Researcher Database


FacultyInstitute of Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry
Last Updated :2025/01/22

Activity information

Name and contact details

  • Name

    タキヤマ ヒロシ, 滝山 博志, TAKIYAMA Hiroshi
  • E-mail

Affiliation / Position

  • Institute of Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry, Professor

Other affiliation

  • Professor
    Faculty of Engineering Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering
  • Faculty of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Graduate School of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry

Research History

  • -
    From Apr. 2011
  • -
    From Apr. 2006, To Mar. 2011


  • Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
    Faculty of Engineering
    To 1987, graduated
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
    Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science
    To 1989, completed, master course
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
    Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science
    To 1992, completed, doctor course

Current state of research and teaching activities

  • Research and development of industrial crystallization technology for producing crystalline particles such as pharmaceuticals, foods, battery materials and functional materials.

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering), Transport phenomena and unit operations
  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering), Chemical reaction and process system engineering

Research Interests

  • Industrial Crystallization, Operation Design

Subject of research

  • Control of Organic Crystal Polymorphism by Anti-solvent Crystallization
    From 2002, To 2008
  • 貧溶媒晶析での結晶品質制御
    From 2002
  • The Optimum Operation Design Method in the Continuous Crystallization Process
    From 9999
  • Design Strategy of temperature Profile for Batch Cooling Crystallization
    From 9999

Proposed theme of joint or funded research

  • Control of Crystal Size Distribution In Industrial Crystallization
    wish to undertake joint research with industry and other organizations including private sector.

Teaching Experience

  • 化学物理工学実験
    2023, 専門科目等
  • 化学物理工学概論
    2023, 専門科目等
  • 化学物理工学先端プロジェクト
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 化学物理工学概論
    2022, 専門科目等
  • 化学物理工学実験
    2022, 専門科目等

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    From 2023, To 2024
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2019, To 2019
  • 基盤研究(B)
    From 2018, To 2020
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2018, To 2018
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2017, To 2017
  • 基盤研究(C)
    From 2010, To 2012
  • 基盤研究(B)
    From 2010, To 2010
  • 基盤研究(B)
    From 2009, To 2009
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2008, To 2008
  • 基盤研究(C)一般
    From 2005, To 2006
  • 基盤研究(C)一般
    From 2005, To 2006
  • 若手研究(A)
    単一粒子結晶の成長現象と懸濁型晶析装置の運転操作との   ミクロ-マクロブリッジ
    From 2001, To 2001
  • 基盤研究(B)一般
    From 2000, To 2001
  • 萌芽研究
    From 1999, To 1999
  • 基盤研究(B)一般
    From 1997, To 1998
  • 基盤研究(B)一般
    From 1996, To 1997


  • Effect of properties of microcrystals and impurities on the growth rate enhancement of crystalline particles in suspension
    Shuntaro AMARI, Sari OHASHI and Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    01 Dec. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 567, 0011-9164, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • 分離精製を極めるための晶析のレシピエンジニアリング
    22 Nov. 2023, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
  • Crystal size distribution and morphology control of sea urchin-like crystal by using irreversibility of external shape change
    Sayaka ABE, Shuntaro AMARI and Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    06 Jun. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 614, 0022-0248, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • 夾雑イオン存在下での微結晶による食塩結晶粒子群の生産性向上
    25 May 2023, Research paper (scientific journal)
  • Comparison of the Effects of Crystalline Particle Size Modified by Crystallization on the Mother Liquor Removal Profiles of Washing and Reslurry
    Ryota MIYAMOTO, Shuntaro AMARI and Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    19 May 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 56, 1, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Effects of Properties of Crystalline Particles on Mother Liquor Holdup in Crystal Cake and Residue Behaviors of Impurities
    Ryota MIYAMOTO, Shuntaro AMARI and Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    19 May 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 56, 1, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • 微結晶添加による成長促進現象の夾雑イオン存在下での解析
    01 Mar. 2023, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
  • Continuous Anti-Solvent Crystallization of Glycine β-form Crystalline Particles by Taylor Vortex Crystallizer
    20 Dec. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • 水資源の有効利用と最新動向 第2部 海水の総合利用
    13 Dec. 2022, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
  • Operation Strategy for Avoiding Oiling-Out During the Anti-Solvent Crystallization Based on Ternary Phase Diagram
    Amari, Shuntaro; Okude, Ai; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Oiling-out occurs during the crystallization process and frequently cause deterioration of the characteristics of crystalline particles. In this study, operation strategies to avoid the oiling-out in the anti-solvent crystallization are investigated based on the ternary phase diagram. It is found that oiling-out could be avoided by designing the trajectory of the operation point on the ternary phase diagram during the anti-solvent crystallization. Additionally, the characteristics of crystalline particles is improved by avoiding the oiling-out, which enables to obtain crystalline particles with high purity. The results show that the development of the operation method based on the ternary phase diagram is an effective strategy for avoiding the oiling-out and producing the crystalline particles with favorable characteristics.
    06 Dec. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 7, 45, 2365-6549, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • 再結晶化による分離精製操作のためのレシピエンジニアリング
    17 Oct. 2022, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
  • Effect of Operating Conditions on the Characteristics of Crystalline Particles in a Cascade-Type Crystallizer
    Amari, Shuntaro; Nakamura, Ayano; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    ABSTRACT: The continuous crystallization process has attracted attention, because of its high energy efficiency, low operation cost, and high product consistency. Recently, a cascade-type crystallizer (CTC) based on Couette-Taylor (CT) and mixedsuspension mixed-product-removal (MSMPR) equipment has been proposed as a novel continuous crystallizer. However, the relationship between the operating conditions and the characteristics of crystalline particles in the CTC have not yet been clarified. This Article describes the effect of the load factor for CT equipment, which is an operating parameter in the CTC, on the characteristics of crystalline particles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation and characterization revealed that the characteristics of crystalline particles, such as size, shape, size distribution, and yield, were strongly dependent on the load factor of CT in the CTC. Furthermore, evaluation of the mechanism using a classic population density plot indicated that the CT equipment functions as seeding equipment for MSMPR in the CTC. These findings are suitable for designing an operation strategy to produce crystalline particles with favorable characteristics, using the CTC for a continuous crystallization process.
    29 Jun. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 0888-5885, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • 連続フロー型晶析装置を用いた結晶粒子群製造による分離精製
    31 May 2022, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 52, 3, 122, 128
  • 塩水による塩析効果を基盤とする高品位な結晶粒子群製造を指向した新規晶析プロセスの開発
    Mar. 2022, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
  • Effect of aeration operation on crystallization induction time of melt with the difficulty of nucleation
    Atsukawa, Kentaro; Amari, Shuntaro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Quality control of the crystalline materials obtained from melts with the difficulty of nucleation is challenging. When nucleation is enhanced in such melts, the quality distribution is improved. Herein, the aeration method, which enhances nucleation in solution systems, was employed in a melt to investigate the aeration effect on nucleation in a melt and the effect of the crystallization conditions with aeration on the induction time tau(ind). Experimental results show that aeration enabled nucleation in a melt under supercooling conditions, where nucleation could not occur without aeration. Furthermore, tau(ind) depended on the operating conditions with aeration (initial supercooling, aeration period, and atmospheric temperature). The crystal size in the obtained solid phase decreased as the atmospheric temperature decreased. These results suggest that the desired nucleation timing and crystal size can be obtained by manipulating the crystallizer and aeration conditions. Thus, aeration is promising for improving the quality distributions in crystalline materials. (C) 2021 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    25 Feb. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 106, 1226-086X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 69, 73
  • Investigation of Operation Strategy Based on Solution pH for Improving the Crystal Quality Formed during Reactive Crystallization of L-Aspartic Acid
    Amari, Shuntaro; Sugawara, Chinami; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    The production of crystalline particles with a thick and low degree of agglomeration is required because the agglomerated crystals with thin primary particles, which are frequently formed during reactive crystallization, deteriorate the crystal size distribution (CSD) of the final product due to their fragile morphology. This study aimed to develop an operation strategy for improving the degree of agglomeration and thickness of crystalline particles in the reactive crystallization considering the effect of the solution pH using L-aspartic acid as an experimental system. The scanning electron microscopy observations showed that the thickness of primary particles which form agglomerated crystals could be increased by operating the crystallization under low solution pH conditions. In contrast, it was found that operating the crystallization under high solution pH led to a decrease in the nucleation rate of crystalline particles, which resulted in a decrease in the degree of agglomeration. Then, an operation method, that is, changing the addition method of feed solutions to overcome the trade-off between the thickness and degree of agglomeration, was proposed by considering the effect of solution pH. Consequently, crystalline particles with a narrow CSD could be successfully obtained using the proposed method due to the suppression of the agglomeration and increase of the thickness. Therefore, the development of the operation strategy based on the effect of the solution pH on the degree of agglomeration and thickness is important to produce crystalline particles with improved CSD in reactive crystallization.
    25 Jan. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 7, 3, 2470-1343, DOI(公開)(r-map), 2989, 2995
  • Operation Design of Co-Crystallization Using Homogeneity Evaluation Including Single Component Excess Index
    Ohyama, Mitsuki; Amari, Shuntaro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    In controlling the quality of crystalline particles, the comprehensive uniformity of the distribution of characteristics, such as particle size and crystal shape, is essential. Improvement of comprehensive uniformity is also required for multicomponent crystals, such as cocrystals. Because cocrystals are composed of two or more pure components, undesirable crystals may precipitate. Therefore, it is necessary to consider comprehensive uniformity, including component characteristics. We proposed the single component excess (s.c.e.) index as the absolute difference between the concentrations of each pure component. In this paper, an operation method under high-productivity conditions for improving the quality of cocrystals has been proposed by evaluating the changes in s.c.e. and uniformity in distribution of particle size and crystal shape using homogeneity. CBZ-SAC (1 : 1) cocrystal Form I was obtained by integrating the two driving forces generated by the reaction crystallization and anti-solvent crystallization methods. The homogeneity was initially high when using the driving force of the reaction crystallization method and further increased under the driving force of the anti-solvent crystallization method. Considering these results, both homogeneity and productivity were improved by the sequential generation of the two driving forces. Thus, it was possible to design a method that achieves quality and productivity in co-crystallization using homogeneity, including the s.c.e.
    Jan. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 55, 1, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 8, 14
  • Investigating the effect of operation points on crystal quality in reactive crystallization using continuous flow with high shear stress
    Amari, Shuntaro; Sugawara, Chinami; Harada, Ryo; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    To obtain crystalline particles with favorable quality, the relationship between operation points on the phase diagram during crystallization and the crystal quality in reactive crys-tallization has attracted significant attention. This study used a continuous flow with high shear stress (Taylor vortex flow) to elucidate the relationship and investigate an operation strategy to improve the crystal quality in reactive crystallization. This is because the contin-uous flow with high shear stress allows easy evaluation of the crystal quality at the various operation points estimated based on feed solution conditions by keeping the operation con-dition and suppressing agglomeration during the reactive crystallization. As a result, the crystal quality, such as the aspect ratio and crystal size distribution of crystalline particles, changed with solution pH and supersaturation. Furthermore, we produced crystalline par-ticles with improved quality by designing an operation strategy due to the considering the influence of operation points on the crystal quality. Therefore, it is suggested that we have succeeded in clarifying the relationship between operation points and crystal quality, as well as in finding the operation strategy using the advantages of continuous flow with high shear stress. (c) 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.
    Dec. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 176, 0263-8762, DOI(公開)(r-map), 116, 122
  • Solid dispersion melt crystallization (SDMC) concept using binary eutectic system for improvement of dissolution rate.
    Kentaro ATSUKAWA, Shuntaro AMARI and Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
    rom the designs of product and industrial process perspectives, the solubility of a target material is one of the most valuable qualities. We proposed the 'solid dispersion melt crystallization (SDMC) concept' as a original strategy for dispersing a target material in a matrix one, in which the target material is naturally dispersed between the crevices formed by the matrix material precipitated first. Furthermore, the effects of introducing some operations, such as cooling, agitation and aeration, to the SDMC concept on the dissolution rate were investigated by a binary eutectic system. According to the experimental results, the dissolution rate was enhanced by the operations (cooling, agitation and aeration). This improvement in the dissolution rate was attributed to the SDMC concept-based enhancement of the nucleation rate. Therefore, it was revealed that an increase in the nucleation rate due to the SDMC concept had effectively improved the dissolution rate. (c) 2021 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    25 Sep. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 54, 1, DOI(公開)(r-map), 12, 17
  • Control of Reaction Crystallization of Organic Compounds Considering with Supersaturation Profile
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    21st International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    01 Sep. 2021, Research paper (international conference proceedings)
  • Operation Design of Reaction Crystallization Using Homogeneity Evaluation for the Quality Improvement of Agglomerated Crystalline Particles
    Ohyama, Mitsuki; Amari, Shuntaro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    In the quality control of crystalline particles, the uniformity of the distribution of each characteristic, such as size and shape, is important. In particular, the problem in reaction crystallization is that the comprehensive uniformity of characteristic distributions is frequently reduced by the agglomeration phenomena. In this study, we designed an operation method to improve the comprehensive uniformity in a liquid-liquid reaction crystallization by evaluating the dynamic variation in the uniformity of particle size and crystal shape using homogeneity. The homogeneity of final particles increased when the supersaturation was lowered by intermittent operation with inner seed production. Since the ratios of the uniformities of particle sizes and crystal shapes constituting homogeneity varied dynamically, the intermittent operation was designed by focusing on individual uniformities. The uniformity of particle size for the final particles was increased via modulation operation using reverse addition for the dissolution of the microparticles. In the growth stage after the reverse addition, the uniformity of the shape of the final particles was increased by raising the number of times of adding solution for decreasing the supersaturation. In addition, we proposed suitable addition methods to improve comprehensive uniformity by controlling uniformity constituting homogeneity at each stage of intermittent operation.
    Aug. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 11, 8, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Investigation of improved rebaudioside D solubility and the characteristics of an erythritol/rebaudioside D/fructose ternary complex
    Urai, Soichiro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    We developed a ternary system using an erythritol/fructose melt to form a complex in which rebaudioside D (RebD) was dispersed. This ternary complex improved the solubility of RebD in water compared to RebD alone. In addition, the complex was observed to have a taste closer to sucrose. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that the ternary complex has finer surface crevices, and it exhibited nonuniform dissolution in a dissolution test. Examination of RebD dispersion in the solid by differential scanning calorimetry suggested that erythritol and fructose might have a solid solution composition. We confirmed that the solubility of RebD was improved in the multicomponent system as well as in the binary system. This useful finding will enable the production of a single composition with various advantages such as improved solubility and taste modifications; furthermore, it can achieve operational efficiency in an industrial-level manufacturing process.
    Mar. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 27, 2, 1344-6606, DOI(公開)(r-map), 193, 201
  • Evaluation of Reslurry Rate for Particle Design of Spherical Crystalline Agglomerates via Crystallization
    Miyamoto, Ryota; Amari, Shuntaro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Removing the mother liquor from crystalline agglomerated particles is important to improve crystal quality. Reslurry is one of the operation methods for replacing the mother liquor and recovering purity. The properties of agglomerated crystalline particles are modified by crystallization, which affect the reslurry rate. There are no reported studies on the design of the crystallization process for improving the reslurry rate. The effects of the properties of crystalline agglomerates exerted by the anti-solvent crystallization process on the reslurry rate are discussed. The reslurry was performed using particles of various sizes prepared by controlling the agitation speed during crystallization. The removal ratio was calculated to evaluate the relationship between the properties of the crystalline agglomerates and the reslurry rate. Kinetic studies revealed that the reslurry rate was dependent on the particle size. Thus, a design strategy involving the modification of particle properties in crystallization for improving the reslurry rate is proposed.
    Feb. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 54, 2, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 72, 76
  • Improvement in Rebaudioside D Solubility by Preparing a Solid Phase with Erythritol Using Melt Crystallization Technology
    Urai, Soichiro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    The leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana Berton plant contain a variety of steviol glycosides used as natural high-intensity sweeteners. Rebaudioside D (RebD), a steviol glycoside, exhibits a sweetness profile similar to that of sugar but has very low aqueous solubility. In this study, we developed a method to dissolve RebD in a molten secondary component and prepared a solid-phase complex containing RebD. After screening, erythritol was selected as the optimal second component. For the erythritol/RebD complex, an aqueous solubility of 3000-4500 mg/L RebD was achieved, a 5- to 6-fold increase compared to saturation. The dissolution rate was also improved compared to RebD alone. Different cooling temperatures and rates were evaluated and found to affect the morphology and solubility of the complex. The solubility of RebD can be greatly improved by preparing binary complexes using the method proposed in this work.
    Jan. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 54, 1, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 12, 17
  • Development of novel cascade type crystallizer for continuous production of crystalline particles
    Koyama, Mana; Kudo, Shoji; Amari, Shuntaro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    The introduction of a continuous crystallization process has been attracting attention for the pharmaceutical products. We designed a novel continuous crystallizer, which includes Couette-Taylor equipment integrated with MSMPR equipment in a cascading manner. Additionally, feed solutions were supplied to MSMPR and Couette-Taylor equipment to flexibly control the supersaturation of the MSMPR equipment, regardless of the supersaturation of Couette-Taylor equipment. In this study, the relationship between operating parameters in novel cascade-type crystallizer and final crystal quality was investigated. We found that the quality of the obtained crystalline particles depend on the flow-rate ratio of the feed solution supplied to Couette-Taylor equipment. Furthermore, the yield of crystalline products was improved using proposed crystallizer. Therefore, we expect proposed novel cascade-type crystallizer consisting of Couette-Taylor and MSMPR equipment to obtain crystalline products with various quality. (C) 2020 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    25 Sep. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 89, 1226-086X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 111, 114
  • Built-in Quality at Crystalline Particle Production by Supersaturation Operation
    05 Aug. 2020, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), 84, 8, 367, 370
  • Impurities Assisted with Control of Polymorphs during Seeded Crystallization
    Tanaka, Kota; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    In the process of pharmaceutical crystallization, it is important to control polymorphic forms of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and sometimes their intermediate compounds, because such polymorphs may affect physical properties such as bioavailability and bulk powder behavior. Seeding is a typical approach to control polymorphs, and seed quality such as particle size is very important in seeded crystallization. Impurities in the crystallization mixture are known to make it difficult to control polymorphs, because impurities can inhibit nucleation and crystal growth. Herein, we show the effects that particle size of seeds and impurities included in the mixture had on the control of polymorphs in the seeded crystallization of Compound X, an intermediate compound of a drug candidate. We found that not only did ground seeds with a large surface area play a key role, but also did the presence of impurities in the mixture by inhibiting nucleation of the undesired crystal form, Form II. As a result, we were able to successfully control polymorphs to the desired crystal form, Form III, which had good filterability. Interestingly, those impurities were incorporated into Form II crystals; whereas, they were purged from Form III crystals during the process of crystallization. Furthermore, we found that the morphology of Form II crystals, which were originally needle-like, was changed by the impurities to a plate-like morphology with poor filterability. Our findings in this practical study remind us of the importance of seed quality and impurities included in crystallization mixture.
    Apr. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 53, 4, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 160, 166
  • Effect of Solution Composition on Impurity Profile of the Crystallized Product in Oiling-Out Crystallization
    Tanaka, Kota; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Oiling-out is a unique phenomenon that the liquid phase is separated into two parts during crystallization. The emergence of new liquid phase changes the environment where crystals nucleate and grow, we call mother phase, because target material and impurities become distributed to each phase according to their own particular distribution ratios. In our previous study on crystallization of an intermediate compound with impurities (denoted Imp-A, -B, and -C), we found that when oiling-out was formed, incorporation of Imp-C was inhibited, because Imp-C was distributed to the mother phase less than Imp-A and -B. In this study, we explored the effect of EtOH solution composition on impurity profile of the crystallized product in oiling-out crystallization, and found that the low content of Imp-B in the EtOH solution, the higher content of Imp-C in the crystallized product. Our finding revealed that not only oiling-out but also Imp-B played a key role in inhibiting the incorporation of Imp-C into the crystals.
    Apr. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 68, 4, 0009-2363, DOI(公開)(r-map), 326, 331
  • Development of Crystallization Technology for Recovering Valuable Resources from Salt Production Process including Multi-component Ions with High Grade and High Efficiency
    ソルト・サイエンス研究財団助成研究報告集 1 理工学編
    01 Mar. 2020, (MISC) Institution technical report and pre-print, etc., only, 2018, 119, 127
  • Effect of Initial Temperature and Slurry Density on Stable Crystallization Process of Xylitol Melt Containing Sorbitol
    Otgonnyam, Gemgui; Kamakura, Yoshimitsu; Kuno, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    There are many sugar products in foods, and it is desirable to satisfy both product quality and process operability. One example of a sugar product is fondant with crystalline material containing xylitol, and it is difficult to formulate products with desired qualities such as crystallinity. The production process of crystalline material can be regarded as melt crystallization. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the condition of melt before depositing process and the crystallization phenomena for xylitol-sorbitol system. The results showed that the crystallization process after depositing was affected by the initial slurry density. The Avrami equation was applied to this system to analyze the mechanism of melt crystallization. It was confirmed that the crystallization process can be analyzed and crystallinity can be predicted by the Avrami equation. Melt with high slurry density and high temperature is preferable for formulation of desired crystal qualities.
    Mar. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 26, 2, 1344-6606, DOI(公開)(r-map), 235, 238
  • Increase of solidification rate to improve quality of productivity for xylitol/sorbitol crystalline candy products
    Atsukawa, Kentaro; Kudo, Shoji; Amari, Shuntaro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    When manufacturing crystalline candies, increase of the solidification rate is important to improve the quality of productivity. The effect of outer seed crystal specifications and stirring period in processing for food engineering on the solidification rate of molten sugar was investigated based on the concept of solid-state transformation of sugar melt crystallization. From experiments using outer seed crystals, we found that the solidification rate depended on the surface of the seed crystals and the stirring period before molten sugar was cast. This dependence was caused by shear nucleation where microcrystal fragments are generated by an attrition process based on shear force from the crystal surface. Without the proposed treatment, solidification required 106.0 h. However, we succeeded in increasing the solidification rate to 1.0 h, which is approximately 106 times faster. Thus, we proposed an operational strategy to improve the quality of productivity.
    Mar. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 268, 0260-8774, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Development of Rebaudioside D Polymorphs with Improved Solubility
    Urai, Soichiro; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Steviol glycosides are found in the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plants and have been used as natural, high-intensity sweeteners. Rebaudioside D (RebD) is a steviol glycoside derivative that has a similar sweetening profile to that of sugar; however, it is poorly soluble in water. Therefore, in this study, polymorphs of RebD showing greater solubility were investigated. We identified at least two novel polymorphs using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). We identified the transition to one polymorphic form of RebD (named form alpha) by desolvation at about 50 degrees C and the other (named form beta) at about 70 degrees C. Both forms exhibited greater water solubility compared to untreated RebD. This is the first report of RebD polymorphs with improved solubility, which may contribute to the production of RebD with both a sugar-like taste profile and high-solubility property.
    Jan. 2020, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 26, 1, 1344-6606, DOI(公開)(r-map), 17, 23
  • Effect of Oiling-Out during Crystallization on Purification of an Intermediate Compound
    Tanaka, Kota; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    When oiling-out occurs, a second liquid phase is formed, and the composition of ”the mother phase”, where crystals nucleate and grow, changes because the target material and impurities are distributed into each phase according to their own distribution ratios. Although oiling-out is generally considered undesirable, if oiling-out changes the composition of impurities and lowers the content of impurities in the mother phase, then it could be effective for purification. In this paper, we explored the effect of oiling-out on purification of an intermediate compound and found the following: Long water addition time and large seed amount each lowered the content of impurity A (Imp-A) and Imp-B. On the other hand, the content of Imp-C was not changed by long water addition time and was increased with a large seed amount. Process analytical technology data indicated that oiling-out was suppressed by the large seed amount. These results indicate that oiling-out changed the composition of the mother phase and inhibited the incorporation of Imp-C into the crystals. Our findings could be developed into a new purification technique utilizing oiling-out during crystallization.
    Sep. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 23, 9, 1083-6160, DOI(公開)(r-map), 2001, 2008
  • 夾雑イオンを含む製塩プロセス排出溶液から有価資源を高品位・高効率に回収するための晶析技術開発
    ソルト・サイエンス研究財団助成研究報告集 1 理工学編
    25 Jul. 2019, (MISC) Institution technical report and pre-print, etc., only, 119, 126
  • Production of crystalline particles with high homogeneity in reaction crystallization by using pH-solubility-profile
    Ohyama, Mitsuki; Kudo, Shoji; Amari, Shuntaro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    The quality of crystalline particles is determined by many kinds of characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate each characteristic comprehensively. In this study, the uniformity of each characteristic of the crystalline particles was defined and proposed as performance index ”homogeneity”, and the operation method of reaction crystallization for improvement the crystal qualities was developed. Homogeneity was evaluated by using the uniformity of particle size and crystal shape. Furthermore, in order to produce the crystalline particles with high homogeneity, it was necessary to consider the effects of solution pH and the mixing methods of two solutions. (C) 2019 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    25 Jul. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 75, 1226-086X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 38, 43
  • Control of Reaction Crystallization of Organic Compounds Using the Supersaturation Profile
    Sato, Eriko; Seki, Yuichiro; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Neutralization reaction crystallization is useful for manufacturing drugs that require high bioavailability (i.e., high solubility). Because drug crystals must be of high quality, with the optimal form and particle size, the development of procedures that can produce high quality crystals by reaction crystallization is important. In cooling crystallization, analysis of the supersaturation profile (SSP) is an effective way to improve the crystal quality. SSP analysis is also important in reaction crystallization. However, the changes in the operation parameters (e.g., pH) necessary for crystallization strongly depend on the deposition of the crystals. Thus, solution pH also changes with deposition of the crystals. The purpose of this study is to propose an optimal crystallization point for the improvement of crystal quality through SSP analysis in reaction crystallization. The experimental system involved the reaction of hydrochloric acid and L-arginine to crystallize L-arginine hydrochloride monohydrate. The SSP was computed using HPLC and a pH meter. The relationship among the amount of feed added, crystal size distribution (CSD), and the crystal morphology was investigated through SSP analysis. Control of minute crystals was found to be crucial for CSD improvement. Moreover, operation at a neutral pH and the use of seed crystals were found to effectively inhibit the formation of minute crystals. Furthermore, operation at basic pH effectively produced good crystal morphology. Finally, using these results to modulate the addition technique in the reaction crystallization process, quality crystals with the desired CSD and morphology have been produced.
    Jul. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 52, 7, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 599, 604
  • 原薬の分離精製のための晶析操作
    25 Jun. 2019, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
  • Effect of Two Kinds of Supersaturation on Crystal Qualities during Cocrystallization
    Nishimaru, Momoko; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Cocrystals have attracted attention in the pharmaceutical field as a novel crystal form of solid drug substances. Crystalline particles with desired quality are required for practical use in industry. For the control of crystal qualities, supersaturation is the key. The supersaturation of cocrystal can be generated by an operation decreasing solubility such as antisolvent addition or cooling as conventional crystallization of single component crystal. Moreover, the supersaturation of cocrystal also can be generated by the reaction of cocrystalline components. In this study, the effects of supersaturation including the viewpoint of supersaturation generation mechanisms are investigated. In the experiments, supersaturation was generated by using the two mechanisms in various distribution ratios in order to investigate the effect of the kinds of supersaturation during cocrystallization. The aspect ratios of obtained crystals were different by the distribution. There was a relationship between the aspect ratio and supersaturation ratio. The relationship was confirmed by an additional semi-batch experiment changing supersaturation generation speed. The aspect ratio distribution becomes narrower and average aspect ratio becomes smaller when the supersaturation generation speed was changed to be slower. Supersaturation ratio affects the shape of cocrystalline particles, while there are two kinds of supersaturation during cocrystallization.
    Jun. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 52, 6, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 579, 585
  • 医薬品のための結晶粒子群の連続フロー製造
    31 May 2019, Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)
  • Study on Control of pH-Modulation Crystallization Utilizing Concept of Dissociation Equilibrium
    Sato, Eriko; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Crystallization by pH adjustment, as a type of reaction crystallization, is a solid liquid separation method widely used in the area of pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical intermediate manufacturing. On the other hand, 3-alkenyl cephem compound is a typical zwitterionic pharmaceutical intermediate that possesses both an amino group and a carboxylic acid group. Such structure affords three main pH regions in solution and results in difficulties using crystallization by pH adjustment for isolation. As a consequence, 3-alkenyl cephem compound is usually crystallized at the point away from the solubility curve, causing unrestricted nucleation and flocculation behavior for the deposited particles which is difficult to filtrate. In this study, the pK(a) of 3-alkenyl cephem compound was intensively investigated to inhibit the nucleation. An optimal pH level point was also sought to make monodisperse particles. In particular, during crystallization by pH-modulation operation, the key point was identified to be the number of primary particles aggregated in the secondary particles. It was revealed that the increment number of primary particles led to the generation of larger monodisperse particles. This investigation, combined with solid liquid equilibrium, enabled the acquisition of target species with good operability for filtration process. This present investigation becomes the prosperity in the zwitterion compound production that it has hardships to crystallize and filtrate.
    May 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 67, 5, 0009-2363, DOI(公開)(r-map), 461, 466
  • Crystal Quality Control by Using the Millimeter-Size Tube Type Taylor Vortex Continuous Crystallizer
    Yamaguchi, Yuko; Kim, Woo-Sik; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Introduction of a continuous production system to the pharmaceutical field has become realistic. In this field, many kinds of organic crystals with high anisotropic aspect are produced. Hence, crystal morphology affects the pharmaceutical productivity. Therefore, a high production method with crystal morphology improvement currently attracts attention by using a continuous crystallizer. In order to improve the production rate, it is necessary to enhance the crystal growth rate by increasing the mass transfer. The stirring method using Taylor Vortex has been developed in the crystallization research field. The objectives of this study are to design a double-cylinder shaped milli-size crystallizer in order to realize Taylor Vortex, and to evaluate the productivity and crystal morphology. As a result, it was clear that the proposed crystallizer had a productivity about 40 times greater than a conventional batch crystallizer and had a performance which improved the aspect ratio by 59%.
    Mar. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 52, 3, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 308, 310
  • Kinetic Study on Crystallinity Change and Degradation Process of Cefixime Trihydrate during Drying
    Sato, Eriko; Kameyama, Yutaka; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Compounds with hydrated structures can degrade easily. Therefore, investigation of the degradation process of hydrated compounds is imperative from the viewpoint that the hydration status often contributes to the stability and even affects the spatial structure of compounds. Cefixime Trihydrate, a widely used antibiotic, is one of such typical examples, in which the hydrated water molecules have been revealed to contribute significantly to its crystallinity. Previous studies have shown that an over-drying process could cause the hydrolysis decomposition of Cefixime Trihydrate. However, no quantitative analysis has been reported. Herein, we report a systematic evaluation of the influence of over-drying on crystal condition. Analysis of the correlation between the water content and crystallinity indicated the importance of hydrated water molecules toward the stability of Cefixime. The Avrami equation was also employed to fit the correlation data between the increase of degradation ratio and the decrease of crystallinity. For the first time, the crystallinity was quantified to determine the stability of the crystal lattice, which depends on water content. It was confirmed that overdrying process could cause the destruction of the crystal lattice and lead to the acceleration of the degradation rate. We expect our results will deepen the comprehension of the relationships among the degradation rate, the hydration state, and the crystallinity, helping optimize the storage conditions of products in chemical plant scale manufacturing with more convenience.
    May 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 51, 5, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 389, 394
  • Investigation of the Change in Morphology of Glycine Crystalline Particles at the Template Interface with L-Leucine
    Suzuki, Haruka; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Crystallization methods with self-assembled monolayers or Langmuir monolayers that provide templates are called templated crystallization. Various interesting phenomena were reported in templated crystallization. Crystallization at the template interface has been investigated from a phenomenological perspective in previous studies. However, in order to develop industrial applications of templated crystallization, understanding the phenomena at the template interface is necessary. The objectives of this present study are investigation of the change in morphology of crystals at the template interface with elapsed time and elucidation of the mechanism of the morphology change. The glycine (crystalline substance)-L-leucine (template compound)-water system was used. Glycine crystalline particles were crystallized at the template interface, that is, the air-solution interface with L-leucine. Lengths along the crystallographic a axis and c axis of the crystals were measured by using microscope images. From the calculation results of the growth rate ratio, it was understood that the change in crystal morphology was the decrease in the growth rate ratio with time elapsed. In order to estimate the mechanism of the decrease in the growth rate ratio, the effect of the repulsive force was considered. According to these results, the mechanism of the change in crystal morphology was the correlation between the growth rate ratio and the normalized clearance between the crystals at the template interface.
    Mar. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 51, 3, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 276, 281
  • Proposal of Evaluation Method for Amount of Mother Liquor in Spherical Agglomerates
    Wada, Shuichi; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    In Indomethacin crystallization, alpha-form crystals can be formed as spherical agglomerates by using anti-solvent crystallization in which NaCl aqueous solution is used as anti-solvent in the presence of a liquid-liquid phase separation. Since the spherical agglomerates were formed, it was considered that mother liquor is strongly affected purity of the spherical agglomerates. Therefore, new method is necessary to evaluate the amount of mother liquor in spherical agglomerates. The purpose of this present study is to propose removable factor omega which can evaluates the amount of removable mother liquor (mother liquor which is able to be removed by washing). The amount of removable mother liquor in spherical agglomerates which was obtained under the condition of different NaCl concentration and stirring speed was evaluated by using omega. From experimental results, it was found that omega decreased with the increase of NaCl concentration and the decrease of stirring speed. Furthermore, these experimental phenomena could be explained from the viewpoint of aggregate structure. So, it was confirmed that the evaluation method by using omega was reasonable. The new evaluation method could be proposed to evaluate the amount of removable mother liquor in spherical agglomerates which was obtained under the various operating conditions.
    Mar. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 51, 3, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 269, 275
  • 文献一覧「晶析」編(2017-2018 年版)
    01 Feb. 2018, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 48, 1, 70, 71
  • 国際会議 ISIC から見た最新の晶析技術と分析技術
    01 Feb. 2018, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 48, 1, 3, 7
  • 晶析操作の最新動向と先端分析技術
    01 Feb. 2018, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 48, 1, 2, 2
  • Solubility Determination for Carbamazepine and Saccharin in Methanol/Water Mixed Solvent: Basic Data for Design of Cocrystal Production by Antisolvent Crystallization
    Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    In the pharmaceutical industry, selection of the crystal form of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is one of the ways for improvement of drug solubility. Recently, cocrystal form is attracting lots of attention, and production methods for cocrystalline particles are being studied. One of the production methods for cocrystal is solution cocrystallization method with antisolvent based on phase diagram. The objective of this present study is to obtain the basic data for the design of antisolvent cocrystallization operation. The system of carbamazepine (CBZ) and saccharin (SAC) in methanol/water mixed solvent at 303 K was selected. Equilibrium slurry with various compositions was prepared and analyzed to measure the phase diagram. The compositions of CBZ and SAC were determined by HPLC measurement, and the solvent composition of the equilibrium solutions were determined based on SAC and CBZ composition, and mass balance. By XRD measurement, CBZ III, CBZ dehydrate, SAC, and CBZ/SAC cocrystal I were observed as the solid phases coexisting with equilibrium solution. From these measurements, the concentration region in which cocrystal is stable was shown clearly. Therefore, the basic data for operation design of antisolvent cocrystallization operation was obtained for CBZ/SAC cocrystal in MeOH/water mixed solvent system at 303 K.
    Feb. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 63, 2, 0021-9568, DOI(公開)(r-map), 451, 458
  • Continuous Production of Fine Crystalline Particles by using Uniform Liquid-liquid Interface
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    Proceeding of 20th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    04 Sep. 2017, (MISC) Summary of the papers read (international conference), only, 187, 188
  • Estimation of Temperature Dependency on Crystallization Using the Critical Supersaturation Ratio (Sc)
    Nagamatsu, Daiki; Sato, Norihito; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    In order to obtain high quality crystals, the cooling rate and crystallization temperature are usually adjusted in the manufacturing process. In this study, the temperature dependency of the crystallization process was evaluated using theophylline, noscapine and clotrimazole. The crystallization temperature of theophylline at several concentrations was affected by the cooling rate. With lower concentration, the crystallization temperature decreased, especially at higher cooling rates. In our previous study, the critical supersaturation ratio (Sc) was defined as an index to estimate degree of crystallization difficulty. The Sc of theophylline, noscapine and clotrimazole in several crystallization solvents showed a clear difference around 273 K, but converge to less than 1.0 around 333 K. These results indicate that a higher temperature condition can decrease the Sc value, especially for a compound having a large Sc. Thus, using a high temperature condition could be recommended to crystallize a compound which is difficult to crystallize at room temperature.
    Aug. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 50, 8, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 666, 668
  • Operation condition for continuous anti-solvent crystallization of CBZ-SAC cocrystal considering deposition risk of undesired crystals
    Nishimaru, Momoko; Nakasa, Miku; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Crystallization operation of cocrystal production has deposition risk of undesired crystals. Simultaneously, continuous manufacturing processes are focused on. In this study, conditions for continuous cocrystallization considering risk reduction of undesired crystals deposition were investigated on the view point of thermodynamics and kinetics. The anti-solvent cocrystallization was carried out in four-component system of carbamazepine, saccharin, methanol and water. From the preliminary batch experiment, the relationships among undesired crystal deposition, solution composition decided by mixing ratio of solutions, and residence time for the crystals were considered, and then the conditions of continuous experiment were decided. Under these conditions, the continuous experiment was carried out. The XRD patterns of obtained crystals in the continuous experiment showed that desired cocrystals were obtained without undesired crystals. This experimental result was evaluated by using multi-component phase diagrams from the view point of the operation point's movement. From the evaluation, it was found that there is a certain operation condition which the operation point is fixed with time in the specific domain without the deposition risk of undesired single component crystals. It means the possibility of continuous production of cocrystals without deposition risk of undesired crystals was confirmed by using multi-component phase diagrams. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Jul. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 470, 0022-0248, DOI(公開)(r-map), 89, 93
  • 製塩と海水淡水化とを統合したプロセスからマグネシウム資源を高効率に回収するための晶析操作法の開発
    ソルト・サイエンス研究財団助成研究報告集 1 理工学編
    Mar. 2017, (MISC) Institution technical report and pre-print, etc., only, 2015, 119, 126
  • 文献一覧「晶析」編(2016-2017 年版)
    01 Feb. 2017, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 47, 1, 72, 75
  • 結晶粒子群の連続化に関わる基礎的考え方-従来の撹拌槽型晶析装置から 連続フロー製造まで-
    01 Feb. 2017, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 47, 1, 3, 7
  • 結晶粒子群製造の連続化と撹拌・固液分離・モニタリングの工夫
    01 Feb. 2017, (MISC) Introduction and explanation (scientific journal), only, 47, 1, 2, 2
  • Isocyano compounds newly recognized in photochemical reaction of thiazole: matrix-isolation FT-IR and theoretical studies
    Miyazaki, Jun; Takiyama, Hiroshi; Nakata, Munetaka
    UV-induced photoreactions of thiazole isolated in low-temperature argon matrices have been investigated by a joint use of infrared spectroscopy and density-functional-theory calculations. Photoproducts have been identified by comparison of the observed infrared spectra with the corresponding calculated spectral patterns, leading to the conclusion that undetected open-chain molecules, syn-2-isocyanoethenethiol (C N-CH CH-SH) and 2-isocyanothiirane, are initially produced by cleavage of the CS-CN bond with hydrogen-atom migration, when the matrix samples are exposed to UV radiation coming from a super high-pressure mercury lamp for 3 min. In the secondary photolysis, syn-2-isocyanoethenethiol and 2-isocyanothiirane change to another unknown molecule, 2isocyanoethanethial (C N-CH2 CH-SH), by hydrogen-atom migration with generation of the C S double bond. These photoreaction pathways are supported by kinetic analysis of the absorbance changes of IR bands against irradiation time. We have also found that HC N and the cCH CH-Sc biradical are photodecomposed from thiazole by cleavage of the CN-CC bond following the cleavage of the CS-CN bond, where the hydrogen atom on the center carbon atom of center dot CHCH-S center dot immediately migrates to the end carbon atom to form CH2 C S or to the sulfur atom to form HC C-SH. In addition, weak bands of the species of interest in astrophysics and astrochemistry such as HC CH, N C-SH, HN C S, HC NS, and the center dot CN radical are detected, but the photoconversion from thiazole to isothiazole or Dewar thiazole is not found. The ring-opening photoreaction, photoisomerization and photodecomposition pathways of thiazole isolated in low-temperature argon matrices are discussed comprehensively.
    2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 7, 9, 2046-2069, DOI(公開)(r-map), 4960, 4974
  • Observation and evaluation of crystal growth phenomena of glycine at the template interface with L-leucine
    Suzuki, Haruka; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Advanced Powder Technology
    Sep. 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 27, 5, 2161, 2167
  • Effect of Temperature and Solvent of Solvent-Mediated Polymorph Transformation on ASP3026 Polymorphs and Scale-up
    Kazuhiro Takeguchi, Kazuyoshi Obitsu, Shun Hirasawa, Ryoki Orii, Shigeru Ieda, Minoru Okada, and Hiroshi Takiyama
    Organic Process Research & Development
    May 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 20, 5, 970, 976
  • Cocrystal production method reducing deposition risk of undesired single component crystals in anti-solvent cocrystallization
    Nishimaru, Momoko; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
    Apr. 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 36, 40, 43
  • Development of simultaneous control of polymorphism and morphology in indomethacin crystallization
    Wada, Shuichi; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Feb. 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 435, 37, 41
  • 文献一覧「晶析」編(2015-2016 年版)
    Jan. 2016, only, 46, 1, 60, 62
  • 結晶粒子群の品質制御のための物性評価と測定技術
    Jan. 2016, only, 46, 1, 3, 8
  • 結晶粒子群の品質向上に役立つ物性評価と品質制御テクニック
    Jan. 2016, only, 46, 1, 2
  • 最先端化学工学を支える晶析技術 現状と今後の展開 晶析操作の現状と今後の展望
    Dec. 2015, only, 79, 12, 888, 891
  • Strategy for Controlling Polymorphism of Di(Arylamino) Aryl Compound ASP3026 and Monitoring Solution Structures via Raman Spectroscopy
    Takeguchi, Kazuhiro; Obitsu, Kazuyoshi; Hirasawa, Shun ; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Organic Process Research & Development
    Dec. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 19, 12, 1966, 1972
  • Growth and Dissolution Kinetics for Methacrylic Acid Crystal in Melt
    Kudo, Shoji; Suzaki, Yutaka; Hino, Tomomichi; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Nov. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 48, 11, 922, 926
  • Selective recrystallization of metastable polymorph of melt acetaminophen by using tempering operation
    Okude, Ai; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
    Nov. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 31, 263, 268
  • 化学工学年鑑2015 13.材料・界面
    田巻孝敬, 前田光治, 滝山博志, 菰田悦之, 武井孝行, 吉田昌弘, 清田佳美, 塩井章久
    Oct. 2015, joint, 79, 10, 797, 800
  • Characterization and Thermodynamic Stability of Polymorphs of Di(arylamino) Aryl Compound ASP3026
    Takeguchi, Kazuhiro; Hirakura, Yutaka; Yamazaki, Kouji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin
    Jun. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 63, 6, 418, 422
  • Templated Crystal Nucleation Phenomena at the Air/Solution Interface Focusing on the Repulsive Force
    Suzuki, Haruka; Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Jun. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 48, 6, 488, 490
  • NaCl水溶液を用いた医薬品結晶の凝集制御法の提案
    和田修一, 滝山博志
    May 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 69, 3, 159
  • 結晶粒子群品質制御の観点から見た撹拌条件と晶析操作 懸濁溶液の撹拌と結晶粒子群品質の接点
    Jan. 2015, only, 45, 1, 3, 8
  • Crystallization Operation Method for Recovering Mg Resources from the Sea Water Desalination Process
    Wada, Shuichi; Iijima, Jun; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Jan. 2015, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 48, 1, 94, 98
  • Evaluation of the difficulty of crystallization of organic compounds using the critical supersaturation ratio (Sc)
    Daiki Nagamatsu, Yasuo Ida, Hiroshi Takiyama
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Nov. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 406, 48, 52
  • The continuous operation of cocrystal phase transformation within a crystal transformation column for cleaving cocrystal and getting mono-component crystal
    Takegami, K., H. Takiyama
    19th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 522, 524
  • Quality Control of Organic Crystalline Particles in Anti-Solvent Crystallization by Using Ternary Phase Diagram
    Takiyama, H., N. Kaneko, L.W. Ying
    19th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 80, 82
  • Production method of carbamazepine/saccharin cocrystal particles by using two solution mixing based on the ternary phase diagram
    Shoji Kudo, Hiroshi Takiyama
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Apr. 2014, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 392, 87, 91
  • 結晶粒子群の品質制御から晶析操作のトラブルシューティングまで 結晶粒子群品質を制御するための戦略
    Jan. 2014, only, 44, 1, 3, 7
  • The Effect of Morphology of Crystals in Suspension on Scale Formation Dynamics in Cooling Crystallization for Organic Compound
    Shoji Kudo, Tomomichi Hino, Hiroshi Takiyama
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Nov. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 46, 11, 790, 793
  • The Purity of Methacrylic Acid Crystals under the Presence of Maleic Acid and Methanol in Melt Crystallization
    Tomomichi Hino, Shinpei Kato, Hiroshi Takiyama
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Nov. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 46, 11, 785, 789
  • 海水淡水化プロセスからマグネシウム資源を回収するための晶析操作法
    和田修一, 滝山博志
    May 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 67, 3, 145
  • Rubidium penta­aqua­(L-serine)cobalt(II) hexa­hydrogenhexa­molybdocobaltate(III) L-serine monosolvate deca­hydrate
    J. Iijima, H. Naruke and H. Takiyama
    Acta Crystallographica Section E
    Jan. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 69, 11, 612, 613
  • Production of organic micro-crystals by using templated crystallization as nucleation trigger
    Hirokuni Yamamoto, Hiroshi Takiyama
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Jan. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 373, 15, 69, 72
  • The influence of a small amount of maleic acid on crystal deposition phenomena of methacrylic acid in melt crystallization
    Tomomichi Hino, Shinpei Kato, Hiroshi Takiyama
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Jan. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 373, 15, 142, 145
  • 晶析による結晶品質の改善 晶析国際会議から見た結晶品質の分析技術と制御技術の動向
    Jan. 2013, only, 43, 1, 3, 7
  • Control of polymorphism in the anti-solvent crystallization with a particular temperature profile
    Minamisono, Takuma; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Jan. 2013, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 362, 135, 139
  • The Application of Two-Dimensional Population Balance Model To Study the Effect of Temperature Profile on the Crystal Size Distribution and Aspect Ratio
    Shoji, Mitsuru; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Crystal Growth & Design
    Nov. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 12, 11, 5241, 5246
  • 化学工学年鑑2012 13.材料・界面
    渡邉哲, 瀧健太郎 (京大 大学院工学研究科), 滝山博志 (東京農工大 大学院工学研究院), 山村方人 (九州工大 大学院工学研究科), 武井孝行, 吉田昌弘 (鹿児島大 大学院理工学研究科), 塩井章久 (同志社大 理工), 田中俊輔 (関西大 環境都市工)
    Oct. 2012, joint, 76, 10, 638, 642
  • Crystal Growth Phenomena of Methacrylic Acid under the Presence of Maleic Acid in Melt Crystallization
    Hino, Tomomichi; Kato, Shinpei; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Oct. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 45, 10, 868, 872
  • Scale Formation Dynamics on Cooling Surface during Start-Up Operation in Melt Crystallization
    Kudo, Shoji; Hino, Tomomichi; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Jul. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 45, 7, 551, 553
  • Production of Organic Fine-Crystalline Particles by Using the Liquid-Liquid Interface in an Emulsion
    Takiyama, Hiroshi; Ito, Kenji
    Chemical Engineering & Technology
    Jun. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 35, 6, 991, 994
  • Supersaturation operation for quality control of crystalline particles in solution crystallization
    Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Advanced Powder Technology
    May 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 23, 3, 273, 278
  • Production of Fine Organic Crystalline Particles by Using Milli Segmented Flow Crystallizer
    Kudo, Shoji; Takiyama, Hiroshi
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    Apr. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 45, 4, 305, 309
  • Solid-State Characterization of E3210 Polymorphs
    Takuma Minamisono, Yoshiaki Sato, Hiroshi Ishihara, Takao Omae, Takashi Hasebe and Hiroshi Takiyama
    Mar. 2012, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 45, 3, 233, 238
  • Solid–liquid equilibrium data for the binary system methacrylic acid + methanol in the high methacrylic acid concentration range
    Tomomichi Hino, Shinpei Kato, Yugo Mizokoshi, Hiroshi Takiyama
    Fluid Phase Equilibria
    Dec. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 312, 25, 14, 19
  • The Influence of Crystal Orientation on Crystal Size Measurement
    Mitsuru Shoji and Hiroshi Takiyama
    Dec. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 44, 12, 999, 1002
  • 海水溶存資源の総合的有効利用技術
    Mar. 2011, joint, 25, 6, 12, 19
  • A Kinetic Study of the Influence of Modulated Undersaturation Operation on Crystal Size Distribution in Cooling-Type Batch Crystallization
    Mitsuru Shoji, Toshinori Eto and Hiroshi Takiyama
    Mar. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 44, 3, 191, 196
  • Evaluation of the Relative Stability of Toropane Derivative Nitrate Polymorphs
    Takuma Minamisono, Takao Omae, Takashi Kato and Hiroshi Takiyama
    Mar. 2011, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 44, 3, 197, 202
  • 結晶創りのための分析技術から品質制御まで 結晶の熱分析からわかること-DSC分析と溶解度-
    Jan. 2011, joint, 41, 6, 2, 7
  • 海水資源利用に向けた晶析技術の展開 海水溶存資源の総合的利用技術
    滝山博志, 大村亮, 正岡功士, 三角隆太, 松本真和, 尾上薫
    Dec. 2010, joint, 64, 6
  • マイクロ晶析装置の設計指針
    山崎 康夫, 西田 貴裕, 李 宣, 金 佑式
    Dec. 2010, joint, 40, 6, 442, 449
  • Analysis of crystallization processes using spreadsheet software
    Nishita, T., H. Takiyama and Y. Yamazaki
    J. Comput. Chem. Jpn
    Oct. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 9, 4, 211, 218
  • Operation design for controlling polymorphism in the anti-solvent crystallization by using ternary phase diagram
    Hiroshi Takiyama, Takuma Minamisono, Yohei Osada and Masakuni Matsuoka
    Chemical Engineering Research and Design
    Sep. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 88, 9, 1242, 1247
  • 環境保全に配慮した海水資源の総合的利用技術に関する可能性研究
    滝山博志, 大村亮, 正岡功士, 松本真和, 三角隆太, 尾上薫
    ソルト・サイエンス研究財団助成研究報告集 1
    Mar. 2010, joint, 2008, 61, 68
  • 不純物存在下での無機リン化合物の結晶成長阻害現象
    西田貴裕, 滝山博志
    Feb. 2010, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 36, 2, 105, 110
  • Crystallization Operation for Quality Control of Crystalline Particles
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    J. Soc. Powder Technology, Japan
    Feb. 2010, only, 47, 2, 98, 108
  • A Study on Modeling and Control of Salt Crystallization under High Suspension Density Conditions
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan
    Oct. 2009, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 63, 5, 323, 329
  • Characterization of Fine Crystals in Evaporative Salt Crystallization under High Suspension Conditions
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    9th International Symposium on Salt
    Sep. 2009, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 1, 14, 19
  • 分離技術の最新動向 晶析 晶析操作の新展開
    Jul. 2009, only, 39, 4, 224, 229
  • ファインケミカル研究者のための晶析操作 結晶品質を考慮した晶析操作の基礎
    Jun. 2009, only, 38, 7, 6, 12
  • 高懸濁食塩晶析の結晶品質制御に対する差し水添加効果とその新規添加戦略の開発
    滝山博志, 佐藤幸喜
    ソルト・サイエンス研究財団助成研究報告集 1
    Mar. 2009, joint, 2007, 83, 90
  • Reserach-Presentation Learning and Training in the Triple Collaboration of Agriculture, Engineering and Science
    Mar. 2009, Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), only, 5, 41, 45
  • Development and Effective Utilization Technology of Resources Dissolved in Seawater
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan
    Feb. 2009, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 63, 1, 2, 7
  • Effects of Dissolution Water Injection Methods on CSD in Salt Crystallization
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA, Yohei YAMANE
    Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan
    Dec. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 62, 6, 292, 293
  • Operation Design Strategy for Controlling Polymorphism in the Anti-Solvent Crystallization
    17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 649, 655
  • Novel Operation Technology for Controlling the Number of Micro-Crystals in NaCl Crystallization
    Hiroshi TAKIYAMA
    15th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 2008, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 81, 86
  • 湿式プロセスが拓く粒子加工技術 晶析プロセスと機能性粒子設計
    西田貴裕, 山崎康夫, 滝山博志
    Aug. 2008, joint, 40, 8, 66, 73
  • 様々な領域における晶析技術
    Mar. 2008, joint, 72, 3, 130, 134
  • Observation and Analysis of the Interface Between NaCl Substrate and KCl Deposit Crystal
    Hiroshi Takiyama, Kunimasa Yamamoto, Hirohisa Uchida and Masakuni Matsuoka
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
    Sep. 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 5, 113, 116
  • 医薬・食品で利用される晶析操作
    Jul. 2007, only, 55, 7, 344, 345
  • Control of the Number of Fine Crystals by Using Dissolution Water in Salt Crystallization
    Takiyama,H., K.Kawana
    Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water, J.
    Jan. 2007, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 61, 1, 24, 28
  • NaCl Crystal Growth Rate under Conditions of Continuous Slurry Feeding
    Takiyama, H, S. Yoshida and M. Matsuoka
    Bull. Soc. Sea Water Sci.
    Dec. 2006, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 60, 381, 382
  • Purity Decrease during Optical Resolution of DL-Threonine by Preferential Crystallization
    Ito, A., M. Yamanobe-Hada, H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka,
    7th International Workshop on the Crystal Growth of Organic Materials
    Aug. 2006, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 8
  • 非溶媒晶析によるインドメタシンの多形析出現象と操作法の検討
    滝山博志, 長田洋平, 松岡正邦
    Symposium on Polymorphs and Functional Crystals
    Oct. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 93, 94
  • 実践例に見る講義の工夫 ベストティーチャーに選ばれて 東京農工大学工学部BT賞
    Oct. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 59, 10, 37, 38
  • Growth Rates of Crystalline Particles Obtained under Different
    Takiyama, H., M. Yamauchi and M. Matsuoka
    12th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, Halle
    Sep. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, -
  • The Effects Of Operation Conditions on Qualities of Suspended Crystalline Particles in Batch Cooling Crystallization
    Takiyama, H., T. Minamisono and M. Matsuoka
    VDI-Berichte Nr. 1901.2
    Sep. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1901, 1129, 1134
  • Nucleation Phenomena in Ternary Solutions to Produce Organic Molecular Combined Crystals
    Funakoshi, F., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    VDI-Berichte Nr. 1901.1
    Sep. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1901, 139, 144
  • Effects of Undersaturation Operation on Crystal Size Distribution in Batch Cooling Crystallization
    Takiyama, H. and M. Matsuoka
    7th International Symposium on Separation Technology, Youngju, Korea
    Aug. 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 104
  • Operation Design to Produce High-Quality Crystalline Particles by Batch Crystallization
    Hiroshi Takiyama
    Crystallization Meets Pharmaceuticals – Interdisciplinary between Crystallization and Pharmaceuticals-, Waseda
    May 2005, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 44, 49
  • 最近の晶析研究の動向 -未飽和操作を利用した粒径分布制御-
    Oct. 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 58, 5, 455, 461
  • Dynamic Influence of Supercooling on m-CNB Crystal Morphology in the Presence of p-CNB
    Takiyama. H., H. Arita, K. Usuda and M. Matsuoka
    Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE)
    Oct. 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1B, 04
  • Design Strategy of Temperature Profiles with Undersaturation Operation in Batch Cooling Crystallization
    Takiyama, H., T. Eto and M. Matsuoka
    Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 55, 63
  • The fundamental theory and application of pharmaceutial crystallization operation (No3)
    Jul. 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 4, 7, 76, 84
  • The fundamental theory and application of pharmaceutial crystallization operation (No2)
    May 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 4, 5, 111, 120
  • Growth Phenomena of Single Crystals of Naphthalene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
    Uchida, H., A. Manaka, M. Matsuoka and H. Takiyama
    Crystal Growth & Design
    Apr. 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 4, 937, 942
  • The fundamental theory and application of pharmaceutial crystallization operation (No1)
    Mar. 2004, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 4, 3, 87, 95
  • 工学系でのファカルティ・ディベロップメントの実際
    Jun. 2003, only, 67, 6, 344, 345
  • 分離技術に活かされる分子シミュレーション-現状と展望- 晶析に関するコンピュータシミュレーション
    前田光治, 内田博久, 滝山博志
    May 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 33, 3, 177, 181
  • Analysis and Simulation of Phase Transformation Kinetics of Zeolite A from Amorphous Phases
    共著者  Marui, Y., H. Uchida, H.Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    May 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 36, 616, 634
  • Nucleation Rates of Zeolite A Crystals from Clear Aluminosilicate Solutions
    共著者  Marui, Y., M. Matsuoka, H. Uchida and H.Takiyama
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    May 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 36, 597, 615
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Solution Structure near the Solid-Liquid Interface between the NaCl(100) and NaCl-KCl-H2O Solutions
    Uchida, H., H. Takiyama and M.Matsuoka,
    Crystal Growth & Design
    Mar. 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 3, 209, 213
  • 晶析研究の最新動向―国際晶析シンポジウムからのトピックス―
    共著者 滝山博志, 平沢泉, 北村光孝, 前田光治
    分離技術, 33(2)
    Mar. 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 最近の結晶多形測定技術
    Feb. 2003, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 67, 2, 120
  • Effects of Undersaturation on Crystal Size Distribution in Cooling Type Batch Crystallization
    共著者  Takiyama, H., K. Shindo and M. Matsuoka
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    Nov. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 35, 1072, 1077
  • Effects of Suspension Density on Crystal Growth Rate in Multiparticle Agitated Crystallizers
    共著者  Takiyama, H., T. Eto and M. Matsuoka
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    Nov. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 35, 1045, 1049
  • 分離技術の基礎実験講座 晶析編
    滝山博志, 前田光治, 土岐規仁
    Oct. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 32, 5, 305, 310
  • Influence of Suspension Density on Crystal Growth Rate in a Fluidized Bed Crystallizer
    共著者  Takiyama, H., M. Yamauchi and M. Matsuoka
    6th International Symposium on Separation Technology, Tokyo
    Oct. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Separation and Purification Characteristics of a Continuous Inclined Column Crystallizer
    共著者  Funakoshi, K., H. Uchida, H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    Chem. Eng. Trans.
    Sep. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1, 1017, 1022
  • Study on Crystal Growth Mechanism and Growth Rates Obtained Under Different Suspension Densities
    共著者  Takiyama, H., K. Goto and M. Matsuoka
    Chem. Eng. Trans.,
    Sep. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1, 71, 76
  • Crystallization Phenomena in Ternary Systems: -Nucleation of KCl during Dissolution of NaCl ?
    共著者  Matsuoka, M., K. Yamamoto, H. Uchida and H. Takiyama
    Journal of Crystal Growth,
    Sep. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 244, 95, 101
  • Study on Crystal Growth Mechanism and Growth Rates Obtained Under Different Suspension Densities
    共著者  Takiyama, H., K. Goto and M. Matsuoka
    14th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Sorrent, Italy
    Sep. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Separation and Purification Characteristics of a Continuous Inclined Column Crystallizer
    共著者  Funakoshi, K., H. Uchida, H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    14th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Sorrent, Italy
    Sep. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Growth Phenomena of Deposit Crystals in Co-Crystallization Using Ternary Systems
    共著者  Takiyama, H., Y. Urushiyama, H. Uchida and M. Matsuoka
    9th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, Halle
    Sep. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • FT-IR Study on the Effect of Solvents on Polymorphic Crystallization of Organic Compounds
    共著者  Yamanobe, M., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan,
    Jun. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 35, 569, 573
  • Influences of Reflux Ratio on Separation and Purification of Acrylic Acid by Inclined Column Crystallizer
    Funakoshi, K., H. Uchida, H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Apr. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 237-239, 2251, 2256
  • Kinetic Study on Polymorphic Solid-State Transformation of Organic Compounds - Bisphenol A and dl-Methionine
    共著者  Yamanobe, M., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan,
    Apr. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 35, 247, 254
  • Polymorphic Transformation of DL-Methionine Crystals in Aqueous Solutions
    共著者  Yamanobe, M., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    Journal of Crystal Growth
    Apr. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 237-239, 2221, 2226
  • Analysis of Nucleation of Zeolite A from Clear Solutions
    共著者  Marui, Y., R. Irie, H. Takiyama, H. Uchida and M. Matsuoka
    Journal of Crystal Growth,
    Apr. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 237-239, 2148, 2152
  • 分離技術Review 晶析
    Mar. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 32, 2, 79, 84
  • Determination of Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibria by Using Measured DSC Curves
    共著者  Takiyama, H., H. Uchida and M. Matsuoka
    Fluid Phase Equilibria,
    Feb. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 194-197, 1107, 1117
  • Morphological Changes and Local Purities of m-CNB Crystals
    共著者  Takiyama, H., Y. Okada, H. Arita, H. Uchida and M. Matsuoka
    Journal of Crystal Growth,
    Feb. 2002, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 235, 494, 498
  • 最近の晶析工学研究
    久保田徳昭,柘植秀樹,大嶋寛,滝山博志 他24名
    Nov. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Design of Seed Crystal Specifications for Start-Up Operation of a Continuous MSMPR Crystallizer
    共著者  Takiyama, H. and M. Matsuoka.
    Powder Technology
    Nov. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 121, 99, 105
  • “最近の晶析工学研究”,最近の化学工学53
    共著者 久保田徳昭,柘植秀樹,大嶋寛,他24名 化学工学会編
    Nov. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Morphological Changes and Local Purities of m-CNB Crystals
    共著者  Takiyama, H., Y. Okada, H. Arita, H. Uchida and M. Matsuoka
    13th International Conference on Crystal Growth, Kyoto
    Aug. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 回分晶析操作での製品制御
    Jun. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 31, 3, 167, 171
  • Mechanism of Growth Rate Enhancement by Micro-Crystals for the Potash Alum - Water System
    共著者  Matsuoka, M, Y.Abe, H.Uchida and H. Takiyama
    Chem. Eng. Sci.
    Jun. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 56, 2325, 2334
  • 実用測定技術 DSC(示差走査熱量計)を用いる固液平衡の自動決定法
    松岡正邦, 滝山博志
    May 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 46, 5, 369, 375
  • Determination of Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibria by Using Measured DSC Curves
    共著者  Takiyama, H., H. Uchida and M. Matsuoka
    9th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Kurashiki
    May 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 回分晶析操作での製品制御
    分離技術, 31(3)
    May 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), only
  • Influences of Seed Crystals on Agglomeration Phenomena and Product Purity of m-Chloronitrobenzene Crystals in Batch Crystallization
    共著者  Funakoshi, K., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    Chem. Eng. J.
    Feb. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 81, 307, 312
  • 分離技術の基礎講座 -晶析の基礎講座-
    分離技術, 31(1)
    Feb. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), only
  • 分離技術の基礎講座 -晶析の基礎講座-
    Jan. 2001, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 31, 1, 46, 50
  • 分離技術レビュー 晶析
    久保田徳昭, 横田政晶, 前田光治, 滝山博志, 内田博久, 外輪健一郎, 五十嵐幸一
    Jul. 2000, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 30, 3, 179, 189
  • Growth Phenomena and Morphology of NaCl Crystals in Drowning-out Precipitation Operation
    Takiyama, H. and M. Matsuoka
    8th World Salt Symposium
    May 2000, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1, 459, 464
  • Agglomeration Kinetics and Product Purity of Sodium Chloride Crystals in Batch Crystallization
    共著者  Funakoshi, K. and M. Matsuoka
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    2000, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 33, 267, 272
  • Effects of Undersaturation on The Crystal Size Distribution in Batch Operation
    共著者  Takiyama, H., C. Lublin and M. Matsuoka
    7th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, Halle
    Sep. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Purity of m-Chloronitrobenzene Agglomerates in Batch Seeded Suspension Crystallization
    共著者  Funakoshi, K., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    Sep. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 32, 527, 529
  • Mechanism of Purification of Crystalline Particles in an Inclined Column Crystallizer
    共著者  Nagashima, M., K. Takegami, H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    14th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1861, 1869
  • Automatic Determination of Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibria by Using Measured DSC Curves
    共著者  Takiyama, H., Y. Nishitani and M. Matsuoka
    14th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1850, 1860
  • Design of Seed Crystal Specifications for Start-Up Operation of a Continuous MSMPR Crystallizer
    共著者  Takiyama, H. and M. Matsuoka
    The 2nd Bradford International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, Bradford
    Sep. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Transition Behavior of Crystal Growth Rate with Step Changes in Supersaturation
    共著者  Takiyama, H., S. Yazawa and M.Matsuoka
    5th Japan-Korea Symposium on Separation Technology, Seoul
    Aug. 1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Polymorphism, Morphologies and Bulk Densities of DL-Methionine Agglomerate Crystals
    共著者  Matsuoka, M., M. Yamanobe, N. Tezuka, H. Takiyama and H. Ishii
    J. Crystal Growth
    1999, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 198/199, 1299, 1306
  • Simulation and Design of Start-Up Operation for a Continuous MSMPR Crystallizer
    共著者  Takiyama, H., H. Yamauchi and M. Matsuoka
    International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Tainjin
    Nov. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Modeling of Start-up Operation for a Continuous MSMPR Crystallizer
    共著者  Takiyama, H. and M. Matsuoka
    International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Waseda
    Oct. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 連続晶析装置の運転操作のモデル化
    Jul. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 28, 3, 157, 161
  • 懸濁型連続晶析装置のモデル化の動向
    共著者  滝山博志, 松岡正邦
    Jul. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 52, 3, 138, 145
  • Morphology on NaCl Crystals in Drowning-out Precipitaion Operations
    共著者 Takiyama, H., T. Otsuhata and M. Matsuoka
    Chem. Eng. Research and Design
    Jun. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 76, 809, 814
  • Growth Rate Enhancement by Microcrystals and The Quality of Resulting Potash alum Crystals
    共著者 Takiyama, H., N. Tezuka, M. Matsuoka, R.I. Ristic and J.N. Sherwood
    J. Crystal Growth
    Apr. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 192, 439, 447
  • 沈殿晶析での結晶形態と結晶化現象
    共著者  滝山博志, 乙幡隆範, 松岡正邦
    Apr. 1998, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 64, 43, 48
  • Effects of Seed Crystals on Start-Up Operation of a Continuous Crystallizer
    共著者 Takiyama, H., H. Yamauchi and M. Matsuoka
    ACS Symposium Series, Chap.15,
    Nov. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 667, 172, 187
  • Separation Characteristics of an Inclined Column Crystallizer
    共著者 Matsuoka, M., H. Takiyama and O. Soutome
    Trans. I. Chem. E.
    Oct. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 75, PartA, 206, 212
  • 連続晶析装置における非定常操作時の粒径分布変動に対する種結晶の影響
    Sep. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), only, 69, 78
  • Growth and Morphology of Agglomerate Crystals of DL-Methionine in Reaction Crystallization
    共著者 Matsuoka, M., M. Yamanobe, H. Takiyama, N. Tezuka and H. Ishii
    4th International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Materials
    Sep. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 完全混合型(MSMPR)晶析装置の設計と運転
    分離技術会晶析講習会, 東京 28-37
    Sep. 1997, Research paper (scientific journal), only
  • Operational Design for Start-Up of Chemical Processes
    共著者 Naka, Y., M.L. Lu and H. Takiyama
    Computers Chem. Eng.
    1997, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 21, 997, 1007
  • Effects of Growth Enhancement by Micro-Crystals on the Crystal Quality
    Takiyama, H., N. Tezuka and M. Matsuoka
    4th Japan-Korea Symposium on Separation Technology, Tokyo
    Oct. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Static Characteristics of a Continuous MSMPR Crystallizer
    共著者  Takiyama, H., K. Iijima, H. Yamauchi and M. Matsuoka
    4th Japan-Korea Symposium on Separation Technology, Tokyo
    Oct. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Agglomeration and Purity on m-Chloronitrobenzene Crystals
    共著者 Funakoshi, K., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    13th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 467, 472
  • Growth of KCl Crystals on the {100} NaCl Substrate Crystals
    共著者 Matsuoka, M., H. Takiyama and T. Otsuhata
    13th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 239, 244
  • Polymorphic Solid State Transformation of BPA Crystals
    共著者 Matsuoka, M., H. Takiyama and M. Yamanobe
    13th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1, 6
  • Automatic Determination of Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibria of Eutectic Systems by DSC
    共著者 Takiyama, H., M. Zushii, H. Ito and M. Matsuoka
    13th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 245, 250
  • Start-up Operation of CMSMPR Crystallizer and Design of Seed Crystals
    共著者 Takiyama, H., H. Yamauchi and M. Matsuoka
    13th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    Sep. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 601, 606
  • Start-Up Operations of a CMSMPR Crystallizer: Required Time and Seed Specifications
    共著者  Takiyama, H., H. Yamauch and M. Matsuoka
    International Workshop on Crystallization and Crystal Chemistry, Manchester
    Sep. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 連続MSMPR晶析装置のスタートアップ操作
    滝山博志, 松岡正邦
    Jul. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 26, 3, 167, 170
  • Growth Rate Enhancement of Potash Alum Crystals by Microcrystals
    共著者 Matsuoka, M., T. Kamada and H. Takiyama
    J. Crystal Growth
    Jul. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 158, 322, 327
  • 連続MSMPR晶析装置のスタートアップ操作
    共著  滝山博志, 松岡正邦
    Jul. 1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 26, 3, 167, 170
  • Purification of Organic Solid Solutions by Melt Crystallization: Comparison between Layer and Suspension Crystallization
    共著者 Matsuoka, M., T. Fukuda, Y. Takagi and H. Takiyama
    J. Crystal Growth
    1996, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 166, 1035, 1039
  • Effects of Seed Crystals on Start-Up Operation of a Continuous Crystallizer
    共著者  Takiyama, H., H. Yamauchi and M. Matsuoka
    PACIFICHEM ’95, Honolulu
    Dec. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 有機固溶体結晶の発汗精製速度 ―層型と懸濁型操作の比較―
    福田俊彦, 高木愛己, 滝山博志, 松岡正邦
    Oct. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 49, 178, 183
  • BPA多形結晶の固相転移速度
    山邉麻衣子, 滝山博志, 松岡正邦
    Oct. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 49, 72, 77
  • 発生微結晶による食塩結晶の成長促進現象
    島岡隆, 滝山博志, 松岡正邦
    Oct. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 49, 58, 63
  • CMSMPR晶析装置のスタートアップ
    滝山博志, 山内一, 松岡正邦
    Oct. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 49, 218, 223
  • Mechanism of Growth Rate Enhancement by Microcrystals with Diffuse Interface
    共著者  Shimaoka, T., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    The Eleventh International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG XI), The Hague
    Jul. 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • Purification by Sweating of Organic Solid Solutions by Layer and Suspension Type Crystallization Operations
    共著者 Matsuoka, M., T. Fukuda, Y. Takagi and H. Takiyama
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    May 1995, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 28, 562, 569
  • Nucleation Phenomena and Growth Rate of NaCl Micro-Crystals in Salting-Out Operation
    Yamada, K., H. Takiyama and M. Matsuoka
    3rd Japan-Korea Symposium on Separation Technology, Seoul
    Sep. 1993, Research paper (scientific journal), joint
  • 運転を基準としたプラント設計指針
    共著者  仲勇治,柘植義文,橋本芳宏,他15名
    Mar. 1993, joint
  • Computer-Aided Process Design System for Plant Operation
    Naka, Y., H. Takiyama and E. O’Shima
    International Federation of Automatic Control Workshop
    Sep. 1992, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 189, 196
  • Development of a Distillation System Using a Heat Pump
    Naka, Y., H. Takiyama, E. O’Shima, Y. Yamamoto and E. Aihara
    IEA Heat Pump Center News Letter
    Jul. 1991, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 7, 9, 13
  • Sensor-Based Data Reconciliation Method and Application to the Pilot Plant
    Takiyama. H., Y. Naka, E. O’Shima and A. Adliani
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan
    Mar. 1991, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 24, 339, 346
  • ヒートポンプ式蒸留塔の定常特性
    Jan. 1991, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 17, 157, 765

Books and Other Publications

  • 晶析操作の実務-晶析の機能と基礎技術-
    11 Oct. 2023, 978-4-86502-259-9
  • 分離工学の各単位操作における理論と計算・装置設計法
    31 May 2022, 978-4-905507-59-8
  • 化学技術のフロンティアシリーズ1 サーキュラー・バイオエコノミーを支える分離技術
    22 Feb. 2022, 978-4910733272
  • 晶析の基礎と実践
    Mar. 2021
  • Advances in Organic Crystal Chemistry: Comprehensive Reviews 2020 "Nucleatio and Crystal Growth in Limited Crystallization Field"
    Hiroshi Takiyama
    11 Jul. 2020
  • 撹拌技術の基礎と応用「晶析装置での撹拌・流動と結晶粒子群品質との関係 」
    10 May 2020
  • 晶析の強化書【増補新版】
    10 Jan. 2020
  • 化学プロセスのスケールアップ、連続化 第8章 フロー合成によるプロセスの連続化技術 7節 微結晶粒子群の連続フロー製造技術
    29 Mar. 2019
  • 医薬品原薬の結晶化と物性評価ーその最先端技術と評価の実際ー, 第3章 ”共結晶の品質制御”
    株式会社 シーエムシー出版
    31 Jan. 2019
  • 固体医薬品の物性評価 第2版 第1章 固体医薬品の基礎理論 2 結晶化技術
    株式会社 じほう
    31 Aug. 2018
  • 医薬品開発における結晶多形の制御と評価, 第4章1 ”晶析操作の基礎”
    株式会社 シーエムシー出版
    10 Aug. 2018
  • 化学システム工学科実験科目共通テキスト
    Mar. 2017
  • 情報機構通信講座テキスト・基礎から学ぶ、結晶粒子群の品質制御・晶析プロセスの改善、 および分析技術の実践と最新製造技術への展開
    Sep. 2016
  • 化学システム工学科実験科目共通テキスト
    Mar. 2016
  • 化学システム工学科実験科目共通テキスト
    Mar. 2015
  • Advances in Organic Crystal Chemistry, "Nucleatio and Crystal Growth in Limited Crystallization Field"
    Hiroshi Takiyama
    Feb. 2015
  • 最近の化学工学64-晶析工学は、どこまで進歩したか- 第3章 結晶成長の実際
    化学工学会編・化学工学会材料界面部会晶析技術分科会著 滝山博志
    発行所:化学工学会関東支部 発売:三恵社
    Jan. 2015
  • 分離技術のシーズとライセンス技術の実用化 「変調操作を導入した結晶粒子群品質制御」
    分離技術会編 滝山博志
    Dec. 2014
  • 濾過スケールアップの正しい進め方と成功事例集(第5章 各分野・対象物別における濾過事例第6節 医薬品・医療[1]結晶)
    Aug. 2014
  • 晶析の強化書【増補版】
    May 2013
  • 製造プロセスのスケールアップ正しい進め方とトラブル対策 事例集(第4章 分離操作設備のスケールアップファクターとその活用ノウハウ 1節 晶析)
    Sep. 2012
  • 化学システム工学科実験科目共通テキスト
    Oct. 2011
  • 化学工学便覧第7版
    Sep. 2011
  • 化学システム工学科実験科目共通テキスト
    Oct. 2010
  • 分離技術ハンドブック
    Jun. 2010
  • 晶析の強化書
    Feb. 2010
  • 化学システム工学科実験科目共通テキスト
    Oct. 2009
  • 分離プロセス工学の基礎
    Feb. 2009, 978-4-254-25256-9
  • 生物に学び新しいシステムを創る(増補版)
    中田宗隆, 下村武史, 滝山博志ら
    Apr. 2008
  • 実用製造プロセス物性集覧
    Jul. 2007
  • 新版 工業晶析操作
    Jan. 2006


  • 分離精製を極めるための晶析のレシピエンジニアリング
    08 Dec. 2023, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶粒子群の特性制御のためのレシピエンジニアリング
    23 Aug. 2023, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶粒子群特性を作り込むための晶析のレシピエンジニアリング
    11 Jun. 2023, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 異相界面での結晶粒子群の核化成長現象
    31 Jan. 2023, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 海水溶存資源の総合利用プロセス構築のための回収技術
    FY2022 JDA Forum
    13 Dec. 2022, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 医薬品連続製造の分離精製プロセスとしての粒⼦群製造
    06 Dec. 2022, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 複数の平衡関係を有した溶液からの結晶化に関する話題提供
    17 Feb. 2022, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 粒子群製造操作としての晶析と撹拌との接点
    18 Jan. 2022, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Effect of Two Kinds of Supersaturation on Crystal Qualities during Cocrystallization
    25 Sep. 2020, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 高品質な結晶粒子群製造のための晶析操作設計の展開
    25 Sep. 2020, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 晶析プロセスの数値計算と結晶粒子群品質の実践的制御戦略
    21 Feb. 2020, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶粒子群の連続フロー製造技術に関わる動向
    20 Jan. 2020, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 再沈操作と晶析操作との接点 -結晶化から連続フロー製造まで-
    01 Oct. 2019, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 原薬の分離精製ため晶析操作
    25 Jun. 2019, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 医薬品のための結晶粒子群の連続フロー製造
    31 May 2019, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 医薬品結晶純度を向上させるリスラリー操作とその効率
    15 Mar. 2019, Poster presentation
  • 懸濁型融液晶析の固液分離での結晶粒子群特性と純度との関係
    15 Mar. 2019, Poster presentation
  • 品質が制御された共結晶を製造するための溶液晶析操作法
    15 Mar. 2019, Oral presentation(general)
  • ステビオール配糖体の新規結晶多形とその特性把握
    15 Mar. 2019, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Anti-Solvent添加晶析での結晶粒子群品質とその制御に対する操作戦略
    15 Mar. 2019, Oral presentation(general)
  • 化学反応を伴う晶析操作の留意点
    23 Jan. 2019, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 高品質な結晶粒子群製造のための晶析工学の新展開
    第50回Continuing Educationシリーズ講習会「希望品質の結晶を積み上げる戦略と実践」
    07 Dec. 2018, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 晶析操作を用いた結晶粒子群の品質制御から連続フローまで
    13 Nov. 2018, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 高品質な結晶粒子群製造のための晶析プロセス操作設計
    18 Sep. 2018, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 反応晶析での高剪断力場を利用する結晶粒子群の連続フロー製造
    18 Sep. 2018, Oral presentation(general)
  • 再沈操作と晶析操作との接点 -結晶化から連続フロー製造まで-
    06 Sep. 2018, Oral presentation(invited, special)
    13th International Workshop of the Crystal Growth of Organic Material (CGOM)
    28 Aug. 2018, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析操作を用いた結晶粒子群製造のコツから連続フローまで
    顔料物性研究会 平成30年3月度 研究報告会
    22 Mar. 2018, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Anti-Solvent添加晶析での結晶粒子群品質とその制御に対する操作戦略
    15 Mar. 2018, Oral presentation(general)
  • -晶析操作の最新動向と先端分析技術-「国際会議ISICから見た最新の晶析技術と分析技術」
    16 Jan. 2018, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 再沈操作と晶析操作との接点 ー結晶粒子群の品質制御ー 
    29 Jun. 2017, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • [基調講演] 晶析の基礎・操作・品質制御
    化学工学会関西支部 単位操作シリーズ
    14 Jun. 2017, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • 海水利用プロセスと溶存資源の回収技術 - Mg化合物を例として
    日本海水学会 海水資源・環境研究会
    11 May 2017, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • プロセス化学を極めるための結晶現象・晶析操作のコツと設計ー結晶品質の制御から連続フロー製造・スケールアップまでー
    10 Mar. 2017, Oral presentation(general)
  • pH-溶解度プロファイルを用いた反応晶析での結晶粒子群品質制御
    04 Mar. 2017, Other
  • 連続フローによる結晶粒子群製造
    27 Jan. 2017, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶化のメカニズムと 晶析プロセスでの品質測定・制御と スケールアップおよび連続フロー製造等 の最新トピックス
    09 Dec. 2016, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析操作のノウハウと結晶性物質の品質制御技術- 実践に役立つ分析技術から連続フロー製造そしてスケールアップまで -
    21 Nov. 2016, Oral presentation(general)
  • 微細管を用いた結晶粒子群の連続フロー製造
    10 Nov. 2016, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Production of Organic Crystalline Materials at Liquid-Liquid Interface in the Continuous Flow Crystallizer
    12th Japan-Korea Symposium on Materials & Interfaces
    04 Nov. 2016, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 有機合成と晶析との接点 -再沈操作・結晶粒子群製造のコツ-
    07 Oct. 2016, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 懸濁型融液晶析でのスケール形成におよぼす晶析条件の影響
    06 Sep. 2016, Other
  • Anti-Solvent添加晶析や反応晶析による結晶粒子群の連続フロー製造
    06 Sep. 2016, Other
  • 液-液相分離の利用で球状凝集体として得られた結晶粒子群の純度評価
    06 Sep. 2016, Other
  • 撹拌・晶析操作のスケールアップと結晶化現象の制御-結晶化現象のメカニズム解析法と品質の作り込み-
    01 Aug. 2016, Oral presentation(general)
  • 製塩と海水淡水化とを統合したプロセスから有価資源を高効率に回収するためのサイドカット位置と至適濃度条件の検討
    26 Jul. 2016, Other
  • 沈殿・再結晶などの結晶化メカニズム晶析プロセスでの品質測定および制御技術そしてスケールアップ
    23 Jun. 2016, Oral presentation(general)
  • 濃縮海水から水酸化マグネシウムを高効率で回収するための晶析操作法の検討
    10 Jun. 2016, Other
  • 共結晶連続製造のための操作条件の設定手法
    28 May 2016, Poster presentation
  • 結品性食品を品質良く安定製造するための手法開発
    28 May 2016, Poster presentation
  • ミリチューブ型 Taylor Vortex 品析装置で製造した結品粒子群の品質評価
    28 May 2016, Poster presentation
  • Shape Control of Organic Compound Crystal in Melt Crystallization
    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium 2016 (ACTS2016)
    26 May 2016, Other
  • Production of Organic Crystalline Particles at Liquid-liquid Interface in Constrained Crystallization Field
    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium 2016 (ACTS2016)
    26 May 2016, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • ひと工夫の操作で実現できる再結晶の高度化それが「晶析」
    26 Jan. 2016, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶を晶析操作で思い通りに創り出すためのポイント
    24 Jan. 2016, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶粒子群の品質向上に役立つ物性評価と品質制御テクニック
    18 Jan. 2016, Oral presentation(general)
  • 沈殿・再結晶などの結晶化メカニズムと、晶析プロセスでの品質測定および制御技術そしてスケールアップ
    18 Dec. 2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • 再沈操作と晶析操作との接点 ―結晶性粒子群製造のコツ―
    09 Oct. 2015, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • ASP3026の結晶多形制御戦略とインラインラマン分光法を用いた溶液構造モニタリング
    09 Sep. 2015, Other
  • オイリングアウトを経由する結晶化現象の多成分相図を用いた解析
    09 Sep. 2015, Other
  • 異相界面を晶析場とした結晶粒子群の成長現象の観察とその評価
    09 Sep. 2015, Other
  • 結晶粒子群品質の実践的制御戦略と 晶析プロセスの数値計算
    03 Aug. 2015, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 製塩工程での生産性向上と高品質化を同時に実現する低沸点溶媒添加の 新規操作法の開発
    22 Jul. 2015, Other
  • 結晶化のメカニズム・晶析操作戦略,プロセス,結晶品質測定および制御技術
    25 Jun. 2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • Development of High Efficiency Salt Production Method in Evaporative Crystallization with Modulated Operation for Desalination Process
    International Powder and Nanotechnology Forum 2015
    16 Jun. 2015, Other
  • Advanced Operation Design for Anti-Solvent Crystallization Based on Solution Composition Trajectory
    International Powder and Nanotechnology Forum 2015
    16 Jun. 2015, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • NaCl水溶液を用いた医薬品結晶の凝集制御法の提案
    04 Jun. 2015, Other
  • 基礎から納得! 晶析現象の理解と数値計算との接点
    Process System Enterpriseセミナー
    22 May 2015, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 晶析操作のコツ・テクニックとスケールアップファクター活用ノウハウ
    20 May 2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • 液‐液分離を利用した結晶多形と結晶外形の同時制御法
    19 Mar. 2015, Other
  • 効率・品質徹底改善  生産・開発プロセス中の 結晶現象を高度に操る! 晶析操作の戦略
    23 Feb. 2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • ひと工夫の操作で実現できる再結晶の高度化それが「晶析」
    26 Jan. 2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶を晶析操作により思い通りに創り出すためのポイント
    19 Jan. 2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶成長の実際
    15 Jan. 2015, Oral presentation(general)
  • 懸濁溶液の撹拌と結晶粒子群品質の接点
    15 Dec. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • Anti-solvent晶析法での結晶粒子群の多形・形態の創り分け
    28 Nov. 2014, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • Anti-Solvent Crystallization with Temperature Modulation for Controlling Polymorphism by Using Ternary Phase Diagram
    10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14)
    01 Nov. 2014, Other
  • Crystallization phenomena of Carbamazepine/Saccharin Cocrystalline Particles by Mixing Method of Two Solutions
    10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14)
    01 Nov. 2014, Other
  • Development of Simultaneous Control Method of Polymorphism and Shape in Pharmaceutical Crystallization
    10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14)
    31 Oct. 2014, Other
  • Production Method of Organic Monodispersed Fine Particles Focusing on Nucleation Density at Template Interface
    10th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST14)
    31 Oct. 2014, Other
  • Composing the column crystallization process for purifing cocrystal and stripping off coformer
    19th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC 19)
    18 Sep. 2014, Poster presentation
  • Quality Control of Organic Crystalline Particles in Anti‐Solvent Crystallization by Using Ternary Phase Diagram
    19th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC 19)
    18 Sep. 2014, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶性物質に品質を作り込む晶析操作の基礎から結晶品質測定および制御技術~沈殿・再結晶を交えて~
    27 Jun. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • Cocrystallization Method for Carbamazepine/Saccharin Cocrystal by Mixing Two Solutions Based on Ternary Phase Diagram
    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium 2014 (ACTS2014)
    20 Jun. 2014, Other
  • Development of High Efficiency Production Method in Salt Evaporative Crystallization with Modulated Operation
    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium 2014 (ACTS2014)
    19 Jun. 2014, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Evaluation of Supersolubility of Organic Solvents under Constant Temperature Using the Critical Supersaturation Ratio Sc
    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium 2014 (ACTS2014)
    19 Jun. 2014, Other
  • 晶析プロセス入門~晶析操作の理解・プロセス設計・最適化と結晶品質制御~
    10 Mar. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • 非溶媒添加の変調操作で実現する製塩晶析工程の高効率生産法の開発
    Mar. 2014, Other
  • 結晶多形に関する応用事例とCocrystalについて
    24 Feb. 2014, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 二液混合法による共結晶粒子群創製での結晶化現象
    18 Feb. 2014, Other
  • 液‐液界面を晶析場とする有機微小結晶粒子群の製造
    18 Feb. 2014, Other
  • 融液晶析による有機酸結晶製造での結晶形状制御
    18 Feb. 2014, Other
  • 結晶粒子群品質を制御するための戦略
    31 Jan. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶を思い通りに 創り出すためのポイント -結晶多形制御や結晶形態改善など-
    20 Jan. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶粒子群品質を制御するための戦略
    15 Jan. 2014, Oral presentation(general)
  • 小型連続晶析装置による結晶粒子群製造とその品質評価
    08 Oct. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • Anti‐Solvent(非溶媒)添加晶析での操作条件が結晶粒子群の形態に与える影響
    16 Sep. 2013, Other
  • 結晶品質の理解とデータ取得・分析・評価・制御技術
    26 Aug. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • 制限された晶析場での結晶化現象とその応用技術
    09 Aug. 2013, Oral presentation(keynote)
  • 結晶多形入門講座:晶析操作からみた結晶多形制御の問題解決アプローチ術
    22 Jul. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • 製塩晶析工程での微結晶の発生と溶解との変調操作で実現する高効率生産法の開発
    17 Jul. 2013, Other
  • 晶析現象・結晶化のメカニズムと結晶品質測定および制御技術
    28 Jun. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • 相図を活用した結晶多形の析出制御発
    21 Jun. 2013, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 海水淡水化プロセスからマグネシウム資源を回収するための晶析操作法
    20 May 2013, Other
  • 融液晶析のスタートアップ操作時の冷却面上でのスケール形成の動的過程
    19 Mar. 2013, Other
  • 有機系非溶媒添加晶析での所望多形の形態変化
    19 Mar. 2013, Other
  • 蒸発晶析の変調操作で実現する結晶の高効率生産法の開発
    19 Mar. 2013, Other
  • 基礎からわかる「結晶粒子群」の品質向上技術と品質制御技術
    26 Feb. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析による結晶品質の改善 晶析国際会議から見た結晶品質の分析技術と制御技術の動向
    25 Jan. 2013, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶性物質の品質制御技術と晶析操作の秘訣
    07 Jan. 2013, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析現象・結晶化のメカニズム と結晶品質測定および制御技術
    14 Dec. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • 平衡論と速度論から実践する結晶多形の析出制御
    29 Nov. 2012, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 事例で学ぶ! 晶析操作による結晶品質制御
    30 Oct. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • 蒸発晶析での結晶粒子群品質におよぼす変調操作の効果
    19 Sep. 2012, Other
  • Operation Design for Anti-solvent Crystallization by using Ternary Phase Diagram
    International Workshop of Industrial CrystallizationBIWIC2012
    07 Sep. 2012, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 晶析現象・結晶化の メカニズムと結晶品質制御技術
    30 Jul. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析現象・結晶化のメカニズム と結晶品質測定および制御技術
    29 Jun. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • Crystal Quality Control by Using Modulated Operation of Solution Supersaturation
    International Powder and Nanotechnology Forum
    19 Jun. 2012, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 蒸発晶析の変調操作で実現する食塩結晶の高効率生産法に関する一考察
    07 Jun. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析操作を利用した結晶粒子群品質の高度化
    07 Jun. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • Production of Organic Micro-crystals by using Templated Crystallization as Nucleation Trigger
    Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium
    24 May 2012, Other
  • 「結晶」粒子群の品質制御とDSC・XRD他 結晶の分析・評価技術
    23 Mar. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • 非溶媒添加晶析での変調操作を利用した有機結晶の粒径分布制御
    15 Mar. 2012, Other
  • 回分冷却晶析に対する変調操作導入効果と品質制御
    15 Mar. 2012, Other
  • 有機酸固液平衡データの相関性評価と微量不純物の融液晶析への影響
    15 Mar. 2012, Other
  • 過飽和プロファイルを考慮した有機系反応晶析の品質制御
    15 Mar. 2012, Other
  • わかるまで学ぶ、晶析操作と結晶品質のコントロール
    Science & Technology セミナー
    23 Jan. 2012, Oral presentation(general)
  • クリスタルエンジニアリングと晶析操作で実践する結晶品質制御
    20 Jan. 2012, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 医薬品製造での非溶媒添加晶析の操作設計戦略
    01 Dec. 2011, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • クリスタルエンジニアリングと晶析操作からアプローチする結晶多形制御
    12 Nov. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • Control of Polymorphism and Crystalline Qualities in the Anti-Solvent Crystallization by using Ternary Phase Diagram
    9th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology
    05 Nov. 2011, Other
  • 熱分析やX線・分光分析データを見てわかる 結晶品質の評価方法
    14 Oct. 2011, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Crystal Morphology control by using Modulated Operation under Suspension Conditions
    18th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    15 Sep. 2011, Other
  • Production of Organic Fine Crystalline Particles by using Liquid-liquid Interface in Emulsion
    18th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization
    07 Sep. 2011, Other
  • 結晶性物質に品質を作り込む晶析操作の基礎から応用まで
    05 Aug. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析操作と結晶品質の作り込み技術 -結晶創りの基礎と実践-
    11 Jul. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • Production of Organic Micro-crystals by using Solution Interface for Crystallization Field
    29 Jun. 2011, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Operating Design for Controlling Qualities in the Anti-Solvent Crystallization by using Ternary Phase Diagram
    29 Jun. 2011, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • ミリ流路でのセグメントフローを用いた有機微小結晶粒子群の製造
    03 Jun. 2011, Poster presentation
  • 濃縮海水からマグネシウムを回収するための晶析操作法の開発
    03 Jun. 2011, Poster presentation
  • 有機反応晶析の晶析基礎データの簡易測定法の開発
    03 Jun. 2011, Poster presentation
  • 結晶化技術の基礎と結晶品質の作り込みおよびトラブル対策
    13 May 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • アセトアミノフェン結晶の多形転移現象における添加物効果
    22 Mar. 2011, Other
  • 蒸発晶析での変調操作を利用した結晶形態制御
    22 Mar. 2011, Other
  • 來雑イオン存在下での無機リン化合物の生産性向上
    22 Mar. 2011, Other
  • 溶解熱を用いた水和物系有機結晶の転移温度の推算
    22 Mar. 2011, Other
  • 晶析入門~結晶化現象の基礎から結晶粒子群品質制御・トラブル対策まで~
    11 Mar. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶化技術(晶析操作) -基礎・解析法から応用・実践法まで-
    25 Jan. 2011, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶性物質に品質を作り込む晶析操作の基礎から応用まで
    08 Oct. 2010, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶の制御技術と色々な評価及びDSC他熱分析の基礎と動向
    21 Sep. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • 夾雑イオン存在下での無機リン化合物の製品結晶品質
    07 Sep. 2010, Other
  • 非溶媒添加晶析での溶媒和物の選択的析出条件とその結晶形態
    07 Sep. 2010, Other
  • トロパン誘導体化合物結晶の熱力学的安定性評価
    07 Sep. 2010, Other
  • Quality-by-Design Strategies in Crystallization Operation
    メトラー・トレド Infoday 2010 晶析セミナー
    23 Jul. 2010, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  •  有機合成者でもわかる結晶製品生産の最適化と晶析操作  -晶析データの取得・整理方法から結晶品質の作り込みまで-
    25 Jun. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • 変調操作を組み入れた温度操作による結晶粒子群品質制御
    03 Jun. 2010, Poster presentation
  • 非溶媒添加晶析での操作条件が有機結晶形態に与える影響
    03 Jun. 2010, Poster presentation
  • 反応晶析における結晶粒子群の成長現象とその成長速度
    03 Jun. 2010, Poster presentation
  • 気-液界面を晶析場とした有機微結晶粒子群の安定製造
    03 Jun. 2010, Poster presentation
  • 不純物存在下での無機リン化合物の生産性向上
    03 Jun. 2010, Poster presentation
  • 無機リン化合物の成長速度改善と製品結晶品質
    18 Mar. 2010, Other
  • 非溶媒存在下の液-液界面を晶析場とした有機結晶粒子群製造
    18 Mar. 2010, Other
  • pH-溶解度プロファイルを利用した反応晶析での有機塩結晶の品質制御
    18 Mar. 2010, Other
  • よくわかる晶析~基礎・スケールアップ・結晶品質制御~
    08 Feb. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析技術から見た結晶多形制御の問題解決アプローチ - 基礎データの取り方から実践的制御法まで -
    25 Jan. 2010, Oral presentation(general)
  • DSC測定でわかる固液平衡とは
    09 Oct. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶品質制御と測定技術の動向―最新の研究事例から―
    09 Oct. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • 変調操作が有機針状結晶の形態変化に及ぼす影響
    16 Sep. 2009, Other
  • Characterization of Fine Crystals in Evaporative Salt Crystallization Under High Suspension Condition
    9th International Symposium on Salt
    05 Sep. 2009, Other
  • 過飽和の変調操作が結晶粒子群品質に与える効果
    28 Aug. 2009, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶化/結晶転移現象解析のためのデータ取得法と結晶多形制御
    10 Jul. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析現象・結晶化のメカニズムと結晶品質制御技術 - 基礎データの取得方法からスケールアップまで -
    10 Jul. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • 結晶品質を作り込むための晶析操作を理解する - ラボでの晶析現象の基礎から晶析操作まで -
    26 Jun. 2009, Oral presentation(general)
  • 不純物存在下での無機リン化合物の結晶成長阻害現象
    13 Jun. 2009, Other
  • 気-液界面を晶析場とした有機微結晶粒子群創製法の検討
    12 Jun. 2009, Other
  • 非溶媒添加と冷却を組合わせた回分晶析での結晶粒径分布制御
    12 Jun. 2009, Other
  • 食塩蒸発晶析での変調操作が結晶粒子群品質に与える影響
    04 Jun. 2009, Other
  • Operation Design Strategy for Polymorphism Control in Anti-solvent Crystallization
    International Powder Technology Forum 2009
    13 May 2009, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 種晶無添加系回分冷却晶析での変調操作が結晶粒子群の品質に与える影響
    18 Mar. 2009, Other
  • 無機リン化合物の製品結晶品質と結晶成長現象
    18 Mar. 2009, Other
  • 添加物存在下でのアセトアミノフェン結晶の多形転移現象の解析
    18 Mar. 2009, Other
  • Effects of Cooling Temperature Profile with Undersaturation Operation on Crystal Size Distribution
    8th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology
    04 Oct. 2008, Other
  • 農・工・理学のトリプルアライアンスの場での発表研修と実践研究発表
    29 Sep. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • 気-液界面を晶析場とした有機結晶粒子群の成長現象とその応用
    24 Sep. 2008, Other
  • Operation Design Strategy for Controlling Polymorphism in the Anti-Solvent Crystallization
    17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization
    16 Sep. 2008, Other
  • Novel Operation Technology for Controlling the Number of Micro-Crystals in NaCl Crystallization
    15th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization
    12 Sep. 2008, Other
  • 海水資源の有効利用を考える
    04 Aug. 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 医薬品開発における結晶多形の評価・制御
    30 Jul. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • 高懸濁食塩晶析の結晶品質制御に対する差し水添加効果とその新規添加戦略の開発
    29 Jul. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • 医薬品製造での溶解度と結晶多形
    25 Jun. 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 気-液界面を晶析場とした有機微結晶粒子群の創製
    06 Jun. 2008, Poster presentation
  • 食塩晶析での変調操作が製品の粒径分布に及ぼす影響
    06 Jun. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析操作の基礎と結晶化現象の解析法および結晶品質の最適化
    30 May 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • 講義の工夫・私の場合-2007年度BT賞教員講演-
    24 Apr. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • 食塩晶析装置での過飽和溶液内の過剰微小結晶数の制御
    27 Mar. 2008, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 非溶媒添加晶析での変調操作が多形および粒径分布に及ぼす影響
    18 Mar. 2008, Other
  • 懸濁条件が有機結晶粒子群の成長速度へ与える影響とその評価
    18 Mar. 2008, Other
  • 基礎から学ぶ晶析操作と結晶品質制御-データの取得・整理方法から結晶品質の作り込みまで-
    22 Feb. 2008, Oral presentation(general)
  • Quality Control of Crystalline Particles for Production of Pharmaceuticals
    Crystallization semina in Kyunghee University
    22 Nov. 2007, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 結晶形態・多形を作りこむための晶析操作指針
    第44回粉体技術専門講座 基礎から学ぶ「実用・晶析技術」
    16 Nov. 2007, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 種晶無添加系回分晶析の未飽和操作を利用した粒径分布の改善
    13 Sep. 2007, Other
  • State-of-the-art of Crystallisation Modelling with gPROMS as the Main Tool
    2007 gPROMS User Meeting
    12 Sep. 2007, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 晶析技術から見た結晶多形制御の問題解決アプローチ
    28 Aug. 2007, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析現象と晶析オペレーションとのミクロ・マクロブリッジ
    07 Jul. 2007, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 最近の工業晶析動向
    15 Jun. 2007, Oral presentation(general)
  • 非溶媒添加法での結晶形態に対する操作過飽和度の影響
    07 Jun. 2007, Poster presentation
  • 食塩の晶析途中での差し水添加が製品の微小結晶数に及ぼす影響
    06 Jun. 2007, Other
  • 私の実践する講義の工夫-2006年度BT賞教員講演-
    24 May 2007, Oral presentation(general)
  • ジアステレオマー化・ラセミ化反応を伴う晶析による光学分割速度の解析
    20 Mar. 2007, Other
  • 泡沫を利用した有機結晶の鋳型晶析とその操作条件の検討
    19 Mar. 2007, Other
  • DSCによる溶解度決定法
    19 Mar. 2007, Other
  • 晶析の化学工学的問題解決アプローチとその留意点-徹底基礎講座-
    16 Mar. 2007, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析技術から見た結晶多形制御 の問題解決アプローチ
    15 Dec. 2006, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析途中の未飽和操作が粒径分布に及ぼす影響とその評価
    17 Sep. 2006, Other
  • 未飽和操作を利用した食塩晶析操作
    25 Jul. 2006, Oral presentation(general)
  • ベストティーチャーに選ばれて -講義の工夫、私の場合-
    14 Jul. 2006, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • 泡沫層を用いた有機結晶粒子群の鋳型晶析とその操作条件の検討
    02 Jun. 2006, Poster presentation
  • DL-メチオニン結晶の多形転移現象に対する種晶の影響
    02 Jun. 2006, Poster presentation
  • 優先晶析法における純度低下機構の検討
    02 Jun. 2006, Poster presentation
  • 超臨界二酸化炭素からのナフタレン結晶の結晶化挙動
    02 Jun. 2006, Poster presentation
  • 超臨界急速膨張法におけるイブプロフェン微粒子のへの相挙動の影響
    02 Jun. 2006, Poster presentation
  • 食塩蒸発晶析でのさし水添加操作による微小結晶数の制御
    02 Jun. 2006, Poster presentation
  • 結晶粒子群の成長速度に対する懸濁条件と物性の影響
    30 Mar. 2006, Other
  • ラセミ溶液中における光学異性体の結晶化現象の検討
    29 Mar. 2006, Other
  • レソルシノールの多形の析出に対する混合溶媒の影響
    29 Mar. 2006, Other
  • m-クロロニトロベンゼンの各結晶面の成長速度と局所純度に対する添加物の影響
    29 Mar. 2006, Other
  • インドメタシンの非溶媒添加晶析による多形析出現象と晶析操作法
    29 Mar. 2006, Other
  • 昇温操作を導入した冷却温度プロファイルが粒径分布に与える影響
    28 Mar. 2006, Other
  • 最近の工業晶析動向
    03 Feb. 2006, Oral presentation(general)
  • 非溶媒晶析によるインドメタシンの多形析出現象と操作法の検討
    Symposium on Polymorphs and Functional Crystals
    11 Nov. 2005, Poster presentation
  • Nucleation Phenomena in Ternary Solutions to Produce Organic Molecular Combined CrystalsCrystallization
    16th International Symposium on Industrial Crystalization
    12 Sep. 2005, Poster presentation
  • The Effects Of Operation Conditions on Qualities of Suspended Crystalline Particles in Batch Cooling Crystallization
    16th International Symposium on Industrial Crystalization
    12 Sep. 2005, Poster presentation
  • Growth Rates of Crystalline Particles Obtained under Different Suspension Conditions
    12th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization
    08 Sep. 2005, Other
  • Effects of Undersaturation Operation on Crystal Size Distribution in Batch Cooling Crystallization
    7th International Symposium on Separation Technology
    18 Aug. 2005, Other
  • Operation Design to Produce High-Quality Crystalline Particles by Batch Crystallization
    Crystallization meets Pharmaceuticals - Interdisciplinarity between Crystallization and Phamaceuticals
    12 May 2005, Oral presentation(general)
  • 晶析の化学工学的問題解決アプローチとその留意点
    27 Apr. 2005, Oral presentation(general)
  • レソルシノールの多形の析出に対する溶媒の影響
    24 Mar. 2005, Other
  • 泡沫層を利用した鋳型晶析による結晶形態と粒径の制御
    24 Mar. 2005, Other
  • 食塩晶析での高懸濁溶液中への溶媒添加が結晶粒径分布に及ぼす影響
    24 Mar. 2005, Other
  • 晶析技術から見た結晶多形制御の問題解決アプローチ
    15 Nov. 2004, Oral presentation(general)
  • Dynamic Influence of Supersaturation on m-CNB Crystal Morphology in the Presence of p-CNB
    10th The Asican Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE Congress)
    18 Oct. 2004, Other
  • Design Strategy of Temperature Profiles with Undersaturation Operation in Batch Cooling Crystallization
    11th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization
    15 Sep. 2004, Other
  • 回分晶析途中での溶媒添加が製品結晶粒径分布に与える影響
    09 Jun. 2004, Other
  • 回分晶析での操作条件が製品結晶粒子群の品質に及ぼす影響
    04 Jun. 2004, Other
  • インドメタシンの多形現象と晶析操作法
    02 Apr. 2004, Other
  • 懸濁条件の違いによる結晶粒子群の成長速度に関する考察
    02 Apr. 2004, Other
  • 医薬品結晶製造プロセスでの物性問題
    23 Mar. 2004, Oral presentation(general)
  • 連続晶析装置における非定常操作時の粒径分布変動に対する種結晶の影響
    Sep. 1997, Oral presentation(invited, special)

External funds

  • 高品質結晶粒子群製造装置を使用した晶析の実用化に関する研究
    cooperative research, From 01 Dec. 2016, To 30 Nov. 2024
  • 晶析による無機結晶合成に関する指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2016, To 31 Mar. 2017
  • 食品結晶の分析・解析に関する指導
    commissioned research, From 14 Mar. 2016, To 31 Mar. 2017
  • 晶析による無機結晶合成に関する指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2015, To 31 Mar. 2016
  • 結晶構造・形態制御に関する指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2015, To 31 Mar. 2016
  • 結晶構造・形態制御に関する指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2014, To 31 Mar. 2015
  • 晶析による無機結晶合成に関する指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Feb. 2014, To 31 Jul. 2014
  • 高品質結晶粒子群製造装置の操作・設計に関する研究
    cooperative research, From 01 Jun. 2013, To 31 Mar. 2014
  • 化合物の結晶化に関する指導
    commissioned research, From 28 Aug. 2012, To 30 Sep. 2012
  • 晶析による有機結晶の品質のつくり込みに関する指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2012, To 31 Mar. 2013
  • 結晶粒子群製造での品質制御に関わる研究開発指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2012, To 31 Aug. 2012
  • 結晶粒子群製造での品質制御に関わる研究開発指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Sep. 2011, To 31 Mar. 2012
  • 有機酸晶析プロセスにおける結晶形態制御法の開発
    cooperative research, From 01 Apr. 2011, To 31 Mar. 2012
  • 晶析による有機結晶の品質のつくり込みに関する指導
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2011, To 31 Mar. 2012
  • 製塩プロセスでの晶析現象の解析とその応用
    cooperative research, From 28 Oct. 2010, To 31 Mar. 2011
  • 有機酸晶析プロセスの現象解明とその応用
    cooperative research, From 01 Oct. 2010, To 31 Mar. 2012
  • 有機酸晶析プロセスの現象解明とその応用
    cooperative research, From 01 Oct. 2010, To 31 Mar. 2011
  • 晶析による有機結晶の品質のつくり込みに関する指導
    commissioned research, From 06 Aug. 2010, To 31 Mar. 2011
  • 晶析現象の解析とその応用
    cooperative research, From 01 Apr. 2010, To 31 Mar. 2011
  • 海水溶存資源採取の経済性再評価
    commissioned research, From 01 Apr. 2010, To 28 Feb. 2011
  • 晶析現象の解析とその応用
    cooperative research, From 02 Jun. 2009, To 31 Mar. 2010
  • 晶析現象機序の解析とその応用
    cooperative research, From 01 Oct. 2007, To 31 Mar. 2008

Committee Memberships

  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 20210401, To 20240331
  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 20190401, To 20240331
  • European Federation of Chemical Engineering: EFCE Working Party on Crystallization
    International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization Scientific Committee
    From 20200901, To 20220831
  • 日本海水学会
    From 20190401, To 20230331
  • 日本海水学会
    From 20190401, To 20220331
  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 20140401, To 20190331
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 20040401, To 20180331
  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 2003, To 2014
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 2002, To 2010
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 2002, To 2006
  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 19990401, To 20170331
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 1998, To 2000

Media Coverage

  • 高剪断場での晶析現象の組み合わせによる結晶粒子群の特性制御
    IChES 2024 プレスリリース
    From 04 Mar. 2024, To 20 Mar. 2024
  • 高剪断場を利用した低過飽和条件下での結晶品質と生産性向上
    化学工学会第 54 回秋季大会プレスリリース
    From 28 Aug. 2023, To 13 Sep. 2023
  • ゲーム活用特集
    From 27 Sep. 2021, To 27 Sep. 2021
  • オープンキャンパスへのメタバースの利用
    ラジオフチューズ87.4の「ゆうどきフチューズ!~農工ラジオ~」による令和3年度「工学部 夏の オープンキャンパス~学部説明会~」
    From 29 Jul. 2021, To 29 Jul. 2021
  • 海水を冷やしてできる結晶は? 結晶化工学の不思議と可能性
    From 01 May 2020, To 01 May 2020

Professional Memberships

  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 2004
  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 2003
  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 2002
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 2002
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 2002
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 2000
  • The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
    From 1999
  • The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    From 1998
  • 化学ソフトウェア学会
  • 日本海水学会


  • 学長特別表彰(東京都教育委員会と東京農工大学との高大接続事業実施)
    31 Mar. 2023
  • 学長表彰(広報国際化)
    31 Mar. 2022
  • 学長表彰(コロナ対応貢献)
    31 Mar. 2021
  • 分離技術会
    26 Jun. 2020
  • Best Reviewer Award 2019 (Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan)
    10 Apr. 2019
  • 東京農工大学
    31 Oct. 2018
  • Best Reviewer Award 2013 (Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan)
    28 Feb. 2013
  • 平成22年度BASE最優秀講義賞
    25 Mar. 2011
  • Best Reviewer Award 2011 (Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan)
    28 Feb. 2011
  • 平成21年度BASE最優秀講義賞
    07 Apr. 2010
  • 平成20年度BASE最優秀講義賞
    09 Apr. 2009
  • 日本海水学会
    05 Jun. 2008
  • 平成19年度工学部ベストティーチャー賞
    16 Jan. 2008
  • 平成19年度BASE最優秀講義賞
    05 Dec. 2007
  • 平成18年度東京農工大学優秀講義賞
    10 Jan. 2007
  • 平成17年度東京農工大学優秀講義賞
  • POSTER PRIZE 12th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC12)
  • 平成16年度東京農工大学工学部優秀講義賞
  • 平成14年度東京農工大学工学部最優秀講義賞(Best Teacher賞)
  • 平成13年度東京農工大学工学部優秀講義賞

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