Researcher Database

OHASHI Hidenori

FacultyFaculty of Engineering Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering
PositionAssociate Professor
Last Updated :2025/01/22

Activity information

Name and contact details

  • Name

    オオハシ ヒデノリ, 大橋 秀伯, OHASHI Hidenori

Affiliation / Position

  • Faculty of Engineering Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering, Associate Professor

Other affiliation

  • Graduate School of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry
  • Institute of Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry

Current state of research and teaching activities

  • Functional membrane development and systematic device design in energy and life-science fields based on the molecular transport understanding. (from lithium ion battery, protein refolding, to chemical grafting)

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))(令和3(2021)以降採択分)
    From 2023, To 2023
  • 基盤研究(C)
    From 2023, To 2025
  • 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))
    From 2022, To 2022
  • 基盤研究(C)
    From 2018, To 2020
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2018, To 2018
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2017, To 2017
  • 基盤研究(A)
    From 2016, To 2016


  • A review on TMDCs nanomaterials and their surface engineered polymeric membrane nanocomposites for water remediation and wastewater treatment
    Kayanja, Oscar; Abdel-Aty, Ahmed. A. R.; Hassan, Mohsen A.; Hassanin, Ahmed; Ohashi, Hidenori; Khalil, Ahmed S. G.
    Transitional metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have lately attracted attention as viable two-dimensional (2D) materials capable of enhancing the performance of membrane-based technologies for wastewater treatment. The dispersion of TMDCs in nanocomposite membranes seems to have established diverse alternatives to control membrane surface properties as well as the antifouling behaviour. This is possible due to the ability to manip-ulate the 2D structure of TMDCs along the processing stage, which creates the necessary building blocks to design and fabricate membranes with improved separation performance. Recent research has revealed that 2D TMDCs possess better performance indicators than graphene and its functional derivatives due to their outstanding mechanical, biological, and physicochemical properties which could be inherent when blended with polymeric materials to formulate membrane composites. Very few reviews have tackled a detailed discussion about the separation performance of TMDCs based membranes for wastewater treatment and in here, a detailed discussion is made. In this review, TMDC nanomaterials and their polymeric membrane nanocomposites are discussed in detail for water remediation and wastewater treatment. Several TMDCs are described with regard to their low-cost synthesis procedures in addition to vital characterization techniques utilized to analyse these materials. This is followed by a thorough discussion about synthesis and characterization employed to analyse the effect and dispersion of TMDCs in polymeric membranes to form nanocomposite membranes. Finally, an analysis for the role of using TMDC-based nanocomposite membranes for wastewater treatment is made and the rejection mechanisms that have been concluded from recent studies are also discussed. This review has focused on novel areas that are overlooked by a few reviews published in this area, with regard to using TMDCs in modifying polymeric membranes for water remediation and wastewater treatment.
    Dec. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 43, 2468-0230, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Preparation of a poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid)-grafted polyurethane sponge using atmospheric pressure plasma-induced graft polymerization and its catalytic properties for the acetalization of glycerol to solketal
    Tokuyama, Hideaki; Suzuki, Hikaru; Terada, Akihiko; Ohashi, Hidenori
    Poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) (poly(AMPS)) bearing a sulfo group was grafted onto a polyurethane sponge by an argon atmospheric-pressure plasma treatment and subsequent graft polymerization. Thus, a novel poly(AMPS)-grafted polyurethane sponge was developed as a heterogeneous acid catalyst for organic synthesis. The average grafting amount was 0.0277 kg-polymer/kg-substrate. The surface properties of the polyurethane sponge changed considerably, from hydrophobic to hydrophilic. The poly(AMPS)-grafted sponge successfully catalyzed the acetalization of glycerol with acetone to produce the desired solketal. The reaction rate was analyzed using a pseudo-first-order kinetic model, and the apparent reaction rate constant, k, and apparent activation energy were determined. The k value for the poly(AMPS)-grafted sponge was one order of magnitude larger than that for the EDGA-co-AMPS gel (EDGA: ethoxy diethyleneglycol acrylate). The poly (AMPS)-grafted sponge with interconnected submillimeter-sized macropores and high porosity (98%) exhibits excellent diffusional permeability. In addition, the structural features of the sponge provide advantages such as a negligible pressure drop and easy handling during the reaction process. This study provides a strategy for the use of polymers grafted onto sponges as catalysts.
    Oct. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 191, 1381-5148, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Effect of phase disparity of MoS2 nanosheets on the performance of PES membranes for dual industrial oil-in-water emulsion separation and dyes adsorption
    Oscar Kayanja, Mohsen A. Hassan, Ahmed Hassanin, Hidenori Ohashi, Ahmed S. G. Khalil
    Process Safety and Environmental Protection
    Water shortage is a global challenge due to increased demand and hence, reliable wastewater treatment avenues must be created to solve this problem. In this work, we report about the fabrication of dual performance pol-yethersulfone (PES) membranes modified with molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets of different phases for wastewater remediation. We optimised process parameters to obtain large area, defect free membrane sheets. Comprehensive characterization revealed the phase disparity of MoS2, and changes introduced in the modified PES membranes. Blending MoS2 with PES membranes enhanced the mechanical properties as well as water uptake differently. The optimum PES membrane was modified with 0.2 wt% of 70% 1 T/2 H MoS2 and possessed superior pure water permeance of 778 kg/ It also showed superior performance towards oil removal with rejection efficiency of 99% for 1 g/L oil concentration and it revealed excellent antifouling properties. The optimum membrane showed appreciable performance in organic dye rejection, even though it was outpaced by the 0.5 wt% of 70% 1 T/2 H MoS2 modified PES with a dye rejection of 98% towards methylene blue and 92% towards Rhodamine B. This work revealed that the phase of MoS2 strongly influences the structure and per-formance of the resultant PES-based nanocomposite membranes in ultrafiltration applications.
    Mar. 2023, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 171, 0957-5820, DOI(公開)(r-map), 55, 70
  • Low humidity dependence of proton conductivity in modified zirconium(iv)-hydroxy ethylidene diphosphonates
    Ogawa, Takaya; Anilkumar, Gopinathan M.; Tamaki, Takanori; Ohashi, Hidenori; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    Materials with proton-conducting properties have attracted much interest and play a key role in various processes and devices such as polymer electrolyte fuel cells. In these materials, the major issue is the strong dependence of the proton conductivity on the relative humidity (RH); conductivity severely decreases under low RH conditions. Here we report the synthesis of zirconium-hydroxy ethylidene diphosphonates (ZrHEDP), in which the phosphonic acid groups are placed at a closer distance. As the acid groups are more concentrated in ZrHEDP, the proton conductivity exhibits lower dependence on the RH. In particular, the ZrHEDP with the largest number of phosphonic acid groups among the examined samples showed the lowest RH dependence; the proton conductivity at 40% RH remained 2/3 of the conductivity at 95% RH, whereas a well-known proton-conducting material, Nafion, at 40% RH showed 1/5-1/20 of its conductivity at 95% RH.
    24 Oct. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 6, 21, DOI(公開)(r-map), 3271, 3278
  • Low-Fouling Polyvinylidene Fluoride Microfiltration Membranes Produced by Grafting Carboxybetaine Polymers by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Activator Generated by Electron Transfer-Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
    Akamatsu, Kazuki; Shida, Taisei; Ochiai, Ayaka; Fukase, Ryo; Ohashi, Hidenori; Nakao, Shin-ichi; Wang, Xiao-lin
    membranes were first developed by grafting a carboxybetaine polymer (PCMB) onto the surface and pore walls. Two grafting procedures were investigated. One was atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), and the other was activator generated by electron transfer ATRP (AGET-ATRP). In both methods, the Fenton reaction followed by the initiator immobilization was carried out prior to ATRP or AGET-ATRP. Although there was a difference in the grafting rate, it was possible to control the grafting amount by governing the grafting time in both methods. The grafting of PCMB had two opposite effects on the performance of the membrane: it increased its low-fouling property and decreased its pure water permeability. Pure water permeability measurements and filtration tests using aqueous solution containing BSA revealed that the optimum grafting amount that achieved excellent lowfouling while retaining high pure water permeability was 0.17-0.2 mg cm-2. We also investigated cleaning the fouled membrane with a sodium hydroxide solution at pH 11. The treated membrane indicated the recovery of pure water permeability and the preservation of the low-fouling property.
    05 Oct. 2022, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 61, 39, 0888-5885, DOI(公開)(r-map), 14649, 14655
  • Effect of Structural Features of Polymer Gels Containing Au Nanoparticles on Their Catalytic Properties
    Kato, Gakuto; Doi, Hayato; Ohashi, Hidenori; Tokuyama, Hideaki
    Au(0) nanoparticles catalyze many reactions and various Au-polymer composites have been developed to date. Herein, we developed different types of Au(0)-nanoparticle-loaded gels and investigated the effects of their structural features such as the polymer type, gel diameter, and gel composition on their catalytic properties. N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPA) gel, N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMAA) gel, poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) gel, and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether acrylate (PEGMEA) gel were used, and millimeter-, micrometer-, and nanometer-sized gels were fabricated. Au(0)-nanoparticle-loaded gels were obtained by adsorbing Au(III) ions onto the gels, followed by the reduction of the adsorbed ions. All the Au(0)-nanoparticle-loaded gels successfully functioned as catalysts for the reduction of p-nitrophenol to p-aminophenol with NaBH4. The catalytic performance of the gels was evaluated using the pseudo-first-order reaction rate constant and apparent activation energy. The polymer type and the DMAA gel composition had little effect on the apparent reaction rate constant. The kinetic rate-determining steps in the Au(0)-nanoparticle-loaded gels with various diameters were identified using the Weisz-Prater modulus and the effectiveness factor, and the concentration profile of the reactant in the gels were estimated.
    Dec. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 54, 12, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 648, 656
  • Plasma Graft Polymerization and Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization: Characteristics of Low-Fouling Membranes Obtained by Surface Modification with Poly(2-methoxyethyl Acrylate)
    Akamatsu, Kazuki; Saito, Tatsuru; Ohashi, Hidenori; Wang, Xiao-lin; Nakao, Shin-ichi
    This study investigated the characteristics of membranes modified by grafting poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate) (PMEA) onto their surfaces and pore walls via plasma graft polymerization (PGP) and surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) to render the membrane surfaces fouling-free. The grafting of PMEA was successfully achieved using both methods. Although no remarkable differences were observed in the modified membranes through structural analyses such as FT-IR and FE-SEM, pure water permeability was higher in the membranes modified by SI-ATRP than in those modified by PGP, particularly at the same grafting amount. This was probably because the length of the grafted PMEA was shorter with a higher PMEA density per surface area when SI-ATRP was employed for the modification with PMEA, compared to those obtained when PGP was used. The modified membranes exhibited excellent low-fouling properties against bovine serum albumin (BSA), regardless of the modification method used. In addition, it was demonstrated that the low-fouling properties resulted from the suppression of BSA adsorption by the grafted PMEA. Finally, no flux decline was demonstrated through a 10 h filtration test of raw water for water supply with the modified membranes, which clearly indicated the effective fouling suppression performance of the modified membranes.
    27 Oct. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 60, 42, 0888-5885, DOI(公開)(r-map), 15248, 15255
  • Suitable acid groups and density in electrolytes to facilitate proton conduction
    Ogawa, Takaya; Ohashi, Hidenori; Anilkumar, Gopinathan M.; Tamaki, Takanori; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    Proton conducting materials suffer from low proton conductivity under low-relative humidity (RH) conditions. Previously, it was reported that acid-acid interactions, where acids interact with each other at close distances, can facilitate proton conduction without water movement and are promising for overcoming this drawback [T. Ogawa, H. Ohashi, T. Tamaki and T. Yamaguchi, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2019, 731, 136627]. However, acid groups have not been compared to find a suitable acid group and density for the interaction, which is important to experimentally synthesize the material. Here, we performed ab initio calculations to identify acid groups and acid densities as a polymer design that effectively causes acid-acid interactions. The evaluation method employed parameters based on several different optimized coordination interactions of acids and water molecules. The results show that the order of the abilities of polymer electrolytes to readily induce acid-acid interactions is hydrocarbon-based phosphonated polymers > phosphonated aromatic hydrocarbon polymers > perfluorosulfonic acid polymers approximate to perfluorophosphonic acid polymers > sulfonated aromatic hydrocarbon polymers. The acid-acid interaction becomes stronger as the distance between acids decreases. The preferable distance between phosphonate moieties is within 13 angstrom.
    27 Oct. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 23, 41, 1463-9076, DOI(公開)(r-map), 23778, 23786
  • Quick Refolding of High-Concentration Proteins via Microchannel Dialysis
    Kato, Aoi; Ohashi, Hidenori
    The industrial production of active proteins from Escherichia coli necessitates the refolding of high concentrations of protein over a short period of time. However, it is difficult to simultaneously achieve high concentration and short operation time. In the present study, by designing microchannels with dialysis membranes by a chemical engineering way, the surface area was enlarged for quickly removing the protein denaturant and high-concentration protein refolding was achieved in a short time; high concentrations of active carbonic anhydrase-8 times more concentrated than achieved using dilution method-were refolded in 20 min, which is orders of magnitude faster than the conventional dialysis method.
    21 Jul. 2021, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 60, 28, 0888-5885, DOI(公開)(r-map), 10076, 10082
  • Inhibition of Agrobacterium tumefaciens biofilm formation by acylase I-immobilized polymer surface grafting of a zwitterionic group-containing polymer brush
    Bao, Qian; Xie, Li; Ohashi, Hidenori; Hosomi, Masaaki; Terada, Akihiko
    Membrane processes for water purification and wastewater treatment are impacted by biofilm formation, a hotspot for bacterial cell-cell communication, mainly mediated by N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) as signal compounds. Polymer materials for membrane filtration require high water permeability and biofilm deterrents. Therefore, in this study, a hydrophilic and enzyme-immobilizing polymer membrane was designed, for the first time, to prevent biofilm formation by degrading AHLs. A polyethylene membrane (PE) sheet was grafted as a substratum with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) by radiation-induced graft polymerization (RIGP). The epoxy group in GMA was further converted into dimethylamino-gamma-butyric acid (DMGABA) to increase hydrophilicity. To prevent biofilm formation by cell-cell communication, the quorum-quenching enzyme, acylase I, with or without activity was immobilized onto a DMGABA membrane sheet, providing enzymatically active DMGABA (EI-DMGABA) and inactive DMGABA (Ina-EI-DMGABA) sheets, respectively. The introduction of DMGABA improved hydrophilicity with a static contact angle of 30.2 degrees, as compared to GMA (84.3 degrees). In a flow cell biofilm formation experiment, biofilm formation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, using AHLs for quorum sensing, was dramatically inhibited on an EI-DMGABA sheet, but not on an Ina-EI-DMGABA sheet. The successful result to prove the concept of active AHL-degrading enzyme immobilized onto a hydrophilic polymer surface likely paves the way for the application to inhibition of unfavorable biofilm formation onto an interface.
    15 Dec. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 152, 1369-703X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 107372
  • Autonomous Shrinking/Swelling Phenomenon Driven By Macromolecular Interchain Cross-Linking via beta-Cyclodextrin-Triazole Complexation
    Sugawara, Yuuki; Takei, Toshiki; Ohashi, Hidenori; Kuroki, Hidenori; Miyanishi, Shoji; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    Molecular recognition-induced autonomous dynamic motions, which feature in living systems, have been attracting much interest because such biological functions can promote the consequent development of sophisticated functional materials. To realize molecular recognition-induced autonomous dynamic motions using synthetic materials and manipulate them, herein, we designed poly(NIPAM-co-triaz-CD), which bears a cyclodextrin (CD) host and a triazole guest in the side chains of the polymer itself; subsequently, we investigated its phase transition behavior. 2D NOESY NMR analysis evidenced that triazole in the polymer side chains was included into the CD cavity, and DLS measurements indicated that the CD triazole complexation resulted in the formation of interchain cross-linking. Poly(NIPAM-co-triaz CD) exhibited autonomous shrinking/swelling of the polymer chains that occurred by itself in water due to the interchain cross-linking via the CD triazole complexation. Thus, this study enabled the poly(NIPAM) itself to generate the artificial molecular recognition-induced autonomous phenomenon. These findings not only present a unique methodology for polymer phase transition phenomena but also provide a new platform for designing molecular recognition polymeric materials.
    26 Nov. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 52, 22, 0024-9297, DOI(公開)(r-map), 8551, 8562
  • Proton diffusion facilitated by indirect interactions between proton donors through several hydrogen bonds
    Ogawa, Takaya; Ohashi, Hidenori; Tamaki, Takanori; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    The packed-acid mechanism has been recently proposed as a proton conduction mechanism in environments with a high concentration of proton donors, whereby protons are conducted via acid-acid interaction. The acid-acid interaction was originally stated to occur only when a hydrogen bond (H-bond) is formed directly between proton donors. This study clarifies that proton donors can indirectly interact with each other through several H-bonds, even when the donors are separated distantly (indirect acid-acid interactions). Ab initio calculations confirmed that indirect interaction make a non-negligible contribution to proton diffusivity.
    16 Sep. 2019, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 731, 0009-2614, DOI(公開)(r-map), 136627
  • Performance analysis of a water-gas shift membrane reactor for integrated coal gasification combined cycle plant
    Yonamine, Wataru; Thangavel, Sivasakthivel; Ohashi, Hidenori; Fushimi, Chihiro
    In integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) systems, the water-gas shift reaction, which promotes the conversion of CO present in syngas mixtures into hydrogen, is an important step for hydrogen production. Application of the water-gas shift membrane reactor (WGSMR) in IGCC systems is an attractive option for CO2 capture compared with conventional methods because of smaller heat loss in gas purification and high CO conversion by selectively removing hydrogen from the reaction zone through the membrane. In this study, we proposed and evaluated commercial-scale WGSMR models combined with IGCC using reported laboratory-scale experimental data to optimize their operational parameters. Various models were developed using the Aspen Plus (R) Ver. 8.6 process simulator to investigate the impacts of hydrogen separation, pressure loss, and the flow direction between the sweep gas on the permeate side and syngas on the retentate side on the WGSMR performance with respect to CO conversion, H-2 yield, and reactor temperature. The membrane reactor model gave approximately 20% higher CO conversion than a reactor model without H-2 separation and approximately 4% lower CO conversion than a membrane reactor model with a pressure drop. A counter-current membrane reactor model gave approximately 2% higher CO conversion than a co-current model; the H-2 yield on the permeate side was 9.3% higher in the counter-current model by separation of H-2 through the membrane. A sensitivity analysis indicated that a high flow rate and low pressure of sweep gas are advantageous for H-2 recovery, and high catalyst loading and high syngas inlet temperature are preferable for higher CO conversion.
    15 Oct. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 174, 0196-8904, DOI(公開)(r-map), 552, 564
  • Immobilization of Azospira sp strain I13 by gel entrapment for mitigation of N2O from biological wastewater treatment plants: Biokinetic characterization and modeling
    Suenaga, Toshikazu; Aoyagi, Ryo; Sakamoto, Nozomi; Riya, Shohei; Ohashi, Hidenori; Hosomi, Masaaki; Tokuyama, Hideaki; Terada, Akihiko
    Development of a strategy to mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from biological sources is important in the nexus of wastewater treatment and greenhouse gas emission. To this end, immobilization of N2O-reducing bacteria as a biofilm has the potential to ameliorate oxygen (O-2) inhibition of the metabolic activity of the bacteria. We demonstrated the effectiveness of calcium alginate gel entrapment of the nosZ Glade II type N2O-reducing bacterium, Azospira sp. strain I13, in reducing levels of N2O, irrespective of the presence of O-2 . Azospira sp. strain I13 cells in the gel exhibited N2O reduction up to a maximum dissolved oxygen concentration of 100 mu M in the bulk liquid. The maximum apparent N2O uptake rate,& nbsp; V'(m,N2O), by gel immobilization did not appreciably decrease, retaining 72% of the N2O reduction rate of the cell suspension of Azospira sp. strain I13. Whereas gel immobilization increased the apparent half-saturation constant for N2O, K'(m,N2O ), and the apparent O-2 inhibition constant, K'(1,O2) , representing the degree of O-2 resistance, correspondingly increased. A mechanistic model introducing diffusion and the reactions of N2O consumption was used to describe the experimental observations. Incorporating Thieles modulus into the model determined an appropriate gel size to achieve N2O reduction even under aerobic conditions. (C) 2018, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.
    Aug. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 126, 2, 1389-1723, DOI(公開)(r-map), 213, 219
  • Alkali-resistant Anion Exchange Membranes with Grafted Polyelectrolyte for Fuel Cells
    Ohashi, Hidenori; Jung, Hyangmi; Chi, Xueqin; Miyanishi, Shoji; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    Pore-filling anion exchange membranes for use in fuel cell applications are fabricated by grafting anion exchange polymers onto pore surfaces of a porous substrate. Because grafted polymers are tethered, the membranes realize high stabilities against hydroxide ions and sufficient hydroxide ion conductivities as well. The grafting strategy is consistent with the existing strategy of molecular structure design to improve the membrane alkali stability.
    Jul. 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 47, 7, 0366-7022, DOI(公開)(r-map), 857, 859
  • Control of Target Molecular Recognition in a Small Pore Space with Biomolecule-Recognition Gating Membrane
    Okuyama, Hiroto; Oshiba, Yuhei; Ohashi, Hidenori; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    A biomolecule-recognition gating membrane, which introduces thermosensitive graft polymer including molecular recognition receptor into porous membrane substrate, can close its pores by recognizing target biomolecule. The present study reports strategies for improving both versatility and sensitivity of the gating membrane. First, the membrane is fabricated by introducing the receptor via a selectively reactive click reaction improving the versatility. Second, the sensitivity of the membrane is enhanced via an active delivering method of the target molecules into the pores. In the method, the tiny signal of the target biomolecule is amplified as obvious pressure change. Furthermore, this offers 15 times higher sensitivity compared to the previously reported passive delivering method (membrane immersion to sample solution) with significantly shorter recognition time. The improvement will aid in applying the gating membrane to membrane sensors in medical fields.
    03 May 2018, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 14, 18, 1613-6810, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Control of Target Molecular Recognition in a Small Pore Space with Biomolecule-Recognition Gating Membrane
    Hiroto Okuyama, Yuhei Oshiba, Hidenori Ohashi, and Takeo Yamaguchi
    Dec. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 1702267, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1, 5
  • In-plane and through-plane non-uniform carbon corrosion of polymer electrolyte fuel cell cathode catalyst layer during extended potential cycles
    Ghosh, Sourov; Ohashi, Hidenori; Tabata, Hiroshi; Hashimasa, Yoshiyuki; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    The impact of electrochemical carbon corrosion via potential cycling durability tests mimicking start stop operation events on the microstructure of the cathode catalyst layer in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) is investigated using focused ion beam (FIB) fabrication without/with the pore-filling technique and subsequent scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. FIB/SEM investigations without pore-filling reveals that the durability test induces non-uniform cathode shrinking across the in plane direction; the thickness of the catalyst layer decreases more under the gas flow channel compared to the area under the rim of the flow field. Furthermore, FIB/SEM investigations with the pore-filling technique reveal that the durability test also induces non-uniform cathode shrinking in the through plane direction; the pores in the area close to the membrane are more shrunken compared with those close to the microporous layer. In particular, a thin area (1-1.5 mu m) close to the membrane is found to be severely damaged; it includes closed pores that hinder mass transport through the catalyst layer. It is suggested that uneven carbon corrosion and catalyst layer compaction are responsible for the performance loss during potential cycling operation of PEFCs. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Sep. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 362, 0378-7753, DOI(公開)(r-map), 291, 298
  • Non-equilibrium Thermodynamic Model of a Highly Permeable Forward Osmosis Membrane
    Amamiya, Seiichi; Ohashi, Hidenori; Yamaguchi, Takeo
    Forward osmosis (FO) membranes with high water permeation flux are required for FO processes to overcome reverse osmosis energy efficiency and translate the FO process into practical applications. However, in the case of such membranes, convective solute transport has a profound effect on solute permeation flux. The existing solution-diffusion model ignores the convection term and the solute permeation flux cannot be accurately analyzed. To solve this problem, the FO membrane permeation was theoretically modeled via non-equilibrium thermodynamics to introduce the convection effect and by coupling with both the internal and external concentration polarizations. First, the FO desalination process (feed solution was sea water (3.3 wt% NaCl aq.)) was investigated by the model. By slightly decreasing the reflection coefficient, which had minimal influence on water permeation flux, both the convective salt transport and NaCl permeation flux increased significantly. Second, a simplified model system (the feed solution was pure water and the draw solution was NaCl aq.) for the wastewater treatment FO process was analyzed. In this system, water permeated in a direction opposite to that of NaCl, and relevant complex behavior of salt permeation was observed.
    Aug. 2017, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 50, 8, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 618, 631
  • Correlation between the Activity and Molecular Structure around the Active Center of Cytochrome P450cam Conjugates
    Yuhei Oshiba, Takanori Tamaki, Hidenori Ohashi, Hidehiko Hirakawa, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Teruyuki Nagamune, and Takeo Yamaguchi
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    May 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 49, 5, DOI(公開)(r-map), 475, 480
  • Quantum Chemical Approach for Highly Durable Anion Exchange Groups in Solid-state Alkaline Fuel Cells
    Keitaro Matsuyama, Hidenori Ohashi, Shoji Miyanishi, Hiroshi Ushiyama, and Takeo Yamaguchi
    RSC Advances
    Apr. 2016, Research paper (scientific journal), joint, 6, 43, DOI(公開)(r-map), 36269, 36272


  • 表面開始グラフト重合の機能膜への応用
    29 Mar. 2023, Oral presentation(invited, special)
  • Proposal of magnetic field-driven forward osmosis concentration process
    17 Mar. 2023, Poster presentation
  • 水酸化物イオンを含む深共晶溶媒を用いた空気アルミニウム二次電池の開発
    09 Mar. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • 無機素材への大気圧プラズマグラフト重合法の開発
    09 Mar. 2023, Oral presentation(general)
  • 多孔質ポリイミド膜を用いた有機溶媒逆浸透膜の開発
    09 Jun. 2022, Poster presentation
  • VRFBにおける容量損失の機構解明および低減のための価数選択型電解質膜の開発
    18 Mar. 2022, Poster presentation
  • 高分子溶液の系統的粘弾性測定による自由体積の研究
    18 Mar. 2022, Poster presentation
  • 大気圧プラズマグラフト重合法の基礎的検討とその応用
    20 Mar. 2021, Poster presentation
  • グラファイトの表面微量酸官能基の定量
    20 Mar. 2021, Poster presentation
  • 高分子溶液の粘弾性測定を用いた分子拡散性予測
    12 Nov. 2020, Poster presentation
  • バナジウムレドックスフロー電池用の価数選択型電解質膜の開発
    01 Jun. 2020, Poster presentation
  • 高分子中の分子拡散性予測における自由体積の加成性に関する議論
    01 Jun. 2020, Poster presentation
  • マイクロ流路型高比表面積圧透析によるタンパク質高速濃縮
    15 Mar. 2020, Poster presentation
  • グラファイトの気相修飾によるLIBの高温保存性能向上
    15 Mar. 2020, Poster presentation
  • 高濃度活性タンパク質の高速製造法の開発
    11 Nov. 2019, Poster presentation
  • Quick Refolding of High Concentration Protein via Microchannel Flow Dialysis
    18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019)
    23 Sep. 2019, Oral presentation(general)
  • 移動物性を基盤としたデバイス・システム設計
    化学工学会 第50回秋季大会
    18 Sep. 2018, Symposium workshop panel(nominated)
  • A Prediction Model for Molecular Diffusivity in Polymeric Systems and Application for Coating Processes
    9th Asia Coating Workshop
    27 May 2017, Oral presentation(invited, special)

Committee Memberships

  • 化学工学会 膜工学分科会
    From 20220401, To 20230331
  • 化学工学会
    From 20190401, To 20230331
  • 分離技術会
    From 20160601, To 20220331
  • 日本膜学会
    膜学若手討論会 実行委員
    From 20160501, To 20220331
  • 化学工学会 膜工学分科会
    膜工学ニュース 論文紹介サービス主査
    From 20150401, To 20200331
  • 化学工学会 材料界面部会
    材料化学システム工学討論会 実行委員
    From 201008, To 201108

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