated restriction of loading of plantago asiatica mosaic virus into vascular tissues of Nicotiana benthamiana
    Novianti, Fawzia; Sasaki, Nobumitsu; Arie, Tsutomu; Komatsu, Ken
    Long-distance movement via vascular tissues is an essential step for systemic infection by plant viruses. We previously reported that pre-treatment of Nicotiana benthamiana with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) both suppressed the accumulation of plantago asiatica mosaic virus (PlAMV) in inoculated leaves and delayed the longdistance movement to uninoculated upper leaves. These two effects occurred independently of each other. However, it remained unclear where and when the viral long-distance movement is inhibited upon ASM treatment. In this study, we found that ASM treatment restricted the loading of GFP-expressing PlAMV (PlAMV-GFP) into vascular tissues in the inoculated leaves. This led to delays in viral translocation to the petiole and the main stem, and to untreated upper leaves. We used cryohistological fluorescence imaging to show that ASM treatment affected the viral localization and reduced its accumulation in the phloem, xylem, and mesophyll tissues. A stem girdling experiment, which blocked viral movement downward through phloem tissues, demonstrated that ASM treatment could inhibit viral systemic infection to upper leaves, which occurred even with viral downward movement restricted. Taken together, our results showed that ASM treatment affects the loading of PlAMV-GFP into the vascular system in the inoculated leaf, and that this plays a key role in the ASM-mediated delay of viral long-distance movement.
    Dec. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 306, 0168-1702, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Unique Terminal Regions and Specific Deletions of the Segmented Double-Stranded RNA Genome of Alternaria Alternata Virus 1, in the Proposed Family Alternaviridae
    Wu, Chien-Fu; Aoki, Nanako; Takeshita, Naoki; Fukuhara, Toshiyuki; Chiura, Hiroshi X.; Arie, Tsutomu; Kotta-Loizou, Ioly; Okada, Ryo; Komatsu, Ken; Moriyama, Hiromitsu
    Alternaria alternata virus 1 (AaV1) has been identified in the saprophytic fungus Alternaria alternata strain EGS 35-193. AaV1 has four genomic double-stranded (ds)RNA segments (dsRNA1-4) packaged in isometric particles. The 3' end of each coding strand is polyadenylated (36-50nt), but the presence of a cap structure at each 5' end has not previously been investigated. Here, we have characterized the AaV1 genome and found that it has unique features among the mycoviruses. We confirmed the existence of cap structures on the 5' ends of the AaV1 genomic dsRNAs using RNA dot blots with anti-cap antibodies and the oligo-capping method. Polyclonal antibodies against purified AaV1 particles specifically bound to an 82kDa protein, suggesting that this protein is the major capsid component. Subsequent Edman degradation indicated that the AaV1 dsRNA3 segment encodes the major coat protein. Two kinds of defective AaV1 dsRNA2, which is 2,794bp (844 aa) in length when intact, appeared in EGS 35-193 during subculturing, as confirmed by RT-PCR and northern hybridization. Sequence analysis revealed that one of the two defective dsRNA2s contained a 231bp deletion, while the other carried both the 231bp deletion and an additional 465bp deletion in the open reading frame. Both deletions occurred in-frame, resulting in predicted proteins of 767 aa and 612 aa. The fungal isolates carrying virions with the defective dsRNA2s showed impaired growth and abnormal pigmentation. To our best knowledge, AaV1 is the first dsRNA virus to be identified with both 5' cap and 3'poly(A) structures on its genomic segments, as well as the specific deletions of dsRNA2.
    22 Oct. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 12, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Identification of a Proline-Kinked Amphipathic alpha-Helix Downstream from the Methyltransferase Domain of a Potexvirus Replicase and Its Role in Virus Replication and Perinuclear Complex Formation
    Komatsu, Ken; Sasaki, Nobumitsu; Yoshida, Tetsuya; Suzuki, Katsuhiro; Masujima, Yuki; Hashimoto, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Satoru; Tochio, Naoya; Kigawa, Takanori; Yamaji, Yasuyuki; Oshima, Kenro; Namba, Shigetou; Nelson, Richard S.; Arie, Tsutomu
    Characterized positive-strand RNA viruses replicate in association with intracellular membranes. Regarding viruses in the genus Potexvirus, the mechanism by which their RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (replicase) associates with membranes is understudied. Here, by membrane flotation analyses of the replicase of Plantago asiatica mosaic potexvirus (PlAMV), we identified a region in the methyltransferase (MET) domain as a membrane association determinant. An amphipathic alpha-helix was predicted downstream from the core region of the MET domain, and hydrophobic amino acid residues were conserved in the helical sequences in replicases of other potexviruses. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis confirmed the amphipathic alpha-helical configuration and unveiled a kink caused by a highly conserved proline residue in the alpha-helix. Substitution of this proline residue and other hydrophobic and charged residues in the amphipathic alpha-helix abolished PlAMV replication. Ectopic expression of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion with the entire MET domain resulted in the formation of a large perinuclear complex, where virus replicase and RNA colocated during virus infection. Except for the proline substitution, the amino acid substitutions in the alpha-helix that abolished virus replication also prevented the formation of the large perinuclear complex by the respective GFP-MET fusion. Small intracellular punctate structures were observed for all GFP-MET fusions, and in vitro high-molecular-weight complexes were formed by both replication-competent and -incompetent viral replicons and thus were not sufficient for replication competence. We discuss the roles of the potexvirus-specific, proline-kinked amphipathic helical structure in virus replication and intracellular large complex and punctate structure formation. IMPORTANCE RNA viruses characteristically associate with intracellular membranes during replication. Although virus replicases are assumed to possess membrane-targeting properties, their membrane association domains generally remain unidentified or poorly characterized. Here, we identified a proline-kinked amphipathic alpha-helix structure downstream from the methyltransferase core domain of PlAMV replicase as a membrane association determinant. This helical sequence, which includes the proline residue, was conserved among potexviruses and related viruses in the order Tymovirales. Substitution of the proline residue, but not the other residues necessary for replication, allowed formation of a large perinuclear complex within cells resembling those formed by PlAMV replicase and RNA during virus replication. Our results demonstrate the role of the amphipathic alpha-helix in PlAMV replicase in a perinuclear complex formation and virus replication and that perinuclear complex formation by the replicase alone will not necessarily indicate successful virus replication.
    Oct. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 95, 20, 0022-538X, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Phylogenomic Analysis of a 55.1-kb 19-Gene Dataset Resolves a Monophyletic Fusarium that Includes the Fusarium solani Species Complex
    Geiser, David M.; Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M. S.; Aoki, Takayuki; Arie, Tsutomu; Balmas, Virgilio; Barnes, Irene; Bergstrom, Gary C.; Bhattacharyya, Madan K.; Blomquist, Cheryl L.; Bowden, Robert L.; Brankovics, Balazs; Brown, Daren W.; Burgess, Lester W.; Bushley, Kathryn; Busman, Mark; Cano-Lira, Jose F.; Carrillo, Joseph D.; Chang, Hao-Xun; Chen, Chi-Yu; Chen, Wanquan; Chilvers, Martin; Chulze, Sofia; Coleman, Jeffrey J.; Cuomo, Christina A.; de Beer, Z. Wilhelm; de Hoog, G. Sybren; Del Castillo-Munera, Johanna; Del Ponte, Emerson M.; Dieguez-Uribeondo, Javier; Di Pietro, Antonio; Edel-Hermann, Veronique; Elmer, Wade H.; Epstein, Lynn; Eskalen, Akif; Esposto, Maria Carmela; Everts, Kathryne L.; Fernandez-Pavia, Sylvia P.; da Silva, Gilvan Ferreira; Foroud, Nora A.; Fourie, Gerda; Frandsen, Rasmus J. N.; Freeman, Stanley; Freitag, Michael; Frenkel, Omer; Fuller, Kevin K.; Gagkaeva, Tatiana; Gardiner, Donald M.; Glenn, Anthony E.; Gold, Scott E.; Gordon, Thomas R.; Gregory, Nancy F.; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Guarro, Josep; Gugino, Beth K.; Gutierrez, Santiago; Hammond-Kosack, Kim E.; Harris, Linda J.; Homa, Monika; Hong, Cheng-Fang; Hornok, Laszlo; Huang, Jenn-Wen; Ilkit, Macit; Jacobs, Adriaana; Jacobs, Karin; Jiang, Cong; Jimenez-Gasco, Maria Del Mar; Kang, Seogchan; Kasson, Matthew T.; Kazan, Kemal; Kennell, John C.; Kim, Hye-Seon; Kistler, H. Corby; Kuldau, Gretchen A.; Kulik, Tomasz; Kurzai, Oliver; Laraba, Imane; Laurence, Matthew H.; Lee, Theresa; Lee, Yin-Won; Lee, Yong-Hwan; Leslie, John F.; Liew, Edward C. Y.; Lofton, Lily W.; Logrieco, Antonio F.; Lopez-Berges, Manuel S.; Luque, Alicia G.; Lysoe, Erik; Ma, Li-Jun; Marra, Robert E.; Martin, Frank N.; May, Sara R.; McCormick, Susan P.; McGee, Chyanna; Meis, Jacques F.; Migheli, Quirico; Nor, N. M. I. Mohamed; Monod, Michel; Moretti, Antonio; Mostert, Diane; Mule, Giuseppina; Munaut, Francoise; Munkvold, Gary P.; Nicholson, Paul; Nucci, Marcio; O'Donnell, Kerry; Pasquali, Matias; Pfenning, Ludwig H.; Prigitano, Anna; Proctor, Robert H.; Ranque, Stephane; Rehner, Stephen A.; Rep, Martijn; Rodriguez-Alvarado, Gerardo; Rose, Lindy Joy; Roth, Mitchell G.; Ruiz-Roldan, Carmen; Saleh, Amgad A.; Salleh, Baharuddin; Sang, Hyunkyu; Scandiani, Maria Mercedes; Scauflaire, Jonathan; Schmale, David G., III; Short, Dylan P. G.; Sisic, Adnan; Smith, Jason A.; Smyth, Christopher W.; Son, Hokyoung; Spahr, Ellie; Stajich, Jason E.; Steenkamp, Emma; Steinberg, Christian; Subramaniam, Rajagopal; Suga, Haruhisa; Summerell, Brett A.; Susca, Antonella; Swett, Cassandra L.; Toomajian, Christopher; Torres-Cruz, Terry J.; Tortorano, Anna M.; Urban, Martin; Vaillancourt, Lisa J.; Vallad, Gary E.; van der Lee, Theo A. J.; Vanderpool, Dan; van Diepeningen, Anne D.; Vaughan, Martha M.; Venter, Eduard; Vermeulen, Marcele; Verweij, Paul E.; Viljoen, Altus; Waalwijk, Cees; Wallace, Emma C.; Walther, Grit; Wang, Jie; Ward, Todd J.; Wickes, Brian L.; Wiederhold, Nathan P.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wood, Ana K. M.; Xu, Jin-Rong; Yang, Xiao-Bing; Yli-Mattila, Tapani; Yun, Sung-Hwan; Zakaria, Latiffah; Zhang, Hao; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Sean X.; Zhang, Xue
    Scientific communication is facilitated by a data-driven, scientifically sound taxonomy that considers the end-user's needs and established successful practice. In 2013, the Fusarium community voiced near unanimous support for a concept of Fusarium that represented a Glade comprising all agriculturally and clinically important Fusarium species, including the F. solani species complex (FSSC). Subsequently, this concept was challenged in 2015 by one research group who proposed dividing the genus Fusarium into seven genera, including the FSSC described as members of the genus Neocosmospora, with subsequent justification in 2018 based on claims that the 2013 concept of Fusarium is polyphyletic. Here, we test this claim and provide a phylogeny based on exonic nucleotide sequences of 19 orthologous protein-coding genes that strongly support the monophyly of Fusarium including the FSSC. We reassert the practical and scientific argument in support of a genus Fusarium that includes the FSSC and several other basal lineages, consistent with the longstanding use of this name among plant pathologists, medical mycologists, quarantine officials, regulatory agencies, students, and researchers with a stake in its taxonomy. In recognition of this monophyly, 40 species described as genus Neocosmospora were recombined in genus Fusarium, and nine others were renamed Fusarium. Here the global Fusarium community voices strong support for the inclusion of the FSSC in Fusarium, as it remains the best scientific, nomenclatural, and practical taxonomic option available.
    Jul. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 111, 7, 0031-949X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1064, 1079
  • A pair of effectors encoded on a conditionally dispensable chromosome of Fusarium oxysporum suppress host-specific immunity
    Ayukawa, Yu; Asai, Shuta; Gan, Pamela; Tsushima, Ayako; Ichihashi, Yasunori; Shibata, Arisa; Komatsu, Ken; Houterman, Petra M.; Rep, Martijn; Shirasu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    Yu Ayukawa, Shuta Asai, et al. report the genome sequence of a Fusarium oxysporum isolate and demonstrate that it contains different conditionally dispensable chromosomes which are important to confer virulence on specific hosts, like Arabidopsis thaliana or cabbage. Altogether, these results provide further insight into the mechanisms underlying F. oxysporum pathogenicity. Many plant pathogenic fungi contain conditionally dispensable (CD) chromosomes that are associated with virulence, but not growth in vitro. Virulence-associated CD chromosomes carry genes encoding effectors and/or host-specific toxin biosynthesis enzymes that may contribute to determining host specificity. Fusarium oxysporum causes devastating diseases of more than 100 plant species. Among a large number of host-specific forms, F. oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans (Focn) can infect Brassicaceae plants including Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and cabbage. Here we show that Focn has multiple CD chromosomes. We identified specific CD chromosomes that are required for virulence on Arabidopsis, cabbage, or both, and describe a pair of effectors encoded on one of the CD chromosomes that is required for suppression of Arabidopsis-specific phytoalexin-based immunity. The effector pair is highly conserved in F. oxysporum isolates capable of infecting Arabidopsis, but not of other plants. This study provides insight into how host specificity of F. oxysporum may be determined by a pair of effector genes on a transmissible CD chromosome.
    09 Jun. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 4, 1, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • The latest knowledge on the pea wilt pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi, and establishment of its specific detection method
    01 Apr. 2021, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.), joint, 75, 1, 2, 5
  • Two Novel Endornaviruses Co-infecting a Phytophthora Pathogen of Asparagus officinalis Modulate the Developmental Stages and Fungicide Sensitivities of the Host Oomycete
    Uchida, Keiko; Sakuta, Kohei; Ito, Aori; Takahashi, Yumi; Katayama, Yukie; Omatsu, Tsutomu; Mizutani, Tetsuya; Arie, Tsutomu; Komatsu, Ken; Fukuhara, Toshiyuki; Uematsu, Seiji; Okada, Ryo; Moriyama, Hiromitsu
    Two novel endornaviruses, Phytophthora endornavirus 2 (PEV2) and Phytophthora endornavirus 3 (PEV3) were found in isolates of a Phytophthora pathogen of asparagus collected in Japan. A molecular phylogenetic analysis indicated that PEV2 and PEV3 belong to the genus Alphaendornavirus. The PEV2 and PEV3 genomes consist of 14,345 and 13,810 bp, and they contain single open reading frames of 4,640 and 4,603 codons, respectively. Their polyproteins contain the conserved domains of an RNA helicase, a UDP-glycosyltransferase, and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which are conserved in other alphaendornaviruses. PEV2 is closely related to Brown algae endornavirus 2, whereas PEV3 is closely related to Phytophthora endornavirus 1 (PEV1), which infects a Phytophthora sp. specific to Douglas fir. PEV2 and PEV3 were detected at high titers in two original Phytophthora sp. isolates, and we found a sub-isolate with low titers of the viruses during subculture. We used the high- and low-titer isolates to evaluate the effects of the viruses on the growth, development, and fungicide sensitivities of the Phytophthora sp. host. The high-titer isolates produced smaller mycelial colonies and much higher numbers of zoosporangia than the low-titer isolate. These results suggest that PEV2 and PEV3 inhibited hyphal growth and stimulated zoosporangium formation. The high-titer isolates were more sensitive than the low-titer isolate to the fungicides benthiavalicarb-isopropyl, famoxadone, and chlorothalonil. In contrast, the high-titer isolates displayed lower sensitivity to the fungicide metalaxyl (an inhibitor of RNA polymerase I) when compared with the low-titer isolate. These results indicate that persistent infection with PEV2 and PEV3 may potentially affect the fungicide sensitivities of the host oomycete.
    03 Feb. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 12, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Antifungal activity of bacteria isolated from Japanese frog skin against plant pathogenic fungi
    Susilawati, Lela; Iwai, Noriko; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    Frogs carry bacterial communities on their skin (Harris et al., 2009) that benefit the host frogs by preventing harmful pathogen infections. Our study aimed to collect culturable bacteria from the skin of wild frogs sampled in Japan and evaluate the antagonistic activity of the bacteria toward plant pathogenic fungi. A collection of 106 bacterial isolates was obtained from three species of frogs, namely Hyla japonica, Pelophylax porosus porosus and Buergeria burgeri. Using a dual-culture method, three isolates, HjD52, HjD92 and B341, were selected based on their ability to significantly inhibit the growth of Colletotrichum orbiculare, the causal fungus of cucumber anthracnose disease. These three bacterial isolates also showed a broad-spectrum of antagonistic activity against plant pathogenic fungi. Furthermore, spray treatment with the bacterial suspensions (109 cfu/ml) effectively reduced the number of anthracnose lesions in greenhouse-grown, potted cucumber plants. Based on the 16S rDNA sequence analysis and similarity search, isolates HjD57, HjD92 and B341 were identified as Paenibacillus sp., Raoultella sp. and Citrobacter sp., respectively. This is the first report showing the potential of Paenibacillus sp., Raoultella sp. and Citrobacter sp. from frog skin to serve as potent biocontrol agents against plant diseases.
    Feb. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 153, 1049-9644, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Spray Application of Nonpathogenic Fusaria onto Rice Flowers Controls Bakanae Disease (Caused by Fusarium fujikuroi) in the Next Plant Generation
    Saito, Hiroki; Sasaki, Mai; Nonaka, Yoko; Tanaka, Jun; Tokunaga, Tomomi; Kato, Akihiro; Tran Thi Thu Thuy; Le Van Vang; Le Minh Tuong; Kanematsu, Seiji; Suzukie, Tomotaka; Kurauchi, Kenichi; Fujitaa, Naoko; Teraoka, Tohru; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    Bakanae disease, caused by Fusarium fujikuroi, is an economically important seed-borne disease of rice. F. fujikuroi is horizontally transmitted to rice flowers and vertically transmitted to the next generation via seeds. The fungus induces typical symptoms such as abnormal tissue elongation and etiolation. Sanitation of seed farms and seed disinfection are the only effective means to control bakanae disease at present; however, the efficacy of these methods is often insufficient. Therefore, alternative and innovative control methods are necessary. We developed a novel method for applying nonpathogenic fusaria as biocontrol agents by spraying spore suspensions onto rice flowers to reduce the incidence of seed-borne bakanae. We visualized the interaction between Fusarium commune W5, a nonpathogenic fusarium, and Fusarium fujikuroi using transformants expressing two different fluorescent proteins on/in rice plants. W5 inhibited hyphal extension of F. fujikuroi on/in rice flowers and seedlings, possibly by competing with the pathogen, and survived on/in rice seeds for at least 6 months. IMPORTANCE We demonstrated that a spray treatment of rice flowers with the spores of nonpathogenic fusaria mimicked the disease cycle of the seed-borne bakanae pathogen Fusarium fujikuroi and effectively suppressed the disease. Spray treatment of nonpathogenic fusaria reduced the degree of pathogen invasion of rice flowers and vertical transmission of the pathogen to the next plant generation via seeds, thereby controlling the bakanae disease. The most promising isolate, F. commune W5, colonized seeds and seedlings via treated flowers and successfully inhibited pathogen invasion, suggesting that competition with the pathogen was the mode of action. Seed-borne diseases are often controlled by seed treatment with chemical fungicides. Establishing an alternative method is a pressing issue from the perspectives of limiting fungicide resistance and increasing food security. This work provides a potential solution to these issues using a novel application technique to treat rice flowers with biocontrol agents.
    Jan. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 87, 2, 0099-2240, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Mutations Found in the Asc1 Gene That Confer Susceptibility to the AAL-Toxin in Ancestral Tomatoes from Peru and Mexico
    Tsuzuki, Rin; Cabrera Pintado, Rosa Maria; Biondi Thorndike, Jorge Andres; Gutierrez Reynoso, Dina Lida; Amasifuen Guerra, Carlos Alberto; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Aragon Caballero, Liliana Maria; Huarhua Zaquinaula, Medali Heidi; Ureta Sierra, Cledy; Alberca Cruz, Olenka Ines; Elespuru Suna, Milca Gianira; Blas Sevillano, Raul Humberto; Torres Arias, Ines Carolina; Flores Ticona, Joel; de Baldarrago, Fatima Caceres; Perez, Enrique Rodoriguez; Hozum, Takuo; Saito, Hiroki; Kotera, Shunsuke; Akagi, Yasunori; Kodama, Motoichiro; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    Tomato susceptibility/resistance to stem canker disease caused by Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici and its pathogenic factor AAL-toxin is determined by the presence of the Asc1 gene. Several cultivars of commercial tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. lycopersicum, SLL) are reported to have a mutation in Asc1, resulting in their susceptibility to AAL-toxin. We evaluated 119 ancestral tomato accessions including S. pimpinellifolium (SP), S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (SLC) and S. lycopersicum var. lycopersicum jitomate criollo (SLJ) for AAL-toxin susceptibility. Three accessions, SP PER018805, SLC PER018894, and SLJ M5-3, were susceptible to AAL-toxin. SLC PER018894 and SLJ M5-3 had a two-nucleotide deletion (nt 854_855del) in Asc1 identical to that found in SLL cv. Aichi-first. Another mutation (nt 931_932insT) that may confer AAL-toxin susceptibility was identified in SP PER018805. In the phylogenetic tree based on the 18 COSII sequences, a clade (S3) is composed of SP, including the AAL-toxin susceptible PER018805, and SLC. AAL-toxin susceptible SLC PER018894 and SLJ M5-3 were in Clade S2 with SLL cultivars. As SLC is thought to be the ancestor of SLL, and SLJ is an intermediate tomato between SLC and SLL, Asc1s with/without the mutation seem to have been inherited throughout the history of tomato domestication and breeding.
    Jan. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 10, 1, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Control of bacterial wiilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum annd Fusarium wilt by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by using pepino (Solanum muricatum Aiton) as a rootstock of tomato
    Yamazaki J, Takahata K, Kim O-K, Negishi H, Arie T, Morta Y, Shinohara H
    J Agric Sci, Tokyo Univ Agriculture
    Tokyo Univ Agriculture
    Dec. 2020, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), joint, 65, 3, 76, 82
  • Phylogenomic analysis of a 55.1 kb 19-gene dataset resolves a monophyletic Fusarium that includes the Fusarium solani Species Complex
    David M Geiser , Abdullah Al-Hatmi , Takayuki Aoki , Tsutomu Arie , Virgilio Balmas , Irene Barnes , Gary C Bergstrom , M.K. K. Bhattacharyya , Cheryl L. Blomquist , Robert Bowden , Balázs Brankovics , Daren W. Brown , Lester William Burgess , Kathryn Bushley , Mark Busman , José F. Cano-Lira , Joseph D. Carrillo , Hao-Xun Chang , Chi-Yu Chen , Wanquan Chen , Martin I. Chilvers , Sofia Noemi Chulze , Jeffrey J. Coleman , Christina A. Cuomo , Z. Wilhelm de Beer , G. Sybren de Hoog , Johanna Del Castillo-Múnera , Emerson Del Ponte , Javier Diéguez-Uribeondo , Antonio Di Pietro , Vérnonique Edel-Hermann , Wade H Elmer , Lynn Epstein , Akif Eskalen , Maria Carmela Esposto , Kathryne L. Everts , Sylvia P. Fernández-Pavía , G
    17 Nov. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Spray-application of non-pathogenic fusaria onto rice flowers controls bakanae disease caused by Fusarium fujikuroi in the next plant generation
    Hiroki Saito, Mai Sasaki, Yoko Nonaka, Jun Tanaka, Tomomi Tokunaga, Akihiro Kato, Tran Thi Thu Thuy, Le Van Vang, Le Minh Tuong, Seiji Kanematsu, Tomotaka Suzuki, Kenichi Kurauchi, Naoko Fujita, Tohru Teraoka, Ken Komatsu, Tsutomu Arie
    Appl Environ Microbiol
    06 Nov. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 87, 2, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Potential of Octanol and Octanal from Heracleum sosnowskyi Fruits for the Control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    Hpoo, May Khaing; Mishyna, Maryia; Prokhorov, Valery; Arie, Tsutomu; Takano, Akihito; Oikawa, Yosei; Fujii, Yoshiharu
    The antifungal activity of volatile compounds from the fruit, leaf, rhizome and root of 109 plant species was evaluated against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) race 1-the tomato wilt pathogen-by using the modified dish pack method. Eighty-eight plant samples inhibited mycelial growth, including volatiles from fruits of Heracleum sosnowskyi, which exhibited the strongest antifungal activity, showing 67% inhibition. Two volatile compounds from the fruits of H. sosnowskyi (octanol and octanal) and trans-2-hexenal as a control were tested for their antifungal activities against FOL race 1 and race 2. In terms of half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) values, octanol was found to be the most inhibitory compound for both pathogenic races, with the smallest EC50 values of 8.1 and 9.3 ng/mL for race 1 and race 2, respectively. In the biofumigation experiment, the lowest disease severity of tomato plants and smallest conidial population of race 1 and race 2 were found in trans-2-hexenal and octanol treated soil, while octanal had an inhibitory effect only on race 2. Therefore, our study demonstrated the effectiveness of volatile octanol and trans-2-hexenal on the control of the mycelial growth of two races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and may have potential for the future development of novel biofumigants.
    Nov. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 12, 22, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • A new era in plant pathology in Japan: incorporation of the Phytopathological Society of Japan and research reform directed by genomic studies
    Arie, Tsutomu
    Nov. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 86, 6, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 519, 522
  • 理系イノベーション人材の育成ー東京農工大学の「理系研究者ビジョナリープログラム」ー
    一般社団法人 農業土木事業協会
    Nov. 2020, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (others), joint, 99, 7, 13
  • Population Structure of Double-Stranded RNA Mycoviruses That Infect the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae in Japan
    Owashi, Yuta; Aihara, Mitsuhiro; Moriyama, Hiromitsu; Arie, Tsutomu; Teraoka, Tohru; Komatsu, Ken
    Various viruses infect Magnaporthe oryzae (syn. Pyricularia oryzae), which is a well-studied fungus that causes rice blast disease. Most research has focused on the discovery of new viruses and the hypovirulence-associated traits conferred by them. Therefore, the diversity and prevalence of viruses in wild fungal populations have not been explored. We conducted a comprehensive screening of M. oryzae mycoviruses from various regions in Japan using double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) electrophoresis and RT-PCR assays. We detected three mycoviruses, Magnaporthe oryzae virus 2 (MoV2), Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 (MoCV1), and Magnaporthe oryzae partitivirus 1 (MoPV1), among 127 of the 194 M. oryzae strains screened. The most prevalent virus was MoPV1 (58.8%), which often co-infected in a single fungal strain together with MoV2 or MoCV1. MoV2 and MoCV1 were found in 22.7 and 10.8% of strains, respectively, and they were usually distributed in different regions so that mixed-infection with these two mycoviruses was extremely rare. The predominance of MoPV1 in M. oryzae is supported by significant negative values from neutrality tests, which indicate that the population size of MoPV1 tends to increase. Population genetic analyses revealed high nucleotide diversity and the presence of phylogenetically diverse subpopulations among the MoV2 isolates. This was not the case for MoPV1. Furthermore, studies of a virus-cured M. oryzae strain revealed that MoV2 does not cause any abnormalities or symptoms in its host. However, a leaf sheath inoculation assay showed that its presence slightly increased the speed of mycelial growth, compared with virus-free mycelia. These results demonstrate that M. oryzae in Japan harbors diverse dsRNA mycovirus communities with wide variations in their population structures among different viruses.
    28 Oct. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 11, 1664-302X, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Acibenzolar-S-Methyl Restricts Infection of Nicotiana benthamiana by Plantago Asiatica Mosaic Virus at Two Distinct Stages
    Matsuo, Yuki; Novianti, Fawzia; Takehara, Miki; Fukuhara, Toshiyuki; Arie, Tsutomu; Komatsu, Ken
    Plant activators, including acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), are chemical compounds that stimulate plant defense responses to pathogens. ASM treatment inhibits infection by a variety of plant viruses, however, the mechanisms of this broad-spectrum and strong effect remain poorly understood. We employed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing viruses and Nicotiana benthamiana plants to identify the infection stages that are restricted by ASM. ASM suppressed infection by three viral species, plantago asiatica mosaic virus (PlAMV), potato virus X (PVX), and turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), in inoculated cells. Furthermore, ASM delayed the long-distance movement of PlAMV and PVX, and the cell-to-cell (short range) movement of TuMV. The ASM-mediated delay of long-distance movement of PlAMV was not due to the suppression of viral accumulation in the inoculated leaves, indicating that ASM restricts PIAMV infection in at least two independent steps. We used Arabidopsis thaliana mutants to show that the ASM-mediated restriction of PlAMV infection requires the NPR1 gene but was independent of the dicer-like genes essential for RNA silencing. Furthermore, experiments using protoplasts showed that ASM treatment inhibited PlAMV replication without cell death. Our approach, using GFP-expressing viruses, will be useful for the analysis of mechanisms underlying plant activator-mediated virus restriction.
    Nov. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 32, 11, 0894-0282, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1475, 1486
  • Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 strain D confers growth inhibition to the host fungus and exhibits multiform viral structural proteins
    Higashiura, Tomoya; Katoh, Yu; Urayama, Syun-ichi; Hayashi, Osamu; Aihara, Mitsuhiro; Fukuhara, Toshiyuki; Fuji, Shin-ichi; Kobayashi, Takashi; Hase, Shu; Arie, Tsutomu; Teraoka, Tohru; Komatsu, Ken; Moriyama, Hiromitsu
    A Japanese isolate of Magnaporthe oryzae is infected by Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1-D (MoCV1-D), which is classified in cluster II of the family Chrysoviridae. The genome of MoCV1-D consists of five dsRNAs. dsRNAs 1-4 show high identity with those of related MoCV1 viruses, whereas dsRNA5 shows relatively low identity and is sometimes deleted during virus propagation. MoCV1-D causes growth inhibition of its host fungus, and the protein encoded by its dsRNA4 impairs cell growth when expressed in yeast cells. It also causes abnormal pigmentation and colony albinization, and we showed that these phenotypes are associated with reduced accumulation of the melanin biosynthesis intermediate scylatone. MoCV1-D exhibits multiform viral structural proteins during prolonged culture. The original host isolate is co-infected with MoCV1-D, a victorivirus, and a partitivirus, and these mycoviruses are detected in cell-free supernatant fractions after prolonged liquid culturing. Hyphal fusion experiments demonstrated that MoCV1-D is transmissible via anastomosis.
    Sep. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 535, 0042-6822, DOI(公開)(r-map), 241, 254
  • High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Strain 160527, a Causal Agent of Panama Disease
    Shuta Asai, Yu Ayukawa, Pamela Gan, Sachiko Masuda, Ken Komatsu, Ken Shirasu, Tsutomu Arie
    Microbiology Resource Announcements
    American Society for Microbiology
    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense is the causal agent of banana Fusarium wilt, also known as Panama disease. Here, we present a high-quality genome sequence of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense strain 160527. The genome assembly is composed of 12 contigs with a total assembly length of 51,139,495 bp (N50 contig length, 4,884,632 bp).
    18 Jul. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 8, 29, DOI(公開)(r-map), e00654-19
  • 子嚢菌Fusarium oxysporumの多様性、および、ゲノム解析で近年明らかになってきたこと
    Tsutomu Arie
    18 Jul. 2019, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (others), only, 56, 0912-5132, 109, 114
  • Single crossover-mediated targeted nucleotide substitution and knock-in strategies with CRISPR/Cas9 system in the rice blast fungus
    Yamato, Tohru; Handa, Ai; Arazoe, Takayuki; Kuroki, Misa; Nozaka, Akihito; Kamakura, Takashi; Ohsato, Shuichi; Arie, Tsutomu; Kuwata, Shigeru
    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9)-mediated genome editing has become a promising approach for efficient and versatile genetic engineering in various organisms; however, simple and precise nucleotide modification methods in filamentous fungi have been restricted to double crossover type homologous recombination (HR). In this study, we developed a novel genome editing strategy via single crossover-mediated HR in the model filamentous fungus Pyricularia (Magnaporthe) oryzae. This method includes the CRISPR/Cas9 system and a donor vector harboring a single homology arm with point mutations at the CRISPR/Cas9 cleavage site. Using this strategy, we demonstrated highly efficient and freely programmable base substitutions within the desired genomic locus, and target gene disrupted mutants were also obtained via a shortened (100-1000 bp) single homology arm. We further demonstrated that this method allowed a one-step GFP gene knock-in at the C-terminus of the targeted gene. Since the genomic recombination does not require an intact protospacer-adjacent motif within the donor construct and any additional modifications of host components, this method can be used in various filamentous fungi for CRISPR/Cas9-based basic and applied biological analyses.
    15 May 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 9, 2045-2322, DOI(公開)(r-map), 7427
  • Differences in infectivity and pathogenicity of two Plantago asiatica mosaic virus isolates in lilies
    Tanaka, Masashi; Verbeek, Martin; Takehara, Miki; Pham, Khanh; Lemmers, Miriam; Slootweg, Casper; Arie, Tsutomu; Komatsu, Ken
    Plantago asiatica mosaic virus (PlAMV) is a member of the genus Potexvirus in the family Alphaflexiviridae and has been isolated from a variety of host plants. In particular, PlAMV isolates from ornamental lilies (Lilium spp.) cause necrotic symptoms in these plants, which significantly reduces their commercial value. However, it has not been clear whether PlAMV isolates from other host plants differ in their infectivity and/or pathogenicity to ornamental lilies, and whether growth conditions affect infectivity and pathogenicity. In this study, we inoculated an edible lily species (Lilium leichtlinii) and seven varieties of ornamental lilies with two PlAMV isolates, an isolate from ornamental lily (PlAMV-OL) and an isolate from edible lily (PlAMV-Li1). We found that PlAMV-OL showed higher infection rates and exhibited necrotic symptoms more frequently in lilies than PlAMV-Li1. Moreover, we observed higher infection rates of PlAMV-OL in open field than in greenhouse, and higher rates of necrotic symptoms in autumn test than in spring test, suggesting that growth conditions and season affect infectivity and pathogenicity of PlAMV in lilies. Our study would provide important information for estimating the risk of necrotic disease caused by PlAMV, as well as for cultivation management preventing the occurrence of the disease.
    Mar. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 153, 3, 0929-1873, DOI(公開)(r-map), 813, 823
  • Fusarium oxysporumによる病害とその研究の最近のトピック
    Jan. 2019, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.), only, 13, 15, 16
  • Fusarium diseases of cultivated plants, control, diagnosis, and molecular and genetic studies
    Arie, Tsutomu
    Fusarium diseases are significant hindrances to food plant production and are very difficult to control, especially soilborne diseases caused by F. oxysporum. First I outline the Fusarium diseases and introduce examples of the recent outbreak of Fusarium diseases in Japan. Then I summarize my studies on (1) the control of Fusarium diseases by biological agents and by inducing resistance to diseases in plants, (2) the specific detection of forms and races in F. oxysporum using immunological measures and molecular measures based on phylogeny and pathogenicity-determining genes, and (3) molecular and genetic studies on Fusarium diseases, including evolutionary, genetic, and genomic analyses of the emergence and divergence of forms and races in F. oxysporum.
    2019, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 44, 3–4, 1348-589X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 275, 281
  • Induction of resistance to diseases in plant by aerial ultrasound irradiation
    Kawakami, Aichi; Yoshida, Takanobu; Kanemaru, Yutaro; Zaquinaula, Medali Heidi Huarhua; MizuKami, Tomomichi; Arimoto, Michiko; Shibata, Takahiro; Goto, Akihiro; Enami, Yoshinari; Amano, Hiroshi; Teraoka, Tohru; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    Ultrasound, which refers to frequencies above the audible limit of human hearing, is a candidate for inducing resistance to pathogens in plants. We revealed that aerial ultrasound of 40.5 kHz could induce disease resistance in tomatoes and rice when the plants were irradiated with ultrasound of ca. 100 dB for 2 weeks during nursery season and reduced the incidence of Fusarium wilt and blast diseases, respectively, when plants were inoculated with pathogen 0 or 1 week after terminating irradiation. Disease control efficacy was also observed with ultrasound at frequencies of 19.8 and 28.9 kHz. However, cabbage yellows and powdery mildew on lettuce were not suppressed by ultrasound irradiation. No significant positive or negative effect on growth was observed in tomato and rice plants. RT-qPCR showed that the expression of PRla involved in the salicylic acid (SA) signaling pathway was upregulated in the ultrasound-irradiated tomato. (C) Pesticide Science Society of Japan
    2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 44, 1, 1348-589X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 41, 47
  • A putative RNA silencing component protein FoQde-2 is involved in virulence of the tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici
    Jo, Seong-Mi; Ayukawa, Yu; Yun, Sung-Hwan; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    RNA silencing pathways in filamentous fungi are composed of multiple component proteins and known to be involved in vegetative growth, virulence or sexual reproduction. We found that the tomato wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol), carries four homologues genes of Qde-2, an argonaute protein gene and one of the main component protein genes in Neurospora crassa. Gene targeting revealed that FoQde-2, one of the Qde-2 homologues in Fol, is involved in virulence to tomato but not in vegetative growth.
    Nov. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 84, 6, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 395, 398
  • Infectivity and pathogenicity of two different Plantago asiatica mosaic virus isolates in lilies
    Komatsu, K.; Tanaka, M.; Verbeek, M.; Arie, T.
    Oct. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 108, 10, 0031-949X, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • A non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum W5 effectively controls ”Bakanae” disease by competing with the pathogen on rice flowers and seedlings
    Saito, H.; Komatsu, K.; Arie, T.
    Oct. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 108, 10, 0031-949X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 142, 142
  • Variation of mutations in AVR genes in the field isolates of the tomato wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici
    Arie, T.; Hanyuda, S.; Masuko, R.; Ayukawa, Y.; Komatsu, K.
    Oct. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 108, 10, 0031-949X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 86, 86
  • Differences in infectivity and pathogenicity of tow Plantago asiatica mosaic virus isolates in lilies.
    Tanaka M, Vebeek M, Takehara M, Pham K, Lemmers M, Slootweg C, Arie T, Komatsu K
    Eur J Plant Pathol
    Sep. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, in press
  • Cytological karyotyping of Fusarium oxysporum by the germ tube burst method (GTBM)
    Ayukawa, Yu; Komatsu, Ken; Taga, Masatoki; Arie, Tsutomu
    Fusarium oxysporum is an ascomycete fungus including plant pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains. Genome analyses have indicated that the karyotype of F. oxysporum is diverse among isolates. Here we used the germ tube burst method (GTBM), a more reliable method than conventional cytology or pulsed field gel electrophoretis, to karyotype isolates of F. oxysporum ff. spp. lycopersici and conglutinans and nonpathogenic F. oxysporum. In this first application of GTBM for F. oxysporum, pathogenic isolates were found to have more chromosomes than in nonpathogenic isolates. We also used a ribosomal DNA probe and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to analyze chromosome structure.
    Jul. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 84, 4, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 254, 261
  • Molecular characterization of a novel mycovirus in Alternaria alternata manifesting two-sided effects: Down-regulation of host growth and up-regulation of host plant pathogenicity
    Okada, Ryo; Ichinose, Shun; Takeshita, Kana; Urayama, Syun-ichi; Fukuhara, Toshiyuki; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu; Ishihara, Atsushi; Egusa, Mayumi; Kodama, Motoichiro; Moriyama, Hiromitsu
    A double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) mycovirus was detected in a strain of Alternaria altemata showing impaired growth phenotypes. The A. altemata strain is the Japanese pear pathotype, which produces a host-specific AK-toxin. Sequence analysis of the viral genome dsRNAs revealed that this mycovirus consists of five dsRNAs and is evolutionarily related to members of the family Chrysoviridae; the virus was named Alternaria altemata chrysovirus 1 (AaCV1). AaCV1-ORF2 protein accumulated in dsRNA-high-titer sub-isolates with severely impaired phenotypes; heterologous AaCV1-ORF2 overexpression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae caused growth inhibition. In contrast to this yeast growth inhibition phenomenon, the dsRNA-high-titer isolates displayed enhanced pathogenicity against Japanese pear plants, in accordance with a 13-fold increase in AK-toxin level in one such isolate. These findings indicated that AaCV1 is a novel mycovirus that exhibits two contrasting effects, impairing growth of the host fungus while rendering the host 'hypervirulene to the plant.
    Jun. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 519, 0042-6822, DOI(公開)(r-map), 23, 32
  • Panama disease of banana occurred in Miyakojima Island, Okinawa, Japan
    Nitani, Takao; Akai, Kotaro; Hasegawa, Ryo; Ayukawa, Yu; Romero Garcia, Ricardo; Chitose, Atsushi; Komatsu, Ken; Kikuno, Hidehiko; Natsuaki, Keiko T.; Arie, Tsutomu
    In 2016, in Miyakojima, Okinawa, Japan, banana plants (Musa x paradisiaca) 'Shima-banana' developed yellowing and wilt associated with vascular discoloration of the pseudostems. Fusarium oxysporum, identified based on morphological characters, was frequently isolated from the vascular tissue of the infected plant and reproduced the original symptoms on 'Shima-banana' after drench inoculation with a spore suspension. Thereby, we determined that the disease is Panama disease caused by F. oxysporum. This is the first official report of Panama disease (Panama-byo in Japanese) of banana in Japan.
    Mar. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 84, 2, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 165, 168
  • Infection by Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 strain A triggers reduced virulence and pathogenic race conversion of its host fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae
    Aihara, Mitsuhiro; Urayama, Syun-ichi; Minh Tuong Le; Katoh, Yu; Higashiura, Tomoya; Fukuhara, Toshiyuki; Arie, Tsutomu; Teraoka, Tohru; Komatsu, Ken; Moriyama, Hiromitsu
    Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 strain A (MoCV1-A) is associated with an impaired growth phenotype of its host fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. In this report, we assayed the virulence and pathogenicity of MoCV1-A-infected and MoCV1-A-free M. oryzae on rice plants. MoCV1-A infection did not affect virulence-associated fungal traits, such as conidial germination and appressorium formation. However, after punch inoculation of leaves on rice plants, MoCV1-A-infected strain formed smaller lesions than the MoCV1-A-free strain did on all rice varieties tested, showing that MoCV1-A infection resulted in reduced virulence of host fungi in rice plants. In contrast, after spray inoculation of rice seedlings, in some cases, MoCV1-A-infected and MoCV1-A-free strains caused different lesion types (resistance to susceptible, or vice versa) on individual international differential rice varieties. However, we did not find any gain/loss of the fungal avirulence genes by PCR, suggesting that MoCV1-A infection can convert the pathogenicity of the host M. oryzae from avirulence to virulence, or from virulence to avirulence, depending on the rice variety. We also confirmed the correlation of these race conversion events and invasive hyphae growth of the fungi in a leaf sheath inoculation assay. These data suggested that MoCV1-A infection generally confers hypovirulence to the fungal host and could be a driving force to generate physiological diversity, including pathogenic races.
    Mar. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 84, 2, 1345-2630, DOI(公開)(r-map), 92, 103
  • N-terminal region of cysteine-rich protein (CRP) in carlaviruses is involved in the determination of symptom types
    Fujita, Naoko; Komatsu, Ken; Ayukawa, Yu; Matsuo, Yuki; Hashimoto, Masayoshi; Netsu, Osamu; Teraoka, Tohru; Yamaji, Yasuyuki; Namba, Shigetou; Arie, Tsutomu
    Plant viruses in the genus Carlavirus include more than 65 members. Plants infected with carlaviruses exhibit various symptoms, including leaf malformation and plant stunting. Cysteine-rich protein (CRP) encoded by carlaviruses has been reported to be a pathogenicity determinant. Carlavirus CRPs contain two motifs in their central part: a nuclear localization signal (NLS) and a zinc finger motif (ZF). In addition to these two conserved motifs, carlavirus CRPs possess highly divergent, N-terminal, 34 amino acid residues with unknown function. In this study, to analyse the role of these distinct domains, we tested six carlavirus CRPs for their RNA silencing suppressor activity, ability to enhance the pathogenicity of a heterologous virus and effects on virus accumulation levels. Although all six tested carlavirus CRPs showed RNA silencing suppressor activity at similar levels, symptoms induced by the Potato virus X (PVX) heterogeneous system exhibited two different patterns: leaf malformation and whole-plant stunting. The expression of each carlavirus CRP enhanced PVX accumulation levels, which were not correlated with symptom patterns. PVX-expressing CRP with mutations in either NLS or ZF did not induce symptoms, suggesting that both motifs play critical roles in symptom expression. Further analysis using chimeric CRPs, in which the N-terminal region was replaced with the corresponding region of another CRP, suggested that the N-terminal region of carlavirus CRPs determined the exhibited symptom types. The up-regulation of a plant gene upp-L, which has been reported in a previous study, was also observed in this study; however, the expression level was not responsible for symptom types.
    Jan. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 19, 1, 1464-6722, DOI(公開)(r-map), 180, 190
  • N-terminal region of cysteine-rich protein (CRP) in carlaviruses is involved in the determination of symptom types.
    Fujita N, Komatsu K, Ayukawa Y, Matsuo Y, Hashimoto M, Netsu O, Teraoka T, Yamaji Y, Namba S, Arie T
    Mol Plant Pathol
    Jan. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 19, 180, 190
  • Mechanism and diversity of pathogenic evolution and differentiation of soil-borne Fusarium oxysporum
    Tsutomu Arie
    Soil Microorganisms
    2018, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 72, 2, 79, 83
  • A putative RNA silencing component protein FoQde-2 is involved in virulence of the tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    Seong-Mi Jo, Yu Ayukawa, Sung-Hwan Yun, Ken Komatsu, Tsutomu Arie,
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 84, in press
  • A mobile pathogenicity chromosome in Fusarium oxysporum for infection of multiple cucurbit species
    van Dam, Peter; Fokkens, Like; Ayukawa, Yu; van der Gragt, Michelle; ter Horst, Anneliek; Brankovics, Balazs; Houterman, Petra M.; Arie, Tsutomu; Rep, Martijn
    The genome of Fusarium oxysporum (Fo) consists of a set of eleven 'core' chromosomes, shared by most strains and responsible for housekeeping, and one or several accessory chromosomes. We sequenced a strain of Fo f.sp. radicis-cucumerinum (Forc) using PacBio SMRT sequencing. All but one of the core chromosomes were assembled into single contigs, and a chromosome that shows all the hallmarks of a pathogenicity chromosome comprised two contigs. A central part of this chromosome contains all identified candidate effector genes, including homologs of SIX6, SIX9, SIX11 and SIX13. We show that SIX6 contributes to virulence of Forc. Through horizontal chromosome transfer (HCT) to a non-pathogenic strain, we also show that the accessory chromosome containing the SIX gene homologs is indeed a pathogenicity chromosome for cucurbit infection. Conversely, complete loss of virulence was observed in Forc016 strains that lost this chromosome. We conclude that also a non-wilt-inducing Fo pathogen relies on effector proteins for successful infection and that the Forc pathogenicity chromosome contains all the information necessary for causing root rot of cucurbits. Three out of nine HCT strains investigated have undergone large-scale chromosome alterations, reflecting the remarkable plasticity of Fo genomes.
    Aug. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 7, 2045-2322, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay with a universal QProbe can detect SNPs determining races in plant pathogenic fungi
    Ayukawa, Yu; Hanyuda, Saeri; Fujita, Naoko; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    Tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) is grouped into three races based on their pathogenicity to different host cultivars. Rapid detection and discrimination of Fol races in field soils is important to prevent tomato wilt disease. Although five types of point mutations in secreted in xylem 3 (SIX3) gene, which are characteristic of race 3, have been reported as a molecular marker for the race, detection of these point mutations is laborious. The aim of this study is to develop a rapid and accurate method for the detection of point mutations in SIX3 of Fol. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) of SIX3 gene with the universal QProbe as well as two joint DNAs followed by annealing curve analysis allowed us to specifically detect Fol and discriminate race 3 among other races in about one hour. Our developed method is applicable for detection of races of other plant pathogenic fungi as well as their pesticide-resistant mutants that arise through point mutations in a particular gene.
    Jun. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 7, 2045-2322, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • L-Methionine induces resistance to Fusarium wilt of tomato plants
    Saito M, Nakajima M, ARIE T, Akutsu K
    Jpn J Phytopathol
    Mar. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 83, 1, 3, 9
  • Sequencing of individual chromosomes of plant pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum
    Kashiwa, Takeshi; Kozaki, Toshinori; Ishii, Kazuo; Turgeon, B. Gillian; Teraoka, Tohru; Komatsu, Ken; Arie, Tsutomu
    A small chromosome in reference isolate 4287 of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) has been designated as a 'pathogenicity chromosome' because it carries several pathogenicity related genes such as the Secreted In Xylem (SIX) genes. Sequence assembly of small chromosomes in other isolates, based on a reference genome template, is difficult because of karyotype variation among isolates and a high number of sequences associated with transposable elements. These factors often result in misassembly of sequences, making it unclear whether other isolates possess the same pathogenicity chromosome harboring SIX genes as in the reference isolate. To overcome this difficulty, single chromosome sequencing after Contour-clamped Homogeneous Electric Field (CHEF) separation of chromosomes was performed, followed by de novo assembly of sequences. The assembled sequences of individual chromosomes were consistent with results of probing gels of CHEF separated chromosomes with SIX genes. Individual chromosome sequencing revealed that several SIX genes are located on a single small chromosome in two pathogenic forms of F. oxysporum, beyond the reference isolate 4287, and in the cabbage yellows fungus F. oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans. The particular combination of SIX genes on each small chromosome varied. Moreover, not all SIX genes were found on small chromosomes; depending on the isolate, some were on big chromosomes. This suggests that recombination of chromosomes and/or translocation of SIX genes may occur frequently. Our method improves sequence comparison of small chromosomes among isolates. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    Jan. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 98, 1087-1845, DOI(公開)(r-map), 46, 51
  • Rapid sex identification method of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) in the vegetative stage using loop-mediated isothermal amplification
    Fujita, Naoko; Ayukawa, Yu; Fuke, Mitsutoshi; Teraoka, Tohru; Watanabe, Kyoko; Arie, Tsutomu; Komatsu, Ken
    A LAMP-mediated, simple and rapid method for sex identification in spinach was developed. Nutrient compositional analysis showed a higher iron content in male than female plants. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is a dioecious plant with its sex determined by the XY system. Male and female floral organs differ morphologically, but plants do not differ in the vegetative stage before flowering. PCR with Y chromosome markers has been used to determine the sex of dioecious plants before flowering. In this study, we developed a genotype-specific loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for sex identification of individual vegetative-stage spinach plants, using primers designed for the genomic region flanked by male-specific markers. LAMP could specifically detect spinach males. The method was further modified to omit DNA purification and use just an aliquot of crude leaf extract homogenized in water. We compared the nutrient composition of males and females, finding higher amounts of iron in the males. Our method could therefore be used for rapidly discriminating male plants in the field, which is useful for efficient hybrid breeding.
    Jan. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 245, 1, 0032-0935, DOI(公開)(r-map), 221, 226
  • Overview of the disease resistance of plants
    Tsutomu Arie
    JATAFF Journal
    Sep. 2016, only, 4, 9, 3, 7
  • Detection of cabbage yellows fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans in soil by PCR and real-time PCR
    Kashiwa T, Inami K, Teraoka T, Komatsu K, Arie T
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Aug. 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, N, N, DOI(公開)(r-map), N
  • Detection and differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 using loop-mediated isothermal amplification with three primer sets.
    Ayukawa Y, Komatsu K, Kashiwa T, Akai K, Yamada M, Teraoka T, Arie T
    Lett Appl Microbiol.
    Jul. 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 63, 3, DOI(公開)(r-map), 202, 209
  • Suppressive effects of mycoviral proteins encoded by Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 strain A on conidial germination of the rice blast fungus
    Syun-ichi Urayama, Yuri Kimura, Yu Katoh, Tomoko Ohta, Nobuya Onozuka, Toshiyuki Fukuhara, Tsutomu Arie, Tohru Teraoka, Ken Komatsu, Hiromitsu Moriyama
    Virus Research
    Jul. 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 223, 10–19
  • A new biotype of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 2 emerged by a transposon-driven mutation of avirulence gene AVR1
    Kashiwa T, Suzuki T, Sato A, Akai K, Teraoka T, Komatsu K, Arie T
    FEMS Microbiology Letters
    May 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 363, DOI(公開)(r-map), fnw132
  • Detection of Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 in Japan and establishment of a rapid, sensitive and direct diagnostic method based on reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification.
    Komatsu K, Urayama SI, Katho Y, Fuji SI, Hase S, Fukuhara T, Arie T, Teraoka T, Moriyama H
    Archives of Virology
    2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 161, 317, 326
  • Genome sequence of a novel victorivirus identified in the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria arborescens.
    Komatsu K, Katayama Y, Imatus T, Mizutani T, Fukuhara T, Kodama M, Arie T, Teraoka T, Moriyama H
    Archives of Virology
    2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 161, 1701, 1704
  • Genome sequence of a novel mitovirus identified in the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria arborescens.
    Komatsu K, Katayama Y, Imatus T, Mizutani T, Fukuhara T, Kodama M, Arie T, Teraoka T, Moriyama H
    Archives of Virology
    2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 161, 2627, 2631
  • Development of an environment-friendry disinfection device for rice seed using steam condensation heat (part 1) -Selection of treatment condition and its control effect-
    Noda T, Hidaka Y, Iyota H, Ochi A, Sakai K, Yabu T, Uwagaki Y, Mimuro G, Morikawa T, Isota J, Hoshino S, Arie T, Nakamura T, Karube Y
    Oct. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 77, 5, 371, 383
  • Tailor-made CRISPR/Cas system for highly efficient targeted gene replacement in the rice blast fungus
    Arazoe T, Miyoshi K, Yamato T, Ohsato S, Arie T, Kuwata S
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering
    Aug. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, DOI(公開)(r-map), 10.1002/bit.25662
  • バナナパナマ病の分子診断法に関する最近の話題
    Jun. 2015, joint, 69, 6, 407, 409
  • Tailor-made TALEN system for highly efficient targeted gene replacement in the rice blast fungus
    Arazoe T, Ogawa T, Miyoshi K, Yamato T, Ohsato S, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Arie T, Kuwata S
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering
    Apr. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 112, 1335, 42
  • A detection method based on reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification for a genetically heterogeneous plantago asiatica mosaic birus
    Komatsu K, Maejima K, Fujita N, Netsu O, Tomomotsu T, Arie T, Teraoka T, Namba S
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 81, 297, 303
  • Rural Development by silk industrilas in the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Makoto Iikubo, Yoshiko Kawabata, Masaaki Yamada, Umarov Ramazanovich Shavkat, Kahor Yavkashtiyev, Vyacheslav Aparin, Tsutomu Arie
    J Arid Land Studies
    Dec. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 24, 3, 331, 334
  • 植物体への超音波処理による病害防除技術
    Ultrasonic Technology
    Aug. 2014, joint, 26, 5, 56, 60
  • Effect of mycovirus on virulence and pathogenicity of rice blast fungus, and its practical application
    浦山俊一・Le Minh Tuong・岡田 亮・加藤 優・福原敏行・有江 力・森山裕充・寺岡 徹
    Soil Microorganisms
    May 2014, joint, 68, 1, 3, 5
  • The effect of chemicals on somatic homologous recombination in the rice blast fungus: its possible application for detection of mycotoxins
    Arazoe T, Ohasto S, Maeda K, Arie T, Kuwata S
    JSM Mycotoxins
    Apr. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 64, 141, 146
  • 薬剤ストレス処理により誘導される糸状菌の体細胞相同組換えを利用したマイコトキシンバイオアッセイ系への展開
    JSM Mycotoxins
    Apr. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 64, 87, 94
  • Experimental evidence of a pathogenic change caused by homologous recombination between endogenous and introduced-dysfunctional Avr-Pita genes in Pyricularia oryzae
    Arazoe T, Kuwata S, Arie T, Ohsato S
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Apr. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 80, 153, 157
  • Site-specific DNA double-strand break generated by I-SceI endonuclease enhances ectopic homologous recombination in Pyricularia oryzae
    Takayuki Arazoe, Tetsuya Younomaru, Shuichi Ohsato, Makoto Kimura, Tsutomu Arie, Shigeru Kuwata
    FEMS Microbiology Letters
    Mar. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 352, 2, DOI(公開)(r-map), 221, 229
  • First report of myrothecium rhizome spot of ginger (Zingiber officinale) caused by Myrothecium verrucaria in Japan
    Yamazaki M, Morita Y, Arie T
    Jap J Phytopathol
    Feb. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 80, 1, 11, 15
  • The tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici shares common ancestors with nonpathogenic F. oxysporum isolated from wild tomatoes in the Peruvian Andes
    Inami K1, Kashiwa T, Kawabe M, Onokubo-Okabe A, Ishikawa N, Pérez ER, Hozumi T, Caballero LA, de Baldarrago FC, Roco MJ, Madadi KA, Peever TL, Teraoka T, Kodama M, Arie T.
    Microbes Environ
    Feb. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 29, 2, DOI(公開)(r-map), 200, 210
  • Effect of mycovirus on virulence and pathogenicity of rice blast fungus, and its practical application
    Urayama S, Tuong LM, Okada R, Kato Y, Fukuhara T, Arie T, Moriyama H, Teraoka T
    Soil Microorganisms
    Feb. 2014, joint, 68, 1, 3, 5
  • A dsRNA mycovirus, Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1-B, suppresses vegetative growth and development of the rice blast fungus
    Syun-ichi Urayama, Hirofumi Sakoda, Ryoko Takai, Yu Katoh, Tuong Minh Le, Toshiyuki Fukuhara, Tsutomu Arie, Tohru Teraoka, Hiromitsu Moriyama
    Jan. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 448, 265, 273
  • トマトや稲の苗への超音波暴露による「病害抵抗性」の誘導
    有江 力・金丸雄一郎・寺岡 徹・加藤亮宏・川上大地・吉田隆延・水上智道・田中庸之
    Sep. 2013, joint, 60, 9, 56, 57
  • Big data and data mining in genomic sciences
    Ishii K, Sato A, Kozaki T, Arie T, Teraoka T
    Journal of the Japan Statistical Society
    Sep. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 43, 1, 99, 111
  • An avirulence gene homologue in the tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 functions as a virulence gene in the cabbage yellows fungus F. oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans
    Takeshi Kashiwa • Keigo Inami • Masashi Fujinaga • Hideki Ogiso • Takanobu Yoshida • Tohru Teraoka • Tsutomu Arie
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Jul. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 未定, 未定, DOI(公開)(r-map), 未定
  • Fusarium proliferatum, an additional bulb rot pathogen of Chinese chive
    Mutsuko Yamazaki • Yasuaki Morita • Takeshi Kashiwa • Tohru Teraoka • Tsutomu Arie
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Jul. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 未定, 未定, DOI(公開)(r-map), 未定
  • Construction of a system for exploring mitotic homologous recombination in the genome of Pyricularia oryzae
    Takayuki Arazoe • Shuichi Ohsato • Tsutomu Arie • Katsuyoshi Yoneyama • Shigeru Kuwata
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Jul. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 未定, 未定, DOI(公開)(r-map), 未定
  • Heterotrimeric G protein β subunit GPB1 and MAP kinase MPK1 regulate hyphal growth and female fertility in Fusarium sacchari
    Isao Kaneko, Makoto Iyama-Kadono, Kana Togashi-Nishigata, Isamu Yamaguchi, Tohru Teraoka, Tsutomu Arie
    Mar. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 54, 2, DOI(公開)(r-map), 148, 157
  • A genetic mechanism for emergence of Races in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici: Inactivation of avirulence gene AVR1 by transposon iInsertion
    Inami K, Yoshioka-Akiyama C, Morita Y, Yamasaki M, Teraoka T, Arie T
    PLoS ONE
    Aug. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 7, 8, e44101
  • Characterization of Magnaporthe oryzae Chrysovirus 1 structural proteins and their expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
    Urayama S, Ohta T, Onozuka N, Sakoda H, Fukuhara T, Arie T, Teraoka T, Moriyama H
    J Virol
    Aug. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 86, 15, 8287, 8295
  • Rice false smut pathogen, Ustilaginoidea virens, invades through small gap at the apex of a rice spikelet before heading
    Ashizawa T, Takahashi M, Arai M, Arie T
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Jul. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 78, 3, 255, 259
  • Molecular phylogeny and PCR-based differentiation of the pathogenic types of Fusarium oxysporum in tomato
    Yasushi Hirano, Tsutomu Arie
    Plant Protection
    May 2012, joint, 66, 5, 281, 287
  • 四季を再現した植物工場でのブルーベリー周年生産
    荻原 勲・有江 力・車 敬愛・堀内尚美
    Apr. 2012, joint, 157, 8, 14
  • 第17回国際植物保護会議に参加して
    山本 出、梅津憲治、米山弘一、有江 力、上山 功
    Feb. 2012, joint, 37, 1, 112, 121
  • Mode of action of Talaromyces sp. KNB422, a biocontrol agent against rice seedling diseases
    Miyake T, Kato A, Tateishi H, Teraoka T, Arie T
    J Pestic Sci
    Feb. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 37, 1, 56, 61
  • Use of fluorescenct proteins to visualize interactions between the Bakanae disease pathogen Gibberella fujikuroi and the biocontrol agent Talaromyces sp. KNB-422
    Kato A, Miyake T, Nishigata K, Tateishi H, Teraoka T, Arie T
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Jan. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 78, 1, DOI(公開)(r-map), 54, 61
  • First report of Phytophthora rot of ginger (Zingiber officinale) caused by Phytophthora citrophthora in Japan
    Yamazaki M, Matsuoka H, Yano K, Morita Y, Uematsu S, Takeuchi S, Arie T
    Jpn J Phytopathol
    Nov. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 77, 4, 299, 303
  • GMC oxidoreductase, a highly expressed protein in a potent biocontrol agent Fusarium oxysporum COng:1-2, is dispensable for biocontrol activity.
    Kawabe M, Onokubo Okabe A, Arimoto Y, Yoshida T, Azegami K, Teraoka T., Arie T
    J Gen Appl Microbiol
    Sep. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 57, 3, 207, 217
  • Contrasting Codon Usage Patterns and Purifying Selection at the Mating Locus in Putatively Asexual Alternaria Fungal Species
    Stewart JE, Kawabe M, Abdo Z, Arie T, Peever TL
    PLoS ONE
    Jul. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 6, 5, DOI(公開)(r-map), e20083
  • Transgenic rice plants that over-express the mannose-binding rice lectin have enhanced resistance to rice blast
    Shinjo A, Araki Y, Hirano K, Arie T, Ugaki M, Teraoka T
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Apr. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 77, 2, 85, 92
  • Mycoviruses related to chrysovirus affect vegetative growth in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
    Urayama S, Kato S, Suzuki Y, Aoki N, Le MT, Arie T, Teraoka T, FUkuhara T, Moriyama H
    J Gen Virol
    Dec. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 91, 3085, 3094
  • Loss-of-function of the avirulence gene, SIX4, by transposon-insertion in tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    Keigo Inami, Yasuaki Morita, Chizu Yoshioka, Tohru Teraoka, Tsutomu Arie
    Gewasbescherming jaargang
    Dec. 2010, joint, 41, 6, 300
  • Phylogeny and Phytopathogenicity mechanisms of soilborne Fusarium oxysporum
    Tsutomu Arie
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Dec. 2010, only, 76, 6, 403, 405
  • Phylogeny and phytopathogenicity mechanisms of soilborne Fusarium oxysporum
    ARIE T
    Jpn J Phytopathol
    Sep. 2010, only, 76, 3, 121, 123
  • 平成22年度論文賞対象論文の概要とその研究背景
    吉田隆延、宮田雄一郎、川部眞登、寺岡 徹、有江 力
    Aug. 2010, joint, 35, 3, 370, 372
  • Current State and Future Prospect for Microbial-Pesticides
    Tsutomu Arie, Yasuhisa Kunimi
    Aug. 2010, joint, 27, 9, 7, 17
  • Resisitant and susceptible responses in tomato to cyst nematode are differentially regulated by salicylic acid
    Taketo Uehara, Shunpei Sugiyama, Hideyuki Matsuura, Tsutomu Arie, Chikara Masuta
    Plant Cell Physiol
    Aug. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 51, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1524, 1536
  • Population dynamics and pathogenic races of rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae in the Meking Delta in Vietnum
    Minh Tuong Le, Tsutomu Arie, Tohru Teraoka
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Jun. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 76, 3, 177, 182
  • リアルタイムPCRによるトマト萎凋病菌レースの特異識別
    稲見圭悟、吉岡千津、寺岡 徹、有江 力、平野泰志、川部眞登、對馬誠也
    May 2010, joint, 64, 5, 311, 318
  • Real-time PCR for differential determination of the tomato wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycoperisici, and its races
    Keigo Inami, Chizu Yoshioka, Yasushi Hirano, Masato Kawabe, Seiya Tsushima, Tohru Teraoka, Tsutomu Arie
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Apr. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 76, 2, 116, 121
  • Large-scale analysis of full-length cDNAs from the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivar Micro-Tom, a reference system for the Solanaceae genomics
    Koh Aoki, Kentaro Yano, Ayako Suzuki, Shingo Kawamura, Nozomu Sakurai, Kunihiro Suda, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Tatsuya Suzuki, Taneaki Tsugane, Manabu Watanabe, Kazuhide Ooga, Maiko Torii, Takanori Narita, Tadasu Shin-i, Yuji Kohara, Naoki Yamamoto, Hideki Takahashi, Yuichiro Watanabe, Mayumi Egusa, Motoichiro Kodama, Yuki Ichinose, Mari Kikuchi, Sumire Fukushima, Akiko Okabe, Tsutomu Arie, Yuko Sato, Katsumi Yazawa, Shinobu Satoh, Toshikazu Omura, Hiroshi Ezura and Daisuke Shibata
    BMC Genomics
    Mar. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 11, 210
  • Fusarium oxysporumの病原性関連遺伝子の探索
    川部眞登、有江 力
    Jan. 2010, joint, 64, 1, 31, 35
  • Inhibition of histone deacetylase causs reduction of appressorium formation in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
    Izawa M, Takekawa O, Arie T, Teraoka T, Yoshida M, Kimura M, Kamakura T
    J Gen Appl Microbiol
    Nov. 2009, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 55, 489, 498
  • 微生物殺菌剤の現状と今後の展望
    有江 力
    Oct. 2009, only, 13, 1, 1, 7
  • Variation and Phylogeny of Fusarium oxysporum isolates based in nucleotide sequence of polygalacturonase genes
    Hirano Yasushi, Tsutomu Arie
    Microbes and Environments
    Jun. 2009, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 24, 2, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • A novel mycovirus associated with four double-stranded RNAs affects host fungal growth in Alternaria alternata
    Aoki N, Moriyama H, Kodama M, Arie T, Teraoka T, Fukuhara T
    Virus Res
    Apr. 2009, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 140, 179, 187
  • イネいもち病菌及びアルタナリア菌の生育を抑制するマイコウイルスを世界で初めて発見
    森山裕充・青木菜々子・加藤幸栄・鈴木 佑・浦山俊一・浮池孔洸・児玉基一朗・有江 力・寺岡 徹・福原敏行
    BRAIN Techno News
    Mar. 2009, joint, 132, 5, 9
  • Diversity and evolution of pathogenicity in Fusarium oxysporum
    Tsutomu Arie, Keigo Inami, Yasushi Hirano, Junichiro Enya, Chizu Yoshioka, Masato Kawabe, Motoichiro Kodma, Tohru Teroka
    PSJ Soilborne Disease Workshop report
    Sep. 2008, joint, 24, 23, 32
  • 有機栽培とは
    有江 力
    Jul. 2008, only, 2008, 7, 52
  • PCR-based analysis of disease in tomato singly or mixed inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici races 1 and 2
    Olusegun Samuel Balogun, Yasushi Hirano, Tohru Teraoka, Tsutomu Arie
    Phytopathol Mediterr
    Jul. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 47, 1, 50, 60
  • Biocontrol activity in a nonpathogenic REMI mutant of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans and characterization of its disrupted gene
    Takanobu Yoshida, Masato Kawabe, Yuichiro Miyata, Tohru Teraoka, Tsutomu Arie
    Journal of Pesticide Science
    Jul. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 33, 3, DOI(公開)(r-map), 234, 242
  • Involvement of jasmonic acid signaling in bacterial wilt disease resistance induced by biocontrol agent Pythium oligandrum in tomato
    Hase S, Takahashi S, Takenaka S, Nakaho K, Arie T, Seo S, Ohashi Y, Takahashi H
    Plant Pathology
    May 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 57, 5, DOI(公開)(r-map), 870, 876
  • Comparison of cellobiose dehydrogenase and cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase activities between Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, and its FCD1-disruptant
    Kawabe M, Okabe A, Teraoka T, Arie T
    Soil Microorganisms
    Apr. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 62, 1, 43, 47
  • Isolation of endophtic bacteria promoting the resistance to bacterial wilt and the growth of tomato
    Nara Y, Kato K, Kawarazaki H, Tabuchi H, Goto M, Teraoka T, Arie T, Kijima T
    Soil Microorganisms
    Apr. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 62, 1, 33, 41
  • Biological and phylogenetic characterization of Fusarium oxysporum complex, which causes yellows on Brassica spp., and proposal of F. oxysporum f. sp. rapae, a novel forma specialis pathogenic on B. rapa in Japan
    J. Enya, M. Togawa, T. Takeuchi, S. Yoshida, S. Tsushima, T. Arie, and T. Sakai
    Apr. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 98, 4, 475, 483
  • Novel mating type-dependent transcripts at the mating type locus in Magnaporthe oryzae
    Masaki Kanamori, Hana Kato, Nobuko Yasuda, Shinzo Koizumi, Tobin L. Peever, Takashi Kamakura, Tohru Teraoka, and Tsutomu Arie
    Nov. 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 403, DOI(公開)(r-map), 6, 17
  • Plant Activator
    Tsutomu Arie, Hideo Nakashita
    Plant Protection
    Oct. 2007, joint, 61, 10, 531, 536
  • Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae in Japan based on phylogenetic analyses of rDNA-IGS and MAT1 sequences
    Masato Kawabe, Kazunori Katsube, Takanobu Yoshida, Tsutomu Arie and Kenichi Tsuchiya
    J. Gen. Plant Pathol.
    Oct. 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 73, 5, DOI(公開)(r-map), 353, 359
  • Mode of action of Trichoderma asperellum SKT-1, a biocontrol agent against Gibberella fujikuroi
    S. Watanabe, K. Kumakura, N. Izawa, K. Nagayama, T. Mitachi, M. Kanamori, T. Teraoka, T. Arie
    J. Pestic. Sci.
    Jun. 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 32, 3, 222, 228
  • 植物の誘導全身抵抗性
    有江 力
    May 2007, only, 121, 10, 13
  • Control efficacy of validamycin A against Fusarium wilt correlated with the severity of phytotoxic necrosis formed on tomato tissues
    Ryo Ishikawa, Kentaro Shirouzu, Hideo Nakashita, Tohru Teraoka and Tsutomu Arie
    J. Pestic. Sci.
    May 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 32, 2, 83, 88
  • Tomato as a model plant for plant-pathogen interactions
    Tsutomu Arie, Hideki Takahashi, Motoichiro Kodama, Tohru Teraoka
    Plant Biotechnology
    Mar. 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 24, 1, 135, 147
  • Inhabitancy and colonization on healthy rice plants by Glomerella cingulata
    S. Yoshida, T. Tsukiboshi, T. Arie, H. Shinohara, M. Koitabashi, S. Tsushima
    J Phytopathology
    Jan. 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 155, 1, 38, 44
  • A simple method for a mimni-preparation of fungal DNA
    K-i. Saitoh, K. Togashi, T. Arie, T. Teraoka
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Dec. 2006, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 72, 6, 348, 350
  • 微生物農薬による病害防除の現状と今後の展望
    Nov. 2006, only, 50, 11, 20, 24
  • FCD1 encoding protein homologous to cellobiose: quinone oxidoreductase in Fusarium oxysporum
    M. Kawabe, T. Yoshida, T. Teraoka, T. Arie
    Nov. 2006, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 382, 100, 110
  • PCR-based differenciation of Fusarium oxysporum ff. sp. lycopersici and radicis-lycopersici and raced of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    Y. Hirano, T. Arie
    J Gen Plant Pathol
    Oct. 2006, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 72, 5, 273, 283
  • 芝草病原菌のrDNA ITS領域を利用した分子診断マーカーの構築
    山家愛祈・三堀友子・土田智美・新宮良宜・有江 力・米山勝美
    Oct. 2006, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 35, 1, 1, 14
  • Beta-cyanoalanine synthase as a molecular marker for induced resistance by fungal glycoprotein elicitor and commercial plant activators
    H. Takahashi, T. Ishihara, S. Hase, A. Chiba, K. Nakaho, T. Arie, T. Teraoka, M. Iwata, T. Tsugane, D. Shibata, S. Takenaka
    Aug. 2006, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 96, 8, 908, 916
  • バリダマイシンAの茎葉散布によるトマト萎凋病防除効果のメカニズム
    石川 亮・有江 力
    Plant Protection
    Apr. 2006, joint, 60, 4, 219, 223
  • Foliar spray of validamycin A or validoxylamine A controls tomato Fusarium wilt
    Ryo Ishikawa, Kentaro Shirouzu, Hideo Nakashita, Han-Young Lee, Takayuki Motoyama, Isamu Yamaguchi, Tohru Teraoka, Tsutomu Arie
    Oct. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 95, 10, 1209, 1216
  • 第2回農薬バイオサイエンス研究会
    有江 力
    Aug. 2005, joint, 30, 3, 287, 288
  • 農薬科学の歴史はまだ浅い
    Aug. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 30, 3, 303, 304
  • Three evolutionary lineages of tomato wilt pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, based on sequences of IGS, MAT1, and pg1, are each composed of isolates of a single mating type and a single or closely related vegetative compatibility group
    M.?Kawabe, Y.?Kobayashi, G.?Okada, I.?Yamaguchi, T.?Teraoka and T.?Arie
    J. Gen. Plant Pathol.
    Aug. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 71, 4, 263, 272
  • Possible roles and functions of LPL1 gene encoding lysophospholipase during early infection by Magnaporthe grisea
    M.?Kanamori, K.-i.?Saitoh, T.?Arie, T.?Kamakura and T.?Teraoka
    J. Gen. Plant Pathol.
    Aug. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 71, 4, 253, 262
  • 設立50周年記念アンケート調査報告
    宍戸雅宏・有江 力・片山葉子・西山雅也・藤井 毅
    Apr. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 59, 10, 53, 61
  • Catalog of Micro-Tom tomato responses to common fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens
    H, Takahashi, A. Shimizu, T. Arie , S. Rosmalawati, S. Fukushima, M. Kikuchi, Y. Hikichi, A. Kanda, A. Takahashi, A. Kiba, K. Ohnishi, Y. Ichinose, F. Taguchi, C. Yasuda, M. Kodama, M. Egusa, C. Masuta, H. Sawada, D. Shibata, K. Hori and Y. Watanabe
    J. Gen. Plant Pathol.
    Feb. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 71, 1, 8, 22
  • Pathogenesis-related genes and factors in plant pathogenic Fusarium spp.
    Arie, T., Nakamura, N., Kawabe, M., Teraoka, T.
    Program and Abstracts of The 2004 KSPP Annual Meeting & International Symposium
    Oct. 2004, joint, 54, 57
  • Do consortial research prijects contribute tword analysis of tomato-Fusarium interactions?
    有江 力・曳地康史・児玉基一朗・増田 税・澤田宏之・渡辺雄一郎・高橋英樹
    PSJ Plant-Microbe Interactions Symposium Report
    Aug. 2004, joint, 40, 141, 149
  • 植物病理、菌類分野
    プロフェッショナル英和辞典 スペッド イオス 生命化学編
    Mar. 2004, joint
  • Cloning a pathogenicity-related gene, FPD1, in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    M. Kawabe, K. Mizutani, T. Yoshida, T. Teraoka, K. Yoneyama, I. Yamaguchi
    J. Gen. Plant Pathol.
    Feb. 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 70, 1, 16, 20
  • チリ共和国におけるトマトおよび野生トマト属植物の採集
    J. Field Science
    Dec. 2003, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), joint, 4, 25, 32
  • 植物病原性交配不全子嚢菌の交配能と系統進化-交配型遺伝子の存在と機能、交配型の偏り.
    Nov. 2003, only, 41, 11, 710, 712
  • Cloning and characterization of the mating type (MAT) locus from Ascochyta rabiei (teleomorph: Didymella rabiei) and a MAT phylogeny of legume-associated Ascochyta spp
    共著者:M. P. Barve, T. Arie, S. S. Salimath, F. J. Muehlbauer, T. L. Peever
    Fungal Genet. Biol.
    Jun. 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 39, 151, 167
  • Targeted Gene Disruption of the neuronal calcium sensor 1 homologue in rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea
    共著者:K.-i. Saitoh, T. Arie, T. Teraoka, I. Yamaguchi, T. Kamakura
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.
    Mar. 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 67, 651, 653
  • Fusarium oxysopum非病原性株の選抜と利用?植物の抵抗力を利用した環境低負荷型土壌病害回避のメカニズム解析を目指したモデル系の構築
    共著者:有江 力・吉田隆延・川部眞登・水谷浩平・宮田雄一郎・寺岡 徹
    Feb. 2003, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), joint, 21, 65, 71
  • Ultrastructural studies on the pheromone-producing cells in the silkmoth, Bombyx mori: Formation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets before adult eclosion
    Yokoyama N, Funagy A, Tatsuki S, Arie T, Yamashita S, Matsumoto S
    2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 54, 3-4, 299, 311
  • バリダマイシンAおよびバリドキシルアミンA茎葉散布のトマト萎凋病発病抑制効果 -植物の抵抗力を利用した環境低負荷型土壌病害回避のメカニズム解析をめざしたモデル系の構築
    白水健太郎・石川 亮・仲下英雄・寺岡 徹
    2003, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), joint, 22, 73, 85
  • 土壌病原菌の遺伝子解析 ー交配型遺伝子ー
    共著者:有江 力・川部眞登・井山真琴・寺岡 徹・金子 功
    Aug. 2002, joint, 21, 119, 130
  • 非殺菌性物質による植物病害防除メカニズムープラントアクチベーターを含めて
    May 2002, only, 37, 11, 51, 57
  • 子のう菌の交配型遺伝子と病原性進化に関する考察
    共著者:有江 力・川部眞登・金子 功・吉田隆延・加藤ハナ
    Jul. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 37, 105, 114
  • Molecular organization of mating type loci in heterothallic, homothallic and asexual Gibberella/Fusarium species
    共著者:S.-H. Yun, T. Arie, I. Kaneko, O. C. Yoder, B. G. Turgeon
    Fungal Genet. Biol.
    Dec. 2000, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 31, 7, 20
  • Mating type genes from asexual phytopathogenic ascomycetes, Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternata
    共著者:T. Arie, I. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, M. Noguchi, Y. Nomura, I. Yamaguchi
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact.
    Dec. 2000, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 13, 1330, 1339
  • 子のう菌の交配型遺伝子(レビュー)
    Feb. 2000, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 25, 44, 50
  • Haematocin, a new antifungal di-ketopiperazine produced by Nectria haematococca causing Nectria blight disease on ornamental plants
    共著者:Y. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, Y. Esumi, T. Arie, T. Morita, H. Koshino, J. Uzawa, M. Uramoto, I. Yamaguchi
    J. Antibiot.
    Jan. 2000, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 53, 1, 45, 49
  • Assessment of Gibberella fujikuroi mating type by PCR
    共著者:T. Arie, T. Yoshida, T. Shimizu, M. Kawabe, K. Yoneyama, I. Yamaguchi
    Dec. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 40, 311, 314
  • 放射性核種の土壌から植物への移行に関与する根圏土壌ファクター
    共著者:有江 力・Satyanarayana Gouthu・安部静子・山口 勇
    陸域環境における放射性核種の移行に関する動的モデルの開発・ 放射線リスク評価・低減化交流委員会、東京
    Dec. 1999, joint
  • Biodegradation of pentachloroni-trobenzene (PCNB) by rhizo-microbes. (プロシーディング)
    共著者:T. Arie, T. Motoyama, S. Tatsuwsawa, K. Kadokura, N. Yamazaki, G. Okada, Yamauchi, I.
    Asian Network on Microbial Rese-arches, Thai-land Institute of Scientific and Technologi-cal Research, Thailand
    Nov. 1999, joint, 287, 295 .
  • Subcellular distribution and translocation of radionuclides in plants
    共著者:S. Gouthu, R. Weginwar, T. Arie, S. Ambe, T. Ozaki, S. Enomoto, F. Ambe, I. Yamaguchi
    Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
    Sep. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 18, 2023, 2027
  • 生物農薬研究の現状と展望(レビュー)
    共著者:有江 力・山口 勇
    Aug. 1999, joint
  • Control of clubroot of cruci-ferous by Phoma glomerata and its product epoxydon
    共著者:T. Arie, Y. Konayashi, Y. Kono, G. Okada, I. Yamaguchi
    Pestic. Sci.
    May 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 55, 602, 604
  • Translocation behavior of Sr, Rb, and Zn in soybean
    共著者:S. Gouthu, T. Arie, I. Yamaguchi
    RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep.
    Mar. 1999, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), joint, 32, 142, 143
  • An environmen-tally compatible approach to control soilborne disease -Suppression of cruciferous clubroot by Phoma glomerata and its product epoxydon. (プロシーディング)
    共著者:T. Arie, Y. Kobayashi, I. Yamaguchi, I
    Proceedings for the 9th Japan-China Symposium on Pesticide Science, Nankai University, China,
    Nov. 1998, joint, 30, 39
  • Control of soilborne clubroot disease of cruciferous plants by epoxydon from Phoma glomerata
    共著者:T. Arie, Y. Konayashi, G. Okada, Y. Kono, I. Yamaguchi
    Plant Pathology
    Aug. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 47, 743, 748
  • REMI mutage-nesis and identi-fication of patho-genic mutants in Magnaporthe grisea
    共著者:S.-J. Liu, R.-X. Wei, T. Arie, I. Yamaguchi
    Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
    Jul. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 14, 254, 259
  • 土壌病害の免疫学的検診法に関する研究(学会賞受賞論文)
    May 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 23, 349, 356
  • Obtaining insertion mutants in Magnaporthe grisea by restriction enzyme-mediated integration of plasmid
    共著者:S.-J. Liu, R.-X. Wei, T. Arie, I. Yamaguchi
    Chinese Journal of Genetics 25, 137-142
    Apr. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Characterization of the antigenic determinant on Fusarium oxysporum recog-nized by a genus-specific monoclonal antibody
    共著者:Y. Hayashi, T. Arie, K. Yoneyama, Yamauchi, I.
    J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol.
    Feb. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 44, 43, 47
  • Immunologi-cal detection of endopolygalacturonase- secretion by Fusarium oxysporum in plant tissue and isolation of its encoding gene
    共著者:T. Arie, S. Gouthu, S. Shimazaki, T. Kamakura, M. Kimura, M. Inoue, K. Takio, A. Ozaki, K. Yoneyama, I. Yamaguchi
    Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn.
    Feb. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 64, 7, 15
  • Gel penetrate -blotted immunobi-nding assay, a novel method for serolo-gical detection of Fusarium spp. in soil
    共著者:T. Arie, Y. Hayashi, K. Yoneyama, I. Yamaguchi
    J. Pesticide Sci.
    Nov. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 22, 321, 325
  • Efficient cloning of ascomycete mating type genes by PCR amplification od the conserved MAT HMG box
    共著者:T. Arie, S. K. Christiansen, O. C. Yoder, B. G. Turgeon
    Fungal Gene.t Biol.
    Oct. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 21, 118, 130
  • Screening of plant species for comparative uptake abilities of radioactive Co, Rb, Sr, and Cs from soil
    共著者:S. Gouthu, T. Arie, S. Ambe, I. Yamaguchi
    J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
    Aug. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 222, 247, 252
  • 4-Allyl-2-aze-tidinone and Penicillium sim-plicissimum coope-rate to control soilborne Fusarium diseases
    共著者:Y. Kobayashi, T. Arie, M. Shibasaki, I. Yamaguchi
    J. Pesticide Sci.
    May 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 22, 113, 118
  • Detection of Fusarium spp. in plants with mono-clonal antibody
    共著者:T. Arie, Y. Hayashi, K. Yoneyama, A. Nagatani, M. Furuya, I. Yamaguchi
    Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn
    Aug. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 61, 311, 317
  • A novel tra-nsformation system for Pyricularia oryzae: Adhesion of regenerating fungal protoplasts to col- lagen-coated dishes
    共著者:M. Kimura, K. Izawa, K. Yoneyama, T. Arie, T. KIamakura, Yamauchi, I.
    Biosci. Biotech. Biochem.
    Jun. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 59, 1177, 1180
  • 抗菌微生物の利用に関する研究
    共著者:木嶋利男・有江 力・木村 栄・峯岸長利・手塚紳浩・橋田弘一・福田 充
    Feb. 1993, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), joint, 35, 95, 128
  • A new disease of Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis caused by Nectria haematococca
    共著者:U. Morita, T. Arie, S. Kawarabayashi, K. Suyama, S. Nambe, S. Yamashita, T. Tsuchizaki
    Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn
    Jul. 1992, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 58, 452, 455
  • Production and partial characterization of monoclonal antibodies against Fusarium oxysporum 860926a
    共著者:T. Arie, Y. Hayashi, A. Nagatani, M. Furuya, I. Yamaguchi
    Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn
    Dec. 1991, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 57, 696, 701
  • アブラナ科野菜根こぶ病菌(Plasmo-diophora brassicae Woron.)休眠胞子の蛍光抗体法による土壌および植物体からの検出について
    共著者:有江 力・難波成任・山下修一・土居養二
    Apr. 1988, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 54, 242, 245
  • Stem blight, a new disease of exacum by Nectria gliocladioides Smalley et Hansen
    共著者: T. Arie, S. Namba, S. Yamashita, Y. Doi
    Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn
    Oct. 1987, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 53, 570, 575
  • Pseudomonas gladioliを定着させたネギまたはニラの混植によるユウガオつる割病の生物防除
    有江 力・難波成任・山下修一・土居養二
    Oct. 1987, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 53, 531, 539
  • 抗菌微生物を用いた土壌病害の生物防除(レビュー)
    共著者:木嶋利男・有江 力
    Mar. 1987, joint, 41, 129, 133

Books and Other Publications

  • 植物病理学の基礎
    Botryitinia fuckeliana他
    17 Feb. 2021, 978-4540161865
  • 植物病理学 第2版
    06 Mar. 2020, 978-4830041389
  • 無農薬防除バイブル(野菜だより2019年9月秋号、別冊付録①)
    03 Aug. 2019, 4910188470990
  • Study on specific detection method and emergency countermeasure of pea wilt fungus
    Sep. 2018
  • 図解でよくわかる 病害虫のきほん: 病害虫発生のメカニズムから、栽培管理、農薬・肥料の使い方、防除法まで (すぐわかるすごくわかる!)
    06 Jun. 2016, 978-4416616796
  • 菌類の事典
    Oct. 2013
  • Development of soil biodiversity analysis system with environmental DNA
    Jan. 2013
  • 植物工場大全
    Jul. 2010
  • 植物病理学
    Feb. 2010
  • New Frontiews in Biocontrol Researches -Interaction between Microbes and Plants-
    百町満朗・對馬誠也編、有江 力他著
    Mar. 2009, 9784881711200
  • ろまん報農 37
    世界における遺伝子組換え作物による農業生産の現状と将来について 山根精一郎
    Dec. 2008
  • 植物病原アトラス -目で見るウイルス・細菌・菌類の世界-
    米山勝美・夏秋啓子・瀧川雄一・堀江博道・有江 力
    Mar. 2006
  • Professional English-Japanese Dictionary SPED EOS
    Mar. 2004, 4-09-506701-2
  • 殺菌剤
    佐藤仁彦、宮本 徹・他
    Oct. 2003
  • 生物防除資材の定着性解析と作用機構解析の行方
    Aug. 2003
  • バリダマイシンAの土壌病害に対する効果と作用機構
    Sep. 2002
  • カビの生理
    編集者:宍戸和夫 分担執筆:竹内道夫、他20名
    Jul. 2002
  • Isolation and analysis of genes from phytopathogenic fungi. in Molecular Anatomy of Cellular Systems.
    Motoyama, T., Arie, T. Kamakura, T. and Yamaguchi, I.
  • 農薬の作用機構-殺菌剤
    編集者:本山直樹 分担執筆:梅津憲治、他32名
    Mar. 2001
  • 萎凋病、菌核病、根こぶ病
    編集者:佐藤仁彦、山下修一、本間保男 分担執筆:奥田誠一、他49名
    Jan. 2001
  • Agrochemical Discovery: Insect, Weed, and Fungal Control
    編集者:D.R. Baker、K. Umetsu 分担執筆:D. L. Lee、他106名
    Dec. 2000
  • 植物病理学事典
    編集者:日本植物病理学会 分担執筆:青木孝行、他220名
    Nov. 1998
  • 日本植物病害大辞典
    編集者:岸 國平 分担執筆:赤井 純、他328名
    Mar. 1995


  • Invasive soilborne Fusarium diseases
    International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE) 2021 Online
    27 Oct. 2021, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • Genome and pathogenicity in Fusarium
    09 Sep. 2021, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • フザリウム菌のゲノム比較、特異検診、生物防除
    05 Nov. 2020, Public discourse, seminar, tutorial, course, lecture and others
  • New Eras in Plant Pathology: International Year of Plant Health (IYPH2020), incorporation of PSJ, and research reform directed by genomic studies
    The 2020 KSPP Conference & Special Symposium :The International Year of Plant Health in 2020
    14 Oct. 2020, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • バナナの新パナマ病の現状と対策
    04 Feb. 2020, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 植物の病害:植物と微生物の戦い、横から手を出すヒト
    15 Jan. 2020, Public discourse, seminar, tutorial, course, lecture and others
  • Accessory chromosomes of Fusarium oxysporum are involved in virulence acquisition and virulence differentiation
    微生物ウィーク2019 「生物間相互作用研究の最前線」
    25 Jul. 2019, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Introduction of Region X of International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS), and Trends in Research of Biofingicides in Japan
    International Symposium on Biocontrol and Integrated Pest Management for Crop Protection and Trade Facilitation
    25 Jun. 2019, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • Estudio de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense en Japón
    International Banana disease meeting
    20 Feb. 2019, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 土壌伝染性 Fusarium oxysporum の病原性進化・分化のメカニズムと多様性:その知見を土壌検診に活かす
    日本土壌微生物学会 2018 年度大会
    16 Jun. 2018, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Biological control of plant diseases using non-pathogenic Fusarium spp.
    4th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Plant Pathology
    12 Sep. 2017, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • New species of Fusarium spp. occurring in rubber trees in the State of São Paulo
    Campinas. Annals of the 40th Paulista Congress of Phytopathology. Botucatu: Summa Phytopathologica, 2017
    2017, Oral presentation(general)
  • 植物病害対策のフロンティアー植物アクチベータの基礎と利用の可能性
    08 Jul. 2016, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Variations in avirulence genes on small chromosomes in the tomato wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici; emergence of new biotypes, rapid race determination methods, and control of the disease
    The 2016 KSPP Spring Meeting and International Conference
    21 Apr. 2016, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • Emergence and divergence of the tomato wilt pathogen in the coevolution with tomato, from phylogenetic, molecular and genomic aspects
    23 Nov. 2015, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 植物が持つ病害防御能とその誘導・利用
    29 Oct. 2015, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 植物が持つ抵抗性の病害防除への活用 植物が持つ抵抗性の病害防除への活用―プラントアクチベーター40年の歴史と生物農薬―
    16 Jan. 2015, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Fusarium spp. in Rubber Trees from São Paulo State, Brazil
    Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso, UNESP 2015
    2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • MoCV1-A has potential to alter the virulence and pathogenicity of host rice blast fungus
    The 3rd Kore-Japan Joint Symposium on Plant Pathology
    23 Oct. 2014, Poster presentation
  • A new method for application of biocontrol agets to rice flower to control Bakanae disease in the next generation
    The 3rd Kore-Japan Joint Symposium on Plant Pathology
    23 Oct. 2014, Poster presentation
  • Genomic analysis of small chromosomes in Fusarium oxysporum
    XVI IS-MPMI 2014
    06 Jul. 2014, Poster presentation
  • Genomic analysis of small chromosone in Fusarium oxysporum
    Jun. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • Genomic analysis of small chromosone in Fusarium oxysporum
    Jun. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • Study on induced resistance of plants by ultrasonic irradiation
    Jun. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • Movement of Gibberella fujikuroi, the Bakanae fungus, and a candidate for biological control agent in rice glumous flower and kernel
    Jun. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • 微生物殺菌剤の現状とブレークスルーに向けて
    09 Jan. 2014, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Emergence of wilt pathogen and its races in the history of domestication and breeding of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
    13th Congress on Crop breeding and Production
    08 Nov. 2013, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • マイコウイルスMoCV1タンパク質を発現する形質転換イネいもち病菌株および菌糸融合によるMoCV1感染株の作出
    12 Sep. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Observation of infection process of Gibberella fujikuroi in rice glumous flower using fluorescent protein
    12 Sep. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • モンテカルロ法による次世代シーケンサー配列データの品質評価
    09 Sep. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Insertion of a transposon in an avirulence gene AVR1 at different positions generated homogeneous race differentiation in the tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    The 11th International Fusarium Workshop
    20 Aug. 2013, Poster presentation
  • A new insight of race emergence in tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    10th International Congress of Plant Pathology
    Aug. 2013, Poster presentation
  • Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 Has Potential Ability to Change the Host Virulence and to Infect via Extracellular Route
    International Rice Blast Conference 2013
    Aug. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • 先進植物工場の新技術(3)植物の健康管理技術
    06 Jul. 2013, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • A novel dsRNA mycovirus, Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 3, attenuates its host, rice blast fungus
    American Society for Virology 2013.7
    Jul. 2013, Poster presentation
  • Molecular characterization of two dsRNA mycovirses attenuating host fungus, Alternaria alternata
    American Society for Virology
    Jul. 2013, Poster presentation
  • Production of antifungal protein of Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 using secretory expression system in Pichia pastoris
    American Society for Virology 2013.7
    Jul. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Report of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici isolates holding transposon inserted AVR1 from Chiba prefecture
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Transcriptional factors and regulatory region
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Differential determination of cabbage yellows fungus (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans) by PCR and real-time PCR
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Role of polyubiquitin in growth and pathogenicity in the tomato wilt fungus FUsarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Screening of biological control agents including Bacillus thuringiensis to tomato wilt disease
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Possibility of plant disease control by ultrasonic irradiation during nursery production of tomato and rice
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Possibility of biocontrol of tomato wilt disease using Bacillus thuringiensis
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Possibility of plant disease control by ultrasonic irradiation
    Mar. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Transcriptional factor(s) and the regulatory region on the 5’-upstream of the CBP1 gene specifically expressed during appressorium differentiation of Magnaporthe oryzae
    XV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction
    Jul. 2012, Poster presentation
  • A homologue of an avirulence gene in the tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 functions as a virulence gene in the cabbage yellows fungus F. oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans
    XV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction
    Jul. 2012, Poster presentation
  • トマトの病原菌は宿主植物の栽培化の過程で出現したのか?
    平成24年度 海外学術調査フェスタ
    30 Jun. 2012, Poster presentation
  • 遺伝子破壊によるキャベツ萎黄病菌SIX4の機能解析
    23 Jun. 2012, Poster presentation
  • トマト萎凋病菌Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersiciの 分子系統と病原性進化について
    30 Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Characterization of MoCV1 structural proteins: processing and functional analysis
    The 2nd Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Plant Pathology
    27 Mar. 2012, Poster presentation
  • Transcriptional factor(s) and the binding region on the 5'-upstream of the CBP1 gene especially expressed during appressorium differentiation
    The 2nd Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Plant Pathology
    27 Mar. 2012, Poster presentation
  • Evolutionary paths of an avirulence/virulence gene, SIX4, in Fusarium oxysporum
    The 2nd Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Plant Pathology
    27 Mar. 2012, Poster presentation
  • 果樹向け植物工場における先進技術:樹体健康管理と病害虫管理、自動化
    09 Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Characterization of MoCV3 (Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 3) that confers hypovirulence to rice blast fungus
    Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • Analysis of MoCV1 proteins: processing of structural proteins and functional evaluation of viral proteins
    Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • Transcriptional factor(s) and the binding region on the 5’-upstream of the CBP1 gene especially expressed during appressorium differentiation
    Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • トマト萎凋病菌レース1の非病原力遺伝子(SIX4)ホモログはキャベツ萎黄病菌において病原力に関与している
    Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネから分離した非病原性Fusarium属菌に見出されたばか苗病生物防除効果
    Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • ニラ乾腐病を引き起こすFusarium oxysporumの病原性と病原としてのFusarium proloferatumの追加
    Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネばか苗病の生物防除効果安定性向上を目指した新規微生物資材の探索
    Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • 抵抗性誘導の植物病害防除への利用
    26 Nov. 2011, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • キャベツ萎黄病菌のPCRおよびリアルタイムPCRによる特異検出
    Nov. 2011, Poster presentation
  • イネいもち病菌弱毒化マイコウイルスMoCV1の性状解析及びウイルスタンパク質
    Nov. 2011, Poster presentation
  • イネいもち病菌における人為的DNA二本差切断誘導と相同組換え修復
    Nov. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Fusarium oxysporumとその病原型の識別・定量検出技術 ー発生圃場での適用事例と対応ー
    平成23年度農研機構セミナー 「野菜の土壌病虫害防除における環境保全的対策研究の最前線」
    20 Oct. 2011, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Phylogenetic analysis and pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. isolated from Chinese chive (Allium tuberosum) bulbs showing basal rot.
    01 Oct. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • Segmented Double-stranded RNA Mycoviruses Causing Hypovirulence to the Host Rice Blast Fungus
    The IUMS 2011, XV International Congress of Virology
    Sep. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Posttranslational processing of Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 (MoCV1) depending on in vitro cultural duration of the host fungus
    The IUMS 2011, XV International Congress of Virology
    Sep. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Analysis of homologous recombination mechanism by marker system in Magnaporthe oryzae
    Sep. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • Screening of biocontrol agents for rice ‘Bakanae’ disease which carry durability
    Sep. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • Biotypes of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 3 recently isolated in Kochi, Japan
    Sep. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • キャベツ萎黄病菌が保持するトマト萎凋病菌非病原力遺伝子ホモログについて
    26 Aug. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • トマト品種マイクロトムとポンデローザの交配後代の萎凋病に対する抵抗性について
    26 Aug. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • 分子系統と非病原力遺伝子から見た日本産トマト萎凋病菌のレース分化に関する考察
    25 Aug. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • 乾腐症状を示すニラ罹病株から分離されたFusarium 属菌の分子系統と病原性
    25 Aug. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • Use of microorganisms and plant activators to control soilborne diseases as alternatives of chemical fumigants in Japan
    2011 APS/IPPC Joint Meeting
    09 Aug. 2011, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • イネいもち病菌を弱毒化するマイコウイルスMoCV1 の構造タンパク質解析とパン酵母を利用したウイルス由来弱毒化因子の探索
    Mar. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネいもち病菌MOS48株に見出されるマイコウイルスの性状と精製法
    Mar. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネいもち病菌を弱毒化するマイコウイルスMoCV1の分生子伝播率と細胞外蓄積の測定
    Mar. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • New candidates for biological control agents against rice 'Bakanae' disease
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Analysis of the disease tolerance that the tomato cv. Micro-Tom has to the tomato wilt fungus race 2 and race 3
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Functional analysis of salicylate hydroxylase homologue gene SHH1 in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopelsici
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Disease Resistance to Rice Blast and Bacterial Blight in Transgenic Rice P1ants Constitutively Up- or Down-regulating Mannose-binding Rice Lectin (MRL)
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Curvularia属菌の侵入観察に向けたカーブラリア葉枯病菌の形質転換法の確立
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Seeking and disruption of pathogenicity related genes in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Observation of Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae Mating Process and Analysis of Sterility of Japanese Isolates
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • Observation of mating process and genetic analysis of ascospores in Gibberella sacchari
    Mar. 2011, Poster presentation
  • ストレスおよび感染過程において誘導されるイネいもち病菌の体細胞相同組換えによる非病原性遺伝子(Avirulence gene) 変異
    Mar. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • Typing of isolates of the tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 3 in Japan based on avirulence genes
    Mar. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネいもち病菌における体細胞相同組換えの検出とその特色
    18 Nov. 2010, Poster presentation
  • Mutations in hygromycin B resistance gene (hph) found in sexual cross of Gibberella sacchari-transformants
    18 Nov. 2010, Poster presentation
  • イネいもち病菌の相同組換え率に及ぼす化学ストレスの影響
    30 May 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネいもち病菌弱毒化マイコウイルス(Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1) の生物防除資材としての潜在性
    30 May 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • Behavior of a non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum in tomato and its mechanisms of biocontrol to wilt disease
    30 May 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • Molecular-based specific identification of tomato wilt pathogen races
    30 May 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • キャベツ萎黄病菌はトマト萎凋病菌レース1に特有の非病原力遺伝子ホモログを保持する
    May 2010, Poster presentation
  • トマト萎凋病菌の新型レース3の発生について
    May 2010, Poster presentation
  • 土壌伝染性フザリウム菌の発病機構と分子系統解析に関する研究
    18 Apr. 2010, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • イネ稲こうじ病の品種抵抗性評価法の検討と小穂への肝炎過程の観察
    Apr. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • ストレスおよび感染過程において誘導されるイネいもち病菌の体細胞相同組換え
    Apr. 2010, Poster presentation
  • トマト栽培品種および野生種におけるトマトアルターナリア茎枯病抵抗性遺伝子Asc1の比較解析
    Apr. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネいもち病菌感染マイコウイルス(MoCV1)由来タンパク質の大腸菌発現系の構築
    Apr. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • イネいもち病菌感染マイコウイルス(MoCV1)由来タンパク質の大腸菌発現系の構築
    Apr. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • トマト萎凋病菌新型レース3の発生
    Apr. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • Cabbage yellows fungus (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans) possesses an avirulence gene SIX4 of tomato wilt fungus (F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici) race 1
    Apr. 2010, Poster presentation
  • Loss-of-avirulence by transposon-insertion into SIX4 in tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
    Apr. 2010, Poster presentation
  • Fusarium oxysporumの胞子形成関連遺伝子FoabaAの機能解析
    Apr. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • Effects of pre-inoculation with spore suspensions or pre-treatment with spore germination fluids on rice plant in the blast fungus-rice interaction
    Apr. 2010, Poster presentation
  • マンノース結合型イネレクチン(MRL)の遺伝子発現制御組換え体イネのいもち病抵抗性とGFP融合MRLの発現局在性
    Apr. 2010, Poster presentation
  • イネいもち病菌CBP1遺伝子の転写制御領域および制御因子について
    Apr. 2010, Poster presentation
  • Analysis of origin of tomato wilt pathogen: From a view of the history of tomato domestication and breeding
    JSOL 2010
    Mar. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • Biological control of diseases and pests
    Universidad Autonoma Chapingo-TUAT joint conference
    11 Dec. 2009, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Characterization of two distinct mycoviruses causing impaired against Magnaporthe oryzae
    The 9th COnference on Fungal genetics and Molecular Biology
    19 Nov. 2009, Poster presentation
  • The loss of function of the avirulence gene AVR1 in the tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by transposon-insertion
    The 9th COnference on Fungal genetics and Molecular Biology
    19 Nov. 2009, Other
  • The loss of function of the avirulence gene AVR1 in the tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by transposon-insertion
    The 9th COnference on Fungal genetics and Molecular Biology
    19 Nov. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Analysis of properties of MAT1 idiomorph-replaced transformat of Fusarium oxysporum
    The 9th COnference on Fungal genetics and Molecular Biology
    19 Nov. 2009, Poster presentation
  • abaA controls deveropment of microconidia, macroconidia and bud cells in Fusarium oxysporum
    The 9th COnference on Fungal genetics and Molecular Biology
    18 Nov. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Double-stranded RNA mycoviruses affects host fungal growth in Alternaria alternata.
    The First Japan-Korea Joint Symposium (on Plant Pathology)
    30 Oct. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Characterization of mycoviruses which has potentiality to suppress the growth of the their host, Magnaporthe oryzae.
    The First Japan-Korea Joint Symposium (on Plant Pathology)
    30 Oct. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Current biofungicides in Japan
    The First Japan-Korea Joint Symposium (on Plant Pathology)
    30 Oct. 2009, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 微生物殺菌剤の現状と今後の展望
    08 Oct. 2009, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 土壌病原菌の病原型特異識別技術
    17 Sep. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • eDNA情報を基にした特定微生物群の早期検出・定量法
    シンポジウム 土壌微生物相の解明による土壌生物性の解析技術の開発
    10 Sep. 2009, Poster presentation
  • イントロンと共進化するsnoRNAの遺伝子構成
    02 Sep. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Genome and structural protein analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae chrysovirus 1 (MoCV1) which has potentiality to suppress the growth of rice blast fungus.
    FoabaA Controls Sporulation in Fusarium oxysporum
    Sep. 2009, Other
  • Analysis of resistance related genes expression in tomato treated with validamycin A by foliar-spray
    FoabaA Controls Sporulation in Fusarium oxysporum
    Sep. 2009, Other
  • Effects of light wavelength on the control of tomato wilt disease by validamycin A
    Sep. 2009, Other
  • Analysis of resistance related genes expression in tomato treated with validamycin A by foliar-spray
    Sep. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • 新型トマト萎凋病菌レース3の発生
    28 Aug. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • イントロン内在型snoRNAはいつ誕生したのか?
    Jul. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • Induction of resistance and accessibility in the compatible and the incompatible rice-blast fungus interactions
    XIV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
    Jul. 2009, Poster presentation
  • SIX4, an avirulence gene carried by race 1 of tomato wilt fungus, is truncated by putative transporsable element-insertion in a newly emerged strain
    XIV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
    Jul. 2009, Poster presentation
  • A double-stranded RNA mycovirus associated with impaired growth in Alternaria alternata
    American Society for Virology 28th Annual Meeting
    Jul. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • Characterization of mycoviruses associated with ipaired growth of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae
    American Society for Virology 28th Annual Meeting
    Jul. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • トマト萎凋病菌レースのリアルタイムPCRによる特異識別
    Jun. 2009, Poster presentation
  • イントロン内在型snoRNAの進化
    May 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • 植物病原菌Alternaria alternataからの新規2本鎖RNAマイコウイルスの探索
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Alternaria alternata mycovirus 1のウイルス様粒子を構成するタンパク質の生化学的解析
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • イネいもち病菌を弱毒化するマイコウイルスの全塩基配列とそのウイルス粒子
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Induced resistance and accessibility in rice plant using the incompatible and the compatible races of rice blast fungus
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • イネいもち病菌胞子発芽液中に分泌されるConcanavalin A結合型糖タンパク質のSuppressor様活性
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • キャベツ萎黄病菌の推定ペルオキシレドキシン遺伝子hyr1について
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • Talaromyces sp. KNB-422によるイネばか苗病生物防除メカニズムの解析
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • トマト萎凋病菌およびレースのリアルタイムPCR法による特異検出
    Mar. 2009, Other
  • トマト属植物から分離された非病原性Fusarium oxysporumの分子系統解析と非病原力/病原力関連遺伝子領域の分布
    Mar. 2009, Poster presentation
  • 蛍光タンパク質マーカーを利用した微生物防除資材Talarimyces sp. KNB-422とイネばか苗病菌の相互作用の観察
    Mar. 2009, Other
  • バリダマイシンA処理および非病原性Fusarium oxysporum処理によるトマトへの萎凋病抵抗性誘導機構の解析
    Mar. 2009, Other
  • 植物病害の生物防除
    15 Dec. 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • イントロン内在型snoRNAの進化から見る真核生物におけるイントロンの役割
    Dec. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • Genetical and phylogenetical studies on diversity and evolution of phytopathogenicity in Fusarium oxysporum
    The Japan-Korea Basic Scientific Cooperation Program "2008 JSPS and KOSEF Joint Seminar" -Pioneering Researches on Fungal Molecular Biology
    20 Nov. 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • ソラマメ火ぶくれ病菌Olpidium viciaeの18S rRNA部分塩基配列の変成剤濃度勾配ゲル電気泳動(DGGE)法を用いた解析
    Nov. 2008, Poster presentation
  • 市販トマトに付随する糸状菌の検出および分離されたPenicillium spp.のパツリン生産能の調査
    Nov. 2008, Poster presentation
  • トマト萎凋病菌レースの土壌中からの特異的検出の試み
    Nov. 2008, Poster presentation
  • ベトナムのばか苗病罹病イネから分離されたFusarium属菌の分子系統解析
    Nov. 2008, Poster presentation
  • Diversity and evolution of pathogenicity in Fusarium oxysporum
    24th PSJ Soilborne Disease Workshop
    10 Sep. 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Phylogenetic analysis of Fusarium oxysporum isolated from the tissues and rhizosphere of Lycopersicon spp.
    X International Fusarium Workshop and Fusarium Genomins Workshop 2008
    31 Aug. 2008, Poster presentation
  • Phylogenetic analysis of Fusarium oxysporum isolated from the tissues and rhizosphere of Lycopersicon spp.
    9th International Congress of Plant Pathology
    25 Aug. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • Glycoproteins secreted by greminatiing spores of Magnaporthe oryzae determine specificity like a suppression in rice plant-blast interaction
    9th International Congress of Plant Pathology
    25 Aug. 2008, Poster presentation
  • Phylogenetic analysis of Fusarium oxysporum isolated from the tissues and rhizosphere of Lycopersicon spp.
    9th International Congress of Plant Pathology
    25 Aug. 2008, Poster presentation
  • Proteomic approach for seeking the proteins of Fusarium oxysporum related to develop in host plant
    9th International Congress of Plant Pathology
    25 Aug. 2008, Poster presentation
  • スプライセオソーム型イントロンと機能性RNAの進化
    22 Aug. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • Glycoproteins secreted by greminatiing spores of Magnaporthe oryzae determine specificity like a suppression in rice plant-blast interaction
    American Phytopathological Society Centtenial Meeting
    29 Jul. 2008, Poster presentation
  • An approach to restore sexuality in Fusarium oxysporum
    American Phytopathological Society Centtenial Meeting
    29 Jul. 2008, Other
  • An approach to restore sexuality in Fusarium oxysporum
    American Phytopathological Society Centtenial Meeting
    29 Jul. 2008, Poster presentation
  • 土壌から抽出したeDNAを用いた、トマト萎凋病菌レースの識別法
    13 Jun. 2008, Poster presentation
  • トマト属植物(Lycopersicon spp.)組織および梱圏土壌から分離されるFusarium oxysporumの分子系統解析
    13 Jun. 2008, Poster presentation
  • バリダマイシンAの作用機作としてのトレハラーゼ活性阻害能と抵抗性誘導能
    第25回農薬生物活性研究会、第6回バイオサイエンス研究会 合同シンポジウム
    16 May 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 微生物資材Talaromyces sp. KNB-422のイネ育苗時病害の防除効果と作用機構
    28 Apr. 2008, Other
  • 微生物資材Talaromyces sp. KNB-422とイネ馬鹿苗病菌との相互作用の可視化
    28 Apr. 2008, Other
  • Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersiciの植物侵入に関与する因子のプロテオーム解析
    27 Apr. 2008, Other
  • The rice blast fungus behavior in planta in the compatible and the incompatible interactions
    27 Apr. 2008, Other
  • イネいもち病菌感染イネにおけるマンノース結合型イネレクチン(MRL)の発現量とその局在性
    27 Apr. 2008, Other
  • 生育阻害を示すイネいもち病菌に混合感染するマイコウイルス
    26 Apr. 2008, Other
  • イネいもち病菌に生育阻害をもたらすマイコウイルスの探索とその性状解析
    26 Apr. 2008, Other
  • Alternaria alternataの異常形態に関与する菌ウイルスの性状およびその遺伝子構造の解析
    26 Apr. 2008, Other
  • Gibberella fujikuroiフェロモンレセプター遺伝子破壊株の交配能と病原性
    26 Apr. 2008, Other
  • 赤色蛍光タンパク質(DsRed2)発現イネばか苗病菌と微生物資材Penicillium sp. B422の識別
    01 Apr. 2008, Other
  • 殺菌剤(農薬)が植物病害を防ぐメカニズムにはどのようなものがあるか
    04 Mar. 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Replacement of MAT1 idiomorph in an asexual ascomycetes Fusarium oxysporum
    15 Nov. 2007, Poster presentation
  • Disruption of pyruvate decarboxylase gene in Fusarium oxysporum
    15 Nov. 2007, Poster presentation
  • Cloning and functional analysis of Gfpre2 and Gfpre1 genes in Gibberella fujikuroi
    15 Nov. 2007, Other
  • Alternaria alternataの形態異常に関与するウイルス様粒子の性状およびその遺伝子構造の解析
    14 Sep. 2007, Other
  • Fusarium oxysporumの交配型遺伝子領域(MAT1)の入換え株の作出
    13 Sep. 2007, Other
  • Fusarium oxysporumの交配不全性解決へのアプローチ
    31 Aug. 2007, Other
  • トマト属植物Lycopersicon spp.組織および根圏土壌から分離されるFusarium oxysporumの分子系統解析
    31 Aug. 2007, Other
  • Fusarium oxysporumのアルコール発酵能は病原性に関わるのか
    30 Aug. 2007, Other
  • NPFの生物防除機作
    30 Aug. 2007, Symposium workshop panel(public)
  • Jasmonate and/or ethylene-mediated signal cascade may be involved in the resistance to soilborne wilt disease in tomato induced by the treatment with a plant activator validamycin A
    XIII Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
    25 Jul. 2007, Poster presentation
  • Rice blast resistance in the transgenic rice plants up- or down-regulating mannose-binding rice lectin
    XIII Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
    25 Jul. 2007, Poster presentation
  • トマトの生育促進及び青枯病発病抑制効果をもつ植物随伴細菌
    08 Jun. 2007, Other
  • 糸状菌の交配と関連する遺伝子
    01 Jun. 2007, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • トマト萎凋病菌のピルビン酸脱炭酸酵素遺伝子のクローニングと破壊株の作出
    31 Mar. 2007, Other
  • バイオコントロール研究の展望
    31 Mar. 2007, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • GFP遺伝子を導入したいもち病菌を用いた穂いもち感染過程の顕微鏡観察
    30 Mar. 2007, Other
  • Alternaria alternataに内在する2本鎖RNAが宿主に与える影響
    30 Mar. 2007, Other
  • 光のバリダマイシンAによるトマト組織中のサリチル酸蓄積に及ぼす影響
    30 Mar. 2007, Other
  • Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinansのIGS領域およびMAT1-1の塩基配列に基づいた分子系統解析
    29 Mar. 2007, Other
  • Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinansのIGS領域およびMAT1-1の塩基配列に基づいた分子系統解析
    29 Mar. 2007, Other
  • チリ、メキシコ産トマト属植物および根圏土壌から分離されるFusarium oxysporumの系統解析
    29 Mar. 2007, Other
  • イネいもち病菌の感染過程特異的な発現を示すMGH61A遺伝子
    29 Mar. 2007, Other
  • マンノース結合型イネレクチン(MRL)導入形質転換対イネの創出と病害抵抗性
    29 Mar. 2007, Other
  • 穂いもちの新接種法の開発とその感染過程のGFP遺伝子導入いもち病菌を用いた顕微鏡観察
    26 Feb. 2007, Oral presentation(general)
  • キャベツ萎黄病菌Cong:1-1とその病原性欠損株Cong:1-2におけるタンパク質発現パターンの解析
    13 Nov. 2006, Other
  • Fusarium oxysporumの推定ピルビン酸デカルボキシラーゼ遺伝子の同定
    12 Nov. 2006, Other
  • Effect of TSA on appresorium formation of Magnaporthe grisea
    18 Sep. 2006, Other
  • NahGトマトを用いたバリダマイシンAの萎凋病発病抑制メカニズムの解析
    15 Sep. 2006, Other
  • Foliar application of a plant activator could be an alternative to soil fumigation for control of soilborne plant pathogens
    232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
    Sep. 2006, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Sexual and asexual development in ascomycetes and mating type genes
    2006 Korea-Japan Fungal Genetics and Biology Conference
    Sep. 2006, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • An oxidoreductase is highly expressed in a virulence - loss - mutant of the cabbage yellows fungus having biocontrol activity
    09 Aug. 2006, Other
  • A miniature tomato cv. Micro-Tom is an excellent model plant to study plant-pathogen interactions
    09 Aug. 2006, Other
  • Control efficacy of validamycin A against Fusarium wilt correlates with the quantity of salicylic acid in tomato tissues.
    09 Aug. 2006, Other
  • Foliar spray of validamycin A or validoxylamine A controls soilborne diseases of tomato
    08 Aug. 2006, Other
  • In Situ Study of Trichoderma asperellum SKT-1 as a Biological Control Agent-Phytopathogen Interactions on Rice Seeds using Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Reporter Systems
    07 Aug. 2006, Other
  • Foliar spray of validamycin A induces chemical injuries on NahG-tomato
    07 Aug. 2006, Other
  • Novel genes, FMI1, FMI2 and MGH61A, strongly expressed at early infection stage of the rice blast fungus -Have the gene products the possibility to be new target sites of fungicides?-
    Aug. 2006, Other
  • Beta-cyanoalanine synthase as a molecular marker for induced resistance by fungal glycoprotein elicitor and commercial plant activators
    Aug. 2006, Other
  • The role of jasmonate and ethylene signaling in bacterial wilt disease resistance of tomato induced by the biocontrol agent Pythium oligandrum
    Aug. 2006, Other
  • Hetelologous expression of fluorescent proteins in the phytopathogenic fungus Ascochyta rabiei and vosualization of the fungus in planta
    Aug. 2006, Other
  • DOuble-stranded RNAs in a plant-pathogenic fungus, Alternaria alternata
    23 Jun. 2006, Other
  • ベトナム・メコンデルタ地域に分布するイネいもち病菌の病原性レース
    Jun. 2006, Other
  • Trichoderma asperellum SKT-11株によるイネ種子伝染性病害の生物防除(8) -T. asperellum SKT-1株によるイネ種子伝染性病害防除の作用機構(3)
    Jun. 2006, Other
  • Alternaria alternataに内在する2本鎖RNAが宿主に与える影響
    Jun. 2006, Other
  • 生物防除微生物Pythium oligandrumによって誘導されるトマト青枯病抵抗性発現におけるジャスモン産シグナル伝達系の関与
    Jun. 2006, Other
  • 生物防除微生物Pythium oligandrumおよびプラントアクティベーター処理トマトにおけるBeta-cyanoalanine synthase遺伝子の発現と誘導抵抗性マーカーとしての利用
    Jun. 2006, Other
  • キャベツ萎黄病菌Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans (FOC)の病原性欠損変異株で発現が多いオキシドリダクターゼ
    Jun. 2006, Other
  • バリダマイシンAによるトマト萎凋病の抑制とトマト組織内に蓄積したサリチル酸量の相関
    Jun. 2006, Other
  • イネいもち病菌発芽付着器特異的遺伝子CBP1プロモーターにおける転写調節領域に関する研究
    30 Mar. 2006, Other
  • Trichoderma asperellum SKT-11株によるイネ種子伝染性病害の生物防除 -T. asperellum SKT-1株によるイネ種子伝染性病害防除の作用機構-
    22 Mar. 2006, Other
  • Tomato, a model plant for analyzing plant-pathogen interactions
    International Symposium on Tomato Genome Research in Tsukuba
    Feb. 2006, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Gibberella fujikuroi子嚢胞子における形質の分離と培養上清による子嚢胞子形成誘導
    Nov. 2005, Other
  • イネいもち病菌の葉鞘細胞内での感染動態と遺伝子発現
    Nov. 2005, Other
  • チリ産トマト属野生種から分離した非病原性Fusarium oxysporumの分子系統解析
    Nov. 2005, Other
  • 子嚢菌および不完全子嚢菌の交配と交配型遺伝子
    Nov. 2005, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • イネいもち病菌のFMI1遺伝子上流領域のプロモーター特性
    Sep. 2005, Other
  • Alternaria alternataから検出される2本鎖RNAの構造解析
    Sep. 2005, Other
  • サトウキビしょう頭腐敗病菌Gibberella fujikuroi(交配群B)子嚢胞子における形質の分離
    Sep. 2005, Other
  • EGFP発現イネいもち病菌を用いたイネ葉鞘細胞内での感染動態の解析
    Apr. 2005, Other
  • トマト萎凋病菌における非病原性決定ゲノム領域(avr1)の他レース菌株での分布
    Apr. 2005, Other
  • チリ産トマト属野生種より分離したFusarium oxysorumの系統解析
    Apr. 2005, Other
  • GFP導入スイカつる割病菌を用いた種子伝染経路の解析と種子消毒法の検討
    Apr. 2005, Other
  • Efficacy of plant activators to control banana Panama disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense
    Mar. 2005, Other
  • Pathogenesis-Related Genes and Factors in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, the pathogen of tomato wilt disease
    SIMMYT Brown bag Seminar, Mexico
    Mar. 2005, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Gibberella fujikuroi子嚢胞子における形質の分離
    05 Nov. 2004, Other
  • トマト萎凋病菌の非病原性決定領域はキュウリモザイクウイルス (CMV) 外被タンパク質遺伝子と部分的に相同領域を示す
    04 Nov. 2004, Other
  • イネいもち病菌の感染過程で特異的に発現する遺伝子B19,B48,B59
    04 Nov. 2004, Other
  • チリ共和国において栽培種および野生種トマト生息地域から分離した糸状菌およびAlternaria属菌.
    09 Oct. 2004, Other
  • 植物土壌病害の低環境負荷型防除の可能性
    Oct. 2004, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Pathogenesis-related genes and factors of plant pathogenic Fusarium spp.
    20th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Plant Pathology & International Symposium on "New Horizons in Plant Pathology: Biotechnology for Plant Health"
    Oct. 2004, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Plant Activators Control Fusarium Wilt Disease on Banana (Musa acuminata cv. cavendish)
    17 Sep. 2004, Other
  • 萎凋病菌レース1抵抗性トマト品種に病原性を示す萎凋病菌レース1のREMI変異株
    16 Sep. 2004, Other
  • キャベツ萎黄病菌病原性欠損変異株のフザリン酸産生能について
    16 Sep. 2004, Other
  • 日本国内より分離したホウレンソウ萎凋病菌の系統解析
    16 Sep. 2004, Other
  • トマトーフザリウム相互作用解析におけるコンソーシアム研究への期待
    Aug. 2004, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • フザリウム病の分子生物学的解析
    Jul. 2004, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • チリ共和国で採取した野生種および栽培種トマト属植物から分離された糸状菌
    30 May 2004, Other
  • イネいもち病菌の交配型遺伝子領域の構造と交配型依存新規転写物MAT 1-1-3およびMAT 1-2-2について
    29 May 2004, Other
  • Novel genes, B19 and B48, strongly expressed at early infection stage of Magnaporthe grisea - Have the gene products the potentiality to be the target site of fungicides? -
    26 Apr. 2004, Other
  • GFP遺伝子導入イネいもち病菌に対する葉いもち圃場抵抗性の異なるイネ品種「トヨニシキ」と「ササニシキ」の表皮細胞の反応と病斑形成
    28 Mar. 2004, Other
  • マーカー遺伝子を利用したキャベツ萎黄病菌と病原性喪失菌の解析
    28 Mar. 2004, Other
  • トマト萎凋病菌のFCD1破壊株の病原性とセロビオース:キノン酸化還元酵素活性
    28 Mar. 2004, Other
  • 萎凋病菌レース1抵抗性トマト品種に病原性を示す萎凋病菌レース1のREMI変異株
    28 Mar. 2004, Other
  • イネいもち病菌の付着器形成過程に発現している遺伝子B48、B19の機能解析
    28 Mar. 2004, Other
  • イネいもち病菌の新規交配型依存転写物MAT1-1-3およびMAT1-2-2について
    28 Mar. 2004, Other
  • Absorption of radionuclides to soil and their availability to plants
    22 Oct. 2003, Other
  • 土壌病原菌の遺伝子解析 -交配型遺伝子-
    Aug. 2002, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Non-fungicidal natural products to control soilborne plant diseases.
    Israel-Japan Workshop Binational Plant Protection Cooperation "Ecologically sound new plant protection technologies"
    Sep. 2001, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 食用植物の保護技術と環境問題
    環境科学総合研究所 平成12年度環境月間記念公開講演会
    Jun. 2000, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Recent aspects of biological control: To have a share in the integrated disease management for crops.
    2nd Pan Pacific Conference on Pesticide Science
    Oct. 1999, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • An emvironmentally compatible approach to control soilborne disease: Suppression of cruciferous clubroot by Phoma glomerata and its product epoxydon.
    The 9th China-Japan Pesticide Workshop
    Oct. 1998, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Investigation of possible role of rhizosphere fungi in uptake of radioactive Co, Rb, Sr, and Cs by plants from soil
    Investigation of possible role of rhizosphere fungi in uptake of radioactive Co, Rb, Sr, and Cs by plants from soil
    Aug. 1997, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Immunological methods for identification of soilborne pathogenic microorganisms.
    1st Pan Pacific Symposium on Pesticide Science
    Oct. 1996, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Detection of Plasmodiophora brrasicae by fluorescent-antibody technique and its control by mixing coral reef rock into soil
    20 Aug. 1988, Other
  • Biological control of soil-borne Fusarium diseases by mix-cropping with associate crops inoculated with Pseudomonas gladioli
    5th International Congress of Plant Pathology
    Aug. 1988, Oral presentation(invited, special)

External funds

  • 微粉砕及び乾燥微粉砕技術の応用
    cooperative research, From 01 Nov. 2016, To 31 Oct. 2018
  • 遺伝子組換え植物の開発における「カルタヘナ法に基づく新規植物の規制動向」に関連する学術指導
    commissioned research, From 04 Aug. 2016, To 04 Aug. 2016
  • 超音波照射システムによるイネいもち病とトマト萎凋病等病害抑制効果に関する研究及び病害抑制メカニズムに関する調査研究
    commissioned research, From 25 Apr. 2016, To 28 Feb. 2017
  • 微粉砕及び乾燥微粉砕技術の応用
    cooperative research, From 01 Nov. 2015, To 31 Oct. 2016
  • 超音波等の物理的刺激による病害抑制メカニズムに関する調査研究
    commissioned research, From 13 Apr. 2015, To 29 Feb. 2016
  • 機械除草技術を中核とした水稲有機栽培システムの確立と実用化
    commissioned research, From 09 Apr. 2015, To 02 Mar. 2016
  • パラゴムノキの病害診断技術、防御技術の開発・実用化
    cooperative research, From 01 Apr. 2015, To 31 Mar. 2016
  • 種子に仕込む新型の生物農薬の製剤化
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2015, To 31 Jan. 2016
  • 種子に仕込む新型の生物農薬の製剤化
    commissioned research, From 01 Feb. 2015, To 31 Mar. 2015
  • 植物工場、農業で使われるセンサーの仕様や開発動向
    commissioned research, From 08 Jul. 2014, To 08 Jul. 2014
  • 蒸気処理によるばか苗病原菌の殺菌効果解明
    commissioned research, From 12 Jun. 2014, To 27 Feb. 2015
  • 先進的植物工場研究施設見学、質疑応答
    commissioned research, From 29 May 2014, To 29 May 2014
  • 超音波等の物理的刺激による病害抑制メカニズムに関する調査研究
    commissioned research, From 22 May 2014, To 27 Feb. 2015
  • 機械除草技術を中核とした水稲有機栽培システムの確立と実用化
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2014, To 02 Mar. 2015
  • パラゴムノキ病害診断技術の開発
    cooperative research, From 01 Sep. 2013, To 31 Aug. 2014
  • 機械除草技術を中核とした水稲有機栽培システムの確立と実用化
    commissioned research, From 21 Aug. 2013, To 03 Mar. 2014
  • 花器処理で種子に仕込み次世代での病害発生を抑制する微生物農薬の創成
    commissioned research, From 01 Jul. 2013, To 31 Mar. 2014
  • 先進的植物工場研究施設見学、質疑応答
    commissioned research, From 21 Jun. 2013, To 21 Jun. 2013
  • 超音波等の物理的刺激による病害抑制メカニズムに関する調査研究
    commissioned research, From 15 Jun. 2013, To 28 Feb. 2014
  • 蒸気処理によるばか苗病原菌の殺菌効果解明
    commissioned research, From 23 Apr. 2013, To 28 Feb. 2014
  • 共生微生物利用によるソルガムの生産性向上
    cooperative research, From 10 Apr. 2013, To 14 Mar. 2014
  • トマト萎凋病を抑制する候補菌の選抜および有効処理法の開発
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2013, To 24 Mar. 2014
  • Fusarium属菌の遺伝子系統解析
    commissioned research, From 13 Dec. 2012, To 14 Dec. 2012
  • 蒸気処理によるばか苗病原菌の殺菌効果解明
    commissioned research, From 03 Sep. 2012, To 28 Feb. 2013
  • 超音波等の物理的刺激が植物に与える影響に関する調査研究
    commissioned research, From 19 Jul. 2012, To 28 Feb. 2013
  • 低投入型農業のための生物農薬等新資材及びその利用技術の開発(トマト萎凋病を抑制する候補菌の選抜および有効処理法の開発)
    commissioned research, From 06 Apr. 2012, To 07 Mar. 2013
  • 超音波等の物理的刺激が植物に与える影響に関する調査研究
    commissioned research, From 27 Jul. 2011, To 28 Feb. 2012
  • トマト萎凋病を抑制する候補菌の選抜および有効処理法の開発
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2011, To 08 Mar. 2012
  • 黄麹菌遺伝子発現プロファイル解析に基づく交配不全性解決
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2011, To 30 Sep. 2011
  • 黄麹菌遺伝子発現プロファイル解析に基づく交配不全性解決
    commissioned research, From 01 Oct. 2010, To 31 Mar. 2011
  • 超音波等の物理的刺激が植物に与える影響に関する調査研究
    commissioned research, From 10 Jun. 2010, To 28 Feb. 2011
  • eDNA情報を基にした特定微生物群の早期検出・定量法
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2010, To 01 Mar. 2011
  • 不完全菌を交配させる手段の開発-交配による育種へ向けて-
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2010, To 31 Jul. 2010
  • 不完全金を後輩させる手段の開発-交配による育種へ向けて-
    commissioned research, From 11 Aug. 2009, To 31 Mar. 2010
  • 茎葉散布型プラントアクチベーター実用化に向けた光環境実証実験
    commissioned research, From 17 Jun. 2009, To 31 Mar. 2010
  • eDNA情報をを基にした特定微生物群の早期検出・定量法
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2009, To 12 Mar. 2010
  • 園芸作物への植物免疫安定化技術の導入(園芸作物の病害抵抗性誘導の制御機構の解析)
    commissioned research, From 29 May 2008, To 27 Feb. 2009
  • eDNA情報をを基にした特定微生物群の早期検出・定量法
    commissioned research, From 01 May 2008, To 05 Mar. 2009
  • KNB-422菌とイネ病害菌の動態解析、作用機作研究
    commissioned research, From 20 Jun. 2007, To 10 Mar. 2008
  • 園芸作物の病害抵抗性誘導の制御機構の解析
    commissioned research, From 05 Jun. 2007, To 29 Feb. 2008
  • eDNA情報をを基にした特定微生物群の早期検出・定量法
    commissioned research, From 01 Jun. 2007, To 06 Mar. 2008
  • KNB-422菌とイネ病害菌の動態解析、作用機作研究
    commissioned research, From 31 Jul. 2006, To 10 Mar. 2007
  • eDNAを基にした特定微生物群の早期検出・定量法
    commissioned research, From 03 Jul. 2006, To 06 Mar. 2007
  • 環境調和型病害防除に向けた植物免疫安定化資材の開発
    commissioned research, From 30 Jun. 2006, To 28 Feb. 2006
  • 微生物農薬の病害防除メカニズムの解明
    cooperative research, From 21 Oct. 2005, To 31 Mar. 2008
  • 拮抗微生物の動態解析研究
    cooperative research, From 15 Jul. 2005, To 31 Mar. 2006
  • 微生物農薬の病害防除メカニズムの解明
    cooperative research, From 25 Oct. 2004, To 31 Mar. 2005
  • トリコデルマ・アトロビリデ菌の病害防除メカニズムの解明
    cooperative research, From 2003, To 2003
  • 微生物農薬の病害防除メカニズムの解明
    commissioned research, From 0000, To 0000
  • トリコデルマ・アトロビリデ菌の病害防除メカニズムの解明
    commissioned research, From 0000, To 0000

Committee Memberships

  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201406, To 201603
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201406, To 201503
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201304, To 201503
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201304, To 201405
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201304, To 201404
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201304, To 201403
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201304, To 201403
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201304, To 201403
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201301, To 201512
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201103, To 201505
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From 201103, To 201503
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 200805, To 201303
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 200704, To 0000
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2006, To 0000
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2006, To 0000
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2006, To 200703
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2004, To 0000
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2002, To 0000
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    Senior Editor of Journal of General Plant Pathology
    From 2002, To 2005
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 1998, To 1999
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 1997, To 1998
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 201404, To 201503
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 201304, To 201503
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 200904, To 201103
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 200904, To 201103
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2008, To 0000
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 200804, To 200903
  • 日本農薬学会
    農薬学会誌IUPAC 特別号編集員
    From 2006, To 2007
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2005, To 0000
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2005, To 2008
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2003, To 0000
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2003, To 2006
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2003, To 2005
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2000, To 0000
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2000, To 2003
  • 日本糸状菌分子生物学研究会
    From 2001, To 2010
  • 日本糸状菌分子生物学研究会
    From 2001, To 2008
  • 日本菌学会
    From 201304, To 201503
  • 日本菌学会
    From 2007, To 2010
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From 201206, To 201306
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From 2006, To 0000
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From 2006, To 0000
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From 2004, To 2007
  • 日本芝草学会
    From 200806, To 200906

Media Coverage

  • 第61回読売農学賞
    From 31 Mar. 2024, To 31 Mar. 2024
  • 農業生産の未来に不可欠な植物防疫
    今年4月に改正される植物防疫法について、東京農工大学理事・副学長 大学院教授の有江力氏の農業生産における植物防疫の重要性や今後の展望に関するインタビューが掲載される。
    From 05 Jan. 2023, To 05 Jan. 2023
  • AGRICULTURE Banana growers fight renewed extinction risk as lethal fungus spreads
    "I don't think bananas will go extinct," said Tsutomu Arie, a professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) who specializes in plant pathology.
    NIKKEI Asia
    From 08 Aug. 2022, To 08 Aug. 2022
  • 科学の絶景 バナナを脅かす「絶滅」危機 枯死病が猛威、ワクチン研究も
    From 23 Jul. 2022, To 24 Jul. 2022
  • 農林水産委員会
    From 24 Mar. 2022, To 24 Mar. 2022
  • ペルーで新パナマ病バナナの大敵、まん延防止へ
    From 18 Apr. 2021, To 18 Apr. 2021
  • ペルーで新パナマ病バナナの大敵、まん延防止へ
    From 18 Apr. 2021, To 18 Apr. 2021
  • 病害虫防疫強化へ 農水省が有識者会議発足
    From 27 Mar. 2021, To 27 Mar. 2021
  • バナナ悩ます もう一つの“感染拡大”
    From 24 Mar. 2021, To 24 Mar. 2021
  • バナナを悩ます もう一つの“感染拡大”
    From 12 Mar. 2021, To 12 Mar. 2021
  • イネの感染症、カビ利用で予防 東京農工大
    From 31 Jan. 2021, To 31 Jan. 2021
  • 水稲ばか苗病 菌で発生抑制 花に噴射、種もみまで効果 新たな生物農薬開発へ
    From 29 Jan. 2021, To 29 Jan. 2021
  • Nスタ
    From 11 Sep. 2019, To 11 Sep. 2019
  • あさチャン!
    From 03 Sep. 2019, To 03 Sep. 2019
  • CRISPR Breakthrough Could Help Scientists More Quickly Combat Pathogens
    A team of investigators from Tokyo University of Science, Meiji University, and the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology unveiled their new genome editing strategies last month in the journal Scientific Reports.
    Contagion Live
    From 12 Jun. 2019, To 12 Jun. 2019
  • 未来を探る老化 多品種に植え替え「染井吉野」世代交代
    From 25 Mar. 2019, To 25 Mar. 2019
  • バナナが絶滅するって本当!? 専門家に聞いた「そんなバナナ」な真実
    From 05 Jun. 2017, To 05 Jun. 2017

Professional Memberships

  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Jun. 2014, To Mar. 2016
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Jun. 2014, To Mar. 2015
  • 日本農薬学会
    From Apr. 2014, To Mar. 2015
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Apr. 2013, To Mar. 2015
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Apr. 2013, To May 2014
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Apr. 2013, To Apr. 2014
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Apr. 2013, To Mar. 2014
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Apr. 2013, To Mar. 2014
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Apr. 2013, To Mar. 2014
  • 日本農薬学会
    From Apr. 2013, To Mar. 2015
  • 日本菌学会
    From Apr. 2013, To Mar. 2015
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Jan. 2013, To Dec. 2015
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From Jun. 2012, To Jun. 2013
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Mar. 2011, To May 2015
  • 日本植物病理学会
    From Mar. 2011, To Mar. 2015
  • 日本農薬学会
    From Apr. 2009, To Mar. 2011
  • 日本農薬学会
    From Apr. 2009, To Mar. 2011
  • 日本芝草学会
    From Jun. 2008, To Jun. 2009
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From May 2008, To Mar. 2013
  • 日本農薬学会
    From Apr. 2008, To Mar. 2009
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2008
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From Apr. 2007
  • 日本菌学会
    From 2007, To 2010
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2006
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2006
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2006, To Mar. 2007
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2006, To 2007
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From 2006
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From 2006
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2005
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2005, To 2008
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2004
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    From 2004, To 2007
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2003
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2003, To 2006
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2003, To 2005
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2002
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 2002, To 2005
  • 日本糸状菌分子生物学研究会
    From 2001, To 2010
  • 日本糸状菌分子生物学研究会
    From 2001, To 2008
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2000
  • 日本農薬学会
    From 2000, To 2003
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 1998, To 1999
  • Plant Pathologocal Society of Japan
    From 1997, To 1998
  • American Phytopathological Society
  • International Society of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction
  • 免疫測定法研究会


  • 日本植物病理学会
    Cytological karyotyping of Fusarium oxysporum by the germ tube burst method (GTBM)
    Journal of General Plant Pathology 84 (4): 254-261 (2018)
    Mar. 2020
  • Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology
    16 Jun. 2019
  • Pesticide Science Society of Japan
    Society Awards 2019 Society Awards 2019 (on high prospectiveness/prominent achievement)
    Fusarium diseases of cultivated plants, control, diagnosis, and molecular and genetic studies
    Fusarium diseases are big constraints on food plant production. Fusarium diseases especially soilborne diseases caused by F. oxysporum is very difficult to control. First I outline the Fusarium disease, and introduce the examples of recent outbreak of Fusarium diseases in Japan. Then I summarize my studies on (1) control of Fusarium diseases by biological agents and by inducing resistance to diseases in plant, (2) specific detection of forms and races in F. oxysporum by immunological measures and molecular measures based on phylogeny and pathogenicity determining genes, and (3) molecular and genetic studies on Fusarium diseases, including evolutionary, genetic, and genomic analyses of emergence and divergence of forms and races in F. oxysporum.
    11 Mar. 2019
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    LAMPによるトマト萎凋病Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersiciレース1の識別
    23 May 2015
  • Phytopathological Society of Japan (PSJ)
    Award for Paper of excellence
    An avirulence gene homologue in the tomato wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 functions as a virulence gene in the cabbage yellows fungus F. oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans Journal of General Plant Pathology 79:412-421 (2013)
    29 Mar. 2015
  • Pesticide Science Society of Japan
    Award in 2010 for Excellence to AUthors Publishing in the Journal of Pesticide Scinece
    Biocontrol activity in a nonpathogenic REMI mutant of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans and characterization of its disrupted gene
    28 May 2010
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    22 May 2010
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    22 May 2010
  • The Phytopathological Society of Japan
    18 Apr. 2010
  • 日本土壌微生物学会
    トマト属植物Lycopersicon spp.組織および根圏から分離されるFusarium oxysporumの分子系統解析
    13 Jun. 2008
  • The Phytopathological Socity of Japan
    Award of Excellence for the best paper
    Yasushi Hirano, Tsutomu Arie (2006) PCR-based differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum ff. sp. lycopersici and radicis-lycopersici and races of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici JGPP 72: 273-283 (2006).
    26 Apr. 2008
  • The Phytopathological Socity of Japan
    Award of Excellence for the best paper
    H, Takahashi, A. Shimizu, T. Arie , S. Rosmalawati, S. Fukushima, M. Kikuchi, Y. Hikichi, A. Kanda, A. Takahashi, A. Kiba, K. Ohnishi, Y. Ichinose, F. Taguchi, C. Yasuda, M. Kodama, M. Egusa, C. Masuta, H. Sawada, D. Shibata, K. Hori and Y. Watanabe (2005). Catalog of Micro-Tom tomato responses to common fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens J. Gen. Plant Pathol.:71 (1):8-22.
    28 Mar. 2007
  • 日本農薬学会 学会賞(奨励賞)

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