
新村 毅SHIMMURA Tsuyoshiシンムラ ツヨシ

所属部署名農学研究院 生物生産科学部門
Last Updated :2025/01/22



  • 私達のグループでは、One Welfareの実現のため、システム行動生物学的な研究、すなわち、システム生物学を行動学に取り入れ、複雑で動的な行動を1つのシステムとして理解して制御する研究を展開しています。現在、①行動遺伝育種、②Animal Computer Interaction、③福祉的環境デザインを3つの大きな柱とし、動物の一生を通じ、その行動を遺伝要因・環境要因から理解して制御する研究を進めています。サイエンスとしての面白さと応用性を兼ね備えた研究を目指し、動物の行動を軸としつつも、目標を達成するために、必要なあらゆる技術を投入することを特色としています。 研究室HP:https://tsuyoshishimmura.wixsite.com/website-1 Research Map:https://researchmap.jp/shimmura



  • 氏名

    シンムラ ツヨシ, 新村 毅, SHIMMURA Tsuyoshi


  • 農学研究院 生物生産科学部門, 教授


  • グローバルイノベーション研究院テニュアトラック推進機構
  • 農学研究院
  • 農学府
  • 農学部
  • 連合農学研究科


  • 東京農工大学
    自 2021年10月01日
  • Uppsala University (Sweden)
    Lief Andersson Research Group
    Visiting Researcher
    自 2017年05月01日, 至 2017年07月31日
  • 東京農工大学大学院
    自 2016年11月16日
  • 基礎生物学研究所
    自 2013年06月01日, 至 2016年11月15日
  • 名古屋大学
    自 2013年04月01日, 至 2013年05月31日
  • 名古屋大学
    自 2009年04月01日, 至 2013年03月31日
  • 麻布大学
    自 2007年04月01日, 至 2009年03月31日


  • 麻布大学
    至 2009年03月15日, 飛び級, 博士後期
  • 麻布大学
    至 2007年03月15日, 修了, 博士前期
  • 麻布大学
    至 2005年03月15日, 卒業


  • 博士(学術)


  • 動物の行動を分子レベルから集団レベルまで横断的に理解して制御する研究、福祉的管理システムの開発と自動評価・制御技術の開発


  • 生物生産学概論Ⅱ
    2023年, 専門科目等
  • 生物生産学原論
    2023年, 専門科目等
  • 生物生産学基礎実習
    2022年, 専門科目等
  • 生物生産学原論
    2022年, 教養科目等


  • 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    自 2021年, 至 2023年
  • 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
    自 2021年, 至 2022年
  • 基盤研究(B)
    自 2019年, 至 2023年
  • 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
    自 2018年, 至 2020年
  • 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
    自 2018年, 至 2019年
  • 若手研究(B)
    自 2015年, 至 2017年


  • A transcriptional program underlying the circannual rhythms of gonadal development in medaka
    Nakayama T, Tanikawa M, Okushi Y, Itoh T, Shimmura T, Maruyama M, Yamaguchi T, Matsumiya A, Shinomiya A, Guh Y, Chen J, Naruse K, Kudoh H, Kondo Y, Honda N, Aoki K, Nagano AJ, Yoshimura T
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
    2023年12月18日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 120, 32, DOI(公開)(r-map), e2313514120
  • Variation in responses to photoperiods and temperatures in Japanese medaka from different latitudes
    Shinomiya, Ai; Adachi, Daisuke; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Tanikawa, Miki; Hiramatsu, Naoshi; Ijiri, Shigeho; Naruse, Kiyoshi; Sakaizumi, Mitsuru; Yoshimura, Takashi
    Seasonal changes are more robust and dynamic at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes, and animals sense seasonal changes in the environment and alter their physiology and behavior to better adapt to harsh winter conditions. However, the genetic basis for sensing seasonal changes, including the photoperiod and temperature, remains unclear. Medaka (Oryzias latipes species complex), widely distributed from subtropical to cool-temperate regions throughout the Japanese archipelago, provides an excellent model to tackle this subject. In this study, we examined the critical photoperiods and critical temperatures required for seasonal gonadal development in female medaka from local populations at various latitudes. Intraspecific differences in critical photoperiods and temperatures were detected, demonstrating that these differences were genetically controlled. Most medaka populations could perceive the difference between photoperiods for at least 1 h. Populations in the Northern Japanese group required 14 h of light in a 24 h photoperiod to develop their ovaries, whereas ovaries from the Southern Japanese group developed under 13 h of light. Additionally, Miyazaki and Ginoza populations from lower latitudes were able to spawn under short-day conditions of 11 and 10 h of light, respectively. Investigation of the critical temperature demonstrated that the Higashidori population, the population from the northernmost region of medaka habitats, had a critical temperature of over 18 & DEG;C, which was the highest critical temperature among the populations examined. The Miyazaki and the Ginoza populations, in contrast, were found to have critical temperatures under 14 & DEG;C. When we conducted a transplant experiment in a high-latitudinal environment using medaka populations with different seasonal responses, the population from higher latitudes, which had a longer critical photoperiod and a higher critical temperature, showed a slower reproductive onset but quickly reached a peak of ovarian size. The current findings show that low latitudinal populations are less responsive to photoperiodic and temperature changes, implying that variations in this responsiveness can alter seasonal timing of reproduction and change fitness to natural environments with varying harshnesses of seasonal changes. Local medaka populations will contribute to elucidating the genetic basis of seasonal time perception and adaptation to environmental changes.
    2023年07月22日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 9, 1, 2056-306X, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Evaluating Behavior Recognition Pipeline of Laying Hens Using Wearable Inertial Sensors
    Fujinami, Kaori; Takuno, Ryo; Sato, Itsufumi; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi
    Recently, animal welfare has gained worldwide attention. The concept of animal welfare encompasses the physical and mental well-being of animals. Rearing layers in battery cages (conventional cages) may violate their instinctive behaviors and health, resulting in increased animal welfare concerns. Therefore, welfare-oriented rearing systems have been explored to improve their welfare while maintaining productivity. In this study, we explore a behavior recognition system using a wearable inertial sensor to improve the rearing system based on continuous monitoring and quantifying behaviors. Supervised machine learning recognizes a variety of 12 hen behaviors where various parameters in the processing pipeline are considered, including the classifier, sampling frequency, window length, data imbalance handling, and sensor modality. A reference configuration utilizes a multi-layer perceptron as a classifier; feature vectors are calculated from the accelerometer and angular velocity sensor in a 1.28 s window sampled at 100 Hz; the training data are unbalanced. In addition, the accompanying results would allow for a more intensive design of similar systems, estimation of the impact of specific constraints on parameters, and recognition of specific behaviors.
    2023年05月25日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 23, 11, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Myeloperoxidase expression in diencephalon is potentially associated with fear-related behavior in chicks of laying hen
    Kohno, Suzuka; Ogawa, Shinichiro; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Sato, Kan; Tokutake, Yukako
    Preventing feather pecking (FP) in adult laying hens is important for the welfare of intensively poultry farming. Fear-related behavior in growing female layer chicks may predict FP in adult hens. In this study, in two representative laying breeds (White Leghorn [WL] and Rhode Island Red [RIR]) that have different FP frequencies, we identified a candidate gene associated with fear-related behavior in chicks and FP in adult hens. In the tonic immobility test and open-field test, the behavioral activity was lower in WL chicks than in RIR chicks (P < 0.01), suggesting that WL chicks were more fearful than RIR chicks. Based on previous studies, 51 genes that have been found to be differentially expressed in the brain between high- and low-FP populations were chosen, and their expression levels were screened in the chick diencephalon. This analysis revealed that myeloperoxidase (MPO) gene expression level was higher in WL chicks than that in RIR chicks (P < 0.05). Furthermore, STRING analysis predicted the gene network including MPO and MPO-related genes and revealed the association of these genes with fear-related behavior. These results suggest that MPO is potentially associated with fear-related behavior in growing female layer chicks and FP in adult hens.
    2022年01月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 93, 1, 1344-3941, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • In vivo emergence of beige-like fat in chickens as physiological adaptation to cold environments
    Sotome, Rina; Hirasawa, Akira; Kikusato, Motoi; Amo, Taku; Furukawa, Kyohei; Kuriyagawa, Anna; Watanabe, Kouichi; Collin, Anne; Shirakawa, Hitoshi; Hirakawa, Ryota; Tanitaka, Yuta; Takahashi, Hideki; Wu, Guoyao; Nochi, Tomonori; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Warden, Craig H.; Toyomizu, Masaaki
    While it has been hypothesized that brown adipocytes responsible for mammalian thermogenesis are absent in birds, the existence of beige fat has yet to be studied directly. The present study tests the hypothesis that beige fat emerges in birds as a mechanism of physiological adaptation to cold environments. Subcutaneous neck adipose tissue from cold-acclimated or triiodothyronine (T-3)-treated chickens exhibited increases in the expression of avian uncoupling protein (avUCP, an ortholog of mammalian UCP2 and UCP3) gene and some known mammalian beige adipocyte-specific markers. Morphological characteristics of white adipose tissues of treated chickens showed increased numbers of both small and larger clusters of multilocular fat cells within the tissues. Increases in protein levels of avUCP and mitochondrial marker protein, voltage-dependent anion channel, and immunohistochemical analysis for subcutaneous neck fat revealed the presence of potentially thermogenic mitochondria-rich cells. This is the first evidence that the capacity for thermogenesis may be acquired by differentiating adipose tissue into beige-like fat for maintaining temperature homeostasis in the subcutaneous fat 'neck warmer' in chickens exposed to a cold environment.
    2021年03月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 53, 3, 0939-4451, DOI(公開)(r-map), 381, 393
  • Seasonal changes in NRF2 antioxidant pathway regulates winter depression-like behavior
    Nakayama, Tomoya; Okimura, Kousuke; Shen, Jiachen; Guh, Ying-Jey; Tamai, T. Katherine; Shimada, Akiko; Minou, Souta; Okushi, Yuki; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Furukawa, Yuko; Kadofusa, Naoya; Sato, Ayato; Nishimura, Toshiya; Tanaka, Minoru; Nakayama, Kei; Shiina, Nobuyuki; Yamamoto, Naoyuki; Loudon, Andrew S.; Nishiwaki-Ohkawa, Taeko; Shinomiya, Ai; Nabeshima, Toshitaka; Nakane, Yusuke; Yoshimura, Takashi
    Seasonal changes in the environment lead to depression-like behaviors in humans and animals. The underlying mechanisms, however, are unknown. We observed decreased sociability and increased anxiety-like behavior in medaka fish exposed to winter-like conditions. Whole brain metabolomic analysis revealed seasonal changes in 68 metabolites, including neurotransmitters and antioxidants associated with depression. Transcriptome analysis identified 3,306 differentially expressed transcripts, including inflammatory markers, melanopsins, and circadian clock genes. Further analyses revealed seasonal changes in multiple signaling pathways implicated in depression, including the nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (NRF2) antioxidant pathway. A broad-spectrum chemical screen revealed that celastrol (a traditional Chinese medicine) uniquely reversed winter behavior. NRF2 is a celastrol target expressed in the habenula (HB), known to play a critical role in the pathophysiology of depression. Another NRF2 chemical activator phenocopied these effects, and an NRF2 mutant showed decreased sociability. Our study provides important insights into winter depression and offers potential therapeutic targets involving NRF2.
    2020年04月28日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 117, 17, 0027-8424, DOI(公開)(r-map), 9594, 9603
  • The quail genome: insights into social behaviour, seasonal biology and infectious disease response
    Morris, Katrina M.; Hindle, Matthew M.; Boitard, Simon; Burt, David W.; Danner, Angela F.; Eory, Lel; Forrest, Heather L.; Gourichon, David; Gros, Jerome; Hillier, LaDeana W.; Jaffredo, Thierry; Khoury, Hanane; Lansford, Rusty; Leterrier, Christine; Loudon, Andrew; Mason, Andrew S.; Meddle, Simone L.; Minvielle, Francis; Minx, Patrick; Pitel, Frederique; Seiler, J. Patrick; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Tomlinson, Chad; Vignal, Alain; Webster, Robert G.; Yoshimura, Takashi; Warren, Wesley C.; Smith, Jacqueline
    Background The Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) is a popular domestic poultry species and an increasingly significant model species in avian developmental, behavioural and disease research. Results We have produced a high-quality quail genome sequence, spanning 0.93 Gb assigned to 33 chromosomes. In terms of contiguity, assembly statistics, gene content and chromosomal organisation, the quail genome shows high similarity to the chicken genome. We demonstrate the utility of this genome through three diverse applications. First, we identify selection signatures and candidate genes associated with social behaviour in the quail genome, an important agricultural and domestication trait. Second, we investigate the effects and interaction of photoperiod and temperature on the transcriptome of the quail medial basal hypothalamus, revealing key mechanisms of photoperiodism. Finally, we investigate the response of quail to H5N1 influenza infection. In quail lung, many critical immune genes and pathways were downregulated after H5N1 infection, and this may be key to the susceptibility of quail to H5N1. Conclusions We have produced a high-quality genome of the quail which will facilitate further studies into diverse research questions using the quail as a model avian species.
    2020年02月12日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 18, 1, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Action spectrum for photoperiodic control of thyroid-stimulating hormone in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
    Nakane, Yusuke; Shinomiya, Ai; Ota, Wataru; Ikegami, Keisuke; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Higashi, Sho-Ichi; Kamei, Yasuhiro; Yoshimura, Takashi
    At higher latitudes, vertebrates exhibit a seasonal cycle of reproduction in response to changes in day-length, referred to as photoperiodism. Extended day-length induces thyroid-stimulating hormone in the pars tuberalis of the pituitary gland. This hormone triggers the local activation of thyroid hormone in the mediobasal hypothalamus and eventually induces gonadal development. In avian species, light information associated with day-length is detected through photo-receptors located in deep-brain regions. Within these regions, the expressions of multiple photoreceptive molecules, opsins, have been observed. However, even though the Japanese quail is an excellent model for photoperiodism because of its robust and significant seasonal responses in reproduction, a comprehensive understanding of photoreceptors in the quail brain remains undeveloped. In this study, we initially analyzed an action spectrum using photoperiodically induced expression of the beta subunit genes of thyroid-stimulating hormone in quail. Among seven wavelengths examined, we detected maximum sensitivity of the action spectrum at 500 nm. The low value for goodness of fit in the alignment with a template of retinal1-based photopigment, assuming a spectrum associated with a single opsin, proposed the possible involvement of multiple opsins rather than a single opsin. Analysis of gene expression in the septal region and hypothalamus, regions hypothesized to be photosensitive in quail, revealed mRNA expression of a mammal-like melanopsin in the infundibular nucleus within the mediobasal hypothalamus. However, no significant diurnal changes were observed for genes in the infundibular nucleus. Xenopus-like melanopsin, a further isoform of melanopsin in birds, was detected in neither the septal region nor the infundibular nucleus. These results suggest that the mammal-like melanopsin expressed in the infundibular nucleus within the mediobasal hypothalamus could be candidate deep-brain photoreceptive molecule in Japanese quail. Investigation of the functional involvement of mammal-like melanopsin-expressing cells in photoperiodism will be required for further conclusions.
    2019年09月11日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 14, 9, 1932-6203, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Seasonal regulation of the lncRNA LDAIR modulates self-protective behaviours during the breeding season
    Nakayama, Tomoya; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Shinomiya, Ai; Okimura, Kousuke; Takehana, Yusuke; Furukawa, Yuko; Shimo, Takayuki; Senga, Takumi; Nakatsukasa, Mana; Nishimura, Toshiya; Tanaka, Minoru; Okubo, Kataaki; Kamei, Yasuhiro; Naruse, Kiyoshi; Yoshimura, Takashi
    To cope with seasonal environmental changes, animals adapt their physiology and behaviour in response to photoperiod. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these adaptive changes are not completely understood. Here, using genome-wide expression analysis, we show that an uncharacterized long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), LDAIR, is strongly regulated by photoperiod in Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Numerous transcripts and signalling pathways are activated during the transition from short- to long-day conditions; however, LDAIR is one of the first genes to be induced and its expression shows a robust daily rhythm under long-day conditions. Transcriptome analysis of LDAIR knockout fish reveals that the LDAIR locus regulates a gene neighbourhood, including corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2, which is involved in the stress response. Behavioural analysis of LDAIR knockout fish demonstrates that LDAIR affects self-protective behaviours under long-day conditions. Therefore, we propose that photoperiodic regulation of corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2 by LDAIR modulates adaptive behaviours to seasonal environmental changes.
    2019年05月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 3, 5, 2397-334X, DOI(公開)(r-map), 845, 852
  • Cholecystokinin induces crowing in chickens
    Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Tamura, Mai; Ohashi, Shosei; Sasaki, Asuka; TakamichiYamanaka; Nakao, Nobuhiro; Ihara, Kunio; Okamura, Shinsaku; TakashiYoshimura
    Animals that communicate using sound are found throughout the animal kingdom. Interestingly, in contrast to human vocal learning, most animals can produce species-specific patterns of vocalization without learning them from their parents. This phenomenon is called innate vocalization. The underlying molecular basis of both vocal learning in humans and innate vocalization in animals remains unknown. The crowing of a rooster is also innately controlled, and the upstream center is thought to be localized in the nucleus intercollicularis (ICo) of the midbrain. Here, we show that the cholecystokinin B receptor (CCKBR) is a regulatory gene involved in inducing crowing in roosters. Crowing is known to be a testosterone (T)-dependent behavior, and it follows that roosters crow but not hens. Similarly, T-administration induces chicks to crow. By using RNA-sequencing to compare gene expression in the ICo between the two comparison groups that either crow or do not crow, we found that CCKBR expression was upregulated in T-containing groups. The expression of CCKBR and its ligand, cholecystokinin (CCK), a neurotransmitter, was observed in the ICo. We also showed that crowing was induced by intracerebroventricular administration of an agonist specific for CCKBR. Our findings therefore suggest that the CCK system induces innate vocalization in roosters.
    2019年03月08日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 9, 2045-2322, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Seasonal changes in color perception
    Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Nakayama, Tomoya; Shinomiya, Ai; Yoshimura, Takashi
    In temperate zones, organisms experience dynamic fluctuations in environment including changes in color. To cope with such seasonal changes in the environment, organisms adapt their physiology and behavior. Although color perception has been believed to be fixed throughout life, there is increasing evidence for the alteration in opsin gene expression induced by environmental stimuli in a number of animals. Very recently, dynamic seasonal plasticity in color perception has been reported in the seasonally breeding medaka fish. Interestingly, seasonal changes in human color perception have also been reported. Therefore, plasticity of color perception, induced by environmental stimuli, might be a common phenomenon across various species. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    2018年05月01日, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 260, 0016-6480, DOI(公開)(r-map), 171, 174
  • Development of furnished cages re-using conventional cages for laying hens: Behaviour, physical condition and productivity
    Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Maekawa, Naoko; Hirahara, Satoshi; Tanaka, Toshio; Appleby, Michael C.
    Furnished cages for laying hens have advantages in allowing normal behaviors and maintaining productivity. As the cost of introduction is a barrier for farms, we developed furnished cages that re-use conventional cages. To determine the minimum and functional cage design, we compared six designs, combinations of two floor designs (artificial turf or wire cage floor) and three screening designs in the integrated area (no screening, one entrance side or four sides). In total, 144 hens were used, and we measured behavior, physical condition and productivity. Comparing the floors, the percentages of hens performing dust-bathing and laying eggs in the integrated area were higher in cages with turf than wire floor (P<0.05 for both). Comparing the screening, dust-bathing, litter-exploring and active behavior tended to be more frequent in cages with the integrated area screened on one side than four sides. Feather damage was lower in cages with the integrated area screened on one side than with no screening (P<0.05). These results suggest that the cage design with an integrated area with artificial turf floor, screened on one side, was effective for furnished cages that re-use conventional cages.
    2018年02月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 89, 2, 1344-3941, DOI(公開)(r-map), 498, 504
  • Dynamic plasticity in phototransduction regulates seasonal changes in color perception
    Shimmura, Tsuyoshi; Nakayama, Tomoya; Shinomiya, Ai; Fukamachi, Shoji; Yasugi, Masaki; Watanabe, Eiji; Shimo, Takayuki; Senga, Takumi; Nishimura, Toshiya; Tanaka, Minoru; Kamei, Yasuhiro; Naruse, Kiyoshi; Yoshimura, Takashi
    To cope with seasonal changes in the environment, organisms adapt their physiology and behavior. Although color perception varies among seasons, the underlying molecular basis and its physiological significance remain unclear. Here we show that dynamic plasticity in phototransduction regulates seasonal changes in color perception in medaka fish. Medaka are active and exhibit clear phototaxis in conditions simulating summer, but remain at the bottom of the tank and fail to exhibit phototaxis in conditions simulating winter. Mate preference tests using virtual fish created with computer graphics demonstrate that medaka are more attracted to orange-red-colored model fish in summer than in winter. Transcriptome analysis of the eye reveals dynamic seasonal changes in the expression of genes encoding photopigments and their downstream pathways. Behavioral analysis of photopigment-null fish shows significant differences from wild type, suggesting that plasticity in color perception is crucial for the emergence of seasonally regulated behaviors.
    2017年09月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 8, 2041-1723, DOI(公開)(r-map)
  • Involvement of circadian clock in crowing of red jungle fowls (Gallus gallus)
    Ito, Shuichi; Hori, Shuho; Hirose, Makiko; Iwahara, Mari; Yatsushiro, Azusa; Matsumoto, Atsushi; Tanaka, Masayuki; Okamoto, Chinobu; Yayou, Ken-ichi; Shimmura, Tsuyoshi
    The rhythmic locomotor behavior of flies and mice provides a phenotype for the identification of clock genes, and the underlying molecular mechanism is well studied. However, interestingly, when examining locomotor rhythm in the wild, several key laboratory-based assumptions on circadian behavior are not supported in natural conditions. The rooster crowing cock-a-doodle-doo' is a symbol of the break of dawn in many countries. Previously, we used domestic inbred roosters and showed that the timing of roosters' crowing is regulated by the circadian clock under laboratory conditions. However, it is still unknown whether the regulation of crowing by circadian clock is observed under natural conditions. Therefore, here we used red jungle fowls and first confirmed that similar crowing rhythms with domesticated chickens are observed in red jungle fowls under the laboratory conditions. Red jungle fowls show predawn crowing before light onset under 12:12 light:dim light conditions and the free-running rhythm of crowing under total dim light conditions. We next examined the crowing rhythms under semi-wild conditions. Although the crowing of red jungle fowls changed seasonally under semi-wild conditions, predawn crowing was observed before sunrise in all seasons. This evidence suggests that seasonally changed crowing of red jungle fowls is under the control of a circadian clock.
    2017年04月, 研究論文(学術雑誌), 共同, 88, 4, 1344-3941, DOI(公開)(r-map), 691, 695
  • 応用動物行動学における統計解析の進展 後編:一般化線形モデル
    多田慎吾, 新村毅
    Animal Behaviour and Management
    2017年, (MISC)総説・解説(学術雑誌), 共同, 53, DOI(公開)(r-map), 117, 126
  • 応用動物行動学における統計解析の進展 前編:一般線形モデル
    多田慎吾, 新村毅
    Animal Behaviour and Management
    2017年, (MISC)総説・解説(学術雑誌), 共同, 53, DOI(公開)(r-map), 105, 116


  • 遺伝学の百科事典
  • 動物福祉学
    動物福祉学総論, 産業動物の福祉
  • Thyroid Hormone in Brain and Brain Cells
    Shinomiya A, Shimmura T, Nishiwaki-Ohkawa T, Yoshimura T
    Regulation of seasonal reproduction by hypothalamic activation of thyroid hormone
    Frontiers Media SA


  • 我が国と国外の産卵鶏・肉用鶏の AW について
    東海大学農学部シンポジウム 2023「産業動物のアニマルウェルフェアを考える」
    2023年11月18日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 時系列解析で見えてきた鳥類の行動間・母子間ネットワーク
    2023年09月17日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 動物福祉と持続可能な動物生産
    2023年09月13日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • サステナブル時代のアニマルウェルフェア
    2023年02月22日, 口頭発表(基調)
  • One Welfare実現のためのシステム行動生物学
    第27 回デジタル進化生物学セミナー
    2022年11月10日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 世界と日本のアニマルウェルフェア
    2022年10月25日, 口頭発表(基調)
  • 東京農工大学における家畜福祉学教育について
    2022年09月14日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 母鶏模倣型ロボットとのインタラクションによるヒナの行動制御
    2022年09月02日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • One Welfare実現のためのシステム行動生物学
    第69 回日本実験動物学会総会シンポジウム「産業動物・展示動物のアニマルウェルフェア」
    2022年05月18日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • アニマルウェルフェアにより卵質は変わるのか?
    2022年03月29日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 家禽の攻撃性の遺伝基盤
    2021年12月21日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Toward animal computer interaction
    The 14th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment
    2019年06月22日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 鳥類の先天的発声の制御機構:集団・個体・遺伝子発現・ゲノム
    2018年11月09日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Toward multi-level understanding of innate vocalization in chickens
    Songbird workshop 2018
    2018年07月30日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 鳥類の発声の分子制御機構の解明に向けて
    2017年12月17日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 集団遺伝学を用いた行動の分子基盤の解明の試み:攻撃行動と先天的発声を例に
    広島大学日本鶏資源開発プロジェクト研究センター 第20回JAB特別セミナー
    2017年10月25日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • メダカの体色と色覚の季節適応
    2017年09月21日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • 共喰いの分子基盤の解明に向けて
    2017年08月25日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • Toward multi-level understanding of animal behaviour
    IMBIM-IGP Genomics Seminor
    2017年06月16日, 口頭発表(招待・特別)


  • 農林水産省
    自 20210401, 至 20230331
  • 農林水産省
    自 20210401, 至 20230331
  • OIE
    OIE Expert Member
    自 20160401, 至 20230331
  • 畜産技術協会
    自 20170401, 至 20230331
  • 畜産技術協会
    採卵鶏のアニマルウェルフェアに関する実証調査事業専門委員会 委員
    自 201704, 至 201903
  • 動物の行動と管理学会
    自 20190401, 至 20230331
  • 日本家畜管理学会・応用動物行動学会
    自 201704, 至 201803
  • 応用動物行動学会
    自 201304, 至 201903
  • 日本畜産学会
    自 2010, 至 2017


  • 「サタデーウオッチ9」
    自 2024年03月30日, 至 2024年03月30日
  • アニマル・ウェルフェアが日本で定着しないのはなぜ?
    Wedge ONLINE
    自 2023年12月25日, 至 2023年12月25日
  • 快適な環境で家畜を育てるアニマルウェルフェア
    自 2023年10月01日, 至 2023年10月01日
  • 広まり始めた「家畜によい環境を」「アニマルウェルフェア」を日本にも
    自 2023年09月26日, 至 2023年09月26日
  • 日経アニマルウェルフェア・シンポジウム2023
    自 2023年04月05日, 至 2023年04月05日
  • 調査研究 動物福祉 日本に根付かせるには
    自 2023年01月23日, 至 2023年01月23日
  • 10月に岡山と白河で開催 令和4年度の種鶏孵卵衛生管理士研修会
    自 2022年09月20日, 至 2022年09月20日
  • その視点欠けてたかも…動物の幸せを考える「アニマルウェルフェア」の取り組み
    「アニマルウェルフェア(Animal Welfare)」という聞きなれない言葉について、専門に研究している東京農工大学の新村毅准教授のインタビューが掲載される。
    自 2022年04月19日, 至 2022年04月19日
  • クローズアップ現代+
    自 2021年11月30日, 至 2021年11月30日
  • 第3回:ニワトリの先生、登場の巻
    自 2021年09月25日, 至 2021年09月25日
  • 「養鶏AI」導入の壁。SaaSビジネスが突破口になる
    自 2021年07月31日, 至 2021年07月31日
  • 動物福祉の批判に応えるカギ握る「養鶏AI」。駆使した飼育に注目集まる
    自 2021年07月29日, 至 2021年07月29日
  • 動物福祉と経済性、日本の養鶏は両立できるのか
    自 2021年07月27日, 至 2021年07月27日
  • 期待高まる養鶏AI <上>センサーで行動推定 <下>SaaSビジネス注目
    自 2021年07月14日, 至 2021年07月16日
  • 鳴き声がつなぐ、人と動物の幸せな関係
    自 2021年07月09日, 至 2021年07月09日
  • ひよこ、ロボで採餌学習訓練時間1/5に 東京農工大
    自 2021年04月19日, 至 2021年04月19日
  • チコちゃんに叱られる
    自 2021年01月29日, 至 2021年01月29日
  • 卵が値上がりする? 事件記者、真相を追う
    アニマルウェルフェアに関する東京農工大学大学院 新村毅准教授のコメントが紹介される。
    自 2021年01月27日, 至 2021年01月27日
  • 令和2年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰
    若手科学者賞 新村毅(38)東京農工大学大学院農学研究院生物生産科学部門准教授「音声コミュニケーションの制御機構の解明と応用に関する研究」
    自 2020年04月17日, 至 2020年04月17日
  • 順位付けは動物の性?ニワトリの厳しい縦社会
    自 2019年07月14日, 至 2019年07月14日
  • GLOBE順位付けは動物の性?ニワトリの厳しい縦社会
    自 2019年07月07日, 至 2019年07月07日
  • 畜産と動物福祉 あり方が問い直されている
    動物福祉をテーマとした特集において、新村 毅さん(東京農工大学農学部生物生産学科 准教授)が、研究者の立場から解説等を行う。
    自 2018年12月11日, 至 2018年12月11日
  • メダカの色覚季節ごと変化
    基生研季節生物学研究部門 新村毅特任助教(現東京農工大学准教授)らが、メダカの色覚に季節変化が存在することを明らかにしたことが紹介される。
    自 2017年09月06日, 至 2017年09月06日
  • 基生研など、メダカの色覚が季節によって変化することを発見
    基生研季節生物学研究部門 新村毅特任助教(現東京農工大学准教授)らが、メダカの色覚に季節変化が存在することを明らかにしたことが紹介される。
    自 2017年09月04日, 至 2017年09月04日
  • 「ちいさなかがくのとも」の折込付録内「ちいさなふしぎのまど」コーナー
    自 2017年07月01日, 至 2017年07月01日


  • 文部科学省
  • 日本農学会
  • 東京農工大学
  • オープンサイエンスギルド
    Science, Dream, Award 優勝

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