
銭 衛華QIAN Eika W.セン エイカ

所属部署名工学研究院 応用化学部門
Last Updated :2025/01/22



  • 氏名

    セン エイカ, 銭 衛華, QIAN Eika W.
  • Fax番号

  • eメールアドレス

  • 個人ホームページ



  • 工学研究院 応用化学部門, 教授


  • 生物システム応用科学府 生物機能システム科学専攻
  • 工学部


  • 東京農工大学大学院工学研究院
    自 2014年02月01日


  • 東京農工大学
    至 1995年03月25日, 修了, 博士後期
  • 華東化工学院(中国)
    至 1987年06月30日, 修了, 修士
  • 清華大学(中国)
    至 1984年06月30日, 卒業


  • 博士(工学)


  • 石油は、我々の現代社会に欠かせないエネルギー資源です。しかしながら、燃料としてそのまま使用する場合には、その中に含まれた窒素や硫黄がNOxやSOx等の酸性ガスとして放出され、環境破壊を引き起こす。そこで、硫黄フリーなクリーン燃料油を製造するためにガソリンや軽油等の燃料油の水素化処理に関する触媒や新規プロセスの開発を取り込んでいます。また、地球温暖化の原因とする大気中の二酸化炭素の増加を抑制するため、エネルギーの利用効率を向上しなければなりません。そこで、触媒を用いて、水蒸気改質反応による再生化型エネルギー源であるバイオマスから水素の製造プロセスの開発にも取り込んでいます。


  • A689 ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学), A27030 触媒プロセス、資源化学プロセス
  • A489 ナノテク・材料, A34030 グリーンサステイナブルケミストリー、環境化学


  • 環境にやさしいエネルギーの製造に関する研究で、具体的に燃料油の水素化処理による硫黄フリーのグリーンエネルギーの製造や、酸化脱硫によるガソリンや灯油や軽油の超深度脱硫プロセスの開発、接触水蒸気改質反応を利用して、再生型エネルギー源であるバイオマス由来オイルから燃料電池用水素の製造、固体酸触媒によるバイオマスからバイオマテリアルやバイオ燃料の製造に関する研究を取り込んでいる。


  • 非可食植物油の水素化処理によるバイオジェット燃料の製造触媒・プロセスの開発
    自 2000
  • 酸化反応による燃料油の超深度脱硫
    自 1998
  • 固体酸触媒によるバイオマスからバイオマテリアル・バイオ燃料の製造
    自 200702
  • バイオマス由来オイルの水蒸気改質による水素製造プロセスの開発
    自 2000
  • 放射性同位元素標識法を用いた遷移金属硫化物触媒上の硫黄挙動の解析
    自 1991
  • トリチウムトレーサー法を用いた石炭中の水素移動性の評価
    自 1997, 至 2003


  • 化学物理工学概論
    2022年, 教養科目等
  • 化学・物理工学基礎プロジェクト演習
    2022年, 専門科目等
  • 化学・物理工学実験I&II
    2022年, 専門科目等


  • 挑戦的萌芽研究
    自 2016年, 至 2016年
  • 基盤研究(C)一般
    自 2005年, 至 2007年
  • 基盤研究(C)一般
    自 2005年, 至 2007年


  • Insights into co-solvent roles in oxidative depolymerization of lignin to vanillin and lactic acid
    Peng, Mingming; Shen, Meng; Muraishi, Taiki; Wei, Xinyu; Fan, Lijiang; Tsunakawa, Toshiya; Kamiya, Kenji; Qian, Eika W.
    Efficient low-boiling-point co-solvent systems were developed for the oxidative depolymerization of lignin to high-value platform chemicals, mainly vanillin and lactic acid, using molybdenum (Mo)-based solid oxide catalysts and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) oxidant. The co-solvent, designed with the matching Hansen solubility parameter (HSP) values to lignin, facilitated efficient solvation of lignin. Various factors, including co-solvents, catalyst supports, H2O2 concentrations, and active metals, were detailly investigated. Optimal yields of total liquid products (EA oils: 19.8 %) were obtained in water-tetrahydrofuran (H2O-THF) co-solvent systems, increased by 61.0 % compared to that of the sole aqueous solution, employing a MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst. Additionally, the oxidized lignin (O-lignin) or EA oils was analyzed using UV-vis, CHN, GPC, and FT-IR techniques. Results indicated that the co-solvent system remarkably inhibited the repolymerization of lignin fragments, and enhanced the oxidative cleavage of lignin side chains. Lastly, a hypothetical mechanism explained the reaction pathway of lignin depolymerization in co-solvent systems.
    2023年12月15日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 354, 0016-2361, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Biodiesel Production Using MgO-CaO Catalysts via Transesterification of Soybean Oil: Effect of MgO Addition and Insights of Catalyst Deactivation
    Hu, Mingyue; Pu, Jianglong; Qian, Eika W. W.; Wang, Hui
    The catalytic transesterification of vegetable oil over heterogeneous catalysts is an effective approach for biodiesel production. To elucidate the role of MgO in catalyzing this reaction, several CaO-MgO catalysts with various Mg/Ca ratios were synthesized by co-precipitation. The catalysts were characterized by BET, XRD, SEM, HRTEM, FTIR, TGA, CO2-TPD, O-2-TPO, and in situ DRIFTS. The catalytic performance in the transesterification of soybean oil with methanol was evaluated in a stirred batch reactor. The results indicated that the synthesized pure MgO had weak basic sites and poor pore structure, showing the lowest activity. The added Mg in the CaO-MgO composites was present in both doped and supported forms. The doped Mg reduced the lattice spacing of CaO, improved the intensity and number of basic sites, and enhanced the activity of catalysts, while the supported Mg hindered the diffusion of reactants to the basic sites. The amount of the doped Mg showed a maximum value due to the solubility nature of CaCO3 and MgCO3. 1Mg3Ca (Mg/Ca=1/3) exhibited the highest activity with a biodiesel yield of 92.28% at 60 degrees C for 2 h. CaO is sensitive to water and CO2, forming hydroxides and carbonates. The supported MgO with a low porous structure well protected the basic sites from contamination. High-temperature treatment is an effective method to remove the contaminates and the removal temperature increases in the order of H2O < Mg(OH)(2) < Ca(OH)(2) < CaCO3.
    2023年12月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 16, 4, 1939-1234, DOI(公開)(r-map), 2398, 2410
  • Oxidative depolymerization of lignin to vanillin and lactic acid in an aqueous solution
    Peng, Mingming; Muraishi, Taiki; Hou, Xiaofan; Zhao, Minghui; Kamiya, Kenji; Qian, Eika W.
    A heterogeneous molybdenum (Mo)-based oxide catalyst system in combination with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant was developed for oxidative depolymerization of lignin to yield high-value platform chemicals in a nearly neutral aqueous solution. The impact of various reaction conditions, including the ratios of H2O2 and/or MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst to lignin, reaction temperature and duration, and lignin concentration, were investigated in a batch system or a continuous flow fixed-bed system. The structural changes between dealkaline lignin and the recovered lignin (O-lignin and M -lignin) were analyzed using UV-vis, FT-IR, and GPC techniques. The com-bination of MoO3 and H2O2 resulted in a superior peroxo complex, promoting the formation of vanillin and lactic acid. The medium and weak acid feature of MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst induced the highest vanillin yield (5.6%) and the selectivity (86.9%) of main platform products. However, the highest yield of lactic acid (3.4%) was observed on MoO3/SiO2 with more weak acid sites. Hypothetical formation mechanisms for vanillin and lactic acid were proposed based on the depolymerization of lignin model compounds.
    2023年09月15日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 348, 0016-2361, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Lignin depolymerization with alkaline ionic liquids and ethylene glycol in a continuous flow reactor
    Peng, Mingming; Nakabayashi, Manaka; Kim, Kihoon; Kamiya, Kenji; Qian, Eika W.
    A novel alkaline ionic liquids N-allylpyridinium hydroxide ([APy]OH) was successfully designed and developed as a catalyst and co-solvent with ethylene glycol in the continuous depolymerization of lignin. Various reaction conditions, like lignin concentration, water content, and reaction temperature, were investigated under atmo-spheric pressure. Ethylene glycol was used as main solvent and repolymerization inhibitor of the aldehydes produced. The combination of [APy]OH and alkali metal salts exhibited a good synergistic effect for lignin depolymerization. Then, the depolymerization of three different lignins, including dealkaline lignin (DA-lignin), alkaline lignin (A-lignin), and sodium lignosulfonate (S-lignin), were also studied. S-lignin exhibited the highest yields of total liquid products (21.3 %) and aromatics (10.7 %). The change in lignin structure after depoly-merization was observed by means of FT-IR and DTG-DTA techniques. Lastly, a hypothetical pathway for lignin depolymerization was proposed based on the catalytic results of lignin model compounds (LMCs) with different linkages.
    2023年03月01日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 335, 0016-2361, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Microwave-assisted exfoliation of graphite using 1-allyl-pyridinium-based ionic liquids and application to solid acid catalysts
    Higai, Daisuke; Kim, Kihoon; Lee, Changmin; Qian, Eika W.
    A novel, eco-friendly direct graphite exfoliation method was developed using 1-allyl-pyridinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) under microwave irradiation. Exfoliated graphene comprising a few layers was prepared from graphite using 1-allyl-pyridinium nitrate under 300 W microwave irradiation for 10 min, which was characterized by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Density functional theory calculations indicated that the combination of the cations and anions in the ILs led to improved adsorption on the graphite surface. High-power microwave irradiation can also allow cations to intercalate easily between the graphite layers and increase the efficiency of graphite exfoliation. Solid acid catalysts were prepared from exfoliated graphene via oxidation and sulfonation. The catalytic activity was evaluated for the saccharification of cellulose, where the highest monosaccharide yield of 15.9% was obtained after 24 h at 140 degrees C with a cellulose/solid acid catalyst/water ratio of 0.1/0.05/3 (g/g/g). This performance was superior to that of several commercial catalysts. The magnetic solid acid catalyst which was prepared to facilitate separation from cellulose residue showed constant durability in three activity tests.
    2022年11月08日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 1944-7442, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Roles of Promoter and Support of Sulfided Mo-based Catalyst in Selective Hydrotreating of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate
    Kim, Kihoon; Kawano, Yusei; Higai, Daisuke; Hou, Xiaofan; Peng, Mingming; Qian, Eika W.
    A series of CoMo/A1203 catalysts with various Co/Mo mole ratios and a series of CoMo/TiO2-A1203 catalysts supported on TiO2 coating Al2O3 were prepared. The effects of Co/Mo mole ratio and TiO2 loadings on Al2O3 on hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) and decarboxylation/decarbonylation (DCO) in the hydrotreating of palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) were investigated. The catalysts were characterized by BET, XRF, pulse NO chemisorption, and H2-TPR. The maximum yields of n-C16 and n-C18 was observed at Co/Mo = 0.05 for the CoMo/A1203 series, and the yield of n-C15 and n-C17 was increased at Co/Mo > 0.05. CoMoS phase apparently has both HDO and DCO activities. CoMo(0.05)/Ti(20)-Al showed the maximum yields of n-C16 and n-C18 due to the formation of TiMoS in all catalysts. TiMoS phase may be formed by adding TiO2 on Al2O3 and promotes the HDO reaction, but not isomerization or cracking.
    2022年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 65, 1, 1346-8804, DOI(公開)(r-map), 18, 26
  • Highly active Nd-promoted Ni@Al2O3 core-shell catalyst for steam reforming of acetic acid: Insights of the remarkable coke resistance
    J Pu, Qian, EW Qian, Y Luo, K Kim, M Peng
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
    We prepared activated carbon-based solid acid catalysts derived from coconut shells via chemical activation with phosphoric acid under air and subsequent sulfonation. Their catalytic activities were evaluated in the saccharification of cellulose, and the parameters required for the activation and sulfonation processes were investigated. A catalyst activating temperature of 400 degrees C was found to be optimal, and the catalyst treated with chlorosulfuric acid exhibited a similar monosaccharide yield to that treated with fuming sulfuric acid. The prepared catalysts were characterized by various analytical techniques. The catalysts exhibited high specific surface areas and micropore volumes but low external specific surface areas. The catalysts had high contents of acidic functional groups when low activating temperatures were employed. For these catalysts, the surface chemical structure had a more dominant effect on the catalytic activity than that caused by the porous texture, while high acidic group contents led to high catalytic activities.
    2021年11月16日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 46, 79, DOI(公開)(r-map), 39108, 39121
  • Fabrication of graphene-like structured solid acid catalysts and their application in the saccharification of cellulose
    Higai, Daisuke; Lee, Changmin; Qian, Eika W.
    Graphene oxide, which exhibits extraordinary acidic properties and a high theoretical surface area, is a good candidate for the catalytic transformation of biomass resources to valuable chemicals and biofuels. In this study, graphene oxide was prepared through various graphite oxide exfoliation methods, including sonication, microwave irradiation, and freeze-thaw cycling, and the activity of the prepared catalysts was evaluated in the saccharification of cellulose. The results indicated that graphene oxide prepared via these methods exhibited superior catalytic performances compared to graphite oxide; however, no significant difference in the catalytic activity of the graphene oxide catalysts was observed based on the exfoliation method used. Therefore, we proposed that thinning of graphite oxide improves its catalytic activity by increasing the contact efficiency between the substrate and the catalyst; however, this is not dependent on the exfoliation method used to prepare the graphene oxide.
    2021年11月02日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 29, 11, 1536-383X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 944, 949
  • Ru-Ni bimetallic catalysts for steam reforming of xylene: effects of active metals and calcination temperature of the support
    Pu, Jianglong; Wang, Hui; Suzuki, Masayuki; Qian, Eika W.
    A series of Ru and Ni supported catalysts were prepared and their catalytic performance was evaluated in the steam reforming of xylenes. The effects of active metals, active metal loading sequence, and the calcination temperature of the support on the catalyst activity and stability were investigated. The bimetallic 2Ru -> 15Ni catalyst shows much higher activity and stability than the monometallic 2Ru and 15Ni catalyst owing to the synergic effect of Ni and Ru. The 2Ru -> 15Ni catalyst has the least coke deposition owing to its high conversion performance and much less coke precursor being formed on the catalyst surface. After decoking, most of the small-sized pores cannot be recovered because of the pore collapse under severe hydrothermal conditions. o-Xylene has the lowest reactivity due to electronic and steric effects. Besides the steam reforming reaction, demethylation and C-C cracking are also observed, forming benzene and toluene. The catalyst with a loading sequence of 15Ni -> 2Ru shows high activity at low temperatures (550-600 degrees C), but undergoes an activity drop at high temperatures (625-650 degrees C) because the Ni sintering at high temperatures greatly affects the state of Ru on the catalyst. The catalyst with a loading sequence of 2Ru -> 15Ni has an advantage at high temperatures owing to its better sintering resistance. The simultaneously loaded 2Ru <-> 15Ni catalyst shows the lowest activity. The high calcination temperature of the support enhances the catalyst stability by eliminating the small-sized pores before reaction; on the other hand, the elimination of pores decreases the dispersion of the active metals. The 2Ru -> 15Ni catalyst calcined at 1000 degrees C balances the active metal dispersion and resistance to sintering under severe hydrothermal conditions, showing the best activity and stability. The catalyst calcined at 1000 degrees C has the best coke resistance with only 0.166 g g(cat)(-1) of coke formation after the 24 h durability test. The DTG results indicate that the carbon formed on the catalysts is mainly graphitic carbon.
    2021年06月17日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 11, 33, DOI(公開)(r-map), 20570, 20579
  • Saccharification of cellulose using biomass-derived activated carbon-based solid acid catalysts
    Higai, Daisuke; Lee, Changmin; Lang, Jialin; Qian, Eika W.
    We prepared activated carbon-based solid acid catalysts derived from coconut shells via chemical activation with phosphoric acid under air and subsequent sulfonation. Their catalytic activities were evaluated in the saccharification of cellulose, and the parameters required for the activation and sulfonation processes were investigated. A catalyst activating temperature of 400 degrees C was found to be optimal, and the catalyst treated with chlorosulfuric acid exhibited a similar monosaccharide yield to that treated with fuming sulfuric acid. The prepared catalysts were characterized by various analytical techniques. The catalysts exhibited high specific surface areas and micropore volumes but low external specific surface areas. The catalysts had high contents of acidic functional groups when low activating temperatures were employed. For these catalysts, the surface chemical structure had a more dominant effect on the catalytic activity than that caused by the porous texture, while high acidic group contents led to high catalytic activities.
    2021年05月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 215, 0378-3820, DOI(公開)(r-map), 106738
  • Preparation and surface characteristics of phosphoric acid-activated carbon from coconut shell in air
    Higai, Daisuke; Huang, Zhebin; Qian, Eika W.
    A process of chemical activation with phosphoric acid from coconut shell in air to produce activated carbon was developed. The effects of various preparation parameters on the porous texture and surface characteristics were investigated by means of the nitrogen physisorption, Fourier transform-infrared spectra (FT-IR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The adsorption capacities of activated carbon for chromium, lithium, and cesium were also investigated. The surface modification of activated carbon using nitric acid was performed to enhance the adsorption capacities, and the relationship between the adsorption capacities and the surface functional groups was investigated. The oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of an activated carbon played a more important role than its textural structure in adsorption of metal ions, especially cesium ion.
    2021年03月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 40, 2, 1944-7442, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Production of Normal Paraffins with an Even Carbon Number via Selective Hydrodeoxygenation of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate over Pt- Sn Catalysts
    Kim, Kihoon; Higai, Daisuke; Hou, Xiaofan; Peng, Mingming; Qian, Eika W.
    Two series of supports, SAPO-11 (Si/Al: 0-0.4) and alumina-coated SBA-15 (Al2O3: 0-20 wt %), with different pore structures were synthesized. Subsequently, the PtSn bimetallic catalysts supported on these supports were prepared using a co-impregnation method and were characterized by N-2 adsorption measurement, pyridine-adsorbed Fourier transform infrared, CO chemisorption, and H-2-TPR. The catalytic performances of the catalysts in the hydrotreatment of palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) were tested using a fixed-bed flow reactor system. PtSn/ALPO-11 (Si/Al: 0) showed the highest n-C-16,C-18 selectivity (66.4%) among the SAPO-11-based catalysts, and PtSn/20A1/SBA-1S (20% Al2O3) showed the highest n-C-16, n-C-18 selectivity (61.5%) among the SBA-15-based catalysts. It was found that higher Bronsted acid content on the catalyst showed higher isomerization selectivity. Based on the comparison of PtSn/SAPO-11 (0.1) and PtSn/10Al/SBA-15, the mesoporous structure favored hydrodeoxygenation activity. Also, it was suggested that Bronsted acid affected the structure of active sites and highly dispersed Pt favored formation of n-hexadecane and n-octadecane.
    2021年02月24日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 60, 7, 0888-5885, DOI(公開)(r-map), 2881, 2889
  • Extraction and Modification of Lignin from Red Pine Using Ionic Liquid
    Wang, Xiuhui; Qian, Eika W.
    Pyridinium and imidazolium ionic liquids with different anions were synthesized and used to extract lignin from red pine. Based on the catalytic depolymerization activity and the recovery of lignin in different ionic liquids, N-allyl-pyridinium chloride ([Apy] Cl) was chosen to extract lignin from red pine. Cellulose was recovered from the [Apy] Cl - solution with methanol, and lignin was recovered with water and acetonitrile, and the maximum recovery of lignin from red pine was 98.7 wt%.
    2020年03月01日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 63, 2, 1346-8804, DOI(公開)(r-map), 102, 105
  • Catalytic depolymerization of alkali lignin in ionic liquids on Pt-supported La2O3-SO42-/ZrO2 catalysts
    Wang, Xiuhui; Luo, Yi; Qian, Moriko; Qian, Eika W.
    A series of PtLa chi/SO42-/ZrO2 catalysts, where chi is the atomic ratio of La to Pt of 1, 3 and 6, were prepared and used for the catalytic depolymerization of alkali lignin with ionic liquids in a continuous flow fixed-bed reaction system. Compared to the SO42-/ZrO2 catalyst, the introduction of Pt and La2O3 significantly enhanced the catalytic activity in alkali lignin depolymerization. According to the characterization results of the catalysts obtained from N-2-physisorption, FT-IR spectra of CO or pyridine adsorption, and XPS and TEM analysis, the introduction of Pt and La2O3 resulted in the highly covalent character of sulfate species on the catalyst surface and strong interactions between Pt and La2O3, which led to an increase of the number of Lewis acid sites for PtLa chi/SZ catalysts. The PtLa3/SO42-/ZrO2 catalyst showed the highest yield of phenolic compounds (28.7%) at 210 degrees C. Furthermore, based on the results of two model compounds of lignin in pretreatment and reaction units, the synergistic effect of ionic liquids and catalysts was also elucidated and a hypothetical reaction pathway of lignin depolymerization was elucidated.
    2020年03月01日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 4, 3, 2398-4902, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1409, 1416
  • Two-Step Saccharification of Rice Straw Using Solid Acid Catalysts
    Sukma, Luh Putu Pitrayani; Wang, Xiuhui; Li, Sen; Thanh Tung Nguyen; Pu, Jianglong; Qian, Eika W.
    To establish an efficient bioethanol production system, a solid-acid catalyst-based saccharification of rice straw in two steps was developed. It was rarely concerned so far that many biomass species contain a significant amount of nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs, free sugars and starch). NSCs, including hemicellulose, are readily hydrolyzed but also susceptible to overreaction with byproducts. In the developed process, the first step is intended to effectively hydrolyze the significant sugar source of NSCs and HC in rice straw under a mild condition, and the second step is addressed to hydrolyze the cellulose in the residue obtained under a harsh condition. For each step, several catalysts were screened and reaction condition were investigated. For the first step, an appropriate catalyst was Amberlyst 35 Dry, at 130 degrees C for 30 min in which high yields of C6 monosaccharide, 47.2%, and C5 monosaccharide, 10.8%, were obtained. For the second step, the most active catalyst was a sulfonated mesoporous carbon that provided a maximum yield of C6 sugar (52.5%) at 220 degrees C for 0 min. A test with the sequential two-step saccharification provided a 65% yield of sugars. From the investigations, the most studied modified pathways of dilute-acid catalyzed hydrolysis of HC and cellulose were also likely to occur with a solid-acid catalyst with an additional pathway of direct hydrolysis of NSCs to C6. To support the observed phenomena, the characteristics of the RS before and after saccharifications were analyzed using SEM and XRD. Thus, this process represents a method to increase the cost-effectiveness of bioethanol production system in an environmentally sound way.
    2019年04月10日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 58, 14, 0888-5885, DOI(公開)(r-map), 5686, 5697
  • Catalytic Depolymerization of Lignin in Ionic Liquid Using a Continuous Flow Fixed-Bed Reaction System
    Wang, Xiuhui; Wang, Ningning; Thanh Tung Nguyen; Qian, Eika W.
    The catalytic depolymerization of alkali lignin dissolved in a mixed solvent of ionic liquid (N-allylpyridinium chloride, [Apy]Cl) and water, with ZrO2/SO42- or Pt-ZrO2/SO42- catalyst, were performed in a continuous flow fixed-bed reaction system at low temperature (from 150 to 210 degrees C). The yields (carbon-based) of total products and phenolic compounds catalyzed by ZrO2/SO42-, which increased with increasing temperature, were 30.6% and 13.4% at 210 degrees C, respectively. Furthermore, the addition of platinum to the ZrO2/SO42- catalyst enhanced the depolymerization of alkali lignin. In the case of Pt-ZrO2/SO42-, the yields (carbon-based) of total products and phenolic compounds reached 44.9% and 18.7%, respectively, at 210 degrees C. Additionally, [Apy]Cl readily dissolved lignin and served as a medium for lignin depolymerization, which improved the reactivity of lignin for the use in the continuous flow system at low temperature.
    2018年12月12日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 57, 49, 0888-5885, DOI(公開)(r-map), 16995, 17002
  • Preface to the special issue for the 5th Asian Conference on Innovative Energy & Environmental Chemical Engineering (ASCON-IEEChE) 2016
    Kameyama, Hideo; Kikuchi, Ryuji; Hirao, Masahiko; Sakurai, Makoto; Fushimi, Chihiro; Qian, Eika; Tsuru, Toshinori; Kai, Takami
    2018年09月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 51, 9, 0021-9592, DOI(公開)(r-map), 711, 711
  • Synthesis of mesoporous Ti-inserted SBA-15 and CoMo/Ti-SBA-15 catalyst for hydrodesulfurization and hydrodearomatization
    Thanh Tung Nguyen; Qian, Eika W.
    Ti-inserted ordered mesoporous silica SBA-15 (Ti-SBA-15) synthesized by original microwave-assisted method as a support was used to prepare CoMo catalysts to develop a new catalyst with high hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and controlled hydrodearomatization (HDA) activities. The activity tests of catalysts were carried out by using a pressurized fixed-bed flow reactor. 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT), 1-methylnaphthalene, and phenanthrene were used as model reactants in HDS and HDA, respectively. CoMo/Ti-SBA-15 catalyst showed about 1.35 times of HDS activity and half of HDA activity of CoMo/SBA-15 catalyst. The results of XRD, FT-IR and Si-29-NMR reveal that titanium was successfully inserted into silica framework of SBA-15, and the SBA-15 mesoporous structure was maintained after insertion of titanium. The reduction of molybdenum from Mo6+ to Mo4+ readily occurred with incorporation of titanium, resulting in an increase in Mo4+ species and CoMoS phase on sulfided catalysts. This enhanced the HDS activity of CoMoTiSBA15 catalyst. Moreover, the presence of Ti3+ on CoMo/Ti-SBA-15 was observed, suggesting that TiMoS was formed and played a role as new active sites. CoMoS active slabs with shorter length and higher stacking layer were formed on CoMo/Ti-SBA-15 comparing with CoMo/SBA-15, resulting in the low HDA activity of the former.
    2018年07月15日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 265, 1387-1811, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1, 7
  • Core-shell nickel catalysts for the steam reforming of acetic acid
    Pu, Jianglong; Nishikado, Katsuki; Wang, Ningning; Thanh Tung Nguyen; Maki, Tei; Qian, Eika W.
    To obtain a novel catalyst with high resistances to metal sintering and coke formation in the steam reforming of acetic acid, a series of nickel core-shell catalysts were prepared. The effects of the shell thickness, shell species and core particle size on the catalytic activity in the steam reforming of acetic add were investigated. The prepared Ni@SiO2, Ni@Al2O3, Ni@CeO2 and Ni@TiO2 catalysts were characterized by BET, XRD, H-2-TPR, DTG and HRTEM. The prepared core-shell catalysts showed high resistances to nickel sintering, owing to the protection of the shells, in comparison with bare nickel particles. Ni@SiO2 with a thin shell showed a higher activity than the corresponding catalyst with a thick shell due to the thin silica shell allowing the facile diffusion of reactants and products. Because of the important role of the support in steam reforming reactions, the shell species greatly affected the catalytic activity in the steam reforming of acetic add. It was demonstrated that an alumina shell was best suited for the steam reforming of acetic acid among the studied shells owing to its excellent water dissociation ability. The Ni@Al2O3-i catalyst showed excellent activity with an almost complete conversion and a hydrogen yield up to 91.2% at 750 degrees C due to its much smaller nickel particle size. The coke formed on the spent core-shell catalysts after the activity tests was mainly graphic carbon, and the Ni@Al2O3-i catalyst exhibited a superior coke resistance with the smallest amount of formed coke. HRTEM results of Ni@Al2O3-i indicated the alumina shell had a high hydrothermal stability and further confirmed the high sintering resistance in the steam reforming of acetic acid.
    2018年05月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 224, 0926-3373, DOI(公開)(r-map), 69, 79
  • Fabrication of weak-acid functionalized mesoporous carbon solid acid from tannic acid and its use for saccharification of cellulose
    Sukma, Luh Putu Pitrayani; Qian, Eika W.
    A series of mesoporous carbon-based solid acid catalysts were prepared using tannic acid (C76H52O46), a polyphenol compound, as starting carbon materials and SBA-15 as silica template. The tannic acid catalysts were characterized by use of N-2 Adsorption-Desorption Isotherm, XRD, FTIR, XPS, and titration method. Phenolic hydroxyl group with weak acidity was confirmed as main functional groups in these catalysts based on characterization using FT-IR and XPS. The catalysts were tested in saccharification of cellulose. Effects of different preparation parameters of catalyst were correlated to its saccharification activity: (a) oxidation using H2SO4 was important factor determined the high catalytic activity of catalysts, proved by comparison of catalytic activity of catalysts after treatment in concentrated H2SO4 and parent materials lacking the functionalization, (b) higher carbon coating also promoted good catalytic activity since it has higher relative percentage of acid functional groups based on XPS measurement, and (c) catalyst that treated by short oxidation time (2 h) could exhibit higher catalytic activity compared with catalysts that treated by longer oxidation time. With a ratio of catalyst/substrate: 0.5/1 (g/g) at 180 degrees C for 1 h, glucose yield and conversion of 31.45 and 53.86% could be obtained. (c) 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 37: 850-860, 2018
    2018年03月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 37, 2, 1944-7442, DOI(公開)(r-map), 850, 860
  • Ceria-promoted Ni@Al2O3 core-shell catalyst for steam reforming of acetic acid with enhanced activity and coke resistance
    Pu, Jianglong; Luo, Yi; Wang, Ningning; Bao, Hongxia; Wang, Xiuhui; Qian, Eika W.
    A series of Ni@Al2O3 core-shell catalysts with ceria added to the surface of Ni nanoparticles or inside the alumina shell were prepared, and the effect of ceria addition on the performance of the catalyst in the steam reforming of acetic acid was investigated. The prepared catalysts were characterized by BET, XRD, HRTEM, H-2-TPR and DTG. The addition of ceria to the surface of nickel nanoparticles greatly enhanced the activity of catalyst owing to the presence of the mobile oxygen, which migrated from the ceria lattice. Among the prepared catalysts, the Ni@Al10Ce catalyst showed the highest activity with a conversion of acetic acid up to 97.0% even at a low temperature (650 degrees C). The molar ratio of CO2/CO was also improved due to the oxidation of CO by the mobile oxygen into CO2. The coke formation on the core-shell catalysts was significantly inhibited by the addition of ceria to the surface of nickel nanoparticles due to the oxidation of carbon species by the mobile oxygen in the ceria lattice. However, the Ni@Al10Ce-a catalyst with ceria added to the alumina shell showed a low activity and the formation of a large amount of coke. It is suggested that only the ceria in close to the Ni surface has the promoting effect on the catalytic performance of the Ni@Al2O3 catalyst in the steam reforming of acetic acid. (C) 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    2018年02月08日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 43, 6, 0360-3199, DOI(公開)(r-map), 3142, 3153
  • Evaluation of Reactivities of Various Compounds in Steam Reforming over RuNi/BaOAl2O3 Catalyst
    Pu, Jianglong; Toyoda, Takashi; Qian, Eika W.
    Hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil is a potential method to reduce the dependence on the conventional fossil fuels. To investigate the reactivity of bio-oil and its difference with gasification tar and conventional fossil fuels, the steam reforming of various compounds (benzene, toluene, m-xylene, m-cresol, n-hexane, cyclohexane, 1-propanol, and acetic acid) was conducted in a fixed-bed flow reactor at various temperatures over a high-performance RuNi/BaOAl2O3 catalyst. 1 As a whole, the reactivities of these compounds in steam reforming decrease in the following trend: n-hexane > cyclohexane > I benzene > toluene > m-xylene >1-propanol > m-cresol > acetic acid. For the C6 hydrocarbons, benzene showed a lower reactivity than n-hexane and cyclohexane, due to the stable benzene ring. The reactivities of aromatic hydrocarbons decrease with the addition of methyl groups to the benzene ring due to electronic and steric effects. m-Cresol showed a lower reactivity than benzene, toluene, and m-xylene, suggesting that the incorporation of a hydroxyl group to the benzene ring hindered the steam reforming reaction. Besides the steam reforming reactions, the side reactions such as hydrogenolysis, demethylation, decomposition, and methanation of CO and CO2 also occurred. A benzene ring can be formed by the dehydroaromatization of n-hexane or cyclohexane, while the reverse reaction cannot occur due to the thermodynamic limit. The largely containing acetic acid in bio-oil needs a higher reforming temperature than the other compounds and is easy to be thermally decomposed into coke at low temperatures, which increases the difficulty of bio-oil steam reforming.
    2018年02月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 32, 2, 0887-0624, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1804, 1811
  • Effect of TiO2 Coating on Morphology of Active Phase on Sulfided CoMo/Al2O3 Hydrotreating Catalysts
    Thanh Tung Nguyen; Imai, Kazunari; Pu, Jianglong; Qiang, Eika W.
    A series of CoMo catalysts supported on various Al2O3 supports added with TiO2 were prepared to investigate the addition effect of TiO2 on formation of an active phase on sulfided CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst. The catalytic activity tests were carried out with hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene, hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of acridine, and hydrodearomatization (HDA) of o-xylene, 1-methylnaphthalene (1-MN), and phenanthrene. A 20 wt % TiO2 added CoMoAlTi2O catalyst showed the lowest hydrogenation activity in HDA of 1-MN and phenanthrene and highest HDS and HDN activities. The property of a support and/or the interaction between active metal and the support significantly affect the formation of active sites for HDS and HDA. The active sites for HDS on sulfided CoMo catalysts were different from those for HDA and/or hydrogenation. The addition of TiO2 enhanced the reduction, the formation, and stacking number of CoMoS active slabs. The finding that desulfurization via the hydrogenation pathway (HYDS) activity increased while the HDA activity slightly decreased over TiO2 coated catalysts reveals that the increased amounts of formed CoMoS overcome the increase of the stacking number of CoMoS active slabs.
    2018年02月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 32, 2, 0887-0624, DOI(公開)(r-map), 1665, 1673
  • Hydrodesulfurization, Hydrodenitrogenation and Hydrodearomatization over CoMo/SAPO-11-Al2O3 Catalysts
    Thanh Tung Nguyen; Shnzaki, Akira; Qian, Eika W.
    Several SAPO-11-Al2O3 supports with different amounts of SAPO-11 were used to prepare a series of CoMo/SAPO-11-Al2O3 catalysts by the impregnation method with or without addition of citric acid. Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene, hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of acridine, and hydrodearomatization (HDA) of o-xylene, 1-methylnaphthalene and phenanthrene were carried out to evaluate the catalytic activity of the catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by BET, XRF, NH3-TPD, XPS and TEM. The acidity of the supports strongly affected the active slabs structure and activity of the catalysts. 20 wt% SAPO-11 added catalyst showed lower HDA, HDS and HDN activities compared to CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst. The length and stacking number of CoMoS active slabs on the former increased because of decreased dispersion of Mo species due to the reduction in number of strong acid sites on the support surface in the presence of SAPO-11. Addition of citric acid during active metal impregnation decreased HDA activity but increased HDS and HDN activities due to improvement of Mo species dispersion, resulting in formation of shorter length and higher stacking of CoMoS active slabs.
    2017年11月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 60, 6, 1346-8804, DOI(公開)(r-map), 301, 310
  • Synthesis of Ti-SBA-15 by use of microwave-assisted method and its application in hydrotreating
    Thanh Tung Nguyen; Qian, Eika
    2017年08月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 254, 0065-7727
  • Effect of ceria addition on Ni-Ru/CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts in steam reforming of acetic acid
    Pu, Jianglong; Ikegami, Fumiaki; Nishikado, Katsuki; Qian, Eika W.
    Ni-Ru bimetallic catalysts with different amount of CeO2 loaded on the gamma-Al2O3 support were prepared. The properties of catalysts were characterized by means of N-2 adsorption desorption, XRD, H-2-TPR and XPS techniques. Catalytic activities for the steam reforming of acetic acid over these catalysts were investigated at the temperature range from 650 degrees C to 750 degrees C. The addition of Ceo(2) dramatically improved the activity and stability of the catalyst. Among these catalysts, the NiRu/10CeAl catalyst showed the highest catalytic activity as well as a good stability owing to the abundant Ce3+ on the surface of catalyst. The existence of Ce3+ promoted the formation of CO2 from CO because of the mobilizable oxygen, which was favorable for the formation of hydrogen. The coke amount and species deposited on the catalysts after the activity tests were analyzed by DTG. As expected, the NiRu/10CeAl catalyst showed the best resistance to carbon formation. The temperature stepwise steam decoking experiment of the spent catalysts was conducted to elucidate the relationship between the existence of Ce3+ and the decoking abilities of various catalysts. It was verified that the existence of Ce3+ significantly promoted the decoking abilities of the catalysts. (C) 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    2017年08月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 42, 31, 0360-3199, DOI(公開)(r-map), 19733, 19743
  • One-pot production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from cellulose using solid acid catalysts
    Shirai, Hisakazu; Ikeda, Saki; Qian, Eika W.
    5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is one of the most important intermediate platforms for production of both chemicals and liquid fuel derived from biomass. The one-pot production of HMF from cellulose was conducted in a batch reactor in the presence of various solid acid catalysts. The prepared catalysts were characterized by means of Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurement and pyridine adsorption FT-IR to investigate their pore structure and acidic properties. The presence of gaseous hydrogen enhanced the formation of HMF by suppressing the formation of byproducts. Increasing the acid amount of the catalyst caused an increase in the conversion and selectivity for organic add and a decrease in the HMF selectivity. A Bronsted-type catalyst (Al-SBA-15) favored the formation of HMF. The reaction conditions of 220 degrees C, 5 min, and a hydrogen pressure of 1 MPa resulted in the highest yield of HMF, and selectivity of 26.9% was achieved when the Al-SBA-15 catalyst was used. Moreover, under the same conditions, cellulose extracted from eucalyptus, a practical biomass, was converted to HMF in a one-pot synthesis with a yield of 13.0 C-mol.%. (C) 2016 Elstvier B.V. All rights reserved.
    2017年05月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 159, 0378-3820, DOI(公開)(r-map), 280, 286
  • Effect of surface modification with silica on the structure and activity of Pt/ZSM-22@SiO2 catalysts in hydrodeoxygenation of methyl palmitate
    Chen, Ning; Wang, Ningning; Ren, Yuxiong; Tominaga, Hiroyuki; Qian, Eika W.
    To obtain diesel fuels with high combustion properties from hydrotreatment of vegetable oils, inhibiting the formation of multibranched isomers (MuBI) is highly desirable. A core@shell structural ZSM-22@SiO2 zeolite was designed to passivate external acid sites and promote the formation of monobranched isomers (MoBI), which have much higher cetane numbers than MuBI (>85 vs. <60). A series of ZSM-22@SiO2 zeolites with different amounts of shell silica were synthesized through a facile crystal growth method. External acid sites could be successfully inactivated using the proposed method. Synthesized zeolites were used as supports for bifunctional catalysts in hydrodeoxygenation of methyl palmitate. The effects of the shell silica amount and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the core zeolite were investigated. The MoBI percentage in total isomers increased from 71% to 95% at a reaction temperature of 300 degrees C. However, deoxygenation activity and isomerization selectivity decreased gradually with increasing amount of shell silica. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of CO adsorption combined with transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that Pt particles exposed more Pt(100) facets than Pt(11 1) facets in silica-coated catalysts. This could be the most likely reason for the decreased deoxygenation activity. The decrease in the number of Bronsted acid sites could be responsible for the lowered isomerization selectivity. Catalytic performance could be enhanced by reducing the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of core ZSM-22. Catalysts with lower SiO2/Al2O3 ratios favored smaller Pt particles and exposed more active Pt(111) corner sites. Additionally, acid sites played an important role in the adsorption of oxygenates. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    2017年01月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 345, 0021-9517, DOI(公開)(r-map), 124, 134
  • イオン液体を用いたセルロースナノファイバー製造技術
    銭 衛華
    2016年07月01日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 単独, 95, 7, 496, 501
  • Synthesis of Functional Ionic Liquids and their Application for the Direct Saccharification of Cellulose
    Eika W. Qian, D. Chen, H. Tominaga, R. Isoe
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    2016年05月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 49, 5, 466, 474
  • Elucidation of the Active Phase in PtSn/SAPO-11 for Hydrodeoxygenation of Methyl Palmitate
    Ning Chen; Yuxiong Ren; Eika W. Qian
    J. Catal.
    2016年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 334, 79, 88
  • Saccharification of Cellulosic Biomass Using Sulfonated Mesoporous Carbon-Based Catalysts
    Qian,Eika W.; Sukma, Luh Putu Pitrayani; Li, Sen; Higashi, Aki
    Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
    2016年03月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 35, 2, 574, 581
  • Effect of reduction temperature of NiMoO3-x/SAPO-11 on its catalytic activity in hydrodeoxygenation of methyl laurate
    Ning Chen, Shaofeng Gong, Eik W. Qian,
    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
    2015年03月01日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 174, 253, 263
  • Role of support in deoxygenation and isomerization of methyl stearate over nickel–molybdenum catalysts
    Eika W. Qian, Ning Chen, Shaofeng Gong
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
    2014年06月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 387, 76, 85
  • Liquefaction of Lignocellulosic Biomass in Protonic Solvents
    Hisakazu Shirai, Hirokazu Ariga, Eika Weihua Qian
    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy
    2014年06月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 93, 6, 548, 554
  • Effects of Adding Cobalt and Potassium on MoS2-Based Catalysts in Mixed Alcohol Synthesis
    Takashi Toyoda, and Eika W. Qian
    J. Jpn. Petro. Inst.
    2014年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 57, 4, 171, 182
  • CO Hydrogenation on Group VI Metal-Ceria Catalysts,
    Takashi Toyoda, Yoshiro Nishihara, and Eika W. Qian
    Fuel Processing Technology
    2014年03月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 125, 86, 93
  • Mixed Alcohol Synthesis over Sulfided Molybdenum-Based Catalysts
    Toyoda, Takashi; Minami, Takayuki; Qian, Eika W
    Energy & Fuels
    2013年11月01日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 27, 7, 3769, 3777
  • 水蒸気改質による水素製造技術の進展
    銭 衛華
    2013年11月, 単独, 92, 11, 1034, 1040
  • Effects of Si/Al Ratio and Pt Loading on Pt/SAPO-11 Catalysts in Hydroconversion of Jatropha Oil
    Ning Chen, Shaofeng Gong, Hisakazu Shirai, Toshitaka Watanabe, Eika W. Qian
    Applied Catalysis A
    2013年09月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 466, 105–115
  • Single-step Hydroconversion of Jatropha Oil to High Quality Fuel Oil over Reduced Nickel-Molybdenum Catalysts
    Ning Chen, Shaofeng Gong and Eika W. Qian
    J. Jpn. Petro. Inst.
    2013年07月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 56, 4, 249, 252
  • Mixed Alcohol Synthesis over Sulfided Molybdenum-Based Catalysts
    Toyoda, Takashi; Minami, Takayuki; Qian, Eika W.
    2013年07月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 27, 7, 3769, 3777
  • Isomerization of n-Alkanes Derived from Jatropha Oil over Bifunctional Catalysts
    Shaofeng Gong, Ning Chen, Shin Nakayama, Eika W. Qian
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
    2013年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 370, 14– 21
  • Hydrodenitrogenation of porphyrin on Ni-Mo based catalysts
    Eika W. Qian, Satoshi Abe, Kurahashi, Tetsuya, Yusaku Kagawa, Hiroyuki Ikeda
    Chinese Journal of Catalysis
    2013年01月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 34, 152–158
  • 水生バイオマス由来オイルのアップグレーディング技術の開発
    銭 衛華
    日本エネルギー学会誌、Vol. 91、No. 11、 in press(2012).
    2012年11月, 単独, 91, 11, 1117, 1183
  • Role of Support in Hydrotreating of Jatropha Oil over Sulfided NiMo Catalysts
    Shaofeng Gong, Akira Shinozaki, Eika W. Qian
    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(43),
    2012年10月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 51, 43, 13953, 13960
  • Preparation of sulfo group bearing mesoporous silica-based solid acid catalysts and its application in direct saccharification
    Sen Li, Eika W. Qian, Hosomi Masaaki , Tetsuya Fukunaga
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
    2012年07月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 45, 7, 1, 9
  • Catalytic hydrothermal saccharification of rice straw using mesoporous silica-based solid acid catalysts
    Sen Li, Eika W. Qian, Tomohiro Shibata, Masaaki Hosomi
    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute,
    2012年07月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 55, 4, 250, 260
  • Hydrotreating of Jatropha Oil over Alumina Based Catalysts
    Shaofeng Gong, Akira Shinozaki, Mingliang Shi, Eika W. Qian
    Energy & Fuels
    2012年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 26, 2394, 2399
  • Reforming of n-hexane over commercial Pt-Sn/Al2O3-Cl catalyst: experiment and kinetics
    6. Reforming of n-hexane over commercial Pt-Sn/Al2O3-Cl catalyst: experiment and kinetics, Shi, Mingliang; Wu Feiyue; Weng Huixin, Qian, E.W
    Petroleum Science and Technology
    2011年12月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 29, 12, 1259, 1265
  • Direct saccharification of rice straw using a solid acid catalyst
    Sen Li, Eika W. Qian
    2011年11月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 90, 11, 1065, 1071
  • ゼオライト触媒を用いたジ-t-ブチルポリスルフィドの合成
    銭 衛華
    2011年09月, 単独, 34, 9, 613, 617
  • バイオマテリアル製造法及び触媒の開発
    銭 衛華
    2011年06月, 単独, 90, 6, 518, 525
  • 石油系燃料油及び重質油のクリーン化技術の最近の進展:燃料油の超深度酸化脱硫技術の最近の進展
    銭 衛華
    2010年01月, 単独, 89, 3, 243, 248
  • イソブテン、硫化水素および硫黄からのジ-t-ブチルポリスルフィドの合成(第2報)MFI型ゼオライト触媒の性能
    銭衛華, 平林一男, 平沢佐都子, 山田滋, 坂田浩, 石原篤
    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
    2009年05月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 52, 3, 128, 138
  • 燃料油の超深度酸化脱硫および硫黄化合物の利用法(その2)
    銭 衛華
    2009年03月, 単独, 62, 3, 41, 50
  • Temperature-Programmed Elimination of Tritium in Coal Labeled by Tritiated Gaseous Hydrogen
    E. W. Qian, T. Horio, I. P. Sutrisna
    Energy and Fuels
    2009年03月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 23, 3, 1583, 1590
  • 燃料油の超深度酸化脱硫および硫黄化合物の利用法(その1)
    銭 衛華
    2009年02月, 単独, 62, 2, 27, 34
  • 燃料油の超深度酸化脱硫プロセスの開発
    銭 衛華
    2008年06月, 単独, 53, 6, 37, 44
  • Degradation of Carbazole by Novosphingobium sp. Stain NIY3
    Ishihara, Atsushi; Dumeignil, Franck; Takako Aoyagi, Megumi Nishikawa, Masaaki Hosomi, Eika W. Qian, and Yaeko Kabe
    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
    2008年05月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 51, 3, 174, 179
  • 1. Development of Novel Nonhydrogenation Desulfurization Process,—Oxidative Desulfurization of Distillate—
    Eika W. Qian
    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
    2008年01月, 単独, 51, 1, 14, 31
  • Comparison by 35S radiotracer methods of hydeogesulfurization behavior for molybdenum, cobalt-molybdenum and nickel-molybdenum catalysts supported on g-alumina and high specific surface area titania.
    Ishihara, Atsushi; Dumeignil, Franck; Mofimoto, Kazuya; Qian, Eika W.; Kabe, Toshiaki; Inoue, Shinichi; Muto, Akihiro
    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
    2007年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 50, 3, 154, 161
  • 廃PVCの処理技術
    デュメニエル・フランク、銭 衛華、石原 篤
    2007年01月, 共同, 58, 1, 65, 73
  • 廃ガラスを用いた廃塩ビからの水素製造技術
    銭 衛華
    2006年12月, 単独, 6, 2, 73, 77
  • Addition effect of phosphorus on Ni-Mo catalysts in hydrodenitrogenation.
    Qian, Eika W.; Abe, Satoshi; Nojima, Akinobu; Gunji, Kenichi; Ishihara, Atsushi; Ikeda, Hiroyuki
    Preprints - American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry
    2006年08月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 51, 2, 271, 273
  • 廃PVCの処理技術
    ヂュメニエル・フランク、銭 衛華、石原 篤
    2006年06月, 共同, 29, 6, 422-427
  • Development of Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts Using Molybdenum Complex with Molybdenum-Sulfur Bonds, Part I Effect of Activation Method on Catalytic Activity
    A. Ishihara, H. Mochizuki, J. Lee, Eika W. Qian and T. Kabe, Y. Tatsumi, K. Umehara
    J. Jpn. Petro. Inst.
    2005年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 48, 3, 137, 144
  • Addition Effect of Ruthenium on Nickel Steam Reforming Catalysts
    A. Ishihara, E. W. Qian, I. N. Finahari, I P. Sutrisna, T. Kabe
    2005年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 84, 1462, 1468
  • Investigation of the sulfur behavior on Mo-based HDS catalysts supported on a high specific surface area TiO2 by a 35S radioisotope tracer method
    Atsushi Ishihara, Danhong Wang, Franck Dumeignil, Xiangguo Li, Hisashi Arakawa, Eika W. Qian, S. Inoue, A. Muto, Toshiaki Kabe
    Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
    2005年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 48, 1, 37, 44
  • Oxidative desulfurization of a light gas oil using an Oxidation/Adsorption continuous flow process
    A. Ishihara, D. Wang, F. Dumeignil, H. Amano, E. W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Applied Catalysis A: General
    2005年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 279, 279, 287
  • Description of the CUS regeneration over MoS2-based HDS catalysts using 35S experiments combined with computer simulations
    Franck Dumeignil, Jean-Francois Paul, Edouard Veilly, Eika W. Qian, Atsushi Ishihara, Edmond Payen, Toshiaki Kabe
    Applied Catalysis A: General
    2005年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 289, 1, 51, 58
  • Hydrodesulfurization of sulfur-containing polyaromatic compounds in light gas oil using noble metal catalysts
    Atsushi Ishihara, Franck Dumeignil, Jeayoung Lee, Kouhei Mitsuhashi, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    Applied Catalysis A: General
    2005年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 289, 2, 163, 173
  • Investigation of the sulfur behavior on CoMo-based HDS catalysts supported on a high specific surface area TiO2 by a 35S radioisotope tracer method
    Atsushi Ishihara, Franck Dumeignil, Danhong Wang, Xiangguo Li, Hisashi Arakawa, Eika Weihua Qian, S. Inoue, A. Muto, Toshiaki Kabe
    Applied Catalysis A: General
    2005年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 292, 50, 60
  • Selective Removal of Sulfur Compounds in Fuel Oil by Combination of Oxydation and Adsorption,
    Eika W. Qian, Franck Dumeignil, Hiroshi Amano, Atsushi Ishihara
    Preprints of papers - American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry
    2005年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, Vol. 50, 4
  • Catalytic Steam Reforming of Coal-tar Derived Oil
    Atsushi Ishihara, Daisuke Yamada, Ida Nuryatin Finahari, I Putu Sutrisna, Eika Weihua Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    The 21st International Pittsuburg Coal Conference, September 13-17, Osaka, Japan, 2004
    2004年, 共同
  • Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide Using Sulfide Catalysts Derived from Supported Transition Metal Carbonyls
    Atsushi Ishihara, Makoto Ishii, Kazuo Hirabayashi, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    The 21st International Pittsuburg Coal Conference, September 13-17, Osaka, Japan, 2004.
    2004年, 共同
  • On the possibility to produce hydrogen from PVC wastes : PVC- and alkali-related data in Japan
    Dumeignil F., Sung. H.J., Sakurai S., Noda R., Ishihara A., Horio M.
    The 10th APCChE (Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering) Congress, October 17-21, Kitakyushu (Japan).
    2004年, 共同
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene over Alumina-Supported Noble Metal Catalysts
    Atsushi Ishihara, Jeayoung Lee, Franck Dumeignil, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    The 10th APCChE (Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering) Congress, October 17-21, 2004, Kitakyushu (Japan).
    2004年, 共同
  • Elucidation by computer simulations of the CUS regeneration mechanism during HDS over MoS2 by combination with 35S experiments
    F. Dumeignil, J. F. Paul, E.W. Qian, A. Ishihara, E. Payen, T. Kabe
    ISOTOPCAT, July 7-9, 2004, Poitiers (France).
    2004年, 共同
  • Elucidation of Behavior of Hydrogen on Solid Catalysts Using a Tritium Tracer Method
    E. W. Qian, A. Ishihara, and T. Kabe
    ISOTOPCAT, July 7-9, Poitiers (France), 2004.
    2004年, 共同
  • Elucidation of Behavior of Hydrogen on Solid Catalysts Using a Tritium Tracer Method
    E. W. Qian, K. Iwata, A. Ishihara, T. Imai, and T. Kabe
    TOCAT 4, July 14-19, 2002, Tokyo.
    2004年, 共同
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene over Alumina-Supported Noble Metal Catalysts
    Atsushi Ishihara, Jeayoung Lee, Franck Dumeignil, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    The 13th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC), July 11-16, 2004, Paris (France).
    2004年, 共同
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene over Alumina-Supported Noble Metal Catalysts
    Atsushi Ishihara, Jeayoung Lee, Franck Dumeignil, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    The 10th APPChE (Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering) Congress, October 17-21, 2004, Kitakyushu (Japan).
    2004年, 共同
  • Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrogenation Reactions on Noble Metal Catalysts. II Effect of Partial Pressure of Hydrogen Sulfide on Sulfur Behavior on Alumina-Supported Platinum and Palladium Catalysts
    E. W. Qian, K. Otani, L. Li, A. Ishihara and T. Kabe
    J. Catal.
    2004年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 221, 294, 301
  • Inhibiting effect of H2S on the DBT HDS activity of Ru-based catalysts –Effect of the Cs addition –,
    Atsushi Ishihara, Jeayoung Lee, Franck Dumeignil, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    J. Catal.
    2004年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 224, 2, 243, 251
  • 7. Novel hydrodesulfurization catalysts derived from a supported rhodium carbonyl complex- Effect of the Support on catalytic activity and sulfur behavior-,
    Jeayoung Lee, Atsushi Ishihara, Franck Dumeignil, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    J. of Mol. Catal.
    2004年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 213, 2, 207, 215
  • Novel hydrodesulfurization catalysts derived from a rhodium carbonyl complex
    Jeayoung Lee, Atsushi Ishihara, Franck Dumeignil, Miyazaki Kou, Oomori Yuji, Weihua Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    J. of Mol. Catal.
    2004年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 209, 1-2, 155, 162
  • Elucidation by computer simulations of the CUS regeneration mechanism during HDS over MoS2 by combination with 35S experiments
    Franck Dumeignil, Jean-Francois Paul, Eika W. Qian (Sen Eika), Atsushi Ishihara, Edmond Payen, Toshiaki Kabe
    Research on Chem. Intermed.
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 29, 6, 589, 607
  • Study of the Sulfidation Process of CrO3-Al2O3 Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts by a 35S Radioisotope Pulse Tracer Method.
    Franck Dumeignil, Hiroshi Amano, Danhong Wang, Eika Weihua Qian, Atsushi Ishihara, Toshiaki Kabe
    Applied Catalysis, A: General
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 249, 2, 251, 259
  • Elucidation of Retarding Effects of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds on Hydrogenation of Aromatic Compounds
    Atsushi Ishihara, Jeayoung Lee, Franck Dumeignil, Masuda Takashi, Eika W. Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    Energy and Fuels
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 17, 5, 1338, 1345
  • 13. Synthesis of Polysulfides Using Diisobutylene, Sulfur, and Hydrogen Sulfide over Solid Base Catalysts
    E. W. Qian, S. Yamada, J. Lee, S. Otsuki, M. Ishii, D. Ota, K. Hirabayashi, A. Ishihara, and T. Kabe
    Appl. Catal. A.
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 253, 15, 27
  • Elucidation of sulfidation state and hydrodesulfurization mechanism on ruthenium-cesium sulfide catalysts using a 35S radioisotope tracer methods,
    Atsushi Ishihara, Jeayoung Lee, Franck Dumeignil, Ryuichirou Higashi, Anjie Wang, Eika Weihua Qian, Toshiaki Kabe
    Journal of Catalysis
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 217, 59, 68
  • 15. Oxidative Desulfurization of Fuel oil: Part I. Oxidation of Dibenzothiophenes Using tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide
    D. Wang, E. W. Qian, H. Amano, K. Okata, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    Applied Catalysis, A: General
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 253, 91, 99
  • Elucidation of hydrogen transfer behavior of coal with tritiated gaseous hydrogen in the absence and the presence of a catalyst using a fixed bed flow reactor
    I P. Strisuna, A. Ishihara, E. W. Qian, T. Kabe
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 82, 1103, 1112
  • Characterization of Sulfur Exchange Reaction between Polysulfides and Elemental Sulfur Using a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method.
    S. Yamada, D. Wang, S. Li, M. Nishikawa, E. W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    Chemical Communications
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 842, 843
  • Elucidation of Sulfur Behavior in Ultra Deep Hydrodesulfurization Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer Methods. Part I Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene with Lower Concentration over a Sulfided Ni-Co-Mo/Al2O3 Catalyst.
    E. W. Qian, Y. Hachiya, K. Hirabayashi, A. Ishihara, and T. Kabe, K. Hayasaka, S. Hatanaka, and H. Okazaki
    Appl. Catal., A.
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 244, 2, 283, 290
  • Elucidation of promotion effect of cobalt and nickel on Mo/TiO2 catalyst using a 35S tracer method
    D. Wang, X. Li, E. W. Qian, A. Ishihara, and T. Kabe
    Appl. Catal. A.
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 238, 109, 117
  • Synthesis of di-tert-butylpolysulfide using isobutene, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur. Part I. Performance of Alkali metal oxide and alkaline earth metal oxide loaded on alumina catalysts
    S. Yamada, S. Hirasawa, G. Awano, K. Hirabayashi, E. W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    2003年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 46, 1, 35, 44
  • Elucidation of Behavior of Sulfur on Alumina-Supported Platinum and Palladium Using a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method
    E. W. Qian, A. Ishihara, and T. Kabe
    223rd ACS, Petro. Chem. Division, April 6-11, 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA.
    2002年, 共同
  • Study of Sulfidation Process of CrO3-Al2O3 Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts by a 35S Labeled H2S Pulse Tracer Method
    F. Dumeignil, H. Amano, D. Wang, E. W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    The Fourth International Tokyo Conference On Advanced Catalytic Science And Technology (TOCAT4), P-546, July 14-19, 2002, Tokyo (Japan).
    2002年, 共同
  • Elucidation of hydrogen transfer between coal and tritiated organic solvent
    A. Ishihara, I P. Strisuna, T. Miura, M. Saito, E. W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 16, 1490, 1498
  • Elucidation of hydrogen mobility in coal using a fixed bed flow reactor-hydrogen transfer reaction between tritiated hydrogen, coal and tetralin-
    A. Ishihara, I P. Strisuna, M. Ifuku, M. Saito, E. W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 16, 6, 1483, 1489
  • Elucidation of Behavior of Sulfur on Alumina-Supported Platinum and Palladium Using a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method
    E. W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    Prep. Petro. Chem. Division
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 47, 1, 86, 88
  • ”Elucidation of Dimethylsulfone Metabolism in Rat using a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method”(共著)
    S. Otsuki, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    Nutrition Research
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 22, 313, 322
  • ”Elucidation of Promotion Effect of Nickel on Mo/Al2O3 and Co-Mo/Al2O3 Catalysts in Hydrodesulfurization Using a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method”(共著)
    Appl. Catal. A
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 227, 19, 28
  • ”Elucidation of Promoting Effect of Cobalt on TiO2-Supported Mo Catalysts Using a 35S Tracer mehtod”(共著)
    D. H. Wang, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Japan Petro. Insti.
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 45, 1, 39, 44
  • ”Elucidation of Hydrogen Mobility in Functional Groups of Coals Using Tritium Tracer Methods”(共著)
    A. Ishihara, D. Nishigori, M. Saito, I P. Sutrisna, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 16, 32, 39
  • ”Elucidation of Behavior of Sulfur on Mo Catalysts Supported on TiO2 with Various Surface Areas Using a 35S Tracer methods”(共著)
    D. Wang, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Catal.
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 209, 266, 270
  • “Elucidation of Sulfidation State and Hydrodesulfurization Mechanism on Mo/TiO2 Catalyst Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer Methods” (共著)
    D. H. Wang, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    Appl. Catal. A: General
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 224, 191, 199
  • ”Elucidation of Hydrogen Mobility in Coal Under Reductive Atmosphere Using a Tritium Tracer Method”(共著)
    Ishihara, D. Nishigori, Y. Ohashi, S. Kim, W. Qian, and T. Kabe
    2002年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 81, 1409, 1415
  • Elucidation of behavior of sulfur on Ru-Cs catalysts using 35S radioisotope tracer methods
    A. Ishihara, R. Higashi, A. Wang, H. Godo, R. Kanamori, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Gordon Research Conference, January 7-12, 2001 in Ventura, CA, USA.
    2001年, 共同
  • Elucidation of Hydrogen Mobility in coal under Reductive Atmosphere Using a Tritium Tracer Method
    A. Ishihara, D. Nishigori, Y. Ohashi, K. Sano, S. Kim, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Gordon Research Conference, January 7-12, 2001 in Ventura, CA, USA.
    2001年, 共同
  • Methods of Activating Catalyst for Hydrodesulfurization of Light Gas Oil. 2. Catalytic Properties of CoMo/Al2O3 Presulfided by Polysulfides in Deep and Ultra-deep Hydrodesulfurization of Light Gas Oil
    W. Qian, S. Yamada, A. Ishihara, M. Ichinoseki, and T. Kabe
    J. Japan Petro. Insti.
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 44, 4, 225, 231
  • Methods of Activating Catalyst for Hydrodesulfurization of Light Gas Oil. 1. Catalytic Activity of a CoMo/Al2O3 Catalyst Presulfided with Polysulfides in Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene
    S. Yamada, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, G. Wang, L. Li, and T. Kabe
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 44, 4, 217, 224
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene Catalyzed by Supported Metal Carbonyl Complexes
    A. Ishihara, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 44, 2, 80, 91
  • Oxidative Desulfurization of Middle Distillate-Oxidation of Dibenzothiophene Using t-Butyl Hypochlorite-
    S. Otsuki, T. Nonaka, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, and T. Kabe
    J. Japan Petro. Insti.
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 44, 1, 18, 24
  • Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrogenation of Radioactive35S-labeled Dibenzothio-phene on Alumina-supported Chromium and Promoted Chromium Catalysts
    W. Qian, T. Kawano, A. Funato, A. Ishihara, and T. Kabe
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 3, 261, 266
  • Effects of H2S on Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene and 4, 6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene on Alumina-supported NiMo and NiW Catalysts
    T. Kabe, Yasuo Aoyama, D. Wang, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, M. Hosoya, Q. Zhang
    Applied Catalysis, A
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 209, 237, 247
  • ”Elucidation of Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrogenation Mechanisms Using Radioisotope Tracer Methods”(共著)
    A. Ishihara, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Shiyou Xuebao, Shiyou Jiagong
    2001年, 共同, 17, 1, 18, 24
  • “Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene Over Siliceous MCM-41-Supported Catalysts. I. Sulfided Co-Mo Catalysts”
    A. J. Wang, Y. Wang, T. Kabe, Y. Y. Chen, A. Ishihara, and W. H. Qian
    J. Catal
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 199 (1), 19, 29
  • ”Elucidation of Hydrogen Behavior in Coal Using Tritium Tracer Method: Hydrogen Transfer Reaction of Coal with Tritiated Gaseous Hydrogen in a Flow Reactor”(共著)
    I. P. Sutrisna, A. Ishihara, W. H. Qian, T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 15, 5, 1129, 1138
  • ”Elucidation of Sulfidation State and Hydrodesulfurization Mechanism on TiO2 Catalysts Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method” (共著)
    D. H. Wang, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Catal.
    2001年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 203, 322, 328
  • Investigation of Cobalt Promotion on TiO2-supported Mo Catalysts Using a 35S Tracer Method,
    D. H. Wang, X. Li, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Japan Petro. Insti.
    2000年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 45, 1, 39, 44
  • Reactions of Coal with Tritiated Water and Gaseous Hydrogen. Estimation of Hydrogen Exchange Reaction of Aromatic Hydrogen in Coal with Tritiated Water Using a Batch Reactor
    A. Ishihara, D. Nishigori, I. P. Sutrisna, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    2000年, 共同
  • Oxidative Desulfurization of Light Gas Oil and Vacuum Gas Oil by Oxidation and Solvent Extration
    S. Otsuki, T. Nonaka, N. Takashima, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Imai, and T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    2000年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 14, 6, 1232, 1239
  • Reaction of Tetralin with Tritiated Molecular Hydrogen in the Presence of Noble Metal Catalysts.
    W. Qian, Hisakazu Shirai, Masahiro Ifuku, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    2000年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 14, 6, 1205, 1211
  • Hydrogen exchange reaction of coal with tritiated gaseous hydrogen and water. Effects of particle size of coal on hydrogen exchange(共著)
    A. Ishihara, D. Nishigori, M. Saito, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    2000年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 14, 3, 706, 711
  • Hydrodesulfurization and hydrogenation reaction on noble metal catalysts Parnt 1 Elucidation of behavior of sulfur on alumina-supported platinum and palladium using a 35S radioisotope tracer method(共著)
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, Y. Hirai, Li Li, A. Ishihara
    J. Catal.
    2000年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 190, 191, 198
  • Sulfidation of nickel- and cobalt-promoted molybdenum-alumina catalysts using a radioisotope 35S-labeled H2S pulse tracer method (共著)
    W. Qian, A. Ishihara, Y. Aoyama, T. Kabe
    Appl. Catal. A.
    2000年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 196, 103, 110
  • Elucidation of hydrogen mobility in coal using a tritium pulse tracer method. Hydrogen exchange reaction of coal with tritiated gaseous hydrogen(共著)
    T. Kabe, M. Saito, W. Qian, A. Ishihara
    2000年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 79, 311, 316
  • Elucidation of retarding effect of sulfur and nitrogen compounds on hydrogenation of aromatic compounds
    A. Ishihara, T. Masuda, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    2000年, 共同
  • Estimation of Hydrogen Mobility of Coal with Tritiated Water and Gaseous Hydrogen
    A. Ishihara, D. Nishigori, M. Saito, I. P. Sutrisna, W. Qian, and T. Kabe
    2000年, 共同, 44, 4, 225
  • Effects of Particle Size of Coal on Hydrogen Exchange Reactions of Coal with Tritiated Gaseous Hydrogen and Water
    A. Ishihara, D. Nishigori, M. Saito, I. P. Sutrisna, W. Qian, and T. Kabe
    2000年, 共同
  • Hydrogen transfer between coal and tritiated organic solvent
    A. Ishihara, I Putu Sutrisna, M. Saito, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Prepr. ACS meeting, New Orleans, USA, 1999.
    1999年, 共同
  • Hydrodesulfurization and hrdrogenation on alumina-supported tungsten and nickel-promoted tungsten catalysts(共著)
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, A. Funato, Y. Okoshi, A. Ishihara
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
    1999年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 1, 921, 927
  • Elucidation of hydrodesulfurization mechanism on molybdenum-based Catalyst Using 35S radioisotope pulse tracer methods(共著)
    T. Kabe, A. Ishihara, W. Qian
    Catalysis Surveys from Japan
    1999年, 共同, 3, 17, 25
  • Elucidation of hydrogen mobility in coal using a tritium tracer method. Hydrogen exchange reaction of coal with tritiated gaseous hydrogen(共著)
    T. Kabe, M. Saito, W. Qian, A. Ishihara
    The 1999 International Symposium on Fundamentals for Innovative Coal Utilization, February 2-4
    1999年, 共同, 119
  • Hydrogen exchange reaction of tetralin with tritiated molecular hydrogen in a flow reactor.
    W. Qian, H. Shirai, M. Ifuku, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    International Conference on Coal Science, September 11-17,Taiyuan, China
    1999年, 共同
  • Elucidation of reactivity of coal with organic compound using radioisotope tracer methods(共著)
    A. Ishihara, M. Saito, I Putu Sutrisna, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    International Conference on Coal Science. September 11-17,Taiyuan, China
    1999年, 共同
  • Hydrogen transfer between coal and tritiated organic solvent(共著)
    A. Ishihara, I Putu Sutrisna, M. Saito, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Prepr. Div. Fuel Chem. ACS
    1999年, 共同, 44, 3, 657, 661
  • Hydrodesulfurization of 〈sup〉35〈/sup〉S-labeled dibenzothiophene on alumina-supported ruthenium sulfide-cesium catalysts.(共著)
    A. Ishihara, H. Godo, R. Kanamori, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    Appl. Catal. A
    1999年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 182, 2, 345, 355
  • 深度脱硫触媒の開発と脱硫反応機構の解析
    加部利明、石原 篤、銭 衛華
    1999年, 共同, 76, 6, 388, 395
  • Deep hydrodesulfurization of light gas oil(Part 2) Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene included in hydrotreated light gas oil.(共著)
    T. Kabe, K. Akamatsu, A. Ishihara, S. Otsuki, M. Godo, Q. Zhang, W. Qian, S. Yamada
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    1999年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 42, 3, 150, 156
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene and Hydrogenation of phenanthrene on alumina-supported Pt and Pd catalysts(共著)
    W. Qian, Y. Yoda, Yoshiki Hirai, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    Appl. Catal. A
    1999年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 184, 81, 88
  • Elucidation of Sulfur Mobility on Cr, Mo and W-based Catalysts in hydrodesulfurization Using a 35S palse tracer method(共著)
    T. Kabe, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, A. Funato, T. Kawano
    React. Kinet. Catal. Lett.
    1999年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 68, 1, 69, 75
  • オゾンを用いた軽油の深度酸化脱硫
    大槻周次郎、野中 健、銭 衛華、石原 篤、加部利明
    1999年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 42, 5, 315, 320
  • 深度脱硫触媒の開発と脱硫反応機構の解析
    加部利明、石原 篤、銭 衛華
    1999年, 共同, 76, 6, 388, 395
  • Elucidation of hydrogen mobility of coal using tritium tracer methods
    A. Ishihara, W. Qian, M. Saito, T. Kabe
    The 6th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, October 13-17, 1998, Zao, Miyagi, Japan.
    1998年, 共同
  • Hydrodesulfurization Activity and Structure of Sulfided Molybdenum-Based Catalysts
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, M. Godo
    The 1998 International Symposium on Advanced Energy Technology, February 2-4, 1998, Japan, Proceedings, p. 253-258.
    1998年, 共同
  • Pyrolysis of Coal Tar 1. Effects of Reaction Conditions on Products Yields and Composition of Light Fraction(共著)
    M. Godo, W. Qian, S. Otsuki, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe, S. Miwa, H. Katahira, T. Aramaki
    J. Japan Inst. Energy
    1998年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 77, 2, 119, 130
  • Estimation of Behavior of Hydrogen in Naphthalene in Pyrolysis of Coal Tar Using Tritium Tracer Methods(共著)
    T. Kabe, M. Godo, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, S. Otsuki, K. Mukai
    1998年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 77, 8, 815, 820
  • Elucidation of hydrodesulfurization mechanism using 35S radioisotope pulse tracer methods.(共著)
    T. Kabe, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, M. Godo
    Catal. Today
    1998年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 45, 285, 291
  • Elucidation of hydrogen mobility of coal using tritium tracer methods.(共著)
    The 6th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, October 13-17,1998. Zao, Miyagi, Japan
    1998年, 共同
  • Elucidation of Hydrogen Mobility in Coal Tar Using a Tritium Tracer Method. Hydrogen Exchange Reaction of Coal Tar with Tritiated Water.(共著)
    T. Kabe, M. Godo, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, H. Oki
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    1998年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 41, 2, 164, 167
  • Pyrolysis of Coal Tar 2. Functional Group Analysis for Heavy Fraction of Coal Tar(共著)
    M. Godo, W. Qian, S. Otsuki, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe, S. Miwa, H. Katahira, T. Aramaki
    J. Japan. Inst. Energy
    1998年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 77, 3, 234, 240
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene Catalyzed by Supported Metal Carbonyl Complexes(Part 8). Hydrodesulfurization of 35S-Labeled Dibenzothiophene on Alumina-supported Ruthenium Sulfide-Cesium Catalysts(共著)
    A. Ishihara, M. Yamaguchi, H. Godo, W. Qian, M. Godo, T. Kabe
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    1998年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 41, 1, 51, 58
  • Elucidation of Hydrodesulfurization Mechanism Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer Methods
    T. Kabe, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, M. Godo
    Third Japan-EU Joint Workshop (JECAT'97), November 25-28, 1997, Proceedings, III-4, p. 171-176.
    1997年, 共同
  • Sulfidation State and Hydrodesulfurization Activity of Mo/Al2O3 and Co-Mo/Al2O3 Catalysts.
    W. Qian, A. Ishihara, Y. Okoshi, K. Tanihata, M. Godo, T. Kabe
    Advances in Desulfurization Technology, (The Design of New Desulfurization Catalysts and Progress Schemes), November 17-19, 1997 at Uminonakamichi Park Hotel, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan
    1997年, 共同
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene on Alumina-Supported Ruthenium Sulfide-Cesium Catalysts.
    A. Ishihara, M. Yamaguchi, H. Godo, W. Qian, M. Godo, T. Kabe
    Advances in Desulfurization Technology, (The Design of New Desulfurization Catalysts and Progress Schemes), November 17-19, 1997 at Uminonakamichi Park Hotel, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan
    1997年, 共同
  • Pyrolysis of Coal Tar
    M. Godo, W. Qian, S. Otsuki, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe, S. Miwa, H. Katahira, K. Mukai
    International Conference on Coal Science, Part II, p. 701-704, September 7-12, 1997 in Germany, Essen.
    1997年, 共同
  • Estimation of hydrogen mobility in coal and coal related compounds using a tritium tracer method
    A. Ishihara, W. Qian, M. Godo, T. Kabe
    International Conference on Coal Science, Part I, p. 199-202, September 7-12, 1997 in Germany, Essen.
    1997年, 共同
  • Elucidation of Molybdenum-based Catalysts Using a Radioisotope Tracer Method. Part 1. Hydrodesulfurization Activity and Structure of Sulfided Molybdena-Alumina Catalysts.(共著)
    W. Qian, Q. Zhang, Y. Okoshi, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 93, 9, 1821, 1826
  • Effect of H2S on Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene and 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene.(共著)
    Q. Zhang, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 40, 3, 185, 191
  • Elucidation of hydrodesulfurization mechanism using 35S radio isotope pulse tracer methods.(共著)
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, A. Ishihara
    Catal. Today
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 39, 3, 12
  • Reactivity of Naphthalene in Pyrolysis of Coal Tar Using the 14C Tracer Method.(共著)
    M. Godo, S. Otsuki, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, S. Miwa, H. Katahira, K. Mukai
    Energy Fuels.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 11, 6, 1299, 1302
  • Elucidation of Hydrogen Mobility in Coal Using a Tritium Tracer Method. 1. Hydrogen Exchange Reaction of Coal with Tritiated Water.(共著)
    W. Qian, A. Ishihara, H. Fujimura, M. Saito, M. Godo, T. Kabe
    Energy & Fuels
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 11, 6, 1288, 1292
  • Deep Hydrodesulfurization of Light Gas Oil. 1. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Dibenzothiophenes Hydrodesulfurization(共著)
    T. Kabe, K. Akamatsu, A. Ishihara, M. Godo, Q. Zhang, W. Qian
    Ind. Eng. Che. Res.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 36, 12, 5146, 5152
  • Deep Desulfurization of Light Oil. (Part 5)Hydrodesulfurization of Methyl-Substituted Benzothiophenes and Dibenzothiophenes in Light Gas Oil Catalyzed by Various Sulfided Co-Mo/Al2O3 and Ni-Mo/Al2O3 Catalysts.(共著)
    Q. Zhang, A. Ishihara, H. Yashima, W. Qian, H. Tsutsui, T. Kabe
    J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 40, 1, 29, 34
  • Elucidation of Behavior of Sulfur on Sulfided Co-Mo/Al2O3 Catalyst Using a 35S Radioisotope Pulse Tracer Method.(共著)
    W. Qian, A. Ishihara, G. Wang, T. Tsuzuki, M. Godo, T. Kabe
    J. Catal.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 170, 286, 294
  • Elucidation of Molybdenum-based Catalysts Using a Radioisotope Tracer Method. Part 2. Promotion Effect of Cobalt for Molybdena-Alumina Catalysts.(共著)
    W. Qian, A. Ishihara, Y. Okoshi, W. Nakagami, M. Godo, T. Kabe
    J. Chem. Soci. Faraday Trans.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 93, 24, 4395, 4400
  • The Role of Cobalt on Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrogenation of Dibenzothiophene and 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene Catalyzed by Co-Mo/Al2O3.(共著)
    Q. Zhang, W. Qian, S. Oshima, A. Ishihara, T. Kabe
    J. Jpn. Petrol, Inst.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 40, 5, 408, 414
  • Sulfidation state of Alumina-supported Molybdenum Catalysts Estimated by a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method.(共著)
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, K. Tanihata, A. Ishihara, M. Godo
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.
    1997年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 93, 20, 3709, 3713
  • Elucidation of Behavior of Sulfur on Sulfided Co-Mo/Al2O3 Catalyst Using 35S Radioisotope Pulse Tracer Method.
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, G. Wang, A. Ishihara,
    Prepr. ACS, Div. Pet. Chem., 1996.
    1996年, 共同
  • Elucidation of Sulfur Behavior on Alumina-Supported Ruthenium Sulfide-Cesium Catalysts Using Radioactive 35S as a Tracer.(共著)
    A. Ishihara, M. Yamaguchi, H. Godo, W. Qian, M. Godo
    Chem. Lett.
    1996年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 743, 744
  • Sulfur Exchange on Co-Mo/Al2O3 Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer.(共著)
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, W. Wang, A. Ishihara
    Catal. Today
    1996年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 29, 197
  • 35Sトレーサー法を用いた脱硫機構及び脱硫触媒構造の解析
    加部利明、石原 篤、銭 衛華
    1996年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 34, 3, 180, 187
  • Elucidation of Hydrodesulfurization Mechanism on Catalysts Derived from Alumina-Supported Ruthenium Carbonyls Using a Radioactive 35S.
    A. Ishihara, M. Yamaguchi, W. Qian, T. Kabe
    International Forum Environmental Catalysis '95, p. 64 (Abstract), October 25-27, Japan, 1995
    1995年, 共同
  • Sulfur Exchange on Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst Co-Mo/Al2O3 Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer.
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, W. Wang, A. Ishihara
    2nd Japan-EC Joint Workshop on the Frontiers of Catalyst Science and Technology for Energy, Environment and Risks Prevention, O17, p. 123-128, April 26-28, 1995, Lyon-Vileurbanne, France.
    1995年, 共同
  • Study of Hydrodesulfurization by the Use of 35S-Labeled Dibenzothiophene. 1. Hydrodesulfurization Mechanism on Sulfided Mo/Al2O3.(共著)
    W. Qian, A. Ishihara, S. Ogawa, T. Kabe
    J. Phys. Chem.
    1994年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 98, 3, 907
  • Study of Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene on Ni-Mo/Al2O3, Mo/Al2O3 and Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst by the Use of Radioisotope 35S Tracer.(共著)
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, A. Ishihara
    J. Catal.
    1994年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 149, 171
  • Elucidation of Mechanism of Deep Desulfurization of Light Oil by Using 35S Radioisotope as Tracer.
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, A. Ishihara, W. Wang, Q. Zhang
    5th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Research and Technology for Petroleum Refining, September 20-22, 1994, Jiujiang, China.
    1994年, 共同
  • Study of Hydrodesulfurization by the Use of 35S-Labeled Dibenzothiophene. 2. Behavior of Sulfur in HDS, HDO and HDN on Sulfided Mo/Al2O3 Catalyst.(共著)
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, A. Ishihara
    J. Phys. Chem.
    1994年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 98, 3, 912
  • Mechanism of Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene on Co-Mo/Al2O3 and Co/Al2O3 Catalysts by the Use of Radioisotope 35S Tracer
    T. Kabe, W. Qian, S. Ogawa, A. Ishihara
    J. Catal.
    1993年, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 143, 239, 248
  • Possibility of Sulfur Spillover on Desulfurization Catalysts Using Radioactive 35S
    T. Kabe, A. Ishihara, W. Qian, S. Ogawa, H. Sakuno
    Third International Conference of Spillover, August 17-22, 1993 in Japan, Kyoto
    1993年, 共同, 341, 344


  • Research Approaches to Sustainable Biomass Systems
    Eika W. Qian, (Ed. Seishu Tojo and Tadashi Hirasawa)
    Elsevier, AMSTERDAM/ TOKYO
  • 水素利用技術集成、Vol. 3
    銭 衛華
    2007年06月, 978-4-86043-146-4
  • Coal and Coal-Related Compounds –Structure, Reactivity and Catalytic Reactions
    Toshiaki Kabe, Atsushi Ishihara, Eika Weihua Qian, I Putu Sturisna, Yaeko Kabe
    Kosansha, Elsevier
    2004年01月, 4-06-210977-8
  • 水素化精製-Science and Technology-
    第2章担当、銭 衛華
  • Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrodenitrogenation-Chemistry and Engineering-
    Toshiaki Kabe, Atsushi Ishihara, Weihua Qian
    Kodansha, Wiley-VCH
    1999年01月, 4-06-209596-3


  • Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst: Synthesis of Ti-SBA-15 by use of microwave-assisted method and its application in hydrotreating
    Iraq Catalyst Development Workshop FY 2022
    2022年11月22日, シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)
  • Activity Evaluation of Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts
    Iraq Catalyst Development Workshop FY 2022
    2022年10月25日, シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)
  • Two-dimensional graphdiyne combined with Cu-HAB for ethanol production via CO2 electrochemical reduction
    The 9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology
    2022年07月27日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Production of normal paraffins with even-carbonnumbered via hydrodeoxygenation of methyl laurate over Ni-based catalysts
    The 9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology
    2022年07月24日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Outline from Lab Scale Study to Commercialization in Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst Development
    Catalyst Development Workshop for Iraq Ministry of Oil FY 2021
    2022年02月21日, シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)
  • Selective Hydrotreating of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate over Sulfided Mo-based Catalysts Added Phosphorus
    The 18th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis (18JKSC)
    2021年11月23日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Depolymerization of lignin by using ionic liquid and ethylene glycol
    2021年11月12日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 二機能水素化処理触媒を用いたPFADの脱酸素・異性化・クラッキング反応の制御
    2021年11月12日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • コプラ由来バイオオイルの水素化改質の多機能触媒の設計
    2021年11月11日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • バイオマスからのジェット燃料
    2021年03月11日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • イオン液体と固体酸触媒を用いた5-HMF高効率製造法の検討
    2020年03月22日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 固体酸触媒を用いたイオン液体中のリグニン解重合
    2020年03月22日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 複合構造を持つ固体酸触媒の開発
    2020年03月22日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 二機能水素化処理触媒を用いたバイオジェット燃料の製造
    2020年03月22日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • BTX製造のための触媒の活性に及ぼす担体の酸特性の影響
    2020年03月22日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • CO2の水素化によるC2+アルコールの製造
    2020年03月22日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Design of Bimetallic Multifunctional Catalysts to Produce Clean Fuel Oil via Hydrotreating of Non-edible Vegetable Oil
    2019 International Symposium on Energy Conversion and Storage Materials (2019-ISECSM), Brisbane, Australia
    2019年08月02日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Steam reforming, of acetic acid on Nd-doped Ni@Al2O3 core-shell catalyst
    The 17th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis
    2019年05月21日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Challenge to Environmentally-Friendly Manufacture of Sustainable Energy and Materials
    Workshop in Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, China
    2019年02月22日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • パーム由来の様々なオイルの改質技術の開発現状と今後の展望
    2019年02月19日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Past, Present, and Future of Hydrotreating Catalysts and Processes
    ADNOC Workshop
    2018年09月09日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Past, Present, and Future of Hydrotreating Catalysts and Processes
    ADNOC Workshop
    2018年09月09日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 水素化処理プロセス・触媒開発の現状と将来
    2018年07月11日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • イオン液体を用いたリグノセルロース系バイオマス中のリグニンの抽出
    2017年11月01日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • CoMo/Al₂O₃TiO₂触媒に及ぼすキレート剤添加効果
    2017年11月01日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 植物油の選択的水素化脱酸素による直鎖偶数炭化水素製造触媒の開発
    2017年11月01日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 酢酸の水蒸気改質におけるNi@Al2O3コアシェル触媒へのCeO2添加効果
    2017年09月01日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 植物油からの選択的な高級オレフィン生成のためのRe系二元機能触媒
    2017年09月01日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Synthesis of Ti-SBA-15 by use of microwave-assisted method and its application in hydrotreating
    "The 254th ACS National Meeting, Division of Energy and Fuel"
    2017年08月23日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Challenge to Hydrotreating Catalysis and Chemistry -The Past, The Present, and The Future
    Sino-PEC RIPP Workshop
    2017年06月19日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 植物油の水素化処理におけるPtSn触媒担体の影響
    2017年03月04日, その他
  • 新規ジカチオンイオン液体の合成とその応用
    2017年03月04日, その他
  • CoMo/Al2O3-TiO2触媒に及ぼすキレート剤添加効果
    2017年03月04日, その他
  • 植物油のエステル交換反応および骨格異性化反応触媒の開発
    2016年11月18日, ポスター発表
  • イオン液体とマイクロ波を用いたグラフェン担体の制製と触媒への応用
    2016年11月18日, ポスター発表
  • パルミチン酸メチルの選択的な水素化脱酸素反応による高級オレフィン製造
    2016年11月18日, その他
  • Steam reforming of acetic acid using core-shell type nickel catalysts
    46th Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of Jpn. Petrol. Inst.
    2016年11月18日, その他
  • Roles of various support in formation of structure of sulfided Co-Mo hydrotreating catalysts
    The 5th Asian conference on innovative energy and environmental chemical engineering
    2016年11月16日, その他
  • Preparation of Weak-Acid Functionalized Mesoporous Carbon Solid Acid from Tannic Acid and Its Use for Saccharification of Cellulose,
    The 5th Asian conference on innovative energy and environmental chemical engineering
    2016年11月16日, その他
  • 水素化精製反応・触媒に関する研究の現状と将来の展望
    2016年07月04日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 高水熱耐久性炭素系固体酸触媒の開発
    2016年05月23日, ポスター発表
  • 水蒸気改質触媒におけるコーク除去能力の評価
    2016年05月23日, ポスター発表
  • 還元触媒を用いた植物油からの高選択的な直鎖炭化水素への転換
    2016年05月23日, ポスター発表
  • 脱カルボキシ反応による植物油のアップグレーディング
    2016年05月23日, ポスター発表
  • Mo酸化物触媒を用いた脂肪酸エステルからのオレフィン製造
    2016年05月23日, ポスター発表
  • 植物油の選択的な水素化処理触媒の構造及び反応機構の解明
    2016年05月23日, その他
  • 空気を用いたヤシ殻由来のリン酸賦活活性炭の調製
    2015年11月28日, その他
  • Influence of ceria modified support on steam reforming of acetic acid using Ni-Ru/CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts
    Convention of the Japan Petroleum Institute, the 45th Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of JPI
    2015年11月06日, その他
  • Effect of Support on the Hydrogenation Activities of CoMo Based Catalysts
    Convention of the Japan Petroleum Institute, the 45th Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of JPI
    2015年11月06日, その他
  • パルミチン酸メチルの水素化脱酸素におけるゼオライト担体の表面修飾効果
    2015年11月06日, その他
  • 植物油の水素化脱酸素反応による選択的なオレフィン製造用触媒の開発
    2015年11月06日, その他
  • Challenge to Evironmentally-friendly Manufacture of Sustainable Energy and Materials from Biomass
    Special Lecture in East China Normal University
    2015年09月11日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • ジャ トロファ油からのバイオディーゼル燃料の流動性の改善
    2015年05月27日, ポスター発表
  • イオン液体を用いたセルロースナノファイバーの調製
    2015年05月27日, ポスター発表
  • CO水素化におけるセリア担持VI族金属触媒への助触媒の効果
    2015年05月27日, ポスター発表
  • パルミチン酸メチルの水素化脱酸素におけるゼオライト担体の表面修飾効果
    2015年05月27日, その他
  • CoMo触媒の構造と水素化活性の関連性の検討
    2015年05月27日, その他
  • バイオマス由来オイル水蒸気改選におけるRu-Ni系触媒の耐久性の検討
    The 44th Petroleum Petrochemical Symposium of JPI
    2014年10月16日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Saccharification of Lignocellulosic Biomass using Sulfonated Mesoporous Carbon based Catalyst
    The 44th Petroleum Petrochemical Symposium of JPI
    2014年10月16日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 還元NiMo/SAPO-11触媒によるラウリン酸メチルの水素化脱酸素反応
    2014年09月25日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Hydrodeoxygenation and Isomerization on Reduced NiMo Catalysts
    Seventh Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology
    2014年06月01日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Mo系触媒を用いたCOの水素化反応
    2014年05月28日, ポスター発表
  • PtSn/SAPO-11を用いた植物油の水素化処理
    2014年05月28日, ポスター発表
  • モリブデン系触媒を用いた植物油から偶数直鎖炭化水素の選択的製造
    2014年03月27日, その他
  • 固体酸触媒を用いた植物油のエステル交換および骨格異性化
    2014年03月27日, その他
  • CeO2に担持したCr,Mo及びW系触媒を用いた合成ガスからのアルコール変換
    2014年03月27日, その他
  • 水素存在下での金属担持固体酸触媒によるセルロース水熱液化反応機構の解明
    2014年03月27日, その他
  • CoMo/Al2O3-TiO2触媒上での水素化脱硫, 脱窒素及び水素化反応
    2014年03月27日, その他
  • 還元ニッケル-モリブデン触媒によるジャトロファオイルの水素化反応
    2013年11月15日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • セルロースから5-ヒドロキシメチルフルフラールへの転換反応における固体酸触媒の影響
    2013年11月15日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 機能性イオン液体を用いたセルロースの加水分解
    2013年11月15日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Hydrotreating of Jatropha Oil on Reduced Nickel-Molybdenum Catalysts
    246 ACS Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, Sept. 8-12, 2013
    2013年09月11日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Higher Alcohol Synthesis from Syngas over Molybdenum–based Catalysts
    The 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Technologies APCSEET2013
    2013年07月06日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Challenge to Hydrotreating Catalysis and Chemistry -The Past, The Present, and The Future
    Invitation Lecture
    2013年03月27日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 木質系バイオマスの固体酸水熱糖化
    化学工学会 第78年会
    2013年03月17日, その他
  • Mo系触媒を用いた合成ガスからのC2+アルコール合成
    化学工学会 第78年会
    2013年03月17日, その他
  • ジャトロファオイルの水素化アップグレーディング触媒の開発
    2012年10月12日, その他
  • ジャトロファオイルの水素化アップグレーディング触媒の開発
    2012年10月12日, その他
  • Mo系触媒を用いた合成ガスからの高級アルコール合成
    2012年10月12日, その他
  • 植物油由来直鎖パラフィンの異性化触媒の開発
    2012年05月25日, その他
  • 固体酸を用いた様々なリグノセルロース系バイオマスの糖化反応性の解明
    2012年05月25日, その他
  • 植物油の脱酸素および異性化のための二機能性触媒の開発
    2012年03月28日, その他
  • 稲ワラの水熱糖化プロセスおよび触媒の開発
    2012年03月28日, その他
  • ライトサイクルオイル中の窒素化合物の水素化精製反応性の解析
    2011年11月10日, その他
  • 触媒を用いたジャトロファオイルの水素化処理
    2011年11月10日, その他
  • 固体酸触媒によるセルロース系バイオマスの2段糖化反応
    2011年11月10日, その他
  • Hydrodenitrogenation of Porphyrin on Nickel-Molybdenum-Based Catalysts
    242nd American Chemical Society Meeting
    2011年08月29日, その他
  • 稲わらの酵素分解糖化における前処理法の開発
    2011年08月09日, その他
  • 固体酸触媒を用いたセルロース系バイオマス廃棄物の直接水熱糖化
    2011年08月09日, その他
  • ジャトロファオイルの水素化処理触媒の開発
    2011年08月09日, その他
  • 固体触媒を用いた新規ポリスルフィドの合成
    2011年05月18日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 水素化脱窒素反応に及ぼす硫黄化合物および芳香族化合物の影響の解明
    2011年05月18日, その他
  • Mo系触媒を用いた合成ガスからのアルコールの合成
    2011年05月18日, その他
  • リグノセルロース系バイオマスの構造解析
    2011年05月18日, その他
  • ライトサイクルオイル中の窒素化合物の反応性の解析
    2011年03月22日, その他
  • ジャトロファの水素化処理触媒の開発
    2011年03月22日, その他
  • 固体酸を用いた稲ワラの水熱糖化反応の検討
    2011年03月22日, その他
  • 稲わらの酵素分解糖化における前処理法の開発
    2011年03月22日, その他
  • リグノセルロース系バイオマス糖化用固体酸触媒の開発
    2011年03月22日, その他
  • 合成ガスから高級アルコールへの変換触媒の開発
    2010年11月26日, その他
  • リフォーミング反応のシングルイベントマイクロ動力学モデル
    2010年11月26日, その他
  • NiMo系触媒上での窒素化合物の水素化脱窒素反応性
    2010年11月26日, その他
  • Challenge to Development of Environmental-friendly Technology to Manufacture Clean Energy
    Invitation Lecture
    2010年10月13日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Challenge to Development of Environmental-friendly Technology to Manufacture Clean Energy
    Invitation Lecture
    2010年09月06日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 固体酸触媒を用いたセルロース系バイオマスの液化反応
    2010年08月02日, その他
  • Saccharification of rice straw using solid acidic catalysts
    The Renewable Energy 2010, Yokohama
    2010年07月02日, ポスター発表
  • 新規固体酸触媒による稲わらの水熱糖化
    2010年05月20日, その他
  • NiMo系触媒上での窒素化合物の水素化脱窒素反応性の解析
    2010年05月20日, その他
  • ナフサ改質反応のシングルイベントマイクロ動力学モデル
    2010年03月26日, その他
  • FCCガソリンの超深度酸化脱硫
    2010年03月26日, その他
  • 固体酸触媒を用いた稲ワラの糖化法の開発
    2010年03月26日, その他
  • 稲ワラの糖化用新規固体酸触媒の開発
    2010年03月26日, その他
  • バイオエタノールの脱硫(第1報)Co-Mo系触媒を用いた水添脱硫
    2009年10月23日, その他
  • NiMoP系触媒上での水素化脱窒素反応機構の解明
    2009年10月23日, その他
  • 水蒸気改質反応におけるバイオマス由来オイルの反応性の解明
    2009年10月22日, その他
  • 固体触媒および溶媒を用いたセルロース系バイオマスの液化
    2009年10月22日, その他
  • Hydrodenitrogenation of Porphyrin on Nickel-Molybdenum-Based Catalysts
    International Symposium on Value Chain of Heavy Oil: Research to Reality
    2009年10月15日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • バイオマス由来オイルの水蒸気改質反応性の解明
    2009年07月31日, その他
  • Elucidation of Hydrogen Behavior in Argonne Premium Coals Using Tritium Tracer Method
    10th Japan-China Coal and C1 Chemistry Symposium
    2009年07月28日, 口頭発表(一般)
  • 固体酸触媒によるセルロース系バイオマスの糖化
    2009年07月24日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 固体酸触媒によるセルロース系バイオマスの選択的糖化技術
    2009年06月17日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • バイオマス由来バイオオイルの水蒸気改質による水素製造技術
    2009年05月21日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • ホウ素およびリンを添加したNiMo触媒のポルフィリンの水素化脱窒素反応
    2009年05月20日, その他
  • 固体酸を用いたセルロース系バイオマスの糖化反応機構の解明
    2009年05月20日, その他
  • 水蒸気改質反応におけるバイオマス由来オイルの反応性の解明
    2009年03月26日, その他
  • 軽質燃料油の超深度酸化脱硫用酸化剤および触媒の開発
    2009年03月26日, その他
  • ポリスルフィドの熱特性及び安定性の解明
    2009年03月26日, その他
  • 固体酸触媒によるセルロース系バイオマスの糖化
    2009年03月26日, その他
  • ポルフィリンの水素化脱窒素反応におけるNiMo系触媒へのホウ素の添加効果
    2008年11月05日, その他
  • Effect of Barium Addition on Ruthenium-Nickel Catalysts in Steam Reforming of Bio-oil
    14th International Conference on Catalysis (14th ICC)
    2008年08月14日, ポスター発表
  • 固体酸を用いたセルロース系バイオマスの糖化
    2008年08月04日, その他
  • 固体酸触媒によるセルロース系バイオマスの選択糖化反応
    2008年05月16日, その他
  • ポリフィリンの水素化脱窒素反応におけるNiMo系触媒へのホウ素の添加効果
    2008年05月16日, その他
  • ポリフィリンの水素化脱窒素反応機構の解明
    2008年05月16日, ポスター発表
  • 草木質系バイオマスの液化反応
    2008年05月16日, ポスター発表
  • バイオオイル水蒸気改質反応におけるRu-Ni系触媒耐久性に関する研究
    2008年03月26日, その他
  • NiMo触媒上でのポルフィリンの水素化脱窒素反応機構の解明
    2008年03月26日, その他
  • 新規セルロース系バイオマス糖化方法の開発
    2008年03月26日, その他
  • 軽質油の酸化脱硫法による超深度脱硫
    2008年03月26日, その他
  • バイオマス由来オイルのRu-Ni水蒸気改質触媒におけるバリウムの添加効果
    2007年10月, その他
  • 減圧軽油の水素化脱窒素反応機構の解明
    2007年10月, その他
  • Temperature Programmed Elimination of Tritium in Coal Labeled by Tritiated Gaseous Hydrogen
    2007 ICCS & T, International Conference on Coal Science and Technology
    2007年08月, その他
  • 使用済み塩化ビニル樹脂からの燃料電池向け水素の製造
    2007年06月13日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • セルロース系バイオマスからの糖化反応
    2007年05月, その他
  • 水素化脱窒素反応におけるMo系触媒へのリンの添加効果
    2007年05月, その他
  • Challenges for Production of Clean Fuels
    Special Celebration Meeting in East China University of Science and Technology
    2007年03月23日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 減圧軽油の水素化脱窒素反応機構の解明
    2006年11月, その他
  • Addition effect of phosphorus on Ni-Mo catalysts in hydrodenitrogenation
    232nd American Chemical Society Meeting, Division of Petroleum Chemistry
    2006年08月, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Sulfur behavior on Mo-based HDS catalysts supported on high surface area TiO2 by 35S radioisotope tracer method
    TOCAT5, Fifth Tokyo conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology
    2006年07月, ポスター発表
  • A catalytic PVC wastes treating process with H2 recovering
    TOCAT5, Fifth Tokyo conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology
    2006年07月, ポスター発表
  • Selectively adsorptive desulfurization of fuel oil with zeolite adsorbents
    TOCAT5, Fifth Tokyo conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology
    2006年07月, ポスター発表
  • PVC Wastes Recycling: Cracking under Steam of Water
    2006年05月, その他
  • 水素化脱窒素反応におけるMo系触媒へのリンの添加効果
    2006年05月, その他
  • ガソリンの酸化・脱硫
    2006年05月, ポスター発表
  • アルマイト触媒による灯油の水蒸気改質
    2006年05月, ポスター発表
  • Influences of the catalysts and the temperatures on tars recovering from a PVC catalytic cracking process
    2006年04月04日, その他
  • 水素化脱硫触媒へのリンの添加効果の解析
    2006年03月, 口頭発表(一般)
  • Ru-Ni触媒を用いたバイオマス由来オイルの水蒸気改質
    2006年03月, その他
  • セルラーゼによるバイオマスからのグルコース合成
    2006年03月, その他
  • クリーンエネルギーの製造プロセスおよび触媒について
    2005年12月13日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 燃料油の吸着脱硫における選択性の解析
    2005年10月, その他
  • 触媒を用いたPVCの水蒸気改質反応
    2005年10月, その他
  • 新規水素化処理触媒を用いた水素化脱窒素反応
    2005年10月, その他
  • Elucidation of Hydrogen Mobility in Coal Using Tritium Pulse Radioisotope Tracer Method Temperature Programmed Elimination of Tritium in Tritium-labeled Coal in an atmosphere of Gaseous Hydrogen–
    2005 ICCS & T, International Conference on Coal Science and Technology
    2005年10月, その他
  • Selective Removal of Sulfur Compounds in Fuel Oil by Combination of Oxydation and Adsorption
    230th American Chemical Society Meeting, Symposium of Desulfurization/Denitrogenation of Petroleum and Petroleum Products, August 28-September 2, Washington DC, 2005
    2005年08月, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 新規水素化処理触媒を用いた水素化脱窒素反応
    2005年05月, ポスター発表
  • 燃料油の吸着脱硫における選択性の解析
    2005年05月, ポスター発表
  • 水素化脱硫触媒へのリンの添加効果
    2005年05月, ポスター発表
  • 触媒を用いたPVCの水蒸気改質反応
    2005年05月, その他
  • 芳香族系炭化水素の水蒸気改質触媒の開発
    2005年05月, その他
  • 炭化水素の水蒸気改質ルテニウム触媒の開発
    2005年03月, その他
  • 廃PVCからの水素製造―廃アルカリによる中和の可能性に関する調査―
    2004年11月, その他
  • 微生物を用いた重質炭素資源の超深度精製
    2004年11月, その他
  • イソブテン、硫化水素および硫黄からのジーt-ブチルポリスルフィドの合成―X型ゼオライト触媒の性能―
    2004年11月, その他
  • 新規水素化処理触媒を用いた減圧軽油の水素化脱窒素反応機構の解明
    2004年11月, その他
  • On the possibility to produce hydrogen from PVC wastes : PVC- and alkali-related data in Japan
    The 10th APPChE (Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering) Congress
    2004年10月, その他
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene over Alumina-Supported Noble Metal Catalysts
    The 10th APPChE (Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering) Congress
    2004年10月, その他
  • Catalytic Steam Reforming of Coal-tar Derived Oil
    The 21st International Pittsuburg Coal Conference
    2004年09月, その他
  • Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide Using Sulfide Catalysts Derived from Supported Transition Metal Carbonyls
    The 21st International Pittsuburg Coal Conference
    2004年09月, その他
  • Elucidation of Behavior of Hydrogen on Solid Catalysts Using a Tritium Tracer Method
    ISOTOPCAT (Preconference of ICC)
    2004年07月, その他
  • Elucidation by computer simulations of the CUS regeneration mechanism during HDS over MoS2 by combination with 35S experiments
    ISOTOPCAT (Preconference of ICC)
    2004年07月, その他
  • Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene over Alumina-Supported Noble Metal Catalysts
    The 13th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC)
    2004年07月, その他
  • 微生物を用いた重質炭素資源の超深度精製
    2004年05月, ポスター発表
  • トリチウムトレーサー法を用いたPVC中の水素挙動の解析
    2004年05月, ポスター発表
  • ジチオカルバミン酸モリブデンを用いた新規水素化脱硫触媒の開発―助触媒の活性に及ぼす効果―
    2004年05月, その他
  • 35Sラジオアイソトープトレーサー法によるNiMo/TiO2触媒上の硫黄挙動の解析
    2004年05月, その他
  • 35Sトレーサー法を用いた高表面積チタニア担持コバルト-モリブデン硫化物触媒の活性および硫黄挙動の解析
    2004年03月, ポスター発表
  • 放射性同位元素標識法を用いた水素化処理触媒構造および反応機構の解析
    2003年05月21日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)


  • 水素化能を制御した新規LCO脱硫触媒の開発に関する研究
    共同研究, 自 2012年10月26日, 至 2013年03月31日
  • 固体酸触媒を用いた様々な草木質系バイオマス廃棄物に対応できる糖化システムの構築
    その他補助金, 自 2011年06月01日, 至 2014年03月31日
  • 廃繊維由来合成ガスからのエタノール合成実験
    受託研究, 自 2011年02月08日, 至 2011年02月18日
  • FCC由来ライトサイクルオイル対応新規水素化精製触媒の脱窒素能の検討
    受託研究, 自 2010年11月18日, 至 2011年03月11日
  • バイオアルコールの水素化脱硫触媒の調製およびキャラクタリゼーション
    受託研究, 自 2010年04月01日, 至 2011年03月31日
  • 重質油高度水素化精製触媒開発のための重質油中窒素化合物の水素化反応特性及び反応機構の解明
    受託研究, 自 2009年11月12日, 至 2010年03月19日
  • 合成ガスの化学変換に資するMo系触媒およびその使用プロセスの研究
    共同研究, 自 2009年11月11日, 至 2011年03月31日
  • 植物油脂の改質に関する研究
    共同研究, 自 2009年09月01日, 至 2013年10月31日
  • 植物油脂の改質に関する研究
    共同研究, 自 2009年09月01日, 至 2013年07月31日
  • 植物油脂の改質に関する研究
    共同研究, 自 2009年09月01日, 至 2012年07月31日
  • 植物油脂の改質に関する研究
    共同研究, 自 2009年09月01日, 至 2011年03月31日
  • 植物油脂の改質に関する研究
    共同研究, 自 2009年09月01日, 至 2010年07月31日
  • バイオマス変換技術の開発
    共同研究, 自 2009年04月23日, 至 2010年03月31日
  • バイオアルコールの水素化脱硫触媒の調製およびキャラクタリゼーション
    受託研究, 自 2009年04月01日, 至 2010年03月31日
  • バイオアルコールの水素化脱硫触媒の調製およびキャラクタリゼーション
    受託研究, 自 2009年03月05日, 至 2009年03月31日
  • 固体酸による稲わらの直接水熱糖化技術に関する調査研究
    受託研究, 自 2008年12月15日, 至 2009年03月13日
  • 固体酸触媒を用いた綿繊維の糖化
    受託研究, 自 2008年12月01日, 至 2009年02月28日
  • 新規オリゴマースルフィドの性能評価
    共同研究, 自 2008年07月01日, 至 2009年06月30日
  • バイオマス変換技術の開発
    共同研究, 自 2008年02月05日, 至 2009年03月31日
  • 新規開発した水素化脱窒素触媒へのホウ素添加効果および反応機構の解明
    共同研究, 自 2007年04月01日, 至 2008年03月31日
  • 新規水素化脱窒素触媒の開発と反応機構の解明
    共同研究, 自 2006年04月01日, 至 2007年03月31日


  • 石油学会
    自 20220401, 至 20240331
  • 日本化学工学会
    自 20190401, 至 20240331
  • 日本化学工学会
    自 20130401, 至 20190331
  • 石油学会
    自 20110401, 至 20140331
  • 石油学会
    自 20090401, 至 20220331
  • 日本エネルギー学会
    自 20080401, 至 20230331
  • 化学工学会
    自 200704, 至 200903
  • 日本化学工学会
    自 20070401, 至 20090331
  • 石油学会
    自 200112, 至 200303


  • Two Steps Toward Green Fuels
    To overcome the limitations of enzyme-catalyzed saccharification, researchers led by Professor Erika W. Qian at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in Japan developed a two-step process to breakdown complex sugars. Read more from Asian Scientist Magazine at: https://www.asianscientist.com/2019/06/in-the-lab/enzyme-carbohydrate-green-fuels/
    Asian Scientist Magazine
    自 2019年06月27日, 至 2019年06月27日
  • New two-step method improves bioethanol production efficiency
    Led by scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) in Japan, the researchers published their results in April in the American Chemical Society Journey, Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research.
    自 2019年06月19日, 至 2019年06月19日
  • Biomass Conversion to Green Fuel Takes Only Two Steps
    Collaborators from the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) developed a two-step method that efficiently breaks down carbohydrates into monomers, single sugar components that are related with producing green fuel.
    The Science Times
    自 2019年06月18日, 至 2019年06月18日
  • Forscher machen zwei Schritte in Richtung grüner TreibstoffZweistufige Verzuckerung von Reisstroh mit festen Säurekatalysatoren
    Eine internationale Zusammenarbeit unter der Leitung von Wissenschaftlern der Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan, hat eine zweistufige Methode entwickelt, um Kohlenhydrate effizienter in ihre einzelnen Zuckerbausteine zu zerlegen, was einen kritischen Prozess bei der Herstellung von grünem Kraftstoff darstellt.※ドイツ語記事。銭衛華教授らが、高分子多糖を最小単位の糖に効率的に分解する2段階糖化法を開発したことが紹介される。
    自 2019年06月18日, 至 2019年06月18日
  • Researchers take two steps toward green fuel
    An international collaboration led by scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan, has developed a two-step method to more efficiently break down carbohydrates into their single sugar components, a critical process in producing green fuel.
    Science Daily
    自 2019年06月14日, 至 2019年06月14日


  • 日本エネルギー学会
    自 2008年04月
  • American Chemistry Society (ACS)
    自 2002年08月
  • 触媒学会
    自 1999年03月
  • 化学工学会
    自 1998年04月
  • 日本化学会
    自 1993年08月
  • 石油学会
    自 1992年04月


  • 石油学会誌論文賞(イソブテン、硫化水素および硫黄からのジ-t-ブチルポリスルフィドの合成(第2報)MFI型ゼオライト触媒の性能)
  • 石油学会誌論文賞 (35Sトレーサー法を用いた高表面積チタニア担持モリブデン系水素化脱硫触媒上における硫黄挙動の解析)
  • 野口記念奨励賞(石油学会)、放射性同位元素標識法を用いた水素化処理触媒構造および反応機構の解析

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